Don't ask me who's influenced me. A lion is made up of the lambs he's
digested, and I've been reading all my life. -Giorgos Seferis, writer,
diplomat, Nobel laureate (13 Mar 1900-1971)
Hi Raymond, et al! Thanks for best wishes. All going extremely well. See attachment for more. Just learning how to use "dictation" and it is terrific. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio, aka Petite Seal!
Hi Raymond, et al! Thanks for best wishes. All going extremely well. See attachment for more. Just learning how to use "dictation" and it is terrific. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio, aka Petite Seal!
Email messaging hello Rolando just back
from the hospital and must say that I could not be more please with the results
I had my operation yesterday morning Took a boat 2 ½ hours and when I woke up
from the general anesthetic it was as if I was waking up normally had no side
effects from the anesthetic and the anesthesiologist Head place blockers on my
shoulder area which extended Down to my right hand so my thumb and fingers
we’re frozen when I first woke up.
once I was in the hospital room my hands
start to unthaw and I was even feeling well enough to start in Rankins latest
novel which I received for Christmas and haven’t had time to start you may know
in a house of lies I had taken Michael Conley’s latest dark secret Knight in
fact Chloe’s Christmas presents from her grandmother however it was in the
small overnight bag which wasn’t delivered until later yesterday evening to my
room in the bag where my reading glasses so lady Darr very kindly let me in her
very very expensive Reading glasses to enable me to start on the book I had a
great night no pain whatsoever but my heart went out 23 other people in the
room one pork chop badly smashed Apparently and two older ladies one trip on
some sheets she was folding fractured her hip the other lady what’s up pruning
some trees a Daughter way back to the house trip a small snowbank and fractured
her elbow she was quite lucky inasmuch as neighbor sorry because you couldn’t
pick yourself up off The road anyway Karen pick me up at noon this morning and
I’m back home now
Sara the nursing who was in you can care of me yesterday and
this morning alerted me to the dictation device on my computer so now I will be
able to send even longer emails which I’m sure will make all my friends and
relatives extremely happy you will notice lapses in punctuation spelling I’ll
party System anyway I just wanted to thank you for your best wishes and I’m off
to have a bit of a laydown and rest my my elbow again I’ve got a prescription
for fairly strong pain medication but so far I’ve only been taking Tylenol
extra strength I’m Quite pleased about that trust all goes well in Vancouver
and dad hope to be in touch over the next a while
all the best cheers petite seal PS I love the translation Patrick the Italian Patrick! And It works fabulously the translation device and me I mean not not my shoulder yet but that seems to be doing quite nicely as well as mentioned above Glad all went well AND that you found a new toy in the process! AEB
verb tr.: To explain something,
especially to a woman, in a condescending manner assuming ignorance on
the part of the person spoken to, while the reverse is often true.]
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Illustration: Dylan Thurgood |
![]() |
A selfie with President Obama on the flight deck of the USS Carl Vinson
Pete Souza/The White House
all the best cheers petite seal PS I love the translation Patrick the Italian Patrick! And It works fabulously the translation device and me I mean not not my shoulder yet but that seems to be doing quite nicely as well as mentioned above Glad all went well AND that you found a new toy in the process! AEB
Hello, [Lynn hello and hello Capital A and in hello and hello Capital a A and not and and in!], Ann, input manually! My
new toy is having some teething problems! Above greeting is an example.
Also having to use the mouse with my left hand so that is not a bad
thing either.
Overall I really cannot complain as my shoulder feels wonderful given what it is been through. Pretty sure that I'll be up for bridge next week so hope you might be able to join us. Given my mobility or lack thereof I think we will probably host. Have yet to send out a message asking people which night they prefer. Once this is done Will know more of course. Trust Theodore Reiki's is feeling better. All the best to you both. Cheers, petite seal AKA Patrick! Square bracket bracket symbol for bracket no luck manual bracket [petite seal is the translation, automatic, for the Italian version of Patrick in case you were wondering why am suddenly why I have suddenly morphed into a mammal swimming in the ocean!
Kids are here next week so I am being Grannie Annie 🤗 By the week after, ( March 25th), I will be looking for a game if there is a seat at a table. Cheers
AEB Hi Granny Annie! You'll always have a seat table even if you are Anne of Green Gables! Cheers, Patrick, also known as Alecia ratio please feel precio Patrick go definitely lost in translation exclamation! Thank you Michael for person microphone person bravo! Fantastic! So happy to hear about your shoulder and the new strides in technology Bravo! Hugs Kelly LoL Happy to hear you are doing so well and enjoying your new technology Patrizio! Hugs from OK Falls
Patrick, You’re going to be dangerous now! How’s the shoulder feeling? Peter Hello NARA Maca Aramark marination! Just wanted to send regards to you both and thank you again for your best wishes. Trust you back to settling in and now of course must think about packing! Holiday is really over! Cheers, Patrizzio, also known as Dangerous Done! Dunn!
Overall I really cannot complain as my shoulder feels wonderful given what it is been through. Pretty sure that I'll be up for bridge next week so hope you might be able to join us. Given my mobility or lack thereof I think we will probably host. Have yet to send out a message asking people which night they prefer. Once this is done Will know more of course. Trust Theodore Reiki's is feeling better. All the best to you both. Cheers, petite seal AKA Patrick! Square bracket bracket symbol for bracket no luck manual bracket [petite seal is the translation, automatic, for the Italian version of Patrick in case you were wondering why am suddenly why I have suddenly morphed into a mammal swimming in the ocean!
Kids are here next week so I am being Grannie Annie 🤗 By the week after, ( March 25th), I will be looking for a game if there is a seat at a table. Cheers
AEB Hi Granny Annie! You'll always have a seat table even if you are Anne of Green Gables! Cheers, Patrick, also known as Alecia ratio please feel precio Patrick go definitely lost in translation exclamation! Thank you Michael for person microphone person bravo! Fantastic! So happy to hear about your shoulder and the new strides in technology Bravo! Hugs Kelly LoL Happy to hear you are doing so well and enjoying your new technology Patrizio! Hugs from OK Falls
Patrick, You’re going to be dangerous now! How’s the shoulder feeling? Peter Hello NARA Maca Aramark marination! Just wanted to send regards to you both and thank you again for your best wishes. Trust you back to settling in and now of course must think about packing! Holiday is really over! Cheers, Patrizzio, also known as Dangerous Done! Dunn!
Hello Patrizzio, Just a little note wishing you well and a speedy recovery!
When you feel up to it please let me know how you are doing. Meanwhile sending you healing hugs, Olly Hello Olga Polga! Thanks again for your
best wishes! I'm really doing well so far you have nothing to complain
about except that Lady Darjeeling is tired of me already! I do hope that
your neck problems are being sorted out and that you are feeling much
better. I'll be sending out a message regarding bridge next week. I
think will host again as it is easier for me at this stage. Trust that
your roof is proceeding nicely now that the weather seems to have warmed
up. Best wishes from Lady Dog, [not my name but the translation!], also
known as Lady Darjeeling! Cheers Bethany seal, also known as Patrick!! I
am Bethany seal Bethany Siegel now Bethany Siegel!
Tummler, thanks for giving us
an update on the surgery. We are relieved to know it all went as
planned. Hopefully we can put your shoulder to the wheel and toast to
your health when we are in your 'hood. Our plan is to settle
in at our Osoyoos digs over the coming weekend and then visit you when
it works best for you next week. Or we are happy to host you in Osoyoos
if that suits you better. Look forward to seeing you. Fond regards to all, W & CJ
Hello gangster hello gig stir and calamity Jane exclamation mark! Using
this dictation device is actually quite interesting in as much as
Giorgio has turned into a hoodlum and a Stir stick for martinis! Thank
you for your reply and we certainly look forward to catching up with
everybody is Maurita along? How does she like her new name? Thanks for
letting us know that you will be settling in this weekend. At the moment
I think I would prefer for you to visit us here has I am more
comfortable in my own surroundings, at least for the time being. I
gather from your latest email that you will be arriving in a Soyuz, [are
you taking a Russian satellite?], on the 15th of this month. Give us a
shout when you are settled and we can make more detailed plans. Must
away as I need to lay a fire since lady dark, [dark lady indeed! That's
her new name by the way! She has been offered a roll in the last season
of game of thrones!], refuses to do same! Fund Estos, [a new bit
currency!], and cheers, tumler patrizio, [first time spelled Sammy send
me semi semi correctly!] And you'll conduct daughter! Ill conductor!
Technically speaking the conductor is ailing! He has given up attempting
to conduct his daughters Long ago! Glad you're home safe and sound xoxo, Ayn
Wonderful news! We will call you one night this week to check in and see how you are progressing. Love Marilyn xoxo Hi Colleen thanks very much are you best wishes you are the guinea pig
or my first dictation in email I I wasn't sure exactly how to perform
function in messaging so now that this works you are an for reams and
reams Messages better turn off your Internet connection! Fonda stills he
eat Lost in translation! Hello to big Molly Best wishes from Lady dark
watching the Young and the useless! Cheers take seal you lots of laughs
bye for now Patrick System understands English supposed to Italian. Hi small gasket!
So glad to hear of the successful surgery and your condition afterwards being so tolerable. I was going to phone last night but by the time I settled on to the couch it was slightly after 9:30 so thought it best to wait. Really looking forward to the longer and lacking it spaces or punctuation!!. I find with my speech app on my phone that I can speak the punctuation and it will insert it ie. Period, comma, etc. Take care and we will talk soon. Cheers, Al
Hello speak app's beach app Speech app expert! I really enjoy all the lost in automatic translation wordplay! Must say that I find that I can hardly believe that I am experiencing so little discomfort after my surgery. Only took extra strength Tylenol today before I left the hospital and then last night when I went to bed. Life back home revolves around me doing a series of very basic and limited arm exercises and then having a nap. I sleep for an hour or so and then return to my computer to dictate away. Lady Darjeeling is taking very good care of me so I cannot complain about the nursing. Just wanted to send regards to you both and thank you again for your best wishes. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Rosemary! Thanks for all your good wishes as they must have all come true! I'm back home being pampered by the cats if not by Lady Darjeeling and Chloë! Just wanted to say that if you weeks ago I bumped into Val and Dan and they would like to get together with everyone for a meal. In case you don't have their number here it is. They are both well and looking forward who a visit with us I now have a better idea of where they live so I'm hoping Lady Darjeeling and I might pop by sometime before you and André arrive. Must away as the cook has prepared a wonderful dinner and Chloë just walked in the door. Fond regards from The Sisterhood and Cheers from the one armed Bandito Bethany Seo also known as Patrick [Anthony Seo is how this system translates the Italian variation Patrick!] Pics: Tuesday when back from OR; in chair in hospital room before being discharged this morning and then at home.
So glad to hear of the successful surgery and your condition afterwards being so tolerable. I was going to phone last night but by the time I settled on to the couch it was slightly after 9:30 so thought it best to wait. Really looking forward to the longer and lacking it spaces or punctuation!!. I find with my speech app on my phone that I can speak the punctuation and it will insert it ie. Period, comma, etc. Take care and we will talk soon. Cheers, Al
Hello speak app's beach app Speech app expert! I really enjoy all the lost in automatic translation wordplay! Must say that I find that I can hardly believe that I am experiencing so little discomfort after my surgery. Only took extra strength Tylenol today before I left the hospital and then last night when I went to bed. Life back home revolves around me doing a series of very basic and limited arm exercises and then having a nap. I sleep for an hour or so and then return to my computer to dictate away. Lady Darjeeling is taking very good care of me so I cannot complain about the nursing. Just wanted to send regards to you both and thank you again for your best wishes. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Rosemary! Thanks for all your good wishes as they must have all come true! I'm back home being pampered by the cats if not by Lady Darjeeling and Chloë! Just wanted to say that if you weeks ago I bumped into Val and Dan and they would like to get together with everyone for a meal. In case you don't have their number here it is. They are both well and looking forward who a visit with us I now have a better idea of where they live so I'm hoping Lady Darjeeling and I might pop by sometime before you and André arrive. Must away as the cook has prepared a wonderful dinner and Chloë just walked in the door. Fond regards from The Sisterhood and Cheers from the one armed Bandito Bethany Seo also known as Patrick [Anthony Seo is how this system translates the Italian variation Patrick!] Pics: Tuesday when back from OR; in chair in hospital room before being discharged this morning and then at home.
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