The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs, and explosions, and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy; and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own for the children, and the children yet unborn. -Rod Serling, writer of the science fiction TV series The Twilight Zone (25 Dec 1924-1975)
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THE CREW ON BURNS STREET! WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST IN 2018 - GOOD HEALTH AND HAPPY TRAILS ! I'll call soon - apologies for the long silence. Best wishes from Erika , Amy, Caramel, Shadow, MamaCat, Marius, Baby and Pikko. 🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈🐈 Hi Amy, Erika and Feline Cohorts All! Just a quick note as we may well miss talking to you. We are driving to Tinsel Town tomorrow and from there will fly to Costa Rica for a month on January 7th. Won't be back in Penticton until the end of February. Then, on April 16th, I fly to Paris. Will be in Europe until July 10th. Am doing two, two week bikes trips, first in Moravia, May 16th to June 26th and then two days later, another guided bike trip out of Kraków, May 28th to June 10th. Before and after I plan to visit various friends in Berne, Aarhus, Oslo and London so will be busy. Lady Dar and her MarriageMobile won't join me as a busy time for weddings. Hope we'll connect in mid-July.
Enjoyed a wonderful pre-Christmas, short hike/picnic, on the KVR outside Summerland, towards Faulder, with my hiking group, lead-up to a White Christmas! Wow, indeed! On Friday and Saturday before Christmas, Chloë and I made both borscht and perogies for Christmas Eve dinner! Beets were a piece of cake but challenge was perogie dough!
Must away as we are under strict orders from our more than pushy Chloë that tree has to be taken down and most decorations put away before we are allowed to pack! This being the case, all of us here at Burns Street wish you and Amy, and your six cats, a Healthy New Year! Fondestos from Lady Dar, re-heating turkey and dressing for brunch, Chloë, at the gym and Etta & Duke helping to take ornaments off the tree! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Burns Street Elf responsible for putting lumps of coal in naughty correspondents' stockings so watch your future response time, Erika! Hunky Bill's perogy factory! Miss Etta deigns not to wear a cap! Duke 'kangarooing" his new catnip stuffed fish! Both Etta and Duke "un-wrapped" their gift toys without any problem! Linda Ervin at dinner last night.
Hello, Just about to fly to Amsterdam, then to Florida with friends for 1 week. Great trip so,far, near perfect weather for Amsterdam, the Rhine cruise, And Paris. Safe travels, and Happy New Year. We’ll look forward to seeing you in 2018! Cheers, Gregg & Francesca Hello Amsterdam! Just a quick note to say hello as much to do before we drive to Tinsel Town tomorrow. Not sure if you have any contact information for Ted but if so, could you pass it along. Thanks.
All of us here at Burns Street wish you both a Healthy New Year! Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Burns Street Elf responsible for putting lumps of coal in naughty wine tipplers' stockings so watch your future selections, Kids!

We are in pretty good shape here. Lady Dar is already mostly packed and I am just about to start. Have been thinking about what to take over last week or so, so not really worried about that end of things. In the past, I've often started around 11:00 pm, or even later, usually after an evening of carousing so this trip I'm already light years ahead, and sober! Will treat myself to a hot rum toddy once I've packed. Need to use up a bit of lemonade in fridge so that is the best use I can think of!
Happy Holidays to you two, We had a quiet time over Christmas. Patrick and Chloe made borscht and perorgies for Christmas eve and we had our friends Lynn and Peter over. Christmas day we had one guest for dinner and did the tradition turkey etc. Patrick and I are driving down to LA leaving on the 27th to spend New Year's with Ayn and the boys and to attend Alex's grad from the LA fire dept. training. He had his first shift on Christmas Eve. We are flying out of LA to Costa Rica on Jan. 7 returning on Feb. 4 and then will visit friends in Arizona and Texas and arrive home in late Feb. My mom is thinking of coming out here in March or if she doesn't come I will fly back there for a few weeks.
Patrick leaves for Europe and two planned bike tours in Mid-April returning in Mid- July. Chloe and I will hopefully be moving her to her new townhouse during that time. I'm staying home to hopefully have a busy wedding season. We will also be using our place at Spirit Ridge this year. Hope to get Ayn and the boys up here for a visit as well. Paris sounds like a wonderful place to be at Christmas. Enjoy Florida. And here's to a visit in 2018! Hugs Corinne
Happy Holidays to you two, We had a quiet time over Christmas. Patrick and Chloe made borscht and perorgies for Christmas eve and we had our friends Lynn and Peter over. Christmas day we had one guest for dinner and did the tradition turkey etc. Patrick and I are driving down to LA leaving on the 27th to spend New Year's with Ayn and the boys and to attend Alex's grad from the LA fire dept. training. He had his first shift on Christmas Eve. We are flying out of LA to Costa Rica on Jan. 7 returning on Feb. 4 and then will visit friends in Arizona and Texas and arrive home in late Feb. My mom is thinking of coming out here in March or if she doesn't come I will fly back there for a few weeks.
Patrick leaves for Europe and two planned bike tours in Mid-April returning in Mid- July. Chloe and I will hopefully be moving her to her new townhouse during that time. I'm staying home to hopefully have a busy wedding season. We will also be using our place at Spirit Ridge this year. Hope to get Ayn and the boys up here for a visit as well. Paris sounds like a wonderful place to be at Christmas. Enjoy Florida. And here's to a visit in 2018! Hugs Corinne
Were under strict orders from more than pushy Chloë to take down tree and put away all the decorations this morning. Lady Dar did the bulk of this but once we had it outside I lopped off the branches and then cut up the trunk for next year's firewood! Best tree we've ever had, I think, both in terms of lovely shape but also in terms of its needle retention. Had very few needles drop as I'm usually sweeping up scads. Fondestos from Lady Dar, talking to Ayn in Tinsel Town as I scribe while Chloë is reading Michael Connelly's latest, Two Kinds of Truth, a stocking stuffer, in her bedroom, with Miss Etta, purring at her feet. Sounds like the board-game, Clue! Looking forward to seeing you both tomorrow. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Burns Street Elf responsible for putting lumps of coal in naughty Portlandians stockings!
My dear lucky north-of-the-border friends, I hope that you are preparing your mounts for the journey south. I selfishly hope that you are yourselves hoping to join us for dinner on the night of the 29th before you tear southward. We are eagerly anticipating your arrival, mandibles a-chatter. In humans, that translates into big smiles. David Hello Mandible Munchers! Trust you enjoyed the days over Christmas! I expect that we should be making our way up Ashby, between 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm, all going well with road conditions, traffic, etc., on the 29th, our tummies growling in anticipation for the arachnid fare extraordinaire awaiting! Will call from the deep end of Hearst so that you can roll down the red carpet. Looking forward to seeing you both on Friday. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Burns Street Elf responsible for putting lumps of coal in naughty Vicentians stockings!
Looks like everyone can roll down to Berkeley after those feasts! Will see you on the 29th with appropriate webbing!Corinne, Patrick and Chloe, Thanks again for the nice Christmas Eve. We enjoyed it all: the pre-church borscht, the warm family church service, the peroxide with all the go-withs, the wine and whisky and best of all your company. Have a great time in California and Costa Rica. We’ll see you in the Desert. Cheers Peter and Lynne
Hello Naramatia South! Trust you are both well. Pretty sure we will be knocking on your door on Friday, January 5th for a couple of night, leaving on Sunday morning, January 7th so you will have time to vacuum and do laundry, ready for your paying customers, if this is fine with the Reservation Desk! Just let us know if this doesn't work and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers to you both! Patrizzio!
Merry Christmas Patrick and Corrine! Hope your holiday is going well. Best of travels to you both in the new year. XOX Lou Thanks so so much for the wonderful card!! Happy Boxing Day to you, Corinne, Chloe, Auyun and family and to your wonderful cats!! Lots of love Jo-Anne and Colin
Merry Christmas Pat and much love to you and the family. I think you are at Ayn's and will continue south on your tour. Have safe travels and look forward to hearing about the trip. Take care. Xo Thanks, Patrick. That was fun! Happy holidays and have a great trip. XO
Thank you Patrick.....I trust you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends. We stayed home this year and had Shirley's brother Jack and his family over for Christmas dinner. A quiet event with some cards and of course some spirits to pass the evening. Weather is a bit cold....I have not been hiking since the winter picnic as I have been busy at Apex assisting with training of new patrol candidates on the mountain toboggan and other procedures. I enjoy passing along my years of experience to the younger folks. So all the best in 2018 for you and your family and hope to see you out snowshoeing or hiking early next year! Cheers,,,,,Kilian
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