Patience is also a form of action. -Auguste Rodin, sculptor (12 Nov 1840-1917)
Hey can you transfer $500 from slush fund please I’d like to put it on my card so I’m not paying the interest. Thanks. Give my sibs my love!! Hi Chloë! Glad you arrived safely. How were the roads?
This morning I drafted the invitation for our Open House while Lady Dar was at church. When she returned, just after 12:00 pm, we headed south to show R/A Spirit Ridge as they had not seen the development. [As you know, we are just in the process of buying a "fractional condo" there and if all goes through, without a hitch, we are to take possession at the end of the month!] We drove down Black Sage Road and stopped at Montakarn for a tasting. I liked their Chardonnay so bought three bottles and then we made for Nk'Mip where we had a delicious lunch at the restaurant there, after giving our guests a very brief tour of facility, pointing out the balcony of our suite to be!
Then back to 97 to stop at CC Jentsch for another tasting. Lady Dar remained in the car to cat-nap while we sipped. Am very fond of their reds so I picked up three of their 2013 Chase, 13.9%, a more than felicitous blend of Cab Franc, 32.5%, Cab Sauv, 32.5%, Merlot 30%, Petit Verdot 3%; Malbec 2%, an absolute steal at under $20. Also a bottle of their 2015 Malbec, rather pricey, at least for me, at around $50, but one of the best, for my palette, around the Okanagan. We were hoping to see other friends, Dan and Valerie, in Gallagher Lake but when Andre called Valerie said that Dan had a terribly, terribly sore throat and was actually still sleeping so everyone thought it best not to visit. Too bad, especially for Andre, as they are good friends and a delightful couple. Love and Cheers, Dad!
Hi Patrick, Whilst you are preparing for a trip to Costa Rico we are doing some furniture manufacturing for our renovations to be undertaken at our little holiday shack at the gold coast and preparing for another little camping holiday to the beach in two weeks nothing quite so magnificent ae an international holiday. We are saving ourselves for next years adventure. Cheers from down below. Hi Gals and Guys, By now you are enjoying the beaches sun surf etc. of Maui. We are compensating by travelling 2 hours south and enjoying the beaches sun surf of Evans Head and we can take the dog. We have now finalised our Europe thing for next year Passau to Vienna 7 days by bike then Innsbruck, then Zurich and a 6 day ride from the Alps to Geneva and home about a month all up.
We are still open for September see how you guys are placed. Hope it is all going well at the beach or whatever it is you do on a large volcanic Island. I will see if Patrick gets this CC every other time I have used his email it has bounced. Cheers Greg and Claire Hi Again Patrick, One out of two ain't bad email failed again not to worry I will use face book seems a little more reliable Cheers from down under. Hi Furniture Man and Claire de Lune! Lovely to hear from you Sun & Surf Travelers! Your on the road life sounds more than delightful. Enjoy what seems like a magical trip. On the email address front, I think you should try to send messages to <XXX> The other addresses, <YYY> and <ZZZ> should redirect to my current address but perhaps not, hence the glitch. At any rate, give it a try and we shall see what we shall see. Well, must away as fire needs stoking and Lady Dar is barking out orders! Fondestos from her, making designer, gluten-free pizzas, for tonight's dinner! Cheers, Patrizzio Pics: View from Montakarn, looking south, from Black Sage Road, across the valley to snow-covered hills beyond!

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