No man is an Island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. -John Donne, poet (22 Jan 1573-1631)
Chloe Alexis Dunn Is that outside your hotel room window??? Looks like Duke Duke's cousin! Shot was taken outside the breakfast room window, yesterday morning. In turn he looks like a fruit eating bat! [Chloe Alexis Dunn Wow I had no idea!!]
Martyn Brown: The curious timing of the whisky raid on Fets & friends | Georgia Straight Vancouver's News & Entertainment Weekly Crazy!
Hi Colin! Thank you for the more than interesting article on The Untouchables! I am much enamoured of the Scotch
Malt Whisky Society's offerings. While I don't belong I have had the
opportunity to taste quite a few of their bottling, over the years,
primarily at VWF Dram Come True. In fact, I'm probably going to attend
this event this coming March 9th. Will be curious to hear what the real
backstory is then! Fondestos from Her Ladyship to Gail and to you, Colin! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Image: Wikimedia/
Animation of the installation of a stent |
Cheeky monkey was back again. A couple, sitting outside when we went in for our coffee, had left some food on their plates, and the monkey went for the tasty overlefts. Took a couple of handfuls of rice and beans and then retreated to the patio railing. Young woman serving shooed him away when he wanted more but came back shortly with a banana. Took it from her outstretched hand and clambered up to the roof to eat it! Unfortunately, he moved everytime I wanted to take a snap!
Back to collect Nicky and I took one of their bags while they did a last minute check of the room. At Reception the young woman who had checked us in, originally, was back on shift and she had her simply adorable puppy, Balto, but a month old, with her. He enjoyed licking my fingers while I waited for Nicky and Paddy. Unlike the Capuchin, Balto wasn't camera shy! Taxi arrived a few minutes later and while driver was loading their luggage we made our farewells. Depending on everyone's schedule, this coming summer, I hope I might be able to visit them in Northampton. Waved goodbye and then headed back to our room to collect Lady Dar, still reading in bed!
Another fabulous ommelletto for breakfast, saving the toast for a cheese sandwich for lunch. No return of our monkey. Guess it had enough food earlier. Back to our room to do a bit of re-packing as we will be collected around 8:00 am tomorrow morning so want to have most of our stuff ready beforehand. Plan to visit the so-called Bat Jungle, one of a number in Monteverde, I gather. This one is just across the road from Tramonti, our favourite restaurant, so far,as Nicky and Paddy recommended it, having done the tour yesterday. Suggested we go close to 2:00 pm as that is feeding time. In fact, Nicky participated in the process, inside the exhibit, where bats fly through a simulated jungle environment, eating and socializing. Looking forward to it as we had seen one tiny, tiny bat on a Night Tour on Saturday, perched in a narrow opening in a large tree trunk.
Around 10:00 am we readied ourselves for a taxi ride to Café Colobri, just outside of the Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, aka the Hummingbird Cafe, as there are numerous feeders set up on the patio where one can view these gorgeous creatures. About a ten minute cab ride, on a lovely winding road, uphill most of the way. Once at the Reserve I inquired about an Orchid Tour but chap at Reception said there was a better one in Monteverde. Tad disappointed, we made for the café and enjoyed seeing more delightful hummingbirds. A wonderful bonus was the fact that there were also quite a few Baltimore Orioles feeding alongside the whirlybirds. I was more than delighted as I'd not been able to capture any images of them at Stella's, a few days before.
Inside the gift shop stunning photographs of hummingbirds, snakes, and even one of a magnificent jaguar, sadly, now found almost only in forests of protected reserves, lined the walls. I found a CD by a calypso band from Limón so I'm looking forward to hearing it once back in Tinsel Town. Since day had remained so dry and sunny I decided I'd walk back. Kissed Lady Dar goodbye, as she was going to take a cab, and set off just before 11:00 am. Simply lovely stroll with only the odd car or taxi, coming or going. Almost like a walk down a country lane with only four others walking the same way, as well as a jogger. Stopped every so often to snap a view and just after one of these "sessions" a taxi pulled up beside me and the driver informed me that his passenger was none other than Lady Dar. I asked him to take her to San José and he drove off, chuckling.
Just before noon I crossed a small bridge and around the next corner Stella's came into view. I took the looped driveway encircling the large lawn in front of the bungalows and came across two of the aboutis we've seen on the grounds since being here. Lady Dar wasn't in the room and I suspected she had stopped at Stella's for a Chai Latte. Turned out I was right as she returned half an hour later. Must away as we are off to The Bat Cave and want to be there in good time so we don't miss the 2:00 pm feeding.
Back from the Bat Jungle, around 3:30 pm and both of us agreed, it was one of the most interesting, endlessly fascinating educational tour of our trip. Our guide, (originally from Belgium, and current director, I believe), was extremely passionate and certainly unbelievably knowledgeable about bats. Spent almost an hour learning about how critically important they are in the ecosystems of the world. We knew, generally speaking, how necessary they are for keeping control of insects but had no idea, at all, at how many they devour, (1.3 million per bat/per year), and that there would be no Tequila but for them. "Tequila is made from Agave tequilana. These plants and their pollinators have shaped each other through coevolution. Blooming agaves grow a stalk up to 15 feet high, with candelabra-shaped flower clusters at the top. The flowers only open at night and smell like rotting fruit, signaling bats the nectar bar is open. As they swoop in for a drink, bats get dusted with agave pollen, which they transport from plant to plant as sexual surrogates. Multiple bat species pollinate agaves." Same holds true for bananas.
There are more bats in Costa Rica than birds. They are one of the most intelligent animals and socially organized much like humans. A female produces one baby a year, (50% mortality rate when learning to fly), and many species adopt orphans. The possess echolocation capabilities which far outstrip that of dolphins. Brazilian free-tailed bats can achieve speeds as fast as about 99 mph, researchers have discovered, a new record for horizontal flight speed for any bird or bat. The effort of the Bat Jungle to make people more aware of the benefits of bats and to defray our misconceptions, [Bats do not spread rabies!], about them is a message which needs to be heard.
After this almost mesmerizing introduction, we entered the Bat Cave itself, populated with over 80 bats representing 8 species, a fairly large room nearly 55 feet long, divided roughly in half with a glass wall allowing visitors to observe the live bats behind. Only fruit and nectar eating bats, [Many brought to the centre when injured.], are on display as it is not possible to keep insect, meat or blood eating species as it would be impossible to feed them. Wonderful to see them so closely, some in clusters, The Mafia, according to our guide, some in pairs, a mother with her young and many hanging by themselves. Unfortunately, it was very difficult, well nigh impossible in fact, to catch but a fleeting glimpse of Hummingbird Bats, so quickly did they swoop to the feeder and leave, in the batting of an eye, so to speak. Something certainly not to be missed if ever one has an opportunity to visit, here, or elsewhere, in a like center, I'm sure.
Thanking our remarkable guide, we both made donations and made our way back to El Bosque, stopping at Tramonti to make a reservation for dinner at 7:00 pm. Must away as Lady Dar is calling for a refill of white wine!
Hi Patrick, we were going to stay at hotel El Bosque. I even had scope that coffee centre down the road. We had to cancel as Thierry's flight was badly delayed (he got full refund from Air Canada, which makes up for the inconvenience). We had scheduled one night only, so there was no time left to drive up to Monteverde after this mishap. We drove straight to Tamarindo on Tuesday and admired the cloud forest from a safe distance

Hi there great pics - sounds like you guys are having a wonderful adventure!!! We are still expecting you on the 7th or 8th. It will be great to have a visit with you. According to Henryk's calendar, he is still here then as well :). Fingers crossed no last minute work travel booked! We have a couple looking to book some time here - so wondered about your plans.... they were looking to come sometime during the week of the 12th...As that's the only week we have open in February - my niece and family are coming the following mid week. Funny, last year we had no company - seems to come in waves :) keep in touch... and safe travels. thanks L
Hi Sun City Kids, et al! Pretty sure we will be knocking on your door on Sunday, January 7th for a couple of night, leaving on Tuesday morning, January 9th so you will have time to vacuum and do laundry, ready for your paying customers, if this is fine with the Reservation Desk! Just let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Pleased Henryk will be there as I'm curious to sample his extensive malt collection!!! Will be in touch from Palm Desert, if not before. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Nana misses Etta and Duke so Balto is next best thing! Baltimore Orioles pretending they are Hummingbirds! The Bat Cave! The Bat Cave looks very interesting! Pat
Good morning Patrizzio, you hummingbird charmer..... a great little video.
I'm glad you and Corrine are enjoying your trip and having a great time
as you mix it up with the local flora and fauna, The birds and monkeys are especially cute.
Yes, Craig and I had a good trip to the Island and when we got there we went out with Cody for a bite and a drink before we headed to Craig's cousin Mike's and his lovely wife Joy's house for a bit a of a visit and a night cap before going to bed. Saturday, we enjoyed a morning coffee with Mike as Joy was off to work for a few hours (she's a physiotherapist) then picked Cody up to update his car insurance and then it was off to Costco for a huge shop, so Cody will be eating well for a few months. Then we took Cody for a great meal, drinks and dessert to celebrate his birthday and have a nice visit with him. Upon arrival at the condo we were met with three gorgeous blondes (his condo mate and two
of her friends) and cans of booze setup everywhere (about three or four) before we could even enter the kitchen with the groceries and he had to stop, get down on one knee and chug the drinks as he came upon them. Them were the rule!! And the party was on!!! The girls were just killing themselves laughing.
Of course, other friends were coming over soon to join in the celebration so Craig and I helped put stuffed away, wished Cody good luck and left the kids to their fun. Mike cooked us a wonderful shrimp stir fry as the rest of of sat around enjoying some good wine. We had a super evening!!! They are such wonderful people, very enjoyable.
Next morning due to high winds and heavy rains all sailings were put off
until further notice. We got to the ferry at about 9am and managed to get
on the first sailing of the day (12:30 noon). We were the third last car they loaded. Rain continued to Abbotsford. We had a really nice visit with Craig's mom. She was in good spirits, healthy and happy. Then the it was a slug of a drive to get home.... through the heavy rain with fog and water pooling on the highway, then sleet, then heavy snow with a bit of a standstill due to a jack-knifed semi across both lanes(on the other of road thank God), then blowing snow with poor visibility, but slowly and safely, Craig got us home. Just outside of Peachland it was dry pavement and not a sign of rain or snow. Back at home I will try again for a bridge game as Mike says he well enough to play. Hugs to both you and Corrine, Olly
Hi Social Whirlwinders! Quite enjoyed your Island exploits but sounded as if it was more than a marathon journey to drive home! Glad you arrived without mishap. Hope bridge works out. Fondestos from Lady Dar, happy, with a brimming glass of white wine! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Matthew, I confirm that you can stay in a double twin room with Patrick if you like to join the trip. I have checked the hotels. In all of them it is possible to change a single room for a double room. If you are interested, please let me know as soon as possible. Katarina Hello Polish Bike Trip People! Glad you'll be my bunk mate Glasgow! At some point, we'll need to synchronize watches, in terms of meeting up. I'm sure, Katarina can advise. Where will you be flying to, from Vancouver? Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!Great. I will be flying straight to Krakow. So will meet up there. Will be leaving there also. Take care. ��🚴♂️ Hi Glasgow! Are you flying to London first? Anway, I presume we'll meet at the hotel Katarina has booked. Did you see this? Fondestos from Her Ladyship to you and Catherine. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Such a cute little guy. Did you sing to him? Yes, we have no bananas. Kevin and I enjoyed a wonderful Robbie Burns Night with our SOWTS group. We had 113 for dinner and 100 Tasters. Bowmore's Devil's Cut was the hit of the evening ($287.00 a bottle), It is now selling for over $600 in the secondary market. A fine scotch indeed. I am overly excited because this time next week I will be sitting on the beach in Kauai with a scotch and a book.
Sounds like your trip is wonderful as well. I love getting your photos and hearing about your adventures. You really should start a blog and then share it with everyone. Continue to have a wonderful time, and love to you both. Dame Judith Hi Dame Judith! Congratulations, indeed, on the SOWTS Robbie Burns Night! Perhaps Lady Dar will buy me a bottle of Bowmore's Devil's Cut! Glad you are enjoying pics. I wanted to sing to the Capuchin but my first notes cracked the window pane! Are you sure your over-excitement isn't due to the kazoos rather than the thought of a beach and a book? Fondestos from her, to you and Kevin! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi there Patrizzio! Thanks for the narration and the pictures.. hummingbirds and other birds are cute, as for bats… still not my fav… even after the information…. All good around here… rain tomorrow… but not too cold… lots of snow in the ski hills..! Hi to Corrine! Cheers! Joan Hi Joan! Glad you enjoyed the hummingbirds. Sorry about the bats although I find them wonderful creatures. Fondestos from Her Ladyship to you, Joan. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Valued Owner, Please find attached the first newsletter of 2018. If you have any questions regarding the information included, please let me know and I would be happy to help. With care, DEANNA DEMPSEY Director of Owner Relations SPIRIT RIDGE LAKE RESORT. WINERY + SACRED LAND.
Hi there Patrizzio! Thanks for the narration and the pictures.. hummingbirds and other birds are cute, as for bats… still not my fav… even after the information…. All good around here… rain tomorrow… but not too cold… lots of snow in the ski hills..! Hi to Corrine! Cheers! Joan Hi Joan! Glad you enjoyed the hummingbirds. Sorry about the bats although I find them wonderful creatures. Fondestos from Her Ladyship to you, Joan. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Valued Owner, Please find attached the first newsletter of 2018. If you have any questions regarding the information included, please let me know and I would be happy to help. With care, DEANNA DEMPSEY Director of Owner Relations SPIRIT RIDGE LAKE RESORT. WINERY + SACRED LAND.
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