Euphemism is a euphemism for lying. -Bobbie Gentry, singer and songwriter (b. 27 Jul 1944
[Colleen Teahan Waldron was feeling annoyed. That feeling when you forget your cell phone at the cabin

Wishing the Toews family a wonderful wedding weekend! Take pics of our wedding officiant please Ayn Hi Tinsel Town, et al! So sorry to hear about your nasty cold! What a drag to miss out on the bash at Warner Mansion!!! Anyway, hope you are feeling a bit better now. Lady Dar just walked out the door after washing the sand from her feet. I'm on my own, [relaxing in the thickest of thick bathrobes], for an hour or so, until drinks before dinner, so I will shower and change and then invite Candace and Dave to our patio for drinks, an Albariño from a wonderful, wonderful winery in Naramatia, just across the border from Croatia! Lovely room and even have a view of lake from deck. Must away as I've to fill ice-bucket for the white wine!. Fondestos and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio/Favourite-Son-In-Law, etc., etc., etc!! Pics: lady Dar with 1.5 minutes to spare. She picked her outfit to match my Trek! View from deck; pictures on deck floor.
Up at 5:30 am to find two sleepy cats, Duke guarding Lady Dar's sore toe, Etta on the living room rug. They both went outside and then I prepared their breakfast to have it waiting for their return. Lady Dar was up just after 6:00 am and when I went into my office, I noticed Duke outside, on the patio. I could see he had something large in his mouth and when I opened the sliding door I realized it was a very large mouse! He wanted to bring his "prize" inside as a wedding present for Leah and Mason but Lady Dar's shrieks kept him away. I immediately went to put on a pair of gloves and when I reached the patio Duke was guarding the inert body so I was able to pick up the "kill" by its tail. The Boy was not amused, at all, and tried to claw his trophy out of my grasp but I was too quick for him and managed to put it into the garbage while he worried my passage to the back lane. Vermin Beware!!! Mouse carcass should be nicely aged, in bin, over the weekend, so we plan to have it on the bbq when home! Won't need to stop at Costco in Kelowna now.
Hi Chloë, et al! [Hi Condo-Seller, et al!] Thanks for the address. We will call when we are leaving the hotel on Sunday morning and then closer to our arrival in Vernon. I'm hoping we will be at Emma's/Luca's place before noon, all going well, perhaps earlier, depending on when we leave Little Shuswap. Must away as I have to pack and do a few other household chores before we load up and head out, I trust shortly after 9:00 am. Fondestos from The Marriage Officiant. Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio! Pics: New gas line is now in place. There was another large hole under the gazebo but all the patio bricks are now back in place. Landscaper, Sandy, hired by Fortis, was here for most of the morning/early afternoon, yesterday, and did a very good job of returning patio surface to as it was.
He said that if anything settled to give him a call and he'd be back to fix any settling. [As I scribe, Etta is sitting under table there, happy all is quiet!] Am quite impressed with whole operation although it dragged out for a week by the time all was finished. First day Fortis truck had an oil leak so the crew had to leave. Then when they returned a few days later they were called away to an emergency, a gas leak in Summerland! Then pneumatic drill which tunneled under patio bricks ran into large stones, necessitating taking up two sections of the surface. Now all we need is to save enough money to have the on-demand hot water system installed!
Settee felines annoyed by noise of work crew! Was able to save two dolly loads worth of stones for edging borders in front yard. Corn and melon. Both Duke and Etta like to snooze on top of the fireplace, on a knee mat, in garage! Herbs drying! Looking forward to seeing you Sunday, my best to the wedding couple and family!! 😍😘 Great pics! The Toews are like their own walk-on cast of Jesus Christ Superstar with all their hair Lol The stroganoff looks delicious. Have a great wedding! Having dinner with the honeymooners to hear all about Jamaica!
Jane is with her parents in the eastern townships then she takes them home to London (Ont.) west of Toronto before coming home here herself. Her mother is struggling with dementia so Jane is trying to come to terms with that demon (can one ever) of which I know too well. To add to the mix, her father is in denial and her sister is a megalomaniac control freak... A fine welcome to the homeland for Jane. Returns around the 12th of August if the plan holds. Let me know how you and Corinne (and all fangdamly) are doing? What is keeping you hopping? Whatcha got on? When are you coming to the Republic? In the meantim e I am just contentedly working around the homestead - for the duration as they say. Look forward to catching up. Fond regards to all, G
Welcome Home Whirlygig and Calamity! Delighted to learn that you are both back, safely and soundly, although we are both sorry to learn of Jane's difficult family situation. Trust things will go as well as can be expected on that front.
This being said, I feel nothing but extreme guilt as I have been waking at 3:00 am, every morning, drenched in sweat, screaming myself awake from the nightmare of not having replied to your wonderful message regarding Tour! [I have recorded each stage BUT have yet to watch a single one! One indication of how busy we've been, Freeloaders and such!] At any rate, so much to tell, so much to share BUT most will have to wait for a bit as we are off to Little Shuswap this morning. Lady Dar is marrying Leah. Ruthless' and Ricarado's eldest daughter, on Saturday. I'm taking my bike as there are some wonderful rides, thereabouts. On way home we will stop in Vernon. Chloë is up visiting her close friends, Katie and Brian, who just moved there. Chloë is the godmother of their two children, Emma and Luca.
Lady Dar has an appointment, in Kelowna, that afternoon, to meet the couple she will marry in early September! I'm toying with riding from Peachland, perhaps Kelowna, if I can screw up the courage! Fondestos from The Marriage Officiant to you both. Once again, glad you are back and enjoying not living out of a knapsack. Great news about offspring. How did Morita fare? Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Holy Smoke! |
[Can't even go out to get groceries as asthma acting up with the particulate in air. Not the nicest place these days but hope that by next wedding we will have blue skies once more. It can be absolutely clear one day and then we get a day like today where the Air Quality Index is 10+, high risk. I can see a slight trace in the air at your resort as well. Gad! What a summer]
Anyway, we are very, very fortunate as it is much clearer here than in Kamloops today, so I plan to go for a longish ride tomorrow if air quality remains reasonable. Wedding ceremony is at 4:00 pm, outside, not far from the lake-shore. Enjoyed a wonderful dinner, [I opted for Elk Stroganoff and it was delish indeed!], after rehearsal, this evening so had a pretty boisterous time, [We decided upon corkage, $25/btl, but probably cheaper than buying from wine list as we had brought along some of our favourites from Naramata.], visiting with friends and most of the members of the extended Toews family.
Lodge has a pool and a hot tub so I plan to use both when back form my ride. All the best for now. Fondestos from Lady Dar, practicing the ceremony as I scribe! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: L/R, Nikki, Alex, Ricardo, Ruthless, Leah, the bride; Alex and Dad; Deb, Ruth's sister, with her Step-dad, Lorenzo, and Mom, Marilyn; Leah and Lady Dar; Mason and Leah; Drum song of blessing; Stroganoff! Game of Thrones people on Mason's side of family! With Spencer, close family friend. Deb with her two children, Marcia adn Nathan, below.
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