Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/newyears
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/newyears
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light: The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. In Memoriam, Alfred Lord Tennyson, (6 August 1809 – 6 October 1892)
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/newyears
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/newyears
David Kessler Hope you had a safe trip down! GLAD Patrick James Dunn got on the right freeway!!! That was a close call....Patrick James Dunn I know ALL the freeways like the back of my hand, as well as every taco joint in Tinsel Town!
Judy B Pratt Happy you arrived safely

Louise Sartorio Happy New Year..see u in 2018! Patrick James Dunn Hi Sun City Folk! Healthy New Year to you both. We have to have an early meal, at 6:00 pm, as Pierre is in charge of security for some "in" club downtown, for tonight's festivities, and needs to be there well in advance. The other, Bright Young Things, Samantha and Alex, will go on to other, more lively settings than staying with their grandparents and mom. In fact we don't mind at all as we are planning to watch more movies, (Dunkirk, Phantom Thread), and drink copious amounts of wine, drowning our sorrows at being abandoned! Looking forward to seeing you in early February. Cheers!
Hi Freeway Lead Car Man! Trust your pushy visitors, Christine and Jim, arrived to clean sheets! Thank you for the lovely evening, fabulous food and congenial atmosphere, not to mention the scrumptious bagged lunch and loaf which will feed thousands! Stopped off in Paso Robles, (Unable to visit Caparone as San Marcos Road exit was closed due to freeway construction. Hope to drop in on way back.), and once at Ayn's, around 3:30 pm, we unloaded the car. Until next our path cross, Healthy New Year to you both and to the Fort Bragg interlopers who forced us out! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Adrian and Miranda with Ruth at their rental spot in Long Beach, over Christmas. Ruth at a fund-raiser in San Antonio. We had a long chat yesterday. She was already back in Texas and we missed her by a day or two.
Happy New Year Patricio!! Hi Santiago! Thanks for the wishes. All the very best to you and Ellen and the lads! We left Penticton on Thursday to spend first night in Portland, second in Williams, California, just off i-5. Then into Sonoma next morning to collect wine from good friends, Pat and David Coffaro, after which Berkeley for the night with more close friends, Nancy and David. Until next our path cross, Healthy New Year to you, Ben, and Ellen, from all of us here in Tinsel Town. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Great talking to you today. Wish I had stayed a couple days longer. Adrian, Miranda and I had a great week at a gorgeous Laguna Beach house. Attaching a couple pictures from the stay. Plus a glam pic for a fundraiser. Copied Adrian here too so you'll have his email. I have also texted him. I hope y'all can
connect! Hello Fellow, (Almost in Marps' case!), Retirees!! Trust you are both well! Thank you for the lovely Christmas card and newsy note. Healthy New Year to you both form one and all in Tinsel Town! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Ruth at a fund-raiser in San Antonio! We may well see her if we decide we have enough time to make trek that far east.
After Lady Dar and Ayn did some shopping at the Armenian butcher's shop nearbye, Ms Tinsel Town prepared a scrumptious brunch of scrambled eggs and bacon. Well fueled for my coming ride with Wole, I cleaned and oiled my bike chain then suited up. Left the apartmento at 12:35 pm on a simply glorious, sunny morning, [18.9º C or 66º F], with little wind, [6 kph out of the S], and bright blue sky, a far, far cry from the snow drifts and icy temperatures of Penticton! I had arranged to meet Wole on the corner of Corbin and the Orange Bus Line bike path at 2:00 pm so I knew that I would have enough time before that to do a couple of circuits of Lake Balboa Park. I always enjoy riding there as the bike path is smooth and wide and it is fun to see all the families enjoying picnics and such. On the second, half circuit I took a short dipsy-doodle to take a look a the model airplane flying grounds on the SE corner of the park. Quite a few craft buzzing around, one doing rolls and spins above the large open area there, while one, on a tether, was roaring around in circles in a separate area, obviously intended for flying such models.
Then, back through the park to cross under Balboa on one of the underpasses to return to the OBL bike path to make my way towards Corbin. I was there at around 1:30 pm so I decided to explore some of the surrounding residential street thereabouts. Did just that and shortly after 2:00 pm I made my way back to the bike path and saw Wole waiting for me at the appointed spot. We greeted one another delightedly as we'd not seen each other since last Christmas when we were down, [Unfortunately, had not been able to connect in July when we were here to attend Alejandro's wedding.], and then continued to ride, revisiting how we'd met a year ago.
I had thought that we'd ride to the end of the OBL and then turn around but Wole had other plans for me. He suggested that instead of returning the way we had come we make a large loop instead. More than fine with me as I am always keen to explore new riding territory and expand my familiarity with the seemingly endless possibilities that present themselves in The Valley. I have cycled past the formal end of the OBL quite a few times, most recently with Wole last year, so I knew where we were headed as we crossed Lassen. At this point one needs to negotiate a set of railroad tracks in order to connect with the bike path that leads up into the hills near Porter Ranch, and I was keenly aware of the potential catastrophe that would ensue if one's tire should slip into any of the open grooves of the crossing. At this time I was following Wole, a touch behind him and to his right, in the main so that I could stay clear of the tracks and all of a sudden he crashed to the ground, a victim of a split second of inattention. Fortunately, he wasn't hurt although I'm sure he took a nasty fall and I knew he would probably be very sore and bruised on the morrow.
In the crash, his chain came off so I suggested he turn his bike upside down, the better to put the chain back on the front sprocket. He did this and then assured me he was ready to keep going so we turned onto Browns Creek bike path and made our way to the top of the route which terminates at Rinaldi Street. There we headed west on Rinaldi to cross DeSoto and continued on the designated bike path. Rinaldi runs parallel, more or less to the Ronald Reagan Freeway and I had never ridden this route before. Delighted to have more options when in the area so Wole took the lead and I followed, happy as a clam. We rode east as far as Raseda Blvd and then began to descend out of the Granada Hills, dipsy-doodling our way in a series of lateral steps along major arterial thoroughfares and quieter residential streets.
Once we hit Parthenia we were on the edge of Panorama City and we followed this street, the busiest section of the ride and without a dedicated bike lane, Dear Reader! Still, my Fearless Leader rode comfortably ahead, with much authority and we ran the gauntlet of this apparently "tough" part of greater LA without incident, other than being very nastily cursed upon by a couple of yahoos in a souped up car, incensed that we had the temerity to ride in the curb lane, slowing their mindless, dangerous weaving in and out of traffic by but a millionth of nanosecond! In my mind, I would have dearly loved to lob a grenade through their open window at the next stop light where we caught up to them but didn't want to break my New Year's resolution to refrain from such road rage!
Onward to Saticoy and then a few more side street steps to take us onto woodman and we were racing for Ayn's place to pull up outside the front door of the building at 4:30 pm. I convinced Wole to come inside for a quick hello and goodbye as I knew Lady Dar and Ayn would enjoy seeing him again. Time for a couple of snaps and a brief visit and then I walked him back to the elevator to thank him for fabulous ride and his wonderful company. We made tentative plans for another ride the next day and then we said goodbye, wishing each other a Healthy New Year. Simply terrific ride, first one since December 12th, my last bike outing in Penticton before snow put an end to any rides I was hoping I'd be able to make before we left for LA. What a wonderful ride! What a wonderful, wonderful riding companion and friend. Cheers! Map and Stats for ride:
Thanks for the update! Colin Happy Holidays! Thanks so much for your email. I have retired from my position at UBC as of December 31, 2017. Please contact Wendy Traas for reference and instruction requests and Nick Rizzo regarding course reserves. All other queries should be directed to Sandra Wilkins, Acting Head, Education Library. You can also contact our circulation desk as our staff will be happy to help you. My email address will continue. Please know that it has been a distinct pleasure to work with you. Have a happy new year! Jo-Anne Naslund Hi Hope you enjoy last day of December!! Thought you may appreciate this photo.
It was -32 here this morning ,too cold for the kids to try skiing yesterday
We have had a whole week of bitterly cold weather ,Pam didn’t come out
Again because of it . We had dinner here last nite ,I made ribs & Barb & Mar brought the rest Tonite we are having wings ,shrimp ,meatballs etc here so I don’t have to Go out Our Greek dinner at Marlo’s on 27 was great but Carly had to work & Greg Never made it because their water froze up while they were out here He had it back on by the time Pam got home ,so they were lucky,lots of
Frozen pipes in the city ,especially if people were away George took the Escape into Steinbach to get winter tires put on ( Thursday)we had command start instead of tires put in ,it is a blessing In this weather
Thanks again for the new dishes & the instant pot from all of you ,dishes
Have been used but I haven’t taken the pot out of the box yet Also thanks for the cards to buy more books ,what would I do without you all being so generous
Now I must go & start the fire .Pat send me a picture of Rach wearing her new coin .Emmett had his on Last nite ,of course Cody & Dustin Had theirs on at Marlo’s Would the boys wear one Ayn ,even if it’s Canadian ,if so it would be
Next Xmas ,if George can find enough of the coins Happy New Year everyone!!!!! Mum ,Grams ,Clara
Only minus 21 here this AM but very windy. The only good thing, is we have had no more snow with the cold temperatures. The sun is trying to come out. New Years eve will be cold - we go out before midnight and have the count down at Crouzat's by the bonfire.
Followed by Fireworks. Corinne and Pat when do you go to LA? Patti Hi everyone
We arrived yesterday to Ayn’s Will have a Greek dinner here early so Pierre can join us before work. Alex has a shift which is 24 hrs.and has already started for New Year’s Eve. Samantha may join us for dinner. Will go out to Rick and Rae’s for a visit on New Year’s Day for swim etc. Alex’s grad is on the 4 th. Melvin and Ryan are flying in for it. It is in the morning and we will go out for sushi lunch afterwards. We leave on Jan 7th at 12:05 am for Costa Rica, Return on February 4. Happy New year to all, Love Corinne Where is Alex stationed? Is it close to where they live? Right now he is filling in where needed but will be at fire station near the airport called Westchester. I think it is about 45 min drive from his place.
Woke up to our water frozen again. Greg put the heat gun and small heater to work and we had water in about 30 minutes. Good thing we are in the city.
Donna and Jeff and Sandy are going to be here for New Years so I made a bunch of appetizers yesterday and a Rosanna Rosanna Danna banana cake. Hope everyone has a nice New Years and this weather warms up soon. Love to all. Pam Xoxoxo Where is it freezing Where the pipes come into the house...So I assume that is in the basement So freeze/ frost is so deep it is effecting those pipes that normally should be ok, due to how deep they are? Yikes As Mom stated we are doing multiple dishes for New Year. No down hill skiing as just too cold for comfortable outdoor activities. Happy New Year to everyone!