Mistakes live in the neighbourhood of truth and therefore delude us.
-Rabindranath Tagore, Indian Poet (1861-1941)
[Chloe Alexis Dunn This is visiting Vernon living' hiking and HEAT!!

Dave and I went downstairs together and then he chatted with Lady Dar while I went to retrieve the car from the near-bye lot. Didn't take long before The MarriageMobile was ready to roll and we set off for The Trans Canada, with an ETA, in Vernon, shortly after 11:00 am.
Patrick, I am planning to attend my inaugural book club meeting this Weds. I am madly reading the book now👍 Looking forward to meeting my fellow book club members�� Pam Hi Furiously, Madly Reading Woman! Terrific that you plan to join us at Senka's. I trust you will be able to make bridge, in spite of your busy reading schedule! Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Seems like Tuesday nite is the favourite!!! Patrick and Corrine are you available?? If so can you bring the bridge table? Hope you are all enjoying our hot weather 😎😎🙊 See you Tuesday Judy Hi Judy, we can come and will bring your table. Cheers Corinne Hi Judy, Please count me in for Tuesday next week or any other night that works for you Judy and the rest of the bridge gang. And thanks for offering to host. Hugs, Olly Hi all, Phil and I are, at the moment, okay for any day next week. If Kelsey and I decided to climb one evening in conflict with bridge night, which not very likely, I'd just have to back out. See you and thanks Judy Gill
Happy Sunday morning to all, I can play Tuesday night. See you all at Judy's house Tuesday evening at 6:30. Pam Ps Patrick and Corinne would you like me to pick you up? Sure a ride would be great if you have room for the table. Corinne Hi again, Chauffeur Goil! Thanks for kind offer. I assume you will have room for a bridge table if you take us to Judy's place. Not sure if Michaelo and Jos will be playing but they can make their own way if they decide to play. Perhaps we can squeeze Olga Polga into the back seat with Lady Dar and bridge table! I'll send out a message to confirm number at gathering. Will see you around 6:15 pm, Penticton time, but probably 7:00 pm, Naramata time, as you are obviously in another time zone! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Tuesday Evening Bridge Players! See everyone, [Not yet heard from Josinta or Michaelo], on Tuesday, between 6:30 pm and 7:00 pm in Judy Blue's ever so comfortable, inviting parlour and bridge emporium! Olga Polga, if you are coming alone, from Summeria, I'm sure Naramata Goil will let you hitch a ride if you are at our place by 6:10 pm. If the other Summerlandians plan on playing perhaps they could carpool with Upper Spiller Road Folk so let me know so that the necessary arrangements can be made. For now, including hostess, seven confirmed, Justicia! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks Patrick, I hope we get 8! Remember to bring our table!' See you on Tuesday. Kph Hi JBB! Table keeps trying to get outside so we've had to tie one of its legs to one of the dining room chairs bridge night! If we could be sure it would know how to find its way home, we might just let it go!! Cheers, Patrizzio! haha!! also fyi, Jos has indicated that she will be coming!
Hello, hello, I am back and will be there tomorrow. Olly and I will drive together from Summerland. Jos Hi Josinta/Polga Smolga! Will you come to Judy Blue's place on your own or do you want Fast Phil to collect you two at our place, should he be willing to transport such attractive grandmothers? Let one of us know and the car-pooling will be arranged accordingly. Welcome home and look forward to seeing you, Josinta, and my favourite Rolly Polly, it goes without saying! Sorry I will miss tomorrow's hike but life is a merry-go-round at the moment. Not that it ever isn't, it seems, but spinning rapidly out of control, of late! Onward! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi again, JBB! Fabulous! Two-tables without waiting for The Dummy! FYI, just let the table out the door and last I saw of it, it was headed down White at a good clip so should be home by 2:00 pm! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Corinne, I have room for a table and Olly and Jos too. I'll be by around 6:20 Tuesday night😊 Pam OK see you then, Corinne Hello Summerians! This just in from Spamela. [see above.] See you all for snuggleage on Tuesday! Thanks Driving Miss Daisy Webster! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Phillipo! Sorry, forgot to include you in this message. Guess we'll see you at Judy Blue's place. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Bridge mates, Jos, I will pick you up @ 6:10 tomorrow to head off to Judy's. Should anyone else would like a ride, just let me know. Hugs, Olly Hi all, Jos and I will just meet you at Judy's, if that okay. I hope that okay with you all. Hugs, Olly Hi Independent Women! Fine! See you at Judy Blue's place! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Vernonites, [Chloë, please forward. Thanks], et al! Thanks for the tour of your wonderful home! Can hardly wait until you are fully moved in so that we can come and use the hot-tub and stay for weeks!!! Thanks for the java and overlefts, Katie, as for the generous hootch, Brian! Much appreciated. As well, great to see you Robertito. Take care of each other and hope to see everyone in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Vernon Villa!
Hi Pat & Corrine -
Thanks for the pictures! It was so lovely to have you come visit! I'm happy that you approved of my coffee (I am a trained barista after all) and honored that you found yourself some corn and made yourself at home 😊 Thank you so much for the champagne and goodies for my crazy kids. Next time you come we will drink it whilst hot tubbing! Xoxo Katie Hi Barista Goil! Nothing but the best at The Vernon Villa! Be careful, we might just be knocking on your door after Lady Dar's next wedding in Kamloops, weekend of 19th so start saving your corn cobs! On the feline front, Amanda, our neighbour who looks after Etta and Duke while we are away, told us that one or the other has now learned how to open the cat door when it is locked! Last few nights I have to "barricade" the door, with a bridge table to keep the escapees inside at night! Added to that, Duke somehow managed to lose his collar while we were at Little Shuswap. We had an extra one and Lady Dar was able to obtain a new name/phone tag at PetCo so he is now sporting a dashing red collar. Fashionista Woman thinks this is his colour anyway! Buona Fortuna with more unpacking and settling in. Fondestos and Cheers to you, Cappuccino Lady, The Crazy Katzenjammer Kids and Beer Can Brian, Patrizzio!
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