God made everything out of nothing, but the nothingness shows through. -Paul Valery, poet and philosopher (1871-1945)
Naomi Parker Fraley, Who Likely Inspired 'Rosie The Riveter' Poster, Dead At 96
Naomi Parker Fraley was 20 years old when she and her younger sister, Ada, went to work at the Naval Air Station in Alameda, California, following Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. They were tasked with drilling and patching airplane wings and riveting, The New York Times reported. A photographer touring the station snapped a photo of Fraley wearing a red-and-white polka-dot bandana as she worked a vertical turret lathe, and the image was published in newspapers around the country.
[She was actually a California girl, not a Michigan girl after all. Thanks for the info.Mom]
Up at just before 5:00 am but fell back to sleep, the extremely strong winds still howling around our bungalow, shaking the windows and whipping the trees with furious gusts. Almost feel as if we are on the high seas in full blown hurricane at times, so fierce and unrelenting are the blasts. Bungalows at Hotel El Bosque do not have TV so we listened to BBC World Service on my laptop, after we were up, and enjoyed the intelligent coverage, especially after CNN earlier in trip. Will probably tune in to CBC later as we have not heard a peep about Canada since we left Penticton.
[She was actually a California girl, not a Michigan girl after all. Thanks for the info.Mom]
Up at just before 5:00 am but fell back to sleep, the extremely strong winds still howling around our bungalow, shaking the windows and whipping the trees with furious gusts. Almost feel as if we are on the high seas in full blown hurricane at times, so fierce and unrelenting are the blasts. Bungalows at Hotel El Bosque do not have TV so we listened to BBC World Service on my laptop, after we were up, and enjoyed the intelligent coverage, especially after CNN earlier in trip. Will probably tune in to CBC later as we have not heard a peep about Canada since we left Penticton.
Back from breakfast where we saw a White-faced
monkey clambering over the balcony outside eating area. Will be
collected at 10:15 am to visit Treetop Walkways and Hanging Bridges, as
well as a Hummingbird Park. Tonight we are signed up for a Night Walk,
near here, when we hope to see more native wildlife. Sun is shining but
wind still relentless. Hope it is not too strong when we reach Selvatura
Park as sometimes, we understand, the walkways and hanging bridges are
closed, for reasons of safety, obviously. Nicky and Patrick are planning
to zip-line but Lady Dar refused even after I offered to pay!
[Hi Clarisse! You and the "real Rosie" could be twins! No wonder your favourite son-in-law gave such a good looking gal like you the nickname! Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!]
Just back from a simply wonderful time walking the Hanging Bridges and then spending time with these glorious hummingbirds in the adjacent garden. Such incredible creatures. To be able to see them up close, their furious wings fanning the air around your face and head and then to have them perch on one's fingers, their tiny claws, soft as soft can be, when feeding, is pure, unadulterated magic. How very, very fortunate we were to have been able to experience such dazzling, iridescent beauty and delightful quirky behaviour. One of the hummingbirds which perched on my finger would sit back, after drinking, and another would immediately take its place. Ready to return to the feeder the one on my finger would give the one feeding a couple of quick taps on the head with its beak, as if to say, "Time's up Bub, my turn again!" Makes me smile just remembering the miniature magnificence housing a formidable heart!
Hummingbirds: <https://youtu.be/ciiZeZ2CxQo>
Silvana Harwood Wow. Love the colours Colleen Teahan Waldron The only creature on earth with an energy level equal to yours Patricio! Chloe Alexis Dunn Sounds magical indeed!!
Clara Durston Wish we had hummingbirds like that here, love the colours
After we were back from Selvatura Park we strolled into the bakery near our Lodge and were treated to the sight of a number of glorious birds at the feeders there! Judy B Pratt Awesome Ruth Chang Looks like paradise!
Just back from a simply wonderful time walking the Hanging Bridges and then spending time with these glorious hummingbirds in the adjacent garden. Such incredible creatures. To be able to see them up close, their furious wings fanning the air around your face and head and then to have them perch on one's fingers, their tiny claws, soft as soft can be, when feeding, is pure, unadulterated magic. How very, very fortunate we were to have been able to experience such dazzling, iridescent beauty and delightful quirky behaviour. One of the hummingbirds which perched on my finger would sit back, after drinking, and another would immediately take its place. Ready to return to the feeder the one on my finger would give the one feeding a couple of quick taps on the head with its beak, as if to say, "Time's up Bub, my turn again!" Makes me smile just remembering the miniature magnificence housing a formidable heart!
Hummingbirds: <https://youtu.be/ciiZeZ2CxQo>
Silvana Harwood Wow. Love the colours Colleen Teahan Waldron The only creature on earth with an energy level equal to yours Patricio! Chloe Alexis Dunn Sounds magical indeed!!

After we were back from Selvatura Park we strolled into the bakery near our Lodge and were treated to the sight of a number of glorious birds at the feeders there! Judy B Pratt Awesome Ruth Chang Looks like paradise!
you guys, I am glad you are having a good adventure. Patrick,
seriously, I charge you with keeping Corinne healthy and in one piece!
Do your job well--because the rest of us love that woman. As for winter
in The Hat, we have had January daytime highs in the +6/7 range and
daytime highs in the - 28/29 range. It's Alberta in January!
Of course Duplicate Bridge supplies a great diversion. Leroy (my Thursday partner) and I took first place last week. That is such a rare occurrence that we need to brag. My new Tuesday partner is Mary Ann--we make our club debut this week. Mary Ann is just back from a visit to her home territory and around Atlanta. Sadly weather in Atlanta was mostly on a par with The Hat. But she did get to LA to see her Georgia Bull Dogs win the Rose Bowl.
Costa Rica is of course a favorite destination for Albertans as will you guys from BC. Jan and I spent a couple of weeks there back about 2 years ago. Brendan and Carole and girls were there last summer--zip lining through the tropical forest and romping in the pacific surf. And when the local weather dropped down to the -30 range, everybody was talking about Costa Rica. [Who would go to Hawaii where you wake up to texts telling you to take shelter from incoming missiles!] So enjoy the tropics. Get back to Penticton and join the Duplicate Bridge Club--to train for your next trip to The Hat. Watch out for Dana--he is one of ours! Love to all, Jim.
Hello Book Club Woman and Hat Man! Glad that you bumped into Dame Judith, Linda, and that she passed along book title. Both Lady Dar and I think you'll be a great addition to group, especially since you have such a fondness for fine wine! Thank you for your concern over Lady Dar, Dr Zircon, but am pleased to report that her "injuries", such as they were, were not nearly as serious as you might have inferred from my message. She is back on her feet and her back isn't bothering her anymore. Onward! Fight!!! Congratulations on your latest duplicate win! Bravo, indeed. You need to visit us in Penticton and you can be my partner and blame me when we do poorly! In fact, I do hope to start playing duplicate as I am bitterly jealous of all your endless, self-deprecating victory rantings!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Linda, and to you, 'umble Zircon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi O Susannah! Trust you are well. Enjoyed the newsletter so pleased to see the you are carrying on. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, O Susannah! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Of course Duplicate Bridge supplies a great diversion. Leroy (my Thursday partner) and I took first place last week. That is such a rare occurrence that we need to brag. My new Tuesday partner is Mary Ann--we make our club debut this week. Mary Ann is just back from a visit to her home territory and around Atlanta. Sadly weather in Atlanta was mostly on a par with The Hat. But she did get to LA to see her Georgia Bull Dogs win the Rose Bowl.
Costa Rica is of course a favorite destination for Albertans as will you guys from BC. Jan and I spent a couple of weeks there back about 2 years ago. Brendan and Carole and girls were there last summer--zip lining through the tropical forest and romping in the pacific surf. And when the local weather dropped down to the -30 range, everybody was talking about Costa Rica. [Who would go to Hawaii where you wake up to texts telling you to take shelter from incoming missiles!] So enjoy the tropics. Get back to Penticton and join the Duplicate Bridge Club--to train for your next trip to The Hat. Watch out for Dana--he is one of ours! Love to all, Jim.
Hello Book Club Woman and Hat Man! Glad that you bumped into Dame Judith, Linda, and that she passed along book title. Both Lady Dar and I think you'll be a great addition to group, especially since you have such a fondness for fine wine! Thank you for your concern over Lady Dar, Dr Zircon, but am pleased to report that her "injuries", such as they were, were not nearly as serious as you might have inferred from my message. She is back on her feet and her back isn't bothering her anymore. Onward! Fight!!! Congratulations on your latest duplicate win! Bravo, indeed. You need to visit us in Penticton and you can be my partner and blame me when we do poorly! In fact, I do hope to start playing duplicate as I am bitterly jealous of all your endless, self-deprecating victory rantings!!! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Linda, and to you, 'umble Zircon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi O Susannah! Trust you are well. Enjoyed the newsletter so pleased to see the you are carrying on. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, O Susannah! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello fellow Sensible Summerlanders, I know you are all on top of this, but this is the first "gentle reminder" for the public hearing. Very important that you come and take everybody you know who doesn't like this development either (not sure whether pets are allowed in!).
Thank you, talk to you next week :)) Aart Dronkers
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