The greatest part of a writer's time is spent in reading, in order to
write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book. -Samuel
Johnson, lexicographer (1709-1784)
Kjell Gösta Nilsson shared “San Pancho, Mexico, 2019” with you! Hello San Pancho-ites! Trust you are both well. I do apologize for not being in touch sooner. Did enjoy your wonderful album and it brought back many lovely memories of time we spent there, last time we were staying in Guyabitos. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Kittens have taken pity on me last few mornings and today I wasn't even disturbed by El Diablo. Miss Etta, curled up at the foot of the bed, rose when I did at just after 7:00 am. When I was preparing my java Duke appeared and I treated them to wet food since I was so appreciative of having an unbroken sleep! Worked away at messaging until close to 9:30 am and then readied myself to go to the pool. When I chatted with Bill Laven there, earlier in week, he mentioned Sunday mornings, when facility opens at 10:00 am, is relatively quiet, so I thought I'd try this time out. Turned out to be just as he described. Deep end was almost empty so I could do my water walking without having to dodge hordes of youngsters shrieking while hurling themselves into water.
two hours in the pool and can feel the increase in my lung capacity.
When I first started this regimen I needed to breath through my mouth
much of the time whereas over last few weeks I can breath normally. [I
also notice that I'm not huffing and puffing as much when making
prolonged steep ascents while snowshoeing, so pleased, overall, with my
developing cardiovasular endurance, one of my main goals for staying
here over winter.] Furthermore, my right shoulder is not quite as sore
when I sleep at night. Enjoyed a number of sessions in steam room and
hot tub and bumped into Gordon Pasha there for a swim, although Bill
never showed up while I was around.
Had forgotten that the Home Show was on so after I dropped my swim bag back in car I strolled over to Convention Centre, having been stopped twice by people looking for parking spots, hoping I was leaving!
First booth I came across was Argon Solar, a company, out of Oliver, Chloë had been approached by to make a presentation to Quorum. Chap I talked to remembered her and spoke very highly of her. I arranged for him to come over, in a couple of weeks, and give us an estimate. Know it is probably not possible in next little while but I thought it might help us decide whether to proceed, or not, if we have a better idea of costs involved, etc. Then, almost next door was booth for G. Little, company which installed our on-demand unit. Owner called me by name and we had a friendly chat.
Continued wandering, much the same as in past years but still fun to browse. Next I bumped into Kid Chelene. He was there with Derek and his girlfriend so we chatted for a bit. Apparently Flamin' is feeling much better since her wonder treatment when last here. She will come up a week earlier, before time at Spirit Ridge over Easter. Said goodbye and continued to troll exhibits and as I was passing a booth I heard my name called. Didn't recognize woman when I first saw her and then I realized it was Barbara, Christian's wife. You will remember he had his two hips replaced when I was in for my second. One of his businesses is Above the Board Renos & More and so that was why they were there. Had a good visit. Both are very well and received our Christmas Open House invitation but were out of town at time. Hope to see them at some point, most likely some time after my surgery.
With all the people I'd bumped into I decided it was time to go and since I'd scoped out most of the action I headed for the Ocean Sales booth where I'd succumbed to the midway, high pressure pitch and purchased a set of ceramic pots! Buying three one receives three frying pans, three different spatulas and a small, collapsible cart to wheel your purchases away on! Almost free!!! I trust the black and white, (frying pans), and steel-gray, (pots), will fit into your colour scheme, Lady Dar. Many of our older pots are starting to look a bit "tired" and one can always use frying pans. Anyway, as I was walking out the exit, pulling my cart a lady behind me asked how much things had cost. When I turned around to answer her I realized it was Val and Dan, Andre's friends from Gallagher Lake, now living in in Naramata.
Had a fairly long chat with them and found out precisely where they live, past Hillside on the lakeside of Naramata Road, right off the street, in a fixer-upper, according to Val. Unfortunately, with sub-zero temperatures of late, a pipe burst so they are in the process of having to completely redo their basement. At the time they were working on renovating their kitchen. At any rate, they would like to get together when Rosemary and Andre are in town so I told them I'd be in touch. Waved goodbye and headed home.
Was after 3:00 pm by then so I didn't have all that much time to ready dinner for Chloë and myself as well as laying fire and such. [As planned, Chloë was to come for dinner and we needed to watch last few episodes of True Detective. Neither of us have had time, over last few weekends. Need to finish off Fargo as well so no time for tidying up garage, Lady Dar!] She came around 6:00 pm and played with the kittens until everything was ready. We watched last few episodes of True Detective and then she headed home, disappoined that Duke wouldn't sleep on her lap. I was ready for bed myself as I wanted to read before turning out light. Hi Patrick. I’ll see you Monday morning👍 Luigi Hi again, Bruno! Thanks! See you tomorrow morning. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Kittens have taken pity on me last few mornings and today I wasn't even disturbed by El Diablo. Miss Etta, curled up at the foot of the bed, rose when I did at just after 7:00 am. When I was preparing my java Duke appeared and I treated them to wet food since I was so appreciative of having an unbroken sleep! Worked away at messaging until close to 9:30 am and then readied myself to go to the pool. When I chatted with Bill Laven there, earlier in week, he mentioned Sunday mornings, when facility opens at 10:00 am, is relatively quiet, so I thought I'd try this time out. Turned out to be just as he described. Deep end was almost empty so I could do my water walking without having to dodge hordes of youngsters shrieking while hurling themselves into water.
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“Deck the Halls with Buddy Holly” for “Deck the halls with boughs of holly” |
Had forgotten that the Home Show was on so after I dropped my swim bag back in car I strolled over to Convention Centre, having been stopped twice by people looking for parking spots, hoping I was leaving!
First booth I came across was Argon Solar, a company, out of Oliver, Chloë had been approached by to make a presentation to Quorum. Chap I talked to remembered her and spoke very highly of her. I arranged for him to come over, in a couple of weeks, and give us an estimate. Know it is probably not possible in next little while but I thought it might help us decide whether to proceed, or not, if we have a better idea of costs involved, etc. Then, almost next door was booth for G. Little, company which installed our on-demand unit. Owner called me by name and we had a friendly chat.
Continued wandering, much the same as in past years but still fun to browse. Next I bumped into Kid Chelene. He was there with Derek and his girlfriend so we chatted for a bit. Apparently Flamin' is feeling much better since her wonder treatment when last here. She will come up a week earlier, before time at Spirit Ridge over Easter. Said goodbye and continued to troll exhibits and as I was passing a booth I heard my name called. Didn't recognize woman when I first saw her and then I realized it was Barbara, Christian's wife. You will remember he had his two hips replaced when I was in for my second. One of his businesses is Above the Board Renos & More and so that was why they were there. Had a good visit. Both are very well and received our Christmas Open House invitation but were out of town at time. Hope to see them at some point, most likely some time after my surgery.
With all the people I'd bumped into I decided it was time to go and since I'd scoped out most of the action I headed for the Ocean Sales booth where I'd succumbed to the midway, high pressure pitch and purchased a set of ceramic pots! Buying three one receives three frying pans, three different spatulas and a small, collapsible cart to wheel your purchases away on! Almost free!!! I trust the black and white, (frying pans), and steel-gray, (pots), will fit into your colour scheme, Lady Dar. Many of our older pots are starting to look a bit "tired" and one can always use frying pans. Anyway, as I was walking out the exit, pulling my cart a lady behind me asked how much things had cost. When I turned around to answer her I realized it was Val and Dan, Andre's friends from Gallagher Lake, now living in in Naramata.
Had a fairly long chat with them and found out precisely where they live, past Hillside on the lakeside of Naramata Road, right off the street, in a fixer-upper, according to Val. Unfortunately, with sub-zero temperatures of late, a pipe burst so they are in the process of having to completely redo their basement. At the time they were working on renovating their kitchen. At any rate, they would like to get together when Rosemary and Andre are in town so I told them I'd be in touch. Waved goodbye and headed home.
Was after 3:00 pm by then so I didn't have all that much time to ready dinner for Chloë and myself as well as laying fire and such. [As planned, Chloë was to come for dinner and we needed to watch last few episodes of True Detective. Neither of us have had time, over last few weekends. Need to finish off Fargo as well so no time for tidying up garage, Lady Dar!] She came around 6:00 pm and played with the kittens until everything was ready. We watched last few episodes of True Detective and then she headed home, disappoined that Duke wouldn't sleep on her lap. I was ready for bed myself as I wanted to read before turning out light. Hi Patrick. I’ll see you Monday morning👍 Luigi Hi again, Bruno! Thanks! See you tomorrow morning. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Four No-Trumpers! I must apologize for not sending out an earlier message about this week's game. Too, too busy reading Bridge for Dummies! I assume most people still find Monday works best, [At least that was the consensus last Monday.], so I will suggest we play tomorrow evening. I will host. Please let me know who would like to play so that I can set up for two tables if we have enough players. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! I'm in. If you there's room I would like to play. Cheers carol Hi Carolina! Welcome back! There is always room for you! Look forward to hearing about your holiday. Cheers, Patrizzio! Sorry I have to miss this week. Jos
Hi Patrick, Trying to get ready for visitors and have gotten hit by a nasty cold. 🤧 No time for such foolishness! Have bailed on my Tuesday bridge....sure don't want to pass this bug it on. There were 11 tables at the Grannies in Oliver....a pleasant crowd & good lunch. Judy was under the weather and I was making some calls looking for a replacement when another friend called that her partner couldn't play so we teamed up for the day. Hopefully I'll be ready to get back to the Monday night game by the week of the 25th Hope the cards are cooperative Monday night. AEB Hi Green Gables! Sorry to hear that you are suffering from a cold. Always a drag let alone with coming coming. Glad GFA tournament went well. No luck with this week's game as only Carolina and I were able to play. Anyway, take care of yourself and look forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrizzio, Just wondering if you would like to join me for Bridge at the Church in Summerland on Tuesday at 12:45. Hi Olga Polga! I'd be delighted to be your partner. See you at the Church! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hugs, Olly Looking forward to it! Hugs, Olly
Hi Patrice, I am sorry for not sending along congratulations earlier on the birth of Olivia Rose but did respond to Ayn’s facebook post with a blanket congratulations to the family. Of course this was meant as a quick response with an intended heartfelt personal congrats follow up in mind. That is very wonderful news indeed and I could not be happier for you all!. Thanks for the pictures and accounting of your visitations with Toshi and the other freeloaders!. I am genuinely very happy to see such good times and outings being had with family and friends and look forward to a visit soon as well.
I did wind up working all week including yesterday but it was quite relaxed as far as film schedules go. We were out in the Dundarave area of West Van at an old de commissioned bridge that used to serve as a bridge of hwy 1 before becoming hwy 99 after Horse shoe bay. We had to teeter a car over the edge of said bridge as a young girl scrambles out the back to safety before it plummets into the gorge below. The plummeting will actually be done on a gimbal with the aid of visual effects on stage later this coming week.
I have not made a commitment to the series yet as I am having a hard time forming the words but am just doing my work for which they are happy and thankful, comically Wayne the SPFX coordinator keeps alluding to me working on the show and announces to the rest of the crew that the most important thing on the show is to make sure that Al is happy! Slightly embarrassing but partly in jest at least so I laugh along. Turns out the studios are just down on Byrne road where I could literally walk to work if I wanted or ride a bike and that along with their talk of allowing me to work a week on and a week off or whatever else it takes for me to sign up keeps me interested so will continue to mull it over lol, perhaps extracting even more perks from them!!.
Colleen was up at the cabin for a girls night and I had a bit of a sleep in but will head over to have a visit with Mom and maybe go and get a washer for the rental cabin. It struck me when you mentioned Spirit Ridge that perhaps it would be a possible investment for us to look at if in fact we do sell it. From what you said it sounded like a revenue positive investment with little headache. Anyway, I should get going on other things now, have a great day and ttys. Cheers, and love to you and the extended family! Al
Hi Happy Sunshine Valley People!
Sorry to take
so long to reply to your last missive. It goes without saying that we
were both most distressed to learn of Sue's terrible diagnosis. Please
pass along our love. Our thoughts are with her and family. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio PS: Pitturas spectaculare of car over gorge!
Hi Patrick, Thanks, we are very excited to visit our first grandchild. He's already very observant and calm just like his Mom was as a baby. I can't wait to hold him. It'll be such a treat to spend some time with all of them. I'm sure Corinne is over the moon, as well, with the first great grandchild, Olivia. We'll have to get these two 2019 babies together at some point. It's great that you've been able to do lots of outdoor trekking this winter. It's been lovely here, too. Enjoy your last few weeks of winter! Ruth P.S. We'll be taking lots of pics of Emry during our visit to share with everyone!
Dearest Patrick Greeting from Japan!! My flight was pleasant and no delay or anything for the transit. It was absolutely wonderful to see you and Chloe! Eta and Duke! And to be able to have great company of Greg, Cody and Dustin.
Thank you so much for such an amazing time in Penticton! I enjoyed every minutes of it!! Thank you for photos too! I love them!! I already miss you and Canada so much... My roommate made us dinner when I got home. It was really nice of her! I go back to Osaka tomorrow to see my mom, so I will show her your video! Please find the pictures I took in Penticton. Thank you again!! I keep in touch! Love, Toshiko
Hi Toshi! Sorry to take so long to reply to your last missive. This message has been spurred by hearing from both Greg and Dustin who mentioned how much fun it was to meet you! Trust you are well and that your Mother's treatments are proceeding. Please give her our best wishes and love. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you both, Toshi. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio
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