This is the devilish thing about foreign affairs: they are foreign and
will not always conform to our whim. -James Reston, journalist (3 Nov
Purchase of 120A Spirit Ridge: What time this morning can you discuss this? I am available now on my cell. Sooner better than later for me. Rick Hi Lucia, We would like a week extension on the subject removal. Our lawyer has raised some issues. Thanks, Corinne The Sellers have verbally agreed to extend by a week. I have sent to Patrick for e-signature. Please let me know if you do not receive. Thank you. Have a good day. Lucia Hi Lucia! You will know e-signature came through. Thanks for everything. Cheers, Patrizzio! Received! Thank you.I will call Corinne tomorrow, got home too late. Please send phone number by email.
Patrick, Let's hope this works, great to hear from you I am also
befuddled as to why the email doesn’t seem to work. Any how to let you
know we are riding in Germany to Vienna in June and then thru
Switzerland in the second half of June next year. Sorry we can’t catch
you in Europe. We will camping in the next week or so then preparing for
the festive season. Cheers and we will try to keep in contact. Cheers
Greg and Claire
Patrick James Dunn Great!
Just let us know, well in advance, if possible, so that we can plan for
your stay with us. Just back from picking apples from a wonderful chap,
Bill, who owns a large number of acres planted with fruit trees:
cherry, peach and apple. ChloΓ« met him
through work and his orchards are quite close to where we live, across
Upper Bench Road, close to two of our favourite wineries, Roche and
Upper Bench Winery and Creamery, (Shana, wife of wine-maker, Gavin,
makes fabulous cheese!), so we'll be sure to take you there when you
visit. You'll need to stay for two months!! Nao Bolliger-Hirano yes l will! l'd love to visit and get to know every one of them
π but two months!?!
π l have to negotiate with my boss
Patrick James Dunn I
thought you were always The Boss, Nao! At any rate, I will be in Europe
next April/May. Planning a number of bike trips and hope to visit
Switzerland so it would be great if we can connect then and plan your
Nao Bolliger-Hirano yes, that would be great to see you here in Europe

Purchase of 120A Spirit Ridge: What time this morning can you discuss this? I am available now on my cell. Sooner better than later for me. Rick Hi Lucia, We would like a week extension on the subject removal. Our lawyer has raised some issues. Thanks, Corinne The Sellers have verbally agreed to extend by a week. I have sent to Patrick for e-signature. Please let me know if you do not receive. Thank you. Have a good day. Lucia Hi Lucia! You will know e-signature came through. Thanks for everything. Cheers, Patrizzio! Received! Thank you.I will call Corinne tomorrow, got home too late. Please send phone number by email.
Patrick, Let's hope this works, great to hear from you I am also
befuddled as to why the email doesn’t seem to work. Any how to let you
know we are riding in Germany to Vienna in June and then thru
Switzerland in the second half of June next year. Sorry we can’t catch
you in Europe. We will camping in the next week or so then preparing for
the festive season. Cheers and we will try to keep in contact. Cheers
Greg and Claire
noun: Activism that requires minimal effort.
A blend of slack + activism. Earliest documented use: 1995.
Some examples of slacktivism are
forwarding messages, clicking Like buttons, etc. Slacktivism by itself
is not bad, but it can prevent people from taking any further action if
they feel that by filling out an online petition they
have done their part. The term clicktivism is also used.
Nao Bolliger-Hirano l am doing well, thank you, Patrick! l would love to visit you all next year!!!

Nao Bolliger-Hirano wow, snow! it hasn't snowed yet in zurich

Patrick James Dunn Send me an email and I'll give you more details of my planned trip
Nao Bolliger-Hirano just sent you an email with my email adress
:) and yes, keep me posted... I am already looking forward to seeing you here in Europe!!! Hi Patrick here is my email address,
already looking forward to see you!!! π

Hi Nao! Thanks for sending me your email address. I thought I had it but it wasn't in my contact list. Anyway, I'm in the midst of planning a bicycle trip to Poland at the end of May.
Depending on what dates are finally decided upon, I may well spend a
number of months in Europe. Interestingly enough, good friends from Brisbane, Claire and Greg, will be on a bike ride in Switzerland during the second half of June so I'm hoping we might overlap, somewhere, sometime, as well as hooking up with you. Will know more when I have finalized trip I've mentioned above.
Lady Dar is at her volunteer shift at Penticton General Hospital, on Info Desk, from 8 am to noon and then is to be interviewed, at 2:00 pm, by The Penticton Herald, about Caroling for a Cause, the Grandmothers For Africa fund-raising project she has spearheaded. All the best and Fondestos to you, Nao. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: As I scribe, Duke, our male cat, is intently watching a flock of quail across our street, through the front window!Lady Dar with Duke and Etta; Separate blankets!
Hi Super K! Trust you are well. Lovely to run into you, if only briefly. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: VWF and Johanna. Hello Kitsilano and Summerland! Trust everyone is surviving the early onset of winter! I have been meaning to send along these snaps for ages! We visited Elaine and Ted, a few weeks ago, now, when we were in Vancouver to volunteer for the Vancouver Writers Festival. Day we popped by, the apples from you, I believe, Big Al, had just been delivered. All the best to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you, Patrick. A nice read and nice pictures. All the best, Al Hi TT! Glad you enjoyed the snaps. I'm hoping to hike on Monday with Martini so perhaps our paths will cross. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Lower Mainlanders! In case you Denizens of the Rain Coast don't know, we've had our first snowfall! Had snow tires put on our car last Thursday and I'll probably need them next week as I'm back into Vancouver for a medical appointment on Wednesday. This being the case, I am wondering if people are interested in another dinner/bridge night either Tuesday or Wednesday, venue to be decided upon, should this go ahead. I assume Sarge cannot play on Tuesday as he usually curls that evening. At one point, Whirlygig thought he might be able to join us but just had a note from him, [Tummler, With regrets, I will not make it into the city mid week next week. I have been denied an exit visa from the Republic. Lemme know when you plan your next trip to the big smoke. Safe riding & travels, W], so he is even further out of the picture than he normally is! Anyway, let me know your thoughts and I'll plan accordingly. Must away as Lady Dar is demanding a fire! Hope we can have a re-match next week! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Back of monitor, for Ragin' Bull's eyes only! I will probably pop by your place once I hit town, on Tuesday, Apple Man, to have you complain about my new computer!
Hi Maureen! Trust you are well. Lovely to see you at VWF. Hope we'll see you at some point in the not too, too distant future, Maureen. Cheers, Patrizzio Pics: Lady Dar walking Molly Mop, pooch belonging to friends where we stayed, while I was on my way to Performance Works to start set-up, Sunday morning! UBC comes to VWF! With Maya and Declan, at Cat's Social House, Thursday of Festival.
Lady Dar is at her volunteer shift at Penticton General Hospital, on Info Desk, from 8 am to noon and then is to be interviewed, at 2:00 pm, by The Penticton Herald, about Caroling for a Cause, the Grandmothers For Africa fund-raising project she has spearheaded. All the best and Fondestos to you, Nao. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: As I scribe, Duke, our male cat, is intently watching a flock of quail across our street, through the front window!Lady Dar with Duke and Etta; Separate blankets!
Hi Super K! Trust you are well. Lovely to run into you, if only briefly. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: VWF and Johanna. Hello Kitsilano and Summerland! Trust everyone is surviving the early onset of winter! I have been meaning to send along these snaps for ages! We visited Elaine and Ted, a few weeks ago, now, when we were in Vancouver to volunteer for the Vancouver Writers Festival. Day we popped by, the apples from you, I believe, Big Al, had just been delivered. All the best to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you, Patrick. A nice read and nice pictures. All the best, Al Hi TT! Glad you enjoyed the snaps. I'm hoping to hike on Monday with Martini so perhaps our paths will cross. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Lower Mainlanders! In case you Denizens of the Rain Coast don't know, we've had our first snowfall! Had snow tires put on our car last Thursday and I'll probably need them next week as I'm back into Vancouver for a medical appointment on Wednesday. This being the case, I am wondering if people are interested in another dinner/bridge night either Tuesday or Wednesday, venue to be decided upon, should this go ahead. I assume Sarge cannot play on Tuesday as he usually curls that evening. At one point, Whirlygig thought he might be able to join us but just had a note from him, [Tummler, With regrets, I will not make it into the city mid week next week. I have been denied an exit visa from the Republic. Lemme know when you plan your next trip to the big smoke. Safe riding & travels, W], so he is even further out of the picture than he normally is! Anyway, let me know your thoughts and I'll plan accordingly. Must away as Lady Dar is demanding a fire! Hope we can have a re-match next week! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Back of monitor, for Ragin' Bull's eyes only! I will probably pop by your place once I hit town, on Tuesday, Apple Man, to have you complain about my new computer!
Hi Maureen! Trust you are well. Lovely to see you at VWF. Hope we'll see you at some point in the not too, too distant future, Maureen. Cheers, Patrizzio Pics: Lady Dar walking Molly Mop, pooch belonging to friends where we stayed, while I was on my way to Performance Works to start set-up, Sunday morning! UBC comes to VWF! With Maya and Declan, at Cat's Social House, Thursday of Festival.
Patrick, Thank you for sharing your photos and the fun last nightπ I just
checked my week is busy. I can only play Weds evening.
Drink the dessert wine any time you wish. No need to save it. Will we
see you and Corinne at Soup Bowls at PAG next
Thursday? Pam Hi Patrick, Once again interesting photos. Nice to see you in a few again!! The only nite I am unavailable to play bridge is Friday next week .and I am willing to host Judy
Hello Bridge Sisterhood! Judy Blue has very kindly offered to host. Wednesday seems the best night to play and so far Pamela, Lady Dar and JB are in. At least one more player is needed so if I could hear from Middle Bench Barbarella and Summerland Seven No Trumper, I trust I can confirm game. I'm hoping to play myself, that evening, in Vancouver, so we can set up a Skype link! Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks Corrine and Patrizzio for hosting last Wednesday night's bridge! As for the coming week, Wednesday is best for me and I'll be there. Thanks Judy for hosting! Hugs to all, Olly
Hello Bridge Sisterhood! Judy Blue has very kindly offered to host. Wednesday seems the best night to play and so far Pamela, Lady Dar and JB are in. At least one more player is needed so if I could hear from Middle Bench Barbarella and Summerland Seven No Trumper, I trust I can confirm game. I'm hoping to play myself, that evening, in Vancouver, so we can set up a Skype link! Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks Corrine and Patrizzio for hosting last Wednesday night's bridge! As for the coming week, Wednesday is best for me and I'll be there. Thanks Judy for hosting! Hugs to all, Olly
Hi Susan and Lonnie! Trust you are both well. Lovely to bump into you both. Sorry we didn't have a tad longer to visit. Must apologize for not sending along these snaps sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Emma and Federico! Thank you for all your wonderful efforts on Sunday of the
VWF. Your hard work, discharged so willingly and efficiently, was
certainly appreciated, particularly by me, as you made my life far, far
easier than it might otherwise have been. I hope you will consider
volunteering again, next year, as the Fest would do well, indeed, to
have people of your calibre helping to make it a success. Thanks again! Hope we'll see you again, at some point in the not too, too distant
future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Volunteers Extraordinaire! Lady Dar walking Molly Mop, pooch
belonging to friends where we stayed, while I was on my way to
Performance Works to start set-up, Sunday morning!
Hi Dave! Trust you are well! Grand to see you at VWF. Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along these snaps. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Must away as I'm charged with making a salad for dinner. More importantly, I need to refill my glass with more 2014 Meritage, 13.9%, from Time, one of the newest wineries to open here. There will be a Tasting Room and restaurant downtown.) The tasty drop is felicitous blend of Sauvignon Blanc, (68%), and Semillon, (32%). I might even have a snort of a couple of the malts I picked up when in Vancouver. All the best. I trust our paths will cross in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: VWF with Peggster! Picking apples; Most recent malt acquisitions! Thank you, Patrick. A nice read and nice pictures. All the best, Al
Well, Patrizzio, I am happy to note that with my new snow tire-equiped 4 x 4, and some sandbags in the garage (to weigh down the back if necessary) I spit on snow! Let it snow, all you weasels with your front-wheel drive gas-pecking oh so environmentally proper and politically correct puddle jumpers! I will be doing not just donuts, but creative snow art all around you as you attempt to assault even the smallest incline! Actually, I had an encounter with snow today, but first, the prologue.
Yesterday, I drove down to Seattle to see the Whitecaps playoff game vs the dreaded Sounders. Well, what a drive. Just South of the border, the sky went black, the rain came down - to call it a monsoon would be a gross understatement. It was like being in one of those fancy multi-head showers with full blast on all thrusters. Then, if a truck appears beside you, … much worst. Not to mention traveling at 110K in the pitch dark, with some idiots not turning on their lights so you are 1/2 way up their tail pipe before you see them. Luckily, it cleared up before Seattle, and *most* of the game was rain free (but cold). Now the snow part:
Hi Dave! Trust you are well! Grand to see you at VWF. Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along these snaps. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Must away as I'm charged with making a salad for dinner. More importantly, I need to refill my glass with more 2014 Meritage, 13.9%, from Time, one of the newest wineries to open here. There will be a Tasting Room and restaurant downtown.) The tasty drop is felicitous blend of Sauvignon Blanc, (68%), and Semillon, (32%). I might even have a snort of a couple of the malts I picked up when in Vancouver. All the best. I trust our paths will cross in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: VWF with Peggster! Picking apples; Most recent malt acquisitions! Thank you, Patrick. A nice read and nice pictures. All the best, Al
Well, Patrizzio, I am happy to note that with my new snow tire-equiped 4 x 4, and some sandbags in the garage (to weigh down the back if necessary) I spit on snow! Let it snow, all you weasels with your front-wheel drive gas-pecking oh so environmentally proper and politically correct puddle jumpers! I will be doing not just donuts, but creative snow art all around you as you attempt to assault even the smallest incline! Actually, I had an encounter with snow today, but first, the prologue.
Yesterday, I drove down to Seattle to see the Whitecaps playoff game vs the dreaded Sounders. Well, what a drive. Just South of the border, the sky went black, the rain came down - to call it a monsoon would be a gross understatement. It was like being in one of those fancy multi-head showers with full blast on all thrusters. Then, if a truck appears beside you, … much worst. Not to mention traveling at 110K in the pitch dark, with some idiots not turning on their lights so you are 1/2 way up their tail pipe before you see them. Luckily, it cleared up before Seattle, and *most* of the game was rain free (but cold). Now the snow part:
![]() |
Stop @Trader Joe’s. Less snow by now, but cold with a nasty wind. |
Left Seattle around 11:00am after a nice leisurely breakfast with my Seattle host. Overcast, a bit chilly, but not too sinister looking. Just past Vernon, pelting rain, turning quickly to snow, with significant snow South of Bellingham. Stopped at Trader Joe’s in Bellingham (see pic) and noted that the sidewalk was *almost* icy. Off after a quick shop, back to the I5, still snowing with a wicked cross wind and me in a beemer with summer tires. Hmmm. ANYWAY, here I am, and now w.r.t. Bridge! …
I am up for Bridge either night, and willing to host again. I will check with the Shnoz, as he had said he (and his wife) play, but Shoz is an engineer (see the cartoon “Dilbert") so the stars would have to align …Let’s see who is interested. This time, it’s either burgers or my famous chicken sate. Branko
Hello, Ragin', and one and all! I am delighted that you, Branymir, returned safely, (laden with TJ's goodies, I trust!), from Seattle, in spite of the undying shame, forced upon you, as a result of the Whitecaps ignominious loss, weighing heavily on your Croatian shouldares. How lovely to hear from you, lone respondent to my plea for another bridge game, this coming Wednesday. Are there any other takers? If so, make yourselves known and I'll plan accordingly!! Ragin' has offered to host but since he did, last time, I would hope someone else would offer to prepare a comparable meal of Kraft Dinner, as well as supplying copious amounts of hootch! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Sorry for the delay.sounds like you are having lots of fun times....did you make lots of apple pies. Unfortunately I will not be able to make or host this event but hopefully will in the future. Thanks Ed
Hello Potential Bridge Players! As of this writing, Ragin' and I are in, for Wednesday evening, Fast Eddy is out, (afraid his Numero Uno status, of last match, will be threatened!), so need to know about Sarge and The Penguin. Ragin' has offered to host, once again, a choice of his fabulous burgers or famous chicken satay, (sateΓ©), in spite of the fact that he cannot spell term correctly! Please let me know as soon as you can. Must away as I've more sidewalks to sweep and driveways to shovel. Life in the Snowy Okanagan! Cheers, Patrizzio!
I am up for Bridge either night, and willing to host again. I will check with the Shnoz, as he had said he (and his wife) play, but Shoz is an engineer (see the cartoon “Dilbert") so the stars would have to align …Let’s see who is interested. This time, it’s either burgers or my famous chicken sate. Branko
Hello, Ragin', and one and all! I am delighted that you, Branymir, returned safely, (laden with TJ's goodies, I trust!), from Seattle, in spite of the undying shame, forced upon you, as a result of the Whitecaps ignominious loss, weighing heavily on your Croatian shouldares. How lovely to hear from you, lone respondent to my plea for another bridge game, this coming Wednesday. Are there any other takers? If so, make yourselves known and I'll plan accordingly!! Ragin' has offered to host but since he did, last time, I would hope someone else would offer to prepare a comparable meal of Kraft Dinner, as well as supplying copious amounts of hootch! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Sorry for the delay.sounds like you are having lots of fun times....did you make lots of apple pies. Unfortunately I will not be able to make or host this event but hopefully will in the future. Thanks Ed
Hello Potential Bridge Players! As of this writing, Ragin' and I are in, for Wednesday evening, Fast Eddy is out, (afraid his Numero Uno status, of last match, will be threatened!), so need to know about Sarge and The Penguin. Ragin' has offered to host, once again, a choice of his fabulous burgers or famous chicken satay, (sateΓ©), in spite of the fact that he cannot spell term correctly! Please let me know as soon as you can. Must away as I've more sidewalks to sweep and driveways to shovel. Life in the Snowy Okanagan! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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