If I can do no more, let my name stand among those who are willing to bear ridicule and reproach for the truth's sake, and so earn some right to rejoice when the victory is won. -Louisa May Alcott, writer and reformist (29 Nov 1832-1888)
Today I plan to dehydrate more of the Gala apples I picked three or so weeks ago. Once I've prepared the apples for the drying racks, I'm heading out for a ride. Some blue sky but wind will be an issue as it is blowing out of the S at 34 kph, gusting to 44 kph! Must away as I also have to attend to the few remaining chores left on Lady Dar's list, pinned to my forehead before she left! Chatted with her last night and she had a great time at book club and visiting with friends I'm to collect her at 6:00 pm, this evening, from bus station, laden with a red carpet and a bouquet of roses!
Early morning flight:A view from the air. Yes, lots of animals, but hard to see on the pictures. Cheers. Mike Hello Hot Air Balloon Enthusiasts! From all the stunning shots, to date, you will crash and burn when you finally land back in reality! Travel safely. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sorry Patrick for my tardy reply. Played bridge at senior centre yesterday, and again tomorrow afternoon. Think I must pass for anther day this week. Thank you for your invitation to your Christmas gathering. Are spouses included or only the bridge players? See you soon. Cheers. Barb Hi Barbarella! Sorry you cannot join us but seems as if you are playing quite a bit. Yes, of course, your spouse is more than welcome. All the best, Cheers, Patrizzio! Don’t know if I will bring him, but just wanted to know!!! Thanks Patrick. Please do as both Lady Dar and I would love to meet him! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, I am sorry I am not able to play on Thursday nite . I am going for dinner at casa ouzeria. Hopefully we can connect soon. Judy Hi Judy Blue! Sorry you cannot play but your evening sounds lovely. Lady Dar, Chloë and her friend, Katie, from Vernon, will go out for sushi at Isshin, tomorrow evening, before heading to the SOEV to take in Jerry Seinfeld. Will you be there, selling tickets and then taking up the free seats? Cheers for now, Patrizzio! Pics: Abandoned felines! Love those photos😊 Hi Casa Ouzeria Lady! Glad you enjoyed the kittens! Hope you enjoy your dinner at Cas Ouzeria? Be curious to know what you think as I've never been. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, You are certainly adding to Penticton's wonder. You can tell that life is busy, but good. It's so nice that you are able to reap some lovely Okanagon treats.It's funny that you mention "The Sellout" because I've been meaning to read it. Also, I have a book suggestion if you haven't already read it set in Cyprus called "The Nightingale Won't Let You Sleep." Have a great day! Ruth
Hi again, Little White! Talk about synchronicity! How fascinating that Varosha, a real place within the Greek-Cypriot city of Famagusta, is the central setting, as I understand it, for The Nightingale Won't Let You Sleep. Although, to my knowledge, I never visited when we lived there, or on any return trips to Cyprus, it also figures in The Sellout, if you can believe it! Without giving too much away, the protagonist mentions it as a possible "Sister City" for his native Dickens, California. As well, through wine-tasting and visiting Ayn in Tinsel Town we are quite familiar with many of the locales described in The Sellout. I'm really enjoying it and am certainly looking forward to reading Heighton's book. Thanks for the suggestion!
Enjoyed a wonderful ride this afternoon, although I must admit, it was pretty chilly. Had on a warm pair of winter riding gloves but my fingers were still stiff with the cold when I was back. First thing I did was put on a fire, in the main, to have the place toasty for Lady Dar's return. Still trying to figure out how to set up my new odometre. The ride was recorded, 55.1 km over 2:47:34 expending 1,724 calories, but I cannot find AVG display or how to download ride data. Never a dull moment! Must away to shower and change before phone rings for taxi service! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Wow, sometimes the Redheads are in the same wavelength. I look forward to reading the Sellout and seeing how it plays out. It's funny, your bike rides sound similar to my walks with the dogs. We go out no matter what the weather, lately that means wind, heavy rain and fog. Little Arya, the wispy one, likes to protest a bit before giving in. However, Biggage, The Royal Sansa, loves to go out no matter what the weather brings us. Hello All Weather Gal! Jerry Seinfeld is at the South Okanagan Events Centre tomorrow evening. I gather The Grumpoid will be even grumpier when he hears about this as I remember you were both fans of the TV show. Cheers, Patrizzio!
One of those moments again :-)Cheers Mike
Hi Tinsel Town! More safari sex!
Hello Jake! You needs must worry about ending up on the list of celebrities charged with harassment and more! Hi again! I will have to check out the book you’re reading The Sellout…Sounds like you’re quite the chef de village!!
My freezer has paper bags full of veggie waste to put into the special food scraps container for our bldg.. (Other than old TV dinners and bags of peas..)
So, no culinary delights around here!!! Good for you!! Thanks for the pictures of the kitties and the birdies… If those birds only knew there was a cat stalking them…I am on a quest to buy a Canadian black and red cup for my friend in Hemet..her husband has a cracked cup and needs a replacement. Cheers! Blondie
Hi again Blondie! Your mention of TV dinners reminds me of when we lived on Spruce Street and my Dad owned the IGA store. Mom used to save the aluminum trays and would make her own version so that whenever my parents were away I wouldn't starve! In fact she made quite tasty frozen meals that way so I was never upset about having to eat them, although I usually had two per meal! Just finished The Sellout and will now start on Michael Connelly's latest, The Late Show, featuring a new character, a female detective, so looking forward o discovering her personality and backstory. Both Lady Dar and Chloë have finished dit and enjoyed it immensely.
Went for my first ride, today, with my spiffy new odometre even if I couldn't figure out how to obtain the display I wanted, when riding! Still, once back home I eventually managed to figure out how to sync new device to my computer and was able to download data. The ride was recorded, [In two parts as I inadvertently stopped recording stream as I was trying to change display!], 55.1 km over 2:47:34, expending 1,724 calories at an AVG of 20.6 kph. Really, really happy as I have missed having distance and AVG speed on display but also due to fact that with crazy winds, of late, this is one of the first times I've pushed the AVG over 20 kph, my basic goal! Buona Fortuna with your hunt for Red October! Cheers, Patrizzio! Map and Stats for rides: Part A first, then Part B!
Hi Patrick I wanted to let you know that Chris Ball is retiring from the UBC Education Library. We are holding a retirement gathering for him Date and time: Tuesday, December 12 from 3 to 5 p.m. Location: Dodson Room, IKBLC. I know it may not be possible for you to attend. I wondered if you could send a short video with good wishes for his retirement. Just do a selfie phone thing and email it to me. I wanted to put together a bit of a video collage for him. Let me know if you would consider this. I know you haven't known Chris well or worked with him but you know he was awarded the ALPS award and that you have always stopped and talked with him when you have visited. Thanks heaps Jo-anne
Hi Video Gal! Is Chris retiring before you? What will happen to the Education Library once you are both enjoying early retirement? At any rate, I've put together a clip and have put it on a chip which I will send along with a card, {UBC or home?}, for Chris. [Not sure of technical reasons, (Assume file was too large to send via email.), but I was unable to attach it. Chloë allowed me to use her state-of-the-art iPhone and was unable to send the "selfie" I first recorded. Ended up using Photo Booth on my MacBook Air. If you have any suggestions for overcoming these seeming restrictions, let me know and I'll head back into the studio for another take! Not a big deal but chip belongs to Ragin' Bull so I'd like to return it to him, at some point. I can collect it when next our paths cross.]
As you mentioned, I never worked with him so my contribution is just a silly rambling, a bit of an ad lib on his passion for biking woven into my reminiscences of time at the Curriculum Lab and now here in Penticton. I trust it will suffice and not offend anyone as it is offered in the spirit of congratulatory fun. Perhaps my delivery was influenced by the fact that Lady Dar and Chloë are off to see Jerry Seinfeld tonight at the South Okanagan Events Centre tomorrow night. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Feline Whisper! Duke & Ella are adorable fine fury friends indeed. We walked the kids on the beach today as the tide came in with a roar lapping the banks, blustery winter winds chilled us to the bone. They are in their element, sniffing, digging, running, playing, exuberant with the pleasure they feel. I walked and thought of how we all take swallowing for granted as our tongue propels the bolice down the esophagus safely into our stomach never thinking that things can grow wrong. The speech pathologist says stick out your tongue and bite it whilst trying to swallow in order to build the muscle. Oh dear, probably all part of getting older and probably something to do with the pneumonia I suffered this year & all that neurological stress. Maybe I’ll get super thin now, whoopee! And then like a flash fade away into the ether.

I chuckled with your felines nesting with you, my Benson who is emotionally intuitive demands his snuggles every day. In the morning as he lays on the bed he moans and groans as I nuzzle his neck then he sits up puts his paws on my shoulder and begins the ritual of kissing and hugging as I again nuzzle his neck. He can read all human behavior as he loves watching TV. Now the girl Tess is different, don’t kiss me right now I am tired, I will let you know when you can kiss me. No, don’t touch me I’m still resting. Girls, they are so fragile and complex but so adorable. A quiet day. Love, Jean Hi! I forgot to attach this to my last letter that John sent. It is embarrassingly funny. Enjoy! xx
Don't do this in restaurant!
Hello Breath of Fresh Air! Sorry to report that Lady Dar was probably doing what you cautioned against, at her yoga class this morning! Talk about Ring of Fire! I know exactly what you meant when you said you both were chilled to the bone, on your wonderful sounding walk. For my part, enjoyed an exhilarating ride today although I must admit, it was pretty, pretty chilly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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