A story should have a beginning, a middle, and an end, but not
necessarily in that order. -Jean-Luc Godard, film director (b. 3 Dec
I was by b4 2pm and left a bag at yr frt door. Cheers, Susan Hi O Susannah!
Sorry I missed you. I thought I'd be home by 1:00 pm but after doctor's appointment I managed to squeeze in both a pedicure and a haircut! Then I popped by Chloë's as Lady Dar needed car to run a few errands. She dropped me off back at Burns but you had obviously come and gone. Thanks so much for the simply adorable toque and mittens! They are absolutely delightful so thanks again for them and all the other wonderful gifts you have given to Chloë and Rowan James.

I thank you all for allowing me to indulge my enjoyment in knitting. Susan Hi Knitting Needles Woman! Please don't go away as there will be plenty of opportunity for more knitting indulgence in Rowan James' future, I'm sure! Just back from another entertaining evening at The Winnipeg Zoo! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Rowan James celebrating his one week old birthday! Please note Robo-Nanny in last snap. [Re-gifted birthday present from me. When Chloë
was working for Urban Barn the store sold these, one Christmas. I
always took extremely good care of it and even kept original box so it
will be worth millions when RJ is a teenager and he needs to buy my
malt!] Mr Doubtfire is expertly programmed to change and feed Rowan at the appropriate times so Chloë and Lady Dar can finally sleep through the night! The wonders of AI! He'S a keeper, that'S for sure! S
Hi Ski and The Great Ronaldo! Trust you are both well. Thanks for the lovely thoughts and best wishes for both Rowan and Chloë. Full morning today. I had a doctor's appointment, [Annual check-up and all well so pleased, of course.], at 10:30I managed to squeeze in both a pedicure and a haircut afterwards! Friend, Carol, [From bike trip in Poland. She and her husband Tom, (on bike trip as well), live in Naramata.], was one seat over so we had a pleasant chat. Then I popped by Chloë's as Lady Dar needed car to run a few errands. She dropped me off back at Burns but I missed another friend, O Susannah, from bridge group, who had obviously come and gone. She left a simply adorable toque and mittens! She is quite an accomplished knitter and had given Chloë a lovely receiving blanket earlier. They are both absolutely delightful. Chloë has received many other wonderful gifts for Rowan James.
I'll be heading back over to Winnipeg Street around 6:00 pm as Lady Dar is preparing her delish home-made pizza. Will need to pick out a hearty red to compliment her pièces de résistance! Might even have to sample a few to make sure I find something I know she'll appreciate! [Settled upon a 2015 Upper Bench Pinot Noir, 14.5%! Jammy Gangbuster indeed!!!] Fondestos to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
This is what I have so far for December …. 3 dates left. For those who chose 2 dates, I am giving everyone 1 choice first. Hazel sent me this reminder: Elliott Brood is sold out with potential of standing room only. Knacker's Yard could be a potential sell out as well. Brent Tyler possibly also. Carole I am so sorry, I forgot my sister got tickets for the Bony M concert so I can’t do my turn on Dec.7. Can anyone trade for with me for another date, or are there any dates left, Carol? I am so sorry-I am usually pretty reliable....Again, sorry. Maureen.
Hi All! I can volunteer on December 7th but I'd still like the December 10th slot. If this works, let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello and thank you very much Patrick for filling in. Yes by all means December 10th is yours! I am still looking for someone to do this Thursday December 5 and Saturday December 14th. Thanks, Carole Thanks so much Patrick for doing the 7! I think I have Altzheimers....I would love to take Saturday, the 14. Carol It has been a bit of a struggle but December is done except for this Thursday the 5th. Thanks all.
Tim Kelly The setting glow of the Sun in Sydney due to the continuing bush fire smoke that has been blown in from the Hunter Valley and the Blue Mountains. Sadly there is no end in sight. Now the ash falling from the sky is ending up in our Dam is causing an Algal Bloom
Patrick James Dunn Quite similar to our summer in 2018, here in the Okanagan. On a much more positive note, Rowan James celebrated his One Week Old Birthday today!
Hi Dearest Marps! Thank you for the lovely, lovely card and heartfelt expressions of love and congratulations. Quite a little package is our Rowan James, tugging at our heart strings every moment since his birth. I headed back over to Winnipeg Street around 6:30 pm for dinner, with a 2015 Upper Bench Pinot Noir, 14.5%! Fondestos to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Great pictures Patrick. He looks so tiny in Chloë and Corinne’s hands. My word he has a lot of cute outfits - a fashion plate already. Sounds like he is off to a good start in life with lots of love surrounding him. Your pampered pussy cats may revolt as they may feel neglected! Dawn Hi Fashion Commentator! Yes, quite a little clothes horse, already, is our Rowan James! Of course, what else could one expect with a Fashionista for a Grandmother? I have to tell both Lady Dar and Chloë what I will be wearing before I'm allowed to leave Burns Street or the Fashion Police won't let me in the door! Fondestos to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Thanks for the Epic email!
I actually loved your description of your new life as a grandfather - good you can still fit in your steam, hot tub ,water walking and swims! Cloe looks great, and Rowan is absolutely adorable -what a time you and Corrine are going to have helping Cloe! You have new meaning in your life. I’m presently in San Jose Costa Rica starting a hike at 3am tomorrow morning.
It’s called El Camino Costa Rica. It’s a 13 day hike and we will cover close to 300km. I’ll post on Facebook photos and I’ll try to write a daily journal . I’m not as inclined to write like you. So far Ron and I are enjoying San Lorenzo a small town near San Jose. The owner has been taxing us around so we were able to hike a volcano today. We got absolutely soaked so now our hiking boots are wet starting out tomorrow ! C’est la vie ! I have to go pay our bill and get ready for the morning I will send you another email when I have wifi .
Here’s my Christmas letter - I will get home too late to send cards. Keep up the good work Grandpa! Is that what you are going to be called? Say hi to Cloe, Lady Dar and Rowan. Love Rhoda
Dear Friends: I hope this Christmas letter finds you well. At the moment, Ron and I are on a plane flying to Costa Rica. We will be there until December 18th so I thought I would send a Christmas greeting by email this year instead of a card. We are going to hike the El Camino Costa Rica starting from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. I will not be able to communicate too much due to the fact we are In the mountains and wifi will be intermittent. It’s a guided hike, With 3 meals/day and accommodation. It is only a few years in existence so it should be an adventure.
So why are we going in Dec.? Ron is trying to work 2 months on and 1 month off slowly working towards retirement. December happens to be one of the months, but he has to be back to work Christmas. I’m not sure when he will completely retire- what would he do?
My life has been so busy having just completed my 9th year with Celtic Colours. I finished off my last day (Friday Nov. 29th) with volunteer appreciation party for 300 Organized by moi, but with lots of help from staff and my Volunteer Committee. The festival was a huge success selling out approximately 48 out of 52 shows. My brother Gordon visited and was an enthusiastic volunteer travelling the island and helping out. I’m still teaching yoga and a cancer survivor “Get Moving” exercise class- keeps me on my toes!
Dinao, Maggie and Sam are great. Dinao is presently looking for work in the Expressive Art Therapy field in Sydney. Maggie’s business, Maggie-Jayne, is surviving with Maggie working to create fashion that is sustainable, wearable, fun, and affordable leaving as little an environmental footprint as possible. It’s a challenge that keeps her busy. Sam and Kayla are in there 3rd year residency at University of Virginia (Sam/Anesthesiology - Kayla/Psychiatry) but the big news is on March 26th 2019 they had Benson.
So Ron and I are grandparents. We spent 5 weeks with them in the spring helping out and babysitting since Kayla returned to work at 12 weeks so she wouldn’t lose her year of residency. He is so sweet and we will go stay with them again in May or June and hang out with Benson. Well that gives you a little catch up information. I wanted to say hello. Wish you a very merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love Rhoda and Ron
Hi Epic El
Caminoites! What
a wonderful, wonderful trip! Trust all goes well and that your
hiking boots have dried out by now! We certainly enjoyed our month in
Costa Rica, two years ago now. Certainly found your Christmas letter a
lovely, newsy encapsulation of past year. However, I must say, I was
terribly "hurt", nay devastated, by your extremely caustic comment on my
on-going physical
activity. I could just as easily chide you for abandoning Benson to trek
through the jungles of Costa Rica, indulging your own appetite for
adventure. At least I stay in the same city, not like some who fly
thousands of kms away from their grandchild! Hee Hee! Fondestos to you both. Hike well. Stay well. Search for WiFi!
Cheers, Patrizzio!
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