In any free society, the conflict between social conformity and individual liberty is permanent, unresolvable, and necessary. -Kathleen Norris, novelist and columnist (27 Jul 1880-1966)
Martyn Brown: The curious timing of the whisky raid on Fets & friends | Georgia Straight Vancouver's News & Entertainment Weekly Crazy!
Hi Colin! Thank you for the more than interesting article on The Untouchables! I am much enamoured of the Scotch
Malt Whisky Society's offerings. While I don't belong I have had the
opportunity to taste quite a few of their bottling, over the years,
primarily at VWF Dram Come True. In fact, I'm probably going to attend
this event this coming March 9th. Will be curious to hear what the real
backstory is then! Fondestos from Her Ladyship to Gail and to you, Colin! Cheers, Patrizzio! Great snaps, looks like it's just a fab place all around! Xoxo
All of this beautiful. And Pat, at your funeral, in the distant, distant future, I promise to tell the story of you requesting a bar fridge from front desk; I can just imagine this exchange and I'm lol'ing, as the kids say🤣🤣. Safe journey. Love to you both. Maya Hi Maya, et al! Cannot think of a better story to tell at my wake! Bravo, indeed! Cheers, Patrizzio! Are you suggesting that we pull up stakes and move to Walnut Crick, or are you in fact willing to stay in Oakland with us? If you are willing to stay in this famously dangerous city, what with the police, the gangs and the arachnids, we indeed should be in town in February and so far no one has staked a claim to the futon. Cactus Hello Pseudo-Walnut Crickers! No, please don't pull up stakes and move! Had the following disclaimer from Amos:
![]() |
Torch-bearing Hymen, in the center, holds Psyche’s hand as Cupid places a ring on her finger
Detail from The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche
Art: Pompeo Batoni, 1756
see you are having a great time. We will be here as far as I know. The only problem is with sleeping over - we just do not have space for that. Otherwise it would be nice to get together again. Love, Pat & Amos
being the case, I will write back and suggest a gathering, perhaps a
meal at their place, (if they have room for that!), but otherwise it
would be wonderful if Natasha and Boris will still have us. Thanks for
the most generous offer, of course. Fondestos from Her Ladyship to you both. I'll be in
touch once I've heard back from Living in a Black Hole Amos! Cheers,
Patrizzio/Il Conduttore!
Hello Patrizia and Amos! Trust you are both well. Not to worry about lack of space as we now have confirmed reservations at Villa Vicente. However, perhaps a gathering, or a meal your place, as we'd be delighted to see your community. Anyway, let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
Hi Patrick, It sounds like you and Corinne are enjoying your Costa Rica adventure. I do have concern, however, that you may have inhaled too much batshit as it seems your brain is addled. Your Palm Desert reservation is for the nights of Monday February 5 and Tuesday February 6, checking out Wednesday February 7 (not January). All is well here in the desert. The sun shines every day and life goes on apace. Have a wonderful time in CR and we look forward to hearing about it over a glass or two. Cheers, Peter
Hello Patrizia and Amos! Trust you are both well. Not to worry about lack of space as we now have confirmed reservations at Villa Vicente. However, perhaps a gathering, or a meal your place, as we'd be delighted to see your community. Anyway, let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, It sounds like you and Corinne are enjoying your Costa Rica adventure. I do have concern, however, that you may have inhaled too much batshit as it seems your brain is addled. Your Palm Desert reservation is for the nights of Monday February 5 and Tuesday February 6, checking out Wednesday February 7 (not January). All is well here in the desert. The sun shines every day and life goes on apace. Have a wonderful time in CR and we look forward to hearing about it over a glass or two. Cheers, Peter
Dearest Jugos Dom Pedro! Thank you for the more than speedy reply and confirmation of our reservations! However, the bat fecal matter you so crassly refer to is, in fact, bat guano, a highly sought after commodity and one of the side effects of its ingestion is like drinking from the Fountain of Youth. Hence, my mistake in the month of our arrival. We are actually becoming younger the longer we stay. I expect Lady Dar wil be wearing diapers by the time we knock on your door, if you would be so kind as to to remind us of your address.
Other than that, yes, we are certainly enjoying Costa Rica. Left Monteverde
just after 8:00 am this morning, mainly on unpaved roads, through the
mountains, with the surrounding hillsides reminding us, very much of the
hill country in the tea plantation regions of India. One absolutely
delightful and totally unexpected treat occurred when we stopped for a
break and encountered three gorgeous Macaws and a stunning Toucan in the
trees near the café. When the Macaws flew from branch to branch it was
as if a gigantic hand fan, brilliantly rainbow coloured, exploded before
our eyes! By this time we were on very well paved highways and so sped
along, dropping two other couples at various hotels before Tamarindo,
where we are now staying. Very, very pleased with our accommodation, but
a few steps from small, though lovely pool. Only complaint we have is
that there is nary a hook to be found for bathing suits, and the like!
Not a big deal but silly as not a big expense for management and would
make life at the beach that much more comfortable.
after we did a bit of unpacking we realized that our room did not have a
bar fridge so I went to Reception and a few minutes later, one was
delivered. No hooks but refrigeration on demand! Then I took a stroll
into town to buy hootch, (white wine, Cacique, [local white rum], fruit
juice mixer, and a six-pack of Bavaria, a local beer), and when back I
joined Lady Dar for a refreshing swim to then relax
afterwards, reading next to the pool. Quick nap after and then,
showered and changed, we popped around the corner to the Green Papaya
and enjoyed wonderful, wonderful shrimp tacos, (shrimps fried lightly in
garlic butter), on a bed of chopped red cabbage, garnished with slices
of avocado. Dynamite sauce piquante and salsa! Divine and best we've had
since being on the beach in San Francisco, I believe, when in
Guayabitos! Plenty of other highly recommended spots so looking forward
to more finds.
Pics: Coco, local Capuchin at our hotel, El Bosque, in Monteverde, this morning; hill country; Macaws and Toucan, en route; Lady Dar, a bird of a different feather, knocking back an Imperial, another local beer, on our small, but very pleasant patio, after unpacking. Great shots of the birds in the trees! Nice one of Lady Dar on your patio … extra nice touch with the running shoes beside her on the ledge! Looks like paradise….Cheers! Joan Hi again, Joan! I'm glad you appreciated the runners! I though they gave the shot an added dimension! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Joan. Cheers, Patrizzio! Great pictures ….again! You guys must be having a ball..! Winnipeggers on your tour! That’s funny! The food looks super… and the weather too…. rotten day here… rainy and windy… and cold..whine whine..Great that you have that fridge for the libations… love it..Hi to Corinne from me.. she looks verrrrry relaxed… wish I was there!! Cheers! Joan
Great e-mail. Thanks. Interestingly I was just reading an article about the fact that Bats are almost on the extinct list. They are dying in large numbers because of the "White Nose Virus:. Did your guide mention anything about that.
Today is my prepack day. Hard to get everything in a backpack, or carryon.. I will succeed though. Take care Judi Hi Pre-Pack Goil! Trust you managed to squeeze everything into your allotted space. I've become quite good at re-packing since we had been here, moving from spot to spot, taking care to pack things I know I should not need at the bottom so I don't have to take everything out to find something! Fondestos from Her Ladyship to you and Kevin. Cheers, Patrizzio! Looks beautiful!
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