Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a friend,
an acquaintance, or a stranger. -Franklin P. Jones, businessman (1887-1929)
are made of atoms. A physicist is the atom’s way of knowing about
atoms. -George Wald, scientist and Nobel laureate (18 Nov 1906-1997)
Hi Patrick Thanks for all the lovely pics. Will forward them to Jim & Colleen and Sam. Everyone had a wonderful evening. Sam kept saying he can’t believe how much you ate!! And thanks to you, Corinne and Chloe for the wonderful birthday present of apples. Have already made another 3 pies with still more to come. Delicious. Look forward to having you all back. Cheers Elaine
Hi again, Elaine! I'm pleased that the apple pie production continues unbroken! [I was worried that Sam might have commented that he couldn't believe how much I drank!!! Who can resist any of your marvellous dishes?] Must away as I want to go for a ride as we are off to Choral Extravaganza, a concert with six local choirs at he so-called Blue Church, (United), just around the corner, at 2:00 pm. Fondestos to you and Theodorakis from Lady Dar, readying herself for church at Oasis. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrizzio, Thank you for your email. According to what you wrote me it looks that you are going to have very busy summer in Europe. It is good to have friends everywhere in the world. About Poland trip. After initial interest there are now three people interested - Tom and Carol Hoenish and you. We need to wait a little more to see if somebody else decides for this trip. I hope so because Tom needs to know it until the end of November to plan a vacation.
Traveling by train between Vienna, Bratislava, Prague and Brno is comfortable and easy. I suggest you to use this kind of transportation. Getting from Brno to Krakow is little more complicated as it is necessary to change at least three trains. I also plan to travel by train with my bicycle between the trip in Moravia and Poland. Have a nice day. Katarina Hi again, Katarina! Thank you for the update on bike trip in Poland. I'll wait to see how numbers develop. With respect to train trip from Brno to Krakow, (Should that be necessary, for me at least), could you provide me with details of your itinerary. If it is not too forward, perhaps I could tag along with you. If so, much appreciated. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello again, Sedona! Today I braved the wintery blasts, and I do mean "blasts" as wind was gusting out of the S at 66 kph, then 62 kph, then 61 kph from 10:30 am until just after 1:00 pm when I returned. When not gusting it still blew fiercely, increasing from 34 kph , to 39 kph to 51 kph at the end. At times I was riding, standing up in the saddle, through walls of leaves picked up and whirlwind by the maddening force of the gale. Not only did I have to contend with the incredible wind but just after I set offmy odometer battery finally packed in. Over last few rides the display indicated that the battery was low and when I attempted to charge it it wouldn't accept a charge. Knew I would probably have to replace it, (Bought in 2013 so it has served me exceedingly well.), but was hoping that I could squeeze one more season out of it, at least until roads here are not suitable for riding. Anyway, I'm starting to drop hints for a 70th birthday present!!!
However, since I've ridden the streets hereabouts, so often, I have a pretty fair idea of distances between various "destination" spots I have come to use to form my regular routes. Only thing I knew I wouldn't be able to predict with any precision was my AVG but nothing to be done on that score. Decided, with furious, furious resistance I soon encountered I'd be better to minimize stretches heading directly into wind.
the wind at my back now, I sailed up the few small hills of the side
streets there, having to stand in my saddle on return as wind was
relentless, merciless in the extreme. This way I was able to chalk up
enough distance so that by the time I was back at PTC I gauged I'd
covered 38 km. Three loops around the marina roundabout, returning to
PTC each time and I had 40 km as I fought my way up Ellis. Turned off at
Nanaimo to retrace my earlier steps. Needed an extra loop around Van
Horne/Wade and back down Ellis to Nanaimo before I could make for
Pickering and then home. Pulled in just after 1:00 pm so if, if I was
correct in estimating the distance covered, 51 km, over 2 hours and 35
minutes or so, then the AVG would be 20 kph. Not sure if I can believe
this, given wind which battered me throughout but, for now, I'll allow
myself these figures, if only as long as it takes my poor toes and
fingers to thaw out! Cheers! No map or stats for ride!
Back in time to have a quick shower and change and then we walked to the Blue Church to take in Choral Extravaganza 2017 with six local choirs taking part. I was most impressed with the Kelowna Jubilation Choir, Musaic Vocal Ensemble and the Naramata Community Choir. I'd never heard these groups before and continue to be amazed at the sheer amount of remarkable musical talent there is hereabouts. Carol and Jim French sing with the Penticton Tune-Agers as you probably know, and their performance was most enjoyable as well. The Massed Choir, to end the concert, was wonderful, raising the rafters!
Back home to huddle around the fireplace while Lady Dar's roast of beef is simmering in a crock pot. Chloë, back from Vernon, is making pop-overs to go with creamed Swiss Chard and garlic mashed potatoes. I put a turnip dish together so we won't need a salad but two bottles of wine, already sipping a 2015 Montakarn Chardonnay, 13.7%, and a 2015 8th Generation Cabernet Merlot, 14.8%, already in a decanter, courtesy of Lady Dar, will complete meal!
[Patrick James Dunn Rosie-the-Riveter has found a Challenger! If Chloë could play bridge, it would be hands down for Penticton over Falcon Lake! Unfortunately, she bids like Eleanor! Cheers!!! Etta, guarding the house this afternoon!]
Hello again, Sedona! Today I braved the wintery blasts, and I do mean "blasts" as wind was gusting out of the S at 66 kph, then 62 kph, then 61 kph from 10:30 am until just after 1:00 pm when I returned. When not gusting it still blew fiercely, increasing from 34 kph , to 39 kph to 51 kph at the end. At times I was riding, standing up in the saddle, through walls of leaves picked up and whirlwind by the maddening force of the gale. Not only did I have to contend with the incredible wind but just after I set offmy odometer battery finally packed in. Over last few rides the display indicated that the battery was low and when I attempted to charge it it wouldn't accept a charge. Knew I would probably have to replace it, (Bought in 2013 so it has served me exceedingly well.), but was hoping that I could squeeze one more season out of it, at least until roads here are not suitable for riding. Anyway, I'm starting to drop hints for a 70th birthday present!!!
However, since I've ridden the streets hereabouts, so often, I have a pretty fair idea of distances between various "destination" spots I have come to use to form my regular routes. Only thing I knew I wouldn't be able to predict with any precision was my AVG but nothing to be done on that score. Decided, with furious, furious resistance I soon encountered I'd be better to minimize stretches heading directly into wind.
being the case, I stuck pretty close to PTC/Lakeshore and Riverside,
doing four Power Street loops to have about 15 km on the clock by the
time I was back at PTC. Then I worked my way up the side streets off
Ellis to arrive at the bottom of the KVR with approximately 20 km under
my belt. Three loops of the KVR to Vancouver Ave and back, with
necessary dipsy-doodles near the top, [Here I saw, on each successive
repeats, five lovely, healthy deer, two does and three yearlings, I
believe. On the last run they were all down on the ground, on a grassy
embankment above the street, one youngster having tucked its nose into
its flank, while "Mom" tracked me, calmly, but with ever alert eyes and
pricked ears.], to clock, by my estimation, 31 km before heading back
towards PTC.
Back in time to have a quick shower and change and then we walked to the Blue Church to take in Choral Extravaganza 2017 with six local choirs taking part. I was most impressed with the Kelowna Jubilation Choir, Musaic Vocal Ensemble and the Naramata Community Choir. I'd never heard these groups before and continue to be amazed at the sheer amount of remarkable musical talent there is hereabouts. Carol and Jim French sing with the Penticton Tune-Agers as you probably know, and their performance was most enjoyable as well. The Massed Choir, to end the concert, was wonderful, raising the rafters!
[Patrick James Dunn Rosie-the-Riveter has found a Challenger! If Chloë could play bridge, it would be hands down for Penticton over Falcon Lake! Unfortunately, she bids like Eleanor! Cheers!!! Etta, guarding the house this afternoon!]
Must away as fire needs another Spiller Road log. Fondestos and Cheers from the Gravy Chef, Chloë, and the Sommelier, Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Etta, the Guard Cat; Jim and Carol at Extravaganza!
Hello again, Tyrannosaurus, Mary Mary Quite Contrary, Carolina and Jimbo!
Hello again, Tyrannosaurus, Mary Mary Quite Contrary, Carolina and Jimbo!
Just a quick note to say how much Lady Dar and I enjoyed the Choral Extravaganza! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Jim and Carol at Extravaganza! I apologize for quality of shot but! Hi Bridge People! Have not heard from many but it now turns out that Lady Dar and I can only play on Monday evening. Any takers, other than Judy Blue? Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
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