Every man in the world is better than someone else. And not as good as
someone else. -William Saroyan, writer (1908-1981)
You must be out of breath. Glad for baby Rowan. That should keep you busy. I think you did all that traveling in anticipation of having to be a Grandfather.
Good to hear about your travels. Makes me tired but I am thinking we should be doing something around the states. I just can't get started. Gail
Good to hear about your travels. Makes me tired but I am thinking we should be doing something around the states. I just can't get started. Gail
Hi Too Too Comfortable Marco Island Folk! Not out of breath with Rowan but wish same could be said for the pool! I
started back swimming, a few weeks ago now, and this past Thursday I managed to flounder
my way to the two mile mark! How will you be spending Christmas? What
are you up to for New Year's Eve? We will attend a gathering hosted by
Beckster and Kid
Chelene at their place in Sendero. Chloƫ and Rowan will attend as well.
Don't think it will be a particularly late night for us, [newly
re-minted grandparents!], as we are hosting our Open House the next day, January 1st, so would be great if you two could "chopper in"!
Stay well. Healthy New
Year! Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling. Cheers, Patrizzio
Hi Santiago Ski!!!! Pleased you enjoyed the card. Thanks for lovely wishes. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Ski, and The Great Ronaldo. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Holidays 2019 Getting close to the wire here but just wanted to get my greeting card up on my blog before December 25. This year, I switched to a snowman theme and put a contemporary spin on their creation. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! All the best in 2020! Deborah Hi Vegan Snowperson!!!! What a simply fabulous card! I should forward it to so many of the the strident vegans we know! Funnily enough, when we went out to Tratto, to celebrate Ayn's visit, the restaurant immediately next door has a great name as well. [See below.]
Thanks for the lovely wishes. How will you be spending Christmas? Stay well. Healthy New Year! Fondestos from The Burns Street Bistro, Staff and Management, [Her Imperiousness, Lady Darjeeling, usually lounging in a chaise-lounge, sipping extraordinarily expensive, expensive, expensive Chardooooonaaaaaay], of which I am the underpaid and constantly overworked, endlessly berated, under-appreciated, vilified scullion! But who can complain? All the best to you, Deborah. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hola, Patrizzio! Veganism is a Western conceit!!! And hardly any group
of people on Planet Earth is exclusively vegetarian. Not even in India, although most veggie people get that wrong. All being well, on Xmas day, I will be eating meat twice, turkey at lunch with my Mum and then whatever is on offer at the Korean Grill we go to after the Xmas
movie, (a default, not much else is open.) I look forward to sampling some of your local restos one of these days... Deborah P.S. Thanks for feedback about card and do feel free to share!
Hi Lady Di and Patrizzio II! Thank you for the lovely card and warm wishes. Looking ahead, we plan to drive down to LA this coming May to attend our eldest grandson's graduation so perhaps we may be able to arrange to get together, if you will around then. More when we concretize our travel dates. Fondestos from both of us to you, Diana and Patrick. Stay well. Healthy New Year! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Christmas Card, (Bridge), Players! Thanks for the most enjoyable evening this evening. Lady Dar was able to join us as Chloƫ whisked Rowan James away right after he drew the Ace of Spades! Thanks, as well, to the Lazy Bidder, aka Chooch aka Carolina, for the terrific cards, all the way from Mexico, no less. We'll use the the new decks in the New Year so everyone can see them. Until then we send warm wishes, from The Burns Street Bistro, for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year, to one and all. For those of you traveling, do so safely. Thanks for a fun evening, Patrick and Corinne. Great applies. Christmas blessings. Dianne
Hi Santiago Ski!!!! Pleased you enjoyed the card. Thanks for lovely wishes. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Ski, and The Great Ronaldo. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy Holidays 2019 Getting close to the wire here but just wanted to get my greeting card up on my blog before December 25. This year, I switched to a snowman theme and put a contemporary spin on their creation. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! All the best in 2020! Deborah Hi Vegan Snowperson!!!! What a simply fabulous card! I should forward it to so many of the the strident vegans we know! Funnily enough, when we went out to Tratto, to celebrate Ayn's visit, the restaurant immediately next door has a great name as well. [See below.]
Thanks for the lovely wishes. How will you be spending Christmas? Stay well. Healthy New Year! Fondestos from The Burns Street Bistro, Staff and Management, [Her Imperiousness, Lady Darjeeling, usually lounging in a chaise-lounge, sipping extraordinarily expensive, expensive, expensive Chardooooonaaaaaay], of which I am the underpaid and constantly overworked, endlessly berated, under-appreciated, vilified scullion! But who can complain? All the best to you, Deborah. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hola, Patrizzio! Veganism is a Western conceit!!! And hardly any group
of people on Planet Earth is exclusively vegetarian. Not even in India, although most veggie people get that wrong. All being well, on Xmas day, I will be eating meat twice, turkey at lunch with my Mum and then whatever is on offer at the Korean Grill we go to after the Xmas
movie, (a default, not much else is open.) I look forward to sampling some of your local restos one of these days... Deborah P.S. Thanks for feedback about card and do feel free to share!
Hi Lady Di and Patrizzio II! Thank you for the lovely card and warm wishes. Looking ahead, we plan to drive down to LA this coming May to attend our eldest grandson's graduation so perhaps we may be able to arrange to get together, if you will around then. More when we concretize our travel dates. Fondestos from both of us to you, Diana and Patrick. Stay well. Healthy New Year! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Christmas Card, (Bridge), Players! Thanks for the most enjoyable evening this evening. Lady Dar was able to join us as Chloƫ whisked Rowan James away right after he drew the Ace of Spades! Thanks, as well, to the Lazy Bidder, aka Chooch aka Carolina, for the terrific cards, all the way from Mexico, no less. We'll use the the new decks in the New Year so everyone can see them. Until then we send warm wishes, from The Burns Street Bistro, for a Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year, to one and all. For those of you traveling, do so safely. Thanks for a fun evening, Patrick and Corinne. Great applies. Christmas blessings. Dianne

Hello Famiglia! Rowan James played his first bridge game tonight, drawing the Ace of Spades without even opening his eyes, so confident was he! Wonder who takes after him on the snooze front! Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Hi O Susannah! Thank you for the wonderful Christmas card and New Year's wishes. Rowan James continues to do extremely well and is over 10 lbs now. Baby Beluga indeed! Stay well dear friend. Healthy New Year, Fondestos and Best Wishes from Lady Dar and I, to you and Marnie. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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