Barricades of ideas are worth more than barricades of stones. -José Martí, revolutionary and poet (28 Jan 1853-1895)
Hi Corinne, We’ll be very happy to do dinner for your first night. Lynne will really appreciate your offer of dinner the second night. XXX Good Morning, Maî·tre d'Hô·tel Shadow Lake! Thank you for confirming our dinner reservations with the owner of your esteemed establishment! We look forward to our time there with great anticipation, although our accommodation, at present, is almost beyond compare.
Up at 6:30 am, after a very good sleep, (No air-conditioning needed as, here, it seems to cool off more, at night, than it did in Tamarindo.), awakened by the sound of birdsong outside our bedroom balcony. Quite a number of different voices in the choir, at least to my untutored ear, so certainly a treat. [When downstairs I looked outside to see if I could find any of the birds and found a darling Baltimore Oriole perched on a wire above the hotel's perimeter fence. I thanked it for the wake-up call and was rewarded with another few notes and chirps!] Negotiated the rather steep spiral staircase, very, very carefully as there isn't a handrail,. Basically we hang on to one of the narrow steps as we descend. All we need is a broken arm or leg, or worse, at this stage of the game.
Once in the kitchen I put on a pot of java as there is a large container of coffee on one of the shelves and while it burbled away did my first dishes since leaving Tinsel Town. Had rinsed the few things that I used to make last night's fabulous salad, [Tomatoe & avocado, topped with Cheddar cheese, (Last of a package we brought from Tamarindo, and remains of a jar of salsa, again muled from Tamarindo. Lady Dar's nose wrinkled so much that she almost resembled one of the bats we'd seen in Monteverde!)], before retiring so didn't take much to polish them off.

Lady Dar joined me twenty minutes later and put a small pot of water on the gas stove for her tea. She is now enjoying it, outside at the patio table, immersing herself in Paradise. We'll amble over for for breakfast sometime after 7:30 am when service begins. After that we haven't really decided upon the day's events.
I'd like to walk the beach towards the town, more an amorphous strip village, really, where many of the businesses, (Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, higher-end restaurants, and the like, are situated), near a roundabout, referred to as The Crossroads, in local parlance. In part, beach is choice simply because it is wonderful to walk along the shore, as I'm sure I need not remind anyone shoveling snow, but also because the unpaved road is extremely dusty.
In fact, we have already noticed that many ATV drivers and passengers, as well as motorcyclists wear face masks. About an hour or so, according to Vanessa, terrific staff person at Otro Lado, so we'll see how we feel once there as to whether we'll walk back or take a taxi. Will probably be baking hot by then and Lady Dar becomes krankier and krankier with each degree rise, whining about the need to immerse herself in the pool and relax in the hammock, in the shade, with a book and an IV drip of white wine with Patrizzio fanning her! Must away as my mug needs refilling with my truly delicious brew. Fondestos from Lady Dar, readying herself for breakfast, to you, Dom Jugos, and Lynne! Cheers, Patrizzio, fan wielder and scullion, sometimes stooping to handsome pool boy!
Pics: Lady Dar still a tad groggy! Pool. I noted that plastic wraps were placed on furniture so I assume there might well be some heavy dew; My office; Huge downstairs shower, almost like being outdoors; Where Lady Dar keeps her Swiss Francs and I hang my designer clothes! Upstairs shower and hommage to Vivian Maier; balcony outside our bedroom, which has a very comfy bed with reading lamps, so Lady Dar approves! Still life with coffee pot, tomato and avocado!
Greetings from Summerland. Thanks again for another very interesting reading. Without checking maps and so on, can you describe where you guys are in Costa Rica? We were there on a diving trip 4 years ago, somewhere at the central west coast area, don’t remember details now. Back to Summerland, and the game; my last hand on the last dealing of the night - I got the cards as below. But we are going to snowshoe today 😜 Cheers. Mike
Hi Michaelo, et al! What a fabulous, fabulous hand! Did you bid and make a Grand Slam or did your partner let you down? Chloë has been complaining about the snow but she doesn't go snow-shoeing! Have attached a couple of screen shots so you will have a better idea of where we were, Tamarindo, yesterday morning, and are, Santa Teresa-Mal Pais, now. Last place, Manuel Antonio, before one night at airport in San José, won't be an almost 10 hour drive as apparently we take a small ferry across the Gulf of Nicoya to reduce drive by five hours! I hope so, anyway! Must away as my mug needs refilling with the last of my truly delicious brew. Fondestos from Lady Dar, swaying in the hammock like an East Indian Princess, to you, Michaelo and Bridgettes All! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Still life with hammock, cat and book, three most important items in the life of an independently wealthy Canadian heiress, her fortune made in wine club stocks!!! Screen shots. Hi again Kids! Forgot to attach screen shots! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Hard-Studying Goil and Her Wonderfully Disobedient Kittens, et al!
Lady Dar went over for breakfast first so before I joined her I gave him a few bits of cheese which didn't last long, let me tell you. He looked very pleased as he was licking his whiskers! Anyway, after our delicious breakfast, [I enjoyed a ham and cheese Crêpe, delicious, but Lady Dar had to have scrambled eggs as no gluten-free Crêpes, poor, poor dear!], Nana went back to our room but I still had my freshly squeezed orange juice and java to finish, so I stayed behind and read a few more chapters on my latest book, John Sandfoord's Dark of the Moon, which I'm quite enjoying, even though it is set in Minnesota, Amy and Ian!
When I'd polished everything off, (took her two slices of toast for a sandwich, later today!), I found her in the hammock, happy as happy could be, and when I opened the door, Ciro came out. I guess I had locked him inside when I left earlier. Anyway, he went straight to the hammock and after kneading and settling, he was in heaven! I went back inside and he followed, after a bit, and when I got up to have a bit more coffee, he wrapped his front legs around my ankle, just like Duke often does, and one of his needle sharp claws puntured my skin! He knew, immediately, as I let out a bit of shout. Was afraid he'd really sink his claws in if I didn't protest right away. Anway, I'd be rather worried if I was a bird or a small iguana!
A few minutes ago, I popped over to Reception to ask about the cats' names and had a friendly chat with Nico, the owner, along with his wife, both from Milano. They built this place, from scratch, 11 years ago and just as I was about to leave, I managed to get a shot of him with Giro, the oldest of the felines. As soon as I've sent a few more messages, we're off to walk the beach and scope eateries! Love from Nana, reading on one of the sofas beside me, too hot for her now, even in the hammock! Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Pics: Have attached a couple of screen shots so you will have a better idea of where we were, Tamarindo, yesterday morning, and are, Santa Teresa-Mal Pais, now. Last place, Manuel Antonio, before one night at airport in San José, won't be an almost 10 hour drive as apparently we take a small ferry across the Gulf of Nicoya to reduce drive by five hours! I hope so, anyway! Computer whiz! Costa Rican "Shake a paw"! Soft touch for lovin'! Nico and Giro; Beach awaits!
Duke on the bed, Etta on the chair, let’s hope he’ll sleep till at least 5 am but I’m not expecting a miracle!!! Had a nice chat with grandma, zonked from studying, watching a new mystery show on showcase called Absentia about a FBI agent missing for 6 years who shows back up then is framed for murdering a bunch of different bad guys, dark and a bit scary. I’m taping it so you can watch when your home. Night, enjoy the beach!!! ❤️❤️
Hi Chloë, et al! Great snap of El Diablo! Almost looks like he's in a snowbank. Glad Miss Etta was on chair as opposed being atop one of the kitchen cabinets. Thanks for taping Absentia, as will be curious to see it, given your description.
Greetings and hugs to both of you chilin' folks who are enjoying nice warm weather. Again great pics Patrizzio! The pool looks soo inviting...Corinne I wish I could be in a hammock next to you instead in snow country Summerland. Killian has invited us to join him on a snow hike tomorrow so we will give it a go if not too much snow on the trails. Thanks to Judy for hosting Mike, Jos, and myself enjoyed a super evening. Judy playing more often with some ladies she met at the pool is even more of a Bridge shark so look out Patrizzio. Olly of course has played very little this year and has forgotten a lot of what she had learned. darn it!! Oh well, I'll just have to work it get it back.Right??? I'm glad that you both are having a great time....that the only way to fly. Hugs to you both, Olly
Dear Corinne and Patrick, Thanks for all the relaxing updates, while we are working our butts off to make the white blanket of snow disappear in our driveways. Enjoying the powder at the same time, skiing and snowshoeing like crazy. We miss you at bridge, but finally had a chance to play contract bridge for a change. You two, keep enjoying your time in Costa Rica and keep us in the loop. Big hug, Jos and Aart.
Hello Contract Bridge Players! Trust you are both well in spite of the fact that you are not playing Chicago! Glad you have enjoyed the snapolas although life seems busy as ever in winter wonderland. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you, Olga Polga and Josinta, as well as Craigola and Aarturo, of course! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings from Summerland. Thanks again for another very interesting reading. Without checking maps and so on, can you describe where you guys are in Costa Rica? We were there on a diving trip 4 years ago, somewhere at the central west coast area, don’t remember details now. Back to Summerland, and the game; my last hand on the last dealing of the night - I got the cards as below. But we are going to snowshoe today 😜 Cheers. Mike
Hi Michaelo, et al! What a fabulous, fabulous hand! Did you bid and make a Grand Slam or did your partner let you down? Chloë has been complaining about the snow but she doesn't go snow-shoeing! Have attached a couple of screen shots so you will have a better idea of where we were, Tamarindo, yesterday morning, and are, Santa Teresa-Mal Pais, now. Last place, Manuel Antonio, before one night at airport in San José, won't be an almost 10 hour drive as apparently we take a small ferry across the Gulf of Nicoya to reduce drive by five hours! I hope so, anyway! Must away as my mug needs refilling with the last of my truly delicious brew. Fondestos from Lady Dar, swaying in the hammock like an East Indian Princess, to you, Michaelo and Bridgettes All! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Still life with hammock, cat and book, three most important items in the life of an independently wealthy Canadian heiress, her fortune made in wine club stocks!!! Screen shots. Hi again Kids! Forgot to attach screen shots! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi again, Hard-Studying Goil and Her Wonderfully Disobedient Kittens, et al!
Thanks again, for the terrific shots of Miss Etta! [Etta’s such an adventurous girl. A late bloomer. You will need more organization to handle more buildings Anyway to reduce task time Hope weather improves soon Hugs Mom Note, from Patrizzio: Michaelo, from Summerland, sent me a picture latest snowfall, taken in front of their house, yesterday!] Think I mentioned that there are three felines here at Otro Lado, ( Gino, Pita, and Ciro, {pronounced Chiro}, and first one we met was Ciro. This morning he came inside, [Vanessa said he probably would as he quickly figured out a soft touch!], and jumped up on my "desk" to use the computer, to order dental crunchies from the Penticton SPCA!
Lady Dar went over for breakfast first so before I joined her I gave him a few bits of cheese which didn't last long, let me tell you. He looked very pleased as he was licking his whiskers! Anyway, after our delicious breakfast, [I enjoyed a ham and cheese Crêpe, delicious, but Lady Dar had to have scrambled eggs as no gluten-free Crêpes, poor, poor dear!], Nana went back to our room but I still had my freshly squeezed orange juice and java to finish, so I stayed behind and read a few more chapters on my latest book, John Sandfoord's Dark of the Moon, which I'm quite enjoying, even though it is set in Minnesota, Amy and Ian!
When I'd polished everything off, (took her two slices of toast for a sandwich, later today!), I found her in the hammock, happy as happy could be, and when I opened the door, Ciro came out. I guess I had locked him inside when I left earlier. Anyway, he went straight to the hammock and after kneading and settling, he was in heaven! I went back inside and he followed, after a bit, and when I got up to have a bit more coffee, he wrapped his front legs around my ankle, just like Duke often does, and one of his needle sharp claws puntured my skin! He knew, immediately, as I let out a bit of shout. Was afraid he'd really sink his claws in if I didn't protest right away. Anway, I'd be rather worried if I was a bird or a small iguana!
A few minutes ago, I popped over to Reception to ask about the cats' names and had a friendly chat with Nico, the owner, along with his wife, both from Milano. They built this place, from scratch, 11 years ago and just as I was about to leave, I managed to get a shot of him with Giro, the oldest of the felines. As soon as I've sent a few more messages, we're off to walk the beach and scope eateries! Love from Nana, reading on one of the sofas beside me, too hot for her now, even in the hammock! Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Thanks for update Patrick and when you will be here, you said noon on Sat 10th. You didn't say when you are leaving though. Is it morning of 13th? That would be good as I wanted to be here when you are and the plan is to leave for Grande canyon backpack on 13th Look forward to seeing you both and we'll cook supper evening of 10th!! bye Gill Hi again, Jack Rabbit! Yes, we will leave on the morning of the 13th, as early as you'd like so that you can hoof it to the Grand Canyon. Thanks for making dinner on the 10th. We'll be in the kitchen for rest of meals while with you. Must away as beach awaits, if I can pry Lady Dar away from Hammock, Ciro and her book! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Beach. Still life with Lady Dar, hammock, cat and book! Life indeed! Thanks and no need to rush out. You could even stay longer as Phil will here.keep taking care both of you Gill
Leaving Otro Lado at just before 1:00 pm, we walked the strip road to the Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, about fifty minutes from our place, as Lady Dar needed cash, and then returned on the beach. Stopped along the way and I frolicked in the surf like a kid. Wonderful temperature and waves fun to play in although a fairly strong undertow. Back by just about 3:00 pm and straight into the pool again for another hour or so, reading and chatting with other guests.
we returned to our room I put together a small plate of appetizers,
using the half tomato and avocado from last night, as well as some
cheese and crackers, enjoying them at our ground floor patio table. I
had a couple of Bavaria, local beer, while Lady Dar sipped, ever so
daintily, on the finest Chilean Sauvignon Blanc. Then it was time for
showers. After I posted a few messages we walked a couple of dusty blocks to an
Argentinian restaurant, El Facon, highly recommended by Vanessa. Place is quite laid back, with servers in tank tops and baseball caps, brims facing back. Still food was very tasty, if not quite as well presented as in Tamarindo and elsewhere in CR, in our experience. Bottle of Sauvignon Blanc was perfectly chilled, fresh and crisp, so helped to cool us off as it was a sultry evening.
Added treat was that a local performer, Micah, was live entertainment for an hour. He arrived just before our dinner was served. Our table happened to be quite close to where he was setting up his equipment so he sat down with us and we chatted until our food was served. He is originally from Maine, and came here, primarily to surf, escaping winters and snowboarding. I was delighted to "grill" him and find out a little about the life of a local and surfing culture here. He played an acoustic guitar and used a number of harmonicas as well, together with some recorded, back-up instrumentation.
We both liked his voice and many of his own songs, with insightful and arresting lyrics. Between numbers he would fill in some of the details that gave rise to the lyrics so it was a very pleasant performance. After the hour was up, he sat with us for a bit, before he decided what he would have for dinner. Guess a meal is all or part of his remuneration. He took Lady Dar's advice and ordered the tuna steak. Thanking him and wishing him well, with both surfing and his music, we said goodnight. Don't really think he has any burning aspirations to break into the commercial entertainment scene but rather enjoys playing and composing songs that reflect his experiences of life, primarily as a way of understanding what this journey means to him.
An unexpected glimpse into the life and times of but one of the "surfer dudes" who populate this community. Toddled back to Otro Lado, enjoying the fact that there was little traffic and hence not as much dust. Had to chuckle when we passed through the eating area as both Ciro and Gino were sleeping on piles of cushions atop a couple of tables! Upstairs to sit on our balcony for a bit to chat about the day and then it was time to ready ourselves for bed as effects of surf and sun were making themselves felt.
Leaving Otro Lado at just before 1:00 pm, we walked the strip road to the Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, about fifty minutes from our place, as Lady Dar needed cash, and then returned on the beach. Stopped along the way and I frolicked in the surf like a kid. Wonderful temperature and waves fun to play in although a fairly strong undertow. Back by just about 3:00 pm and straight into the pool again for another hour or so, reading and chatting with other guests.
Added treat was that a local performer, Micah, was live entertainment for an hour. He arrived just before our dinner was served. Our table happened to be quite close to where he was setting up his equipment so he sat down with us and we chatted until our food was served. He is originally from Maine, and came here, primarily to surf, escaping winters and snowboarding. I was delighted to "grill" him and find out a little about the life of a local and surfing culture here. He played an acoustic guitar and used a number of harmonicas as well, together with some recorded, back-up instrumentation.
We both liked his voice and many of his own songs, with insightful and arresting lyrics. Between numbers he would fill in some of the details that gave rise to the lyrics so it was a very pleasant performance. After the hour was up, he sat with us for a bit, before he decided what he would have for dinner. Guess a meal is all or part of his remuneration. He took Lady Dar's advice and ordered the tuna steak. Thanking him and wishing him well, with both surfing and his music, we said goodnight. Don't really think he has any burning aspirations to break into the commercial entertainment scene but rather enjoys playing and composing songs that reflect his experiences of life, primarily as a way of understanding what this journey means to him.
An unexpected glimpse into the life and times of but one of the "surfer dudes" who populate this community. Toddled back to Otro Lado, enjoying the fact that there was little traffic and hence not as much dust. Had to chuckle when we passed through the eating area as both Ciro and Gino were sleeping on piles of cushions atop a couple of tables! Upstairs to sit on our balcony for a bit to chat about the day and then it was time to ready ourselves for bed as effects of surf and sun were making themselves felt.
Duke on the bed, Etta on the chair, let’s hope he’ll sleep till at least 5 am but I’m not expecting a miracle!!! Had a nice chat with grandma, zonked from studying, watching a new mystery show on showcase called Absentia about a FBI agent missing for 6 years who shows back up then is framed for murdering a bunch of different bad guys, dark and a bit scary. I’m taping it so you can watch when your home. Night, enjoy the beach!!! ❤️❤️
Hi Chloë, et al! Great snap of El Diablo! Almost looks like he's in a snowbank. Glad Miss Etta was on chair as opposed being atop one of the kitchen cabinets. Thanks for taping Absentia, as will be curious to see it, given your description.
Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio! Pics: Bug for Reception Desk! Typical scene along The Strip. Choocheranian owns RE/MAX agency in Santa Teresa! Sandals off; Selfie time; Lady Dat at El Facon; Micah; Ciro; Gino; Hi Patrick, Thanks again for the lovely letter. I guess the fabulous times have to come to an end sometime. Safe travels home!! Marian Thank you, much appreciated! Sandee!
Short Hike for Monday Jan 29th: Not sure if I have the correct list which is one from one of Tony’s emails so should be OK…………in any case I will lead a short hike tomorrow on either Conkle or Cartwright at Summerland. Bring your gaiters and snow cleats or whatever works for you. Sorry for such short notice folks, but I was undecided with the snowfall if a hike would be OK….let’s just find out! I promise a shorter hike back to Summerland by noon or so. So…..840 am at Home Hardware Penticton for carpool to Summerland IGA for 900 am start. No need to reply to this email just show up if you can……Also anyone interested in a ski day at Apex this week please let me know and we can do something there too if there is some interest…..I will be going for sure. Cheers…..Kilian Hi Killian I'll see you tomorrow at IGA and yes I'd love to go skiing so count me in. Hugs, Olly
Hello Osoyoos! Are you Snow-bound Folk? Trust you are both well. Glad you enjoyed Rosita's card.Fondestos from her, to you, Sandee and Arv.Cheers, Patrizzio!
Short Hike for Monday Jan 29th: Not sure if I have the correct list which is one from one of Tony’s emails so should be OK…………in any case I will lead a short hike tomorrow on either Conkle or Cartwright at Summerland. Bring your gaiters and snow cleats or whatever works for you. Sorry for such short notice folks, but I was undecided with the snowfall if a hike would be OK….let’s just find out! I promise a shorter hike back to Summerland by noon or so. So…..840 am at Home Hardware Penticton for carpool to Summerland IGA for 900 am start. No need to reply to this email just show up if you can……Also anyone interested in a ski day at Apex this week please let me know and we can do something there too if there is some interest…..I will be going for sure. Cheers…..Kilian Hi Killian I'll see you tomorrow at IGA and yes I'd love to go skiing so count me in. Hugs, Olly
Greetings and hugs to both of you chilin' folks who are enjoying nice warm weather. Again great pics Patrizzio! The pool looks soo inviting...Corinne I wish I could be in a hammock next to you instead in snow country Summerland. Killian has invited us to join him on a snow hike tomorrow so we will give it a go if not too much snow on the trails. Thanks to Judy for hosting Mike, Jos, and myself enjoyed a super evening. Judy playing more often with some ladies she met at the pool is even more of a Bridge shark so look out Patrizzio. Olly of course has played very little this year and has forgotten a lot of what she had learned. darn it!! Oh well, I'll just have to work it get it back.Right??? I'm glad that you both are having a great time....that the only way to fly. Hugs to you both, Olly
Dear Corinne and Patrick, Thanks for all the relaxing updates, while we are working our butts off to make the white blanket of snow disappear in our driveways. Enjoying the powder at the same time, skiing and snowshoeing like crazy. We miss you at bridge, but finally had a chance to play contract bridge for a change. You two, keep enjoying your time in Costa Rica and keep us in the loop. Big hug, Jos and Aart.
Hello Contract Bridge Players! Trust you are both well in spite of the fact that you are not playing Chicago! Glad you have enjoyed the snapolas although life seems busy as ever in winter wonderland. Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you, Olga Polga and Josinta, as well as Craigola and Aarturo, of course! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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