Dear Seacrest Survivors! Many, many thanks to Tyrannosaurus Tinka and Tony The Tiger for leading such a wonderful hike up Seacrest Mountain. Thanks, as well, to my generous chauffeurs, Zoom Zoom and Anna Banana, and to all the others with whom I had a chance to chat and visit with over the course of the outing. I had planned to send out my account of the hike later Monday afternoon. Though more than wonderful, indeed, it took its toll
on my aging frame and once home and showered I had a cat-nap which
lasted for two and a half hours!
At any rate, my take on outing to Seacrest, below, if interested. Just a note of warning: The names have been changed to protect the guilty and any errors or omissions in descriptions of topography or flora and fauna are not the responsibility of the author, nor are the psychological motives imagined to belong to the outrageous characters who people the pages of this Field Report! Please sign the Disclaimer before reading as well as sending 10 bitcoins via PayPal. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Come dressed in your favorite Hawaiian shirt and enter to win a PRIZE!
There will be other fun activities (did someone say a hula hoop competition?)
drawings and a refreshing Hawaiian-style dessert!]
Hello Luau Party and Summer of Love People! Trust you are both well. Sorry that it has taken me a bit of time to send along greetings and thanks, Patrizzia #2, but always my favourite, in spite of your place on the Nickname Ladder, for compliments on my wedding attire! Sorry indeed, that we will miss your fabulous Hawaiian Bash but I will be sporting a Hawaiian shirt on Saturday, August 19th, at the wedding of Corey, (Flamin's/Sarge's son), and Rebecca, to be married by Lady Dar in Kamloops, that afternoon. I'll send photo-evidence so please enter me in contest, in absentia!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well, take care of yourselves and we look forward to hearing all about the the Hula Hoop Competition! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Which shirt?
Up at 7:05 am when Duke walked over me! Let the kittens out and then readied their bowls with crunchies and pumpkin to exchange for a paw shake whensoever they deemed to return. Then packed my lunch for today's hike. Will say goodbye to Kathleen and Steve around 8:30 am as they will take the bus back to Vancouver at 1:00 pm and I probably will not be back by then.
Lady Dar and visiting friend, Kathleen dropped me off at HH and stayed for a few minutes to allow me to introduce Kathleen to some of my fellow hikers. Once she'd chatted with a number of the group, we said goodbye and off went The Sisterhood to have a swim. Wonderful to see many of the gang I'd not had occasion to bump into since last September so the fun began even before the hike itself. Didn't last long however, as No Nonsense Tinka soon began barking out marching orders for the coming assault on Seacrest, dividing ourselves into the ultra slow and the uber speedy and self-assigning appropriate transportation.
I was fortunate enough to ride with Anna Banana and Vladko The Impaler so it was a most enjoyable chat en route to Willowbrook. I had never met Anna before and had only hiked with Telescopic Lens Man, last year, on a hike up Apex. Many of you will know that their daughter, Martina, along with her husband, Lee, and friend, Dustin, won the mixed, half-relay in Sunday's Challenge Penticton. Quite a feat under any circumstances but especially since Martina, 8 months pregnant, swam the first leg of the mixed event. Bravo Team Zamecnik!
Although I'd never hiked on Seacrest itself, before, I have ridden up Seacrest Hill Road quite a few times, coming at the mountain from the other side, off 97, about six km north of Oliver. When cycling this route I usually do a loop through Willowbrook itself and, in fact, recognized the shady spot where we parked the vehicles to begin the hike. Just up from the road, one passes through an entry gate with a collection box. King Karlos informed me that some time ago The Willowbrook Society purchased about 400 acres, hereabouts, to protect land from development, and non-members are asked to contribute, to this on-going conservancy.
Couldn't have asked for a better day as the sky was almost cloudless but a fairly brisk breeze kept things relatively cool. First part is on a road, more a farm track, past a lovely tiny lake, more a large pond and then across a green meadow, wading through tall grass. Beyond wait the pines and once into the trees the climbing begins. Not overly steep, with good footing, so I was pleased about this, particularly since it was only my second hike of the year. Pace suited me to a T as Tyrant Tinka had been emphatic about that when he announced the hike, a few days earlier: "Those people who find it physically impossible to go slowly are not welcome, please, organize your own race!"
After about an hour we reached a small plateau, of sorts, which afforded marvellous, unimpeded views of both Mt Keogan and Eagle Bluff, which many of the group have hiked on other occasions. Once Ansel Al had arranged us for one his official group shots and Camouflage Man positioned his tripod and set the self-timer on his bazooka lens for two sets of six snaps, we set off again, ever upward. More reasonably steep inclines but nothing overly daunting though a bit huff-puff making and Martini Man had to mop the inside of his hat to prevent the rivulets of perspiration streaming down his forehead from stinging his eyes. While he endured some snide comments from Tyrannosaurus Reckless, (Something about taking a bath or was it a shower?), I took the opportunity to admire Rattlesnake Lake,, an emerald set in the parched landscape below, as well as Covert Farms' lush carpet of vineyards, against the notrth flandk of McIntyre Bluff, backdropped by the new Okanagan Correction Centre, across the river.
Then back to work, climbing perhaps the steepest grade we'd yet encountered. Still, the footing was very, very good even if one needed to pay attention to one's steps. On the last good haul before the top we waded through fields of dry grass, dancing in the strong wind, waving like acres and acres of golden wheat on the prairies. Once we reached the ridge which eventually leads to the top of Seacrest we bivouaced, settling down for lunch with a view in a bug-free zone courtesy of the cooling breeze. Most of us had just started chomping when the advance guard of the Speedsters appeared, Fast-Footed Fillipo and Nayla, almost indistinguishable from the tan grass she bounded through.
What a place for a picnic: more remarkable views of Rattlesnake Lake while the long, ordered rows of hot-houses belonging to Covert Farms were right below where we seated ourselves, just back from the more than dizzying, precipitous drop. Talk about vertigo inducing! After replenishing ourselves, some took to removing spear grass from boots and socks, those nasty sharp, hard seeds, often with hooks, that cling to fur or clothing and can dig themselves into the skin or any other soft tissue. Fortunately, I was not so afflicted but DBJ Rancher was not so lucky, nor was RPG Man, both having to spend time grooming their footwear and socks.
After about twenty minutes of peaceful, contemplative time, Drill Sarge Tinka ordered us to break camp and the Greyhound Gang were soon long gone and out of sight before Vladko The Impaled had his boots back on! While I had been able to maintain a position, about mid-group, on ascent, coming down is always a slower, more careful process for me as I take the descent far more slowly than most of the other, experienced, self-assured hikers. Neverthelss, I enjoyed the gorgeous terrain and Amiable Anna very kindly stayed with me, for much of the way so we chatted, most pleasntly, as we dropped down the mountainside. Closer to the flatland of the valley floor, I even caught up to Big Al and Jumpin' Jack Flash and I certainly enjoyed my time with them as well. Hope I'm able to hike like they do when I'm an octogenerian, tens years from this coming December!
Even managed to beat Telephoto Zoom Zamecnik to the gate where Anna Banana abd Tyrant Tinka were waiting for me, closing it behind me when I threw myself int theire waiting arms! Tony The Tiger and his Gazelles were long gone by this time so I managed to herd the unruly rest for a couple of group shots of the exhilirated survivors. Hip Hip Hooray!!! Map and Stats for hike:
Than you, Patrick. Very nice. Al Another lovely day. 15 of us, that is a lot. Tony, where did you go for refreshments? We missed you.
Tomorrow is good for us to host. Wed no as Gill climbing maybe evening. Thurs no too. Who is on for tomorrow?? bye Gill I am not available for bridge this week! Wishing you good cards Judy Hi Gill, I am able to play tomorrow (Tuesday). Just pls confirm that we are still playing at your house. Thanks Olly Olly here. I have let Gill know that I am able to play Tuesday. Corinne let me know if you would like me to pick you up. See you all soon, Olly
Dear Patrick, Doug Corbishley, BASc ’59 and Diane Corbishley, Invite you and a guest to a summer garden party at their home with special guest Professor Deborah Buszard, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal, UBC’s Okanagan campus. Over refreshments and conversation, learn more about UBC’s connections that are shared in the South Okanagan community on Thursday, August 24, 2017 from 3pm – 5pm, Hody Drive, Okanagan Falls Brief speaking program begins at 3:30pm Summer casual Parking details to follow
Hello Jessie!Thank you for the lovely invitation. Both my wife, Corinne Durston, MLS '77, and myself, Patrick Dunn, MLS, '76, will be delighted to attend the summer garden party. Thanks and Cheers, Patrick! Wonderful. We look forward to seeing you both there. Many thanks, Jessie
At any rate, my take on outing to Seacrest, below, if interested. Just a note of warning: The names have been changed to protect the guilty and any errors or omissions in descriptions of topography or flora and fauna are not the responsibility of the author, nor are the psychological motives imagined to belong to the outrageous characters who people the pages of this Field Report! Please sign the Disclaimer before reading as well as sending 10 bitcoins via PayPal. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Come dressed in your favorite Hawaiian shirt and enter to win a PRIZE!
There will be other fun activities (did someone say a hula hoop competition?)
drawings and a refreshing Hawaiian-style dessert!]
Hello Luau Party and Summer of Love People! Trust you are both well. Sorry that it has taken me a bit of time to send along greetings and thanks, Patrizzia #2, but always my favourite, in spite of your place on the Nickname Ladder, for compliments on my wedding attire! Sorry indeed, that we will miss your fabulous Hawaiian Bash but I will be sporting a Hawaiian shirt on Saturday, August 19th, at the wedding of Corey, (Flamin's/Sarge's son), and Rebecca, to be married by Lady Dar in Kamloops, that afternoon. I'll send photo-evidence so please enter me in contest, in absentia!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well, take care of yourselves and we look forward to hearing all about the the Hula Hoop Competition! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Which shirt?
Up at 7:05 am when Duke walked over me! Let the kittens out and then readied their bowls with crunchies and pumpkin to exchange for a paw shake whensoever they deemed to return. Then packed my lunch for today's hike. Will say goodbye to Kathleen and Steve around 8:30 am as they will take the bus back to Vancouver at 1:00 pm and I probably will not be back by then.
Lady Dar and visiting friend, Kathleen dropped me off at HH and stayed for a few minutes to allow me to introduce Kathleen to some of my fellow hikers. Once she'd chatted with a number of the group, we said goodbye and off went The Sisterhood to have a swim. Wonderful to see many of the gang I'd not had occasion to bump into since last September so the fun began even before the hike itself. Didn't last long however, as No Nonsense Tinka soon began barking out marching orders for the coming assault on Seacrest, dividing ourselves into the ultra slow and the uber speedy and self-assigning appropriate transportation.
I was fortunate enough to ride with Anna Banana and Vladko The Impaler so it was a most enjoyable chat en route to Willowbrook. I had never met Anna before and had only hiked with Telescopic Lens Man, last year, on a hike up Apex. Many of you will know that their daughter, Martina, along with her husband, Lee, and friend, Dustin, won the mixed, half-relay in Sunday's Challenge Penticton. Quite a feat under any circumstances but especially since Martina, 8 months pregnant, swam the first leg of the mixed event. Bravo Team Zamecnik!
Although I'd never hiked on Seacrest itself, before, I have ridden up Seacrest Hill Road quite a few times, coming at the mountain from the other side, off 97, about six km north of Oliver. When cycling this route I usually do a loop through Willowbrook itself and, in fact, recognized the shady spot where we parked the vehicles to begin the hike. Just up from the road, one passes through an entry gate with a collection box. King Karlos informed me that some time ago The Willowbrook Society purchased about 400 acres, hereabouts, to protect land from development, and non-members are asked to contribute, to this on-going conservancy.

After about an hour we reached a small plateau, of sorts, which afforded marvellous, unimpeded views of both Mt Keogan and Eagle Bluff, which many of the group have hiked on other occasions. Once Ansel Al had arranged us for one his official group shots and Camouflage Man positioned his tripod and set the self-timer on his bazooka lens for two sets of six snaps, we set off again, ever upward. More reasonably steep inclines but nothing overly daunting though a bit huff-puff making and Martini Man had to mop the inside of his hat to prevent the rivulets of perspiration streaming down his forehead from stinging his eyes. While he endured some snide comments from Tyrannosaurus Reckless, (Something about taking a bath or was it a shower?), I took the opportunity to admire Rattlesnake Lake,, an emerald set in the parched landscape below, as well as Covert Farms' lush carpet of vineyards, against the notrth flandk of McIntyre Bluff, backdropped by the new Okanagan Correction Centre, across the river.
Then back to work, climbing perhaps the steepest grade we'd yet encountered. Still, the footing was very, very good even if one needed to pay attention to one's steps. On the last good haul before the top we waded through fields of dry grass, dancing in the strong wind, waving like acres and acres of golden wheat on the prairies. Once we reached the ridge which eventually leads to the top of Seacrest we bivouaced, settling down for lunch with a view in a bug-free zone courtesy of the cooling breeze. Most of us had just started chomping when the advance guard of the Speedsters appeared, Fast-Footed Fillipo and Nayla, almost indistinguishable from the tan grass she bounded through.
What a place for a picnic: more remarkable views of Rattlesnake Lake while the long, ordered rows of hot-houses belonging to Covert Farms were right below where we seated ourselves, just back from the more than dizzying, precipitous drop. Talk about vertigo inducing! After replenishing ourselves, some took to removing spear grass from boots and socks, those nasty sharp, hard seeds, often with hooks, that cling to fur or clothing and can dig themselves into the skin or any other soft tissue. Fortunately, I was not so afflicted but DBJ Rancher was not so lucky, nor was RPG Man, both having to spend time grooming their footwear and socks.
After about twenty minutes of peaceful, contemplative time, Drill Sarge Tinka ordered us to break camp and the Greyhound Gang were soon long gone and out of sight before Vladko The Impaled had his boots back on! While I had been able to maintain a position, about mid-group, on ascent, coming down is always a slower, more careful process for me as I take the descent far more slowly than most of the other, experienced, self-assured hikers. Neverthelss, I enjoyed the gorgeous terrain and Amiable Anna very kindly stayed with me, for much of the way so we chatted, most pleasntly, as we dropped down the mountainside. Closer to the flatland of the valley floor, I even caught up to Big Al and Jumpin' Jack Flash and I certainly enjoyed my time with them as well. Hope I'm able to hike like they do when I'm an octogenerian, tens years from this coming December!
Even managed to beat Telephoto Zoom Zamecnik to the gate where Anna Banana abd Tyrant Tinka were waiting for me, closing it behind me when I threw myself int theire waiting arms! Tony The Tiger and his Gazelles were long gone by this time so I managed to herd the unruly rest for a couple of group shots of the exhilirated survivors. Hip Hip Hooray!!! Map and Stats for hike:
Than you, Patrick. Very nice. Al Another lovely day. 15 of us, that is a lot. Tony, where did you go for refreshments? We missed you.
Tomorrow is good for us to host. Wed no as Gill climbing maybe evening. Thurs no too. Who is on for tomorrow?? bye Gill I am not available for bridge this week! Wishing you good cards Judy Hi Gill, I am able to play tomorrow (Tuesday). Just pls confirm that we are still playing at your house. Thanks Olly Olly here. I have let Gill know that I am able to play Tuesday. Corinne let me know if you would like me to pick you up. See you all soon, Olly
Dear Patrick, Doug Corbishley, BASc ’59 and Diane Corbishley, Invite you and a guest to a summer garden party at their home with special guest Professor Deborah Buszard, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Principal, UBC’s Okanagan campus. Over refreshments and conversation, learn more about UBC’s connections that are shared in the South Okanagan community on Thursday, August 24, 2017 from 3pm – 5pm, Hody Drive, Okanagan Falls Brief speaking program begins at 3:30pm Summer casual Parking details to follow
Hello Jessie!Thank you for the lovely invitation. Both my wife, Corinne Durston, MLS '77, and myself, Patrick Dunn, MLS, '76, will be delighted to attend the summer garden party. Thanks and Cheers, Patrick! Wonderful. We look forward to seeing you both there. Many thanks, Jessie
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