Through others, we become ourselves. -Lev Vygotsky, psychologist (17 Nov 1896-1934)
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Patrick James Dunn Young at heart X two! |
As for the invite I will mention it to my husband but I believe that is the same date as another commitment we have but if we don’t make it I sincerely appreciate the invitation! Seems we know similar people and I have really enjoyed meeting with you, Corinne and Chloe so have no doubts it will be a great time! Have a great weekend. Cheers, Tina
Good Morning, Saturday Admin Woman! With respect to the documentation you had mentioned over the course of our last meeting, I simply assumed you had finished processing the paperwork associated with our tax-free accounts as I found a number of documents in my RBC email. I hadn't sent the message to ask for them but rather to thank you for sending them along. So thanks for ones you did send! I trust this "misunderstanding" didn't disrupt your schedule, busy I'm sure. At any rate, too bad you might well not make the Open House but perhaps another time, in the not too, too distant future. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Naramata Goil, et al! Card sharps, too, too bad about no bridge this week. I'm sure everyone is very busy. At any rate, hope I can stitch something together next week.
PAG folk, have been meaning to send along these snaps, from both the Symphony event and Soup Bowls Project, [Luigi, please pass along pic of Mad Max!], for some time now. What a fun-filled evening of scrumptious food and terrific pre-Christmas shopping opportunities! Thanks to everyone involved in making it such a success.
Thanks, as well, for the generous offer of a cheese-plate, for our Open House, Pamela. Certainly not expected but very generous, nonetheless, of course. For the others, Lady Dar and I would like to invite you, [Mad Max as well!], with significant others, as the case may be, to our pre-Christmas Bash, (see attachment), on Saturday, December 9th, anytime after 4:00 pm. Stay for a minute or a month! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Symphony fund-raiser; Soup Bowls, Event Extraordinaire! Open House invitation.
Thank you for the photos and for the Open House invite! Unfortunately, I have surgery the day before (not major, but general anaesthetic and a few days recovery, nonetheless) and I know Stephano will be staying in Kelowna that evening — but we’re delighted to have been asked. Cheers, Brigitte Hi Brigitte! Glad you enjoyed snaps. Sorry you two won't be able to come to the Open House but we both trust all goes well with surgery. Trust our paths will cross again, in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thank you for the photos and for the Open House invite! Unfortunately, I have surgery the day before (not major, but general anaesthetic and a few days recovery, nonetheless) and I know Stephano will be staying in Kelowna that evening — but we’re delighted to have been asked. Cheers, Brigitte Hi Brigitte! Glad you enjoyed snaps. Sorry you two won't be able to come to the Open House but we both trust all goes well with surgery. Trust our paths will cross again, in the not too, too distant future. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Had the house to myself this morning as Lady Dar was away to PGH at 8:00 am and then Chloƫ Alexis left for work just after 9:00 am. Just me and the felines, on and off, in and out. I managed to send quite a few messages, (One to a contractor about insulation for our crawl space. Before she left Chloƫ helped me measure the Rumpus Room and garage as there is no crawl space beneath these two rooms.), before having a bit of brunch around 11:00 am. Knew it wasn't as breezy today as yesterday so I had high hopes for Eastside!
I was ready to roll around 12:10 pm and was delighted that the sun started to show its face, and and off, through the fairly heavy cloud cover. Started by repeating the first stage of yesterday's ride and when I reached the top of the first gradual climb on the KVR, where it crosses Nanaimo Ave E, I almost bumped into a magnificent buck with a most impressive two-tier rack. Shortly thereafter, I passed a lady walking the path and I asked her if she had seen the creature. Indeed she had and mentioned that he seemed of two minds whether to charge her or not. Hardly a laughing matter as the needle sharp horns would be deadly. Her comment gave me pause and I was hoping he would be gone by the time I retraced my steps!
Fortunately, for me, he was, and when I dropped back down to Pickering I had 21 km on the clock. Had decided I'd make for OK Falls as wind was only shooting out of the S at 18 kph. Was very pleasantly surprised at how relatively easy progress was along both Government and South Main. This continued for most of the way along Eastside but I did have to stand up in the saddle, a number of times, particularly when the road twisted east as the wind was coming out of the SSE a 22 kph by this time. Still, nothing like the resistance I'd endured earlier in the week so I was more than chuffed to be riding this route, something I've not done in months.
Took the McClean Creek exit and rode along this road for a km or two, until I knew I'd logged enough distance to give me my basic goal for the day. Unfortunately, the wind had now shifted to come out of the N at 2 kph but still, Dear Reader, what an insult! I would have been satisfied with that but Aeolus continued to play games and next thing I knew he was puffing his cheeks at me out of the WSW at 7 kph, producing just enough of a cross-wind to prevent me from pushing my AVG over 20 kph, a speed I thought I'd easily achieve, given conditions at outset. Climb back up S Main and Dawson didn't help and even though I made all of the lights along Government, try as I might, I could not do better than 19.8 kph when I swooped up to the garage door. Still, a delightful ride on a relatively sunny day so who could ask for more? Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:
Lady Dar is making her fabulous designer pizza for dinner. Chloƫ came home from work, briefly, as she was off to Vernon, for the rest of the weekend. We will continue watching Peaky Blinders. Have seen first two episodes, so far, and we are both enjoying it immensely. Yesterday, we saw Loving Vincent, "a 2017 biographical animated drama film about the life of painter Vincent van Gogh, and in particular, the circumstances of his death. It is the first fully painted animated feature film." I knew a bit about the circumstances surrounding his death but this film raised some interesting questions I'd not heard voiced before. This aside, an extremely powerful, wonderful, wonderful film. I suggest you see it if you can. Most of the actors are either Brits or Poles. Filled me with even more anticipation for coming European junket, the marvellous friends there, let alone the different countries.
Thanks Patrick for update on your plans. We are still a long way from being able to make plans as too many unanswered questions. First we need to know whether we can extend our medical insurance longer than Feb 23, now we both have made claims, and waiting to hear back from them. South America now?? I may go to China in March if we're back in Penticton.
England and Europe still possible in late spring time but we have to be back for Kelsey's wedding celebration in June and don't know date for that yet.
We'll let you know as things transpire as to whether a meet up with you would even be possible.Say hi to everyone from us especially Corrine. Bye Gill Hi again, Sedona, Where Life is Easy! Buona Fortuna with travel plans and Travel Insurance. We need to do the same, particularly for our trip to Costa Rica, and then Europe, for me.Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Attachment: Invitation to Open House. Please find enclosed, First Class, return tickets for two!
England and Europe still possible in late spring time but we have to be back for Kelsey's wedding celebration in June and don't know date for that yet.
We'll let you know as things transpire as to whether a meet up with you would even be possible.Say hi to everyone from us especially Corrine. Bye Gill Hi again, Sedona, Where Life is Easy! Buona Fortuna with travel plans and Travel Insurance. We need to do the same, particularly for our trip to Costa Rica, and then Europe, for me.Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Attachment: Invitation to Open House. Please find enclosed, First Class, return tickets for two!
Hi OF’s This Monday Tim and Chuck will guide us around parts of the Test of Humanity trails on Cartwright Mtn. Hike will be approximately 3 hours, and fairly easy going. Meet to carpool at HH Penticton at 0840 and IGA Summerland at 0900. See you on Monday. Cheers Tony Looking forward to it! Thanks so much!
Donalda (Donnie) Fullerton Hello Hardy Hikers! I feel badly that I have not been able to join you on many outings this past summer/fall. From some of the pictures I've seen, looks like they were wonderful hikes indeed. Nevertheless, Lady Dar and I would like to invite you to our Christmas Open House, Saturday, December 9th, anytime after 4:00 pm. Pop in for a minute or a month! All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Attachment: Open House Invitation.
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