I and the public know. / What all schoolchildren learn. / Those to whom evil is done. / Do evil in return -W.H. Auden, poet (1907-1973)
[For your eyes only. Sunrise The end. :-) Cheers. Mike Hi Patrick, What time were you thinking of playing bridge on Saturday? Jos Hi Hikers and Bridge Players! Any time after 6:30 pm, today, or whatever time suits you, Josinta! Cheers, Patrizzio! OK I will be there! Jos Hi Michaelo! Wonderful pictures! Thanks. Just to confirm, are you coming with Josinta this evening, around 6:30 pm? Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks Patrick So far yes, we are coming. Unless it doesn’t fit too well with you? Cheers. Mike Good morning Corinne and Patrick, Mike will pick me up at 6.15 pm. We will see you a little after 6.30pm for a good game of bridge. Jos Hello Summerlanders! Fantabulous! See you at 6:30 pm! Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Doesn’t matter where you are; In Africa, a week ago,]
Hi Guys, Mariola told me to ask you to come to our place instead of me going away on this pre Christmas Saturday. Otherwise she will be alone :-( Is this OK with everybody? Mike Hi Madcap Michaelo! We are happy to come to Summerland but Mariolla is more than welcome to join us here at Burns Street. We'll have plenty of time to visit while we are waiting for Josinta to bid and Mariolla can serve drinks when we are playing the odd contract. Anyway, let us know what you'd like to do and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! I am happy either way. Jos

[Mother Nature maintains its beauty. :-) Cheers. Mike And doesn’t matter where you are, Summerland is always awesome. :-)]
To family and friends, Some of you have already heard about Ted's latest diagnosis. After spending a week in the hospital and getting a series of tests, including 2 more MRIs, another CT scan, an EEG, another ultrasound, and a lumbar puncture, they are 95% sure that he has sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease or CJD. It's a rare fatal brain disease caused by an abnormal form of a prion protein. It affects one in a million people and there is no treatment for it.
Beth and the Martyn Family Hi there, Was with Beth this morning and she wanted everyone to know that she is recovering at home after her surgery. She had Terry, Nikole (best friend from Sooke) and Steph with her at the hospital yesterday. Thank you so much to her good friend and neighbour Alison for watching the kids. Katelyn had slept overnight at our place on Thursday; keeping us all on our toes as only an energetic 4 year old can. Then she spent Friday at her new dayhome and had lots of fun with her friends!
Steph slept overnight at the Martyn’s last night, and Terry has been out doing hockey runs for Olli and Katelyn today. Kenny got to join me shopping (she was thrilled!). But we spent some quality Auntie/niece time together. She is now hanging with Indikah and Cash, awaiting the arrival of Olli too! Auntie Steph is not only having all 3 to sleepover tonight, but also taking them to see Santa and get pictures tomorrow (with perfect hair- no less! I will spend the night with Beth, wrapping presents and watching Christmas movies, as Terry gets to hang out with Jake for a while.
Our entire family cannot thank you all enough for the outpouring of love, well wishes, healing vibes, positive energy and offers of genuine support. It makes a huge difference. We are completely surrounded by our family community and blessed beyond belief!! The meals have been amazing, Beth looks forward to saying hi when you are all dropping them off.
Merry Christmas to all, sending love and the warmest of greetings to you and yours this holiday season. Hope you spend time surrounded by loved ones doing things that are meaningful to you, as well as, get a chance to relax a little amongst the hustle and bustle of life. If there is someone we have missed, please forward on...Love the entire Carr Clan-Beth, Terry, Kennedy, Ollie, Katelyn; Stephanie, Elijah, Griffin; Allison, Jake, Indikah, Cassius; Maggie, Frank & Martyn family- Carole, Lindsay; Bev, Arianna, Heidi; Andrew, Arwen. Beth and the Martyn Family
Hello friends and family, I apologize for some of you getting the email about the meal train and not even knowing about the unfortunate news. Organizing this will take some time. Approximately 3 weeks ago, Beth was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was waiting on some more tests, but recently found out that she would be going in for a single mastectomy on December.13, 2017. As shocking as it must have been to learn that she had cancer and had to have immediate surgery, there was also good news that it has not spread to the lymph. However lymph nodes will be removed at time of surgery & tested. The surgeon said that the sooner she have the operation, the better. There is less than 1% chance that it will spread to the right breast, hence why she is only having a single mastectomy. The surgeon said that she will begin chemotherapy in the new year. We are not certain at this time of an exact date.
The Martyns Nest' Day Home finished on November.30 after 9 years of very hard work and building relationships with family and friends in this community. Beth and her family want to be able to focus on her health and speedy recovery.
Hi Maggie! Pleased to learn that Beth came through the surgery without complications and is recuperating at home. Sounds like Alli and Steph have organized support very well, from friends and other family. Not to detract from the difficult time you and your family are struggling with, we received some simply devastating news from very close friends, Elaine and Ted Keating, both from Winnipeg. I met Ted when we played handball together at United. At any rate, we talked to Christina, (eldest daughter), today and his condition is deteriorating.
To family and friends, Some of you have already heard about Ted's latest diagnosis. After spending a week in the hospital and getting a series of tests, including 2 more MRIs, another CT scan, an EEG, another ultrasound, and a lumbar puncture, they are 95% sure that he has sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease or CJD. It's a rare fatal brain disease caused by an abnormal form of a prion protein. It affects one in a million people and there is no treatment for it.
I think it's very important for Ted to have visitors, as he is really enjoying spending time with family & friends. So if you would like to come by please let us know. We don't know how long he has, so if you would like to see him it will need to be soon. Lots of love, Elaine, Kristina, Stephanie, and Laura
Horrible news, Patti. So very sorry to hear the news from Mom about Ted today Told Grandma a funny story about him when I was his favorite absentee math student to cheer her up as she's been very sad today about the news too Please give all of them our love and holiday wishes Ayn Pat, I have known Ted since the late 60's and although I don't know him well, I know that he is a fine man and I've always enjoyed his company. Hope he is comfortable. Please pass along my regards. Ray Hi Rayl We hope to be in Vancouver around 3:00 pm, this coming Wednesday, perhaps sooner depending on driving conditions. Don't imagine we will spend more than an hour at Keatings, if that. Simply have to play it by ear and see how Ted and family are faring. We will be staying at Harbour Terrace but Sarge won't be there as he is off to Kamloops for Christmas. Flamin' will be home, [Due to work, she's going later.], so we'll have a visit with her.
Horrible news, Patti. So very sorry to hear the news from Mom about Ted today Told Grandma a funny story about him when I was his favorite absentee math student to cheer her up as she's been very sad today about the news too Please give all of them our love and holiday wishes Ayn Pat, I have known Ted since the late 60's and although I don't know him well, I know that he is a fine man and I've always enjoyed his company. Hope he is comfortable. Please pass along my regards. Ray Hi Rayl We hope to be in Vancouver around 3:00 pm, this coming Wednesday, perhaps sooner depending on driving conditions. Don't imagine we will spend more than an hour at Keatings, if that. Simply have to play it by ear and see how Ted and family are faring. We will be staying at Harbour Terrace but Sarge won't be there as he is off to Kamloops for Christmas. Flamin' will be home, [Due to work, she's going later.], so we'll have a visit with her.
We will only be staying for one night as we have scads to do before Christmas as well as readying ourselves for extended trip to LA, Costa Rica, Desert Springs, Sun City and Sedona. This being the case we felt we had better go this week as the possibility of seeing Ted alive, when back at the end of February, seems highly unlikely. All the best, Patrizzio!
Xmas wishes from Gill and Phil: We're late sending our letter this year but many happy wishes to you and all the best for 2018. Sorry I have no time to send individual greetings as we are leaving tomorrow for a week trip further down south. Take care Gill and Phil Hello Mexico Bound Folk! Thanks for your Christmas missive. Enjoyed it muchly. Will be in touch again, probably from Costa Rica, but certainly once we are back in LA, to confirm our travel dates. Until then, take care of each other. Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you both and family! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Beth and the Martyn Family Hi there, Was with Beth this morning and she wanted everyone to know that she is recovering at home after her surgery. She had Terry, Nikole (best friend from Sooke) and Steph with her at the hospital yesterday. Thank you so much to her good friend and neighbour Alison for watching the kids. Katelyn had slept overnight at our place on Thursday; keeping us all on our toes as only an energetic 4 year old can. Then she spent Friday at her new dayhome and had lots of fun with her friends!
Steph slept overnight at the Martyn’s last night, and Terry has been out doing hockey runs for Olli and Katelyn today. Kenny got to join me shopping (she was thrilled!). But we spent some quality Auntie/niece time together. She is now hanging with Indikah and Cash, awaiting the arrival of Olli too! Auntie Steph is not only having all 3 to sleepover tonight, but also taking them to see Santa and get pictures tomorrow (with perfect hair- no less! I will spend the night with Beth, wrapping presents and watching Christmas movies, as Terry gets to hang out with Jake for a while.
Our entire family cannot thank you all enough for the outpouring of love, well wishes, healing vibes, positive energy and offers of genuine support. It makes a huge difference. We are completely surrounded by our family community and blessed beyond belief!! The meals have been amazing, Beth looks forward to saying hi when you are all dropping them off.
Merry Christmas to all, sending love and the warmest of greetings to you and yours this holiday season. Hope you spend time surrounded by loved ones doing things that are meaningful to you, as well as, get a chance to relax a little amongst the hustle and bustle of life. If there is someone we have missed, please forward on...Love the entire Carr Clan-Beth, Terry, Kennedy, Ollie, Katelyn; Stephanie, Elijah, Griffin; Allison, Jake, Indikah, Cassius; Maggie, Frank & Martyn family- Carole, Lindsay; Bev, Arianna, Heidi; Andrew, Arwen. Beth and the Martyn Family
Hello friends and family, I apologize for some of you getting the email about the meal train and not even knowing about the unfortunate news. Organizing this will take some time. Approximately 3 weeks ago, Beth was diagnosed with breast cancer. She was waiting on some more tests, but recently found out that she would be going in for a single mastectomy on December.13, 2017. As shocking as it must have been to learn that she had cancer and had to have immediate surgery, there was also good news that it has not spread to the lymph. However lymph nodes will be removed at time of surgery & tested. The surgeon said that the sooner she have the operation, the better. There is less than 1% chance that it will spread to the right breast, hence why she is only having a single mastectomy. The surgeon said that she will begin chemotherapy in the new year. We are not certain at this time of an exact date.
The Martyns Nest' Day Home finished on November.30 after 9 years of very hard work and building relationships with family and friends in this community. Beth and her family want to be able to focus on her health and speedy recovery.
We thought this would be a good way of sharing information, and bringing her close community together to support her and the family. Beth has taken the news in stride, just like she always does. She will do whatever it takes to fight this cancer; but she realizes that it "does take a village." When we sat down with Beth and asked her who she thought were amazing friends and family that could help out, she had so many people in mind. I know that we have been blown away by the response that we have gotten when talking, texting or emailing friends. Everyone has words of encouragement and has offered help in one way or another.
We want people to know that no act of kindness will go unnoticed. If you can just send a message of good vibes and speedy recovery, that is enough. If you can help with a meal, that is great. If you could be available to drive either Kennedy (9), Oliver (7) or Katelyn (4) to one of their many activities or spend time with them if needed. Maybe you will see one of them, give them a hug! This is difficult news for children, but they are on board to help mom and dad get through this tough time.
We want people to know that no act of kindness will go unnoticed. If you can just send a message of good vibes and speedy recovery, that is enough. If you can help with a meal, that is great. If you could be available to drive either Kennedy (9), Oliver (7) or Katelyn (4) to one of their many activities or spend time with them if needed. Maybe you will see one of them, give them a hug! This is difficult news for children, but they are on board to help mom and dad get through this tough time.
Beth knows that I will be sending this email, that I have spoken to numerous friends, and that the 'meal train' information has gone out. She absolutely appreciates all text messages, emails and phone calls, but may not be able to get back to you right away. If you have any questions, or want to know what you can personally do to help, please don't hesitate to text or email or call me.
The most important thing is saying how truly grateful our entire family is, the support and love is magical! Thank you for being such a caring group of friends. I know I can speak on behalf of Beth's immediate family (Terry, Kenny, Olli and Kate) and her extended family on both sides, when I say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. If I have missed anyone that you think should be included, please forward it on and then let me know their email address and phone #. Thank you also to our dear friend, Lindsay Zaraska for setting up the meal train site. Alli and Steph
The most important thing is saying how truly grateful our entire family is, the support and love is magical! Thank you for being such a caring group of friends. I know I can speak on behalf of Beth's immediate family (Terry, Kenny, Olli and Kate) and her extended family on both sides, when I say thank you from the bottom of our hearts. If I have missed anyone that you think should be included, please forward it on and then let me know their email address and phone #. Thank you also to our dear friend, Lindsay Zaraska for setting up the meal train site. Alli and Steph
Hi Maggie! Pleased to learn that Beth came through the surgery without complications and is recuperating at home. Sounds like Alli and Steph have organized support very well, from friends and other family. Not to detract from the difficult time you and your family are struggling with, we received some simply devastating news from very close friends, Elaine and Ted Keating, both from Winnipeg. I met Ted when we played handball together at United. At any rate, we talked to Christina, (eldest daughter), today and his condition is deteriorating.
When I talked to Ted he wanted to know what were up to and when I described our coming trip to LA and Costa Rica, I could barely manage to continue, knowing full well that he will probably succumb before we will be back in Canada. How Ted and his family can come to terms with the sheers anguish they face is something that haunts both Corinne and I. Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you, Maggie and your strong, strong family! Cheers, Patrizzio! Sad to learn about the Keatings. Doesn’t seem fair. Proud of Beth, strong & brave too! Leaving for AB 20th. Can’t wait!! Maggie❤️�������� Hi Hipster! Travel safely, especially with your new hip! Trust you have a wonderful time in Alberta. Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year to you both and extended family! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thx!! Still struggling a bit!! Not sure why taking so long. Did you have a lateral incision? Maggie������ Hi Struggler! Sorry to hear you are having a bit of an uphill battle. I think my incision was more "diagonal" than "lateral" but I don't know how the orthopaedic surgeon would describe it. Keep up with your rehab exercises! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thx!! Still struggling a bit!! Not sure why taking so long. Did you have a lateral incision? Maggie������ Hi Struggler! Sorry to hear you are having a bit of an uphill battle. I think my incision was more "diagonal" than "lateral" but I don't know how the orthopaedic surgeon would describe it. Keep up with your rehab exercises! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Jolly Fartograms, For coming Monday we are planning to do Campbell Mountain from the South-East side. We have done this earlier this year and loved it. Beaucoup views almost from the starts. As usual we will gather at Home Hardware in Penticton at 9:00AM. Those coming from Summerland should come together at the IGA parking lot at 8:40AM then make their way to Penticton HH.
Hope to see you there! Cheers, Aart Thanks Aart, We will see you Monday. Cheers, Tim
Hope to see you there! Cheers, Aart Thanks Aart, We will see you Monday. Cheers, Tim
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