I don't believe in playing down to children, either in life or in motion pictures. I didn't treat my own youngsters like fragile flowers, and I think no parent should. Children are people, and they should have to reach to learn about things, to understand things, just as adults have to reach if they want to grow in mental stature. Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows. Most things are good, and they are the strongest things; but there are evil things too, and you are not doing a child a favor by trying to shield him from reality. -Walt Disney, entrepreneur and animator (5 Dec 1901-1966)
Tim Kelly to Patrick James Dunn Greetings Patrice I'm getting in early from my neck of the world, birthday greetings from Sydney
Patrick James Dunn Thanks, Tiptoe! Early Christmas Greeting from The Sisterhood. This past Sunday we cut our own tree at a small lot not far from us, amid Ambrosia apple trees and vineyards! Margareta Maunsbach Happy pre-christmas and pre - birthday Patrick James Dunn Thanks Margareta! Happy pre-Christmas greetings to you, Johan and Peter! Cheers! Margareta Maunsbach Cheers!
BuonGiorno Bibliomaniacs and Fire-Spitters! Didn't realize that a sedate book discussion would turn into such a pyrotechnical affair with heated, verbal fireworks and dark, threatening looks! First and foremost, many thanks to Luigi for hosting and her fabulous, delish Italian sausage lasagna and to all the others for their more than tasty offerings.
In spite of many countervailing opinions, it has been decided that Wayne Johnston's First Snow, Last Light will be the next book, to be discussed on Thursday, March 8th, 2018. Not sure where we will meet but Lady Dar and I are happy to host. Other books, in the running and possible future candidates are: Eden Robinsons Son of a Trickster; John Boyne's The Heart's Invisible Furies; Michael Redhill's Bellevue Square and René Goldman's A Childhood Adrift. Last is a Holocaust Survivor memoir so some think subject is too dark. However, René lives in Summerland and I'm sure he would be pleased to join gathering to be part of discussion. At any rate, thanks again, to one and all, for such a marvellous evening and spirited, animated discussion, bringing us one tiny step closer to solving the world's innumerable problems! Cheers, Insensitive But Well-Meaning Patrizzio! Pics: What the Dickens!!!
I would be happy to host the book club in March. Dame Judith Hello again, Fellow Squabblers! Dame Judith has very kindly offered to host next gathering, on March 8th, 2018. Thanks very much, Your Royal Dameness! I'll let her respond, probably closer to the date, with directions, time, etc. Cheers, Patrizzio, Secretary to the Rich and Famous, Royal Family and other common folk such a vintners, low-life layabouts and far left, radical anarchists/socialist firebrands! When there is nothing left to burn it is time to set yourself on fire! Cheers, Brimstone Boy! Thanks Judy!
If anyone wants to do an interim read we could meet for appies at a local establishment to discuss. Say a late January or early February date? Lou I would be happy to do that Lou. Michelle Hi all, I am happy to choose an interim book and meet to discuss it in Jan or Feb. The only caveat is we are planning to be away some time in Jan and or Feb. Pam Me too!! But as Pam, not certain of the dates as to when we will be away in Jan/Feb Senka
Sounds like a lot of interest but could be difficult to organize. How about this:
If no travel planned try to keep Jan 17, 24 and Feb 7 open. As people finalize travel plans we can pick the best date. As for books I vote navigator of New York or heart's invisible furies. ( I'll be reading both over the holidays they sound terrific!) Of course all of this is just my suggestion. I'm am open to any other ideas! Take careThat's sounds like a good plan to me Lou. Should we start with Navigator of New York first? Then I will be sure to have it finished by the first date ;). Thanks again for hosting! Great introduction to the group ;) Michelle d Great plan. My travel plans are already set. I will be gone from January 28th to February 14th. Judi R (Dame Judith)
I would be happy to host the book club in March. Dame Judith Hello again, Fellow Squabblers! Dame Judith has very kindly offered to host next gathering, on March 8th, 2018. Thanks very much, Your Royal Dameness! I'll let her respond, probably closer to the date, with directions, time, etc. Cheers, Patrizzio, Secretary to the Rich and Famous, Royal Family and other common folk such a vintners, low-life layabouts and far left, radical anarchists/socialist firebrands! When there is nothing left to burn it is time to set yourself on fire! Cheers, Brimstone Boy! Thanks Judy!
If anyone wants to do an interim read we could meet for appies at a local establishment to discuss. Say a late January or early February date? Lou I would be happy to do that Lou. Michelle Hi all, I am happy to choose an interim book and meet to discuss it in Jan or Feb. The only caveat is we are planning to be away some time in Jan and or Feb. Pam Me too!! But as Pam, not certain of the dates as to when we will be away in Jan/Feb Senka
Sounds like a lot of interest but could be difficult to organize. How about this:
If no travel planned try to keep Jan 17, 24 and Feb 7 open. As people finalize travel plans we can pick the best date. As for books I vote navigator of New York or heart's invisible furies. ( I'll be reading both over the holidays they sound terrific!) Of course all of this is just my suggestion. I'm am open to any other ideas! Take careThat's sounds like a good plan to me Lou. Should we start with Navigator of New York first? Then I will be sure to have it finished by the first date ;). Thanks again for hosting! Great introduction to the group ;) Michelle d Great plan. My travel plans are already set. I will be gone from January 28th to February 14th. Judi R (Dame Judith)
Hello Congratulations on your 70th! The festivities are on. Pics of Christmas tree looks like fun, we have many Xmas trees planted in the forest that are now thirty feet. Years ago purchased a beautiful tree from Chintz with lights. We just folds up and we pack her away until the next year. Oh so easy! Enjoy your open house. I am off to lunch with a friend! xx
Hi Luncheon Lady! Trust your meal and visit went well. For my part I spent a couple of hours hauling firewood, on a small plastic toboggan, at Spiller Road. With the light cover of snow the toboggan was much more efficient that the wheelbarrow which I've always used before. Didn't load it into the car as will use Branko's truck to bring it home, at some point over the course of his coming stay. Back home to find that Lady Dar was not able to make a reservation for dinner tomorrow. Front Street Brasserie is a tiny, tiny spot so not surprised although we didn't think it would be so busy, mid-week. At any rate, we've made reservations at Villa Rosa Ristorante Italiano. We've never been before so looking forward to discovering a new place. Must away as Lady Dar is calling from Rumpus Room. She needs a hand with putting up some lights around the windows there. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Miss Etta, our seashell cat!
Hi Ragin'! Trust your clutch is now in working order! Another lovely day. Confirmed that we will have two tables of bridge for Thursday evening so that should be fun. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Merry xmas! Here's our Christmas letter Hi Nora and Laury! How lovely to hear from you. Pleased to learn that all goes well with you both, Lindley and Elene. Wonderful news about her pregnancy. Fondestos from Lady Dar, [Her new nickname since we visited India in 2015], to you both, sorting through Christmas decorations in the Rumpus Room. Cheers, Paul Bunyan Patrizzio!
Hi Laura! Trust you are well. You should join us this coming Thursday, anytime after 6:30 pm. We'd love you to meet rest of the bridge gang. As well, drop in to our Open House if you are free. Hope to see you at one or the other, or both, gatherings! Cheers, Lady Dar and Patrizzio!
Hi Ernie! Happy pre-Christmas! Am wondering if you might forward this to Heather as we don't have her email address. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Heather! Trust you are well. Must apologize for not sending these snaps along sooner! No excuses but plenty of reasons. Sorry we missed the S.T.E.A.M. Showcase. I'm sure it went well. Best wishes from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Betty Boop! Trust you are well. Didn't realize that my favourite cartoon character had become "an expert on the Royal Family"! Lady Dar, [Her new nickname since we visited India in 2015], happened to be in Vancouver, for her Book Club at the end of November when she came across the Randy Shore article, featuring your picture! How lovely to hear to see you again, if only from the pages of The Province! Trust all goes well with you. You must come and stay and wine-taste next summer! Cheers, Patrizzio!
With apologies to Simon and Garfunkel! Trump Confounds the Science - (Parody of) Sound of Silence: https://youtu.be/IZDYhQ4UAnA
With apologies to Simon and Garfunkel! Trump Confounds the Science - (Parody of) Sound of Silence: https://youtu.be/IZDYhQ4UAnA
Hi Aquitaine! Trust you are well! Thanks for the reindeer! Quite a herd!!! Lady Dar keeps asking me to ask you if you ever married!Must away as I need to put another log on the fire to keep Lady Dar cosy, cosy! Fondestos from her and Chloë, to you, Aquitaine, both sorting through Christmas decorations in the Rumpus Room. Cheers, Paul Bunyan Patrizzio!
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