Only the hand that erases can write the true thing. -Meister Eckhart,
theologian (c. 1260-1327)
El Diablo is probably as demanding as Rowan James since he had me up at 6:45 am. Didn't really mind as I had plenty to do before Lady Dar would be popping by shortly to bring the car over as I need to run a few errands this morning.
I had a physio appointment at 9:30 am so Lady Dar drove over from Winnipeg St to pick me up as she had needed the car yesterday. I dropped her back at Chloë's before proceeding to the hospital. Once there Irene gave me a few new exercises for my shoulder and then I headed home to pick up a few things that Lady Dar wanted me to bring over to Winnipeg. Did a few chores there and then made a quick trip to Canadian Tire to buy a Dust Buster for Chloë as until she has a central vacuum system installed she needs something for small jobs, etc.
I had a bowl of the scrumptious chili Lady Dar had made for dinner the night before and then I bid farewell to Rowan James, sleeping soundly in his bassinet.
Back home I chopped up some kindling and then tended the fire before starting on my shouldares. I had completed one set when Chloë phoned to ask if I'd drive her to City Hall as she had to straighten out some billing details having to do with her move from Sendero to Winnipeg. Was happy to do this of course but by the time I was back home I only had time to shower and change and then have a bite to eat. I had to return to Winnipeg as Lady Dar needed Kona for her meeting at Oasis that evening. Before that she dropped me off at The Dream as I was selling 50/50 tickets when Elliott Brood was performing. Chloë was extremely jealous as band is one of her favourites. I first heard them a few years ago, now, at Vancouver Folk Fest.
Even though I was reasonably early I enjoyed myself, visiting with Wade, chap who regularly looks after merchandise table and chatting with a number of the servers I've come to know since I started volunteering. Just after 7:00 pm Hazel gave her regular spiel about 50/50 tickets and then I started to sell to the sell-out crowd. One of the fans happened to be someone in the book club Chloë belongs to. Earlier that day Chloë told me to look out for Mel and her two young sons, Ronin and Felix, so I had an enjoyable chat with them, along with one of the former owners of Joy Road Catering, Dana. Also met the cousin, Claude, of the drummer, Steve Pitkin, [percussion, sampler, and backing vocals], the Executive Director of the Edmonton Folk Festival, although he lives in Kelowna.
Before the band went on, I had a chance to shake hands with them and mentioned I'd seen them three or four years ago, at the VFF. However, Mark Sasso, [lead vocals, guitar, banjo, ukulele, harmonica, and kazoo], disabused me of this notion, reminding me that it had been eight years ago! After Hazel welcomed the group, Casey Laforet, [guitar, lead vocals, backing vocals, bass pedals, keys, and ukulele], started the set and they never let up, their driving energy, high amp beat and mesmerizing, inspired playing, electrifying the audience, many of whom were die-hard fans.
The band has an easy and appealing stage manner and are immensely entertaining with their banter before and after each number. Before I knew it the first set had concluded and during the intermission I had further opportunities to visit with Mel and Felix as well as brief chats with Steve and Mark. The second set was even more charged and almost immediately the place was on its feet, dancing at their tables or in the narrow aisles. With the announcement of the last song the audience went wild and once it was finished, refused to allow the band to leave. The encore, Miss You Now, turned the place into a bacchanalian dance party so it was quite a fitting way to end such a fabulously entertaining evening. Made my goodbyes to servers and Hazel, wishing everyone a Happy Christmas as I probably won't be back until January. Walk home was more than a delight as there had been a snowfall which carpeted the city. The pathway along Penticton Creek was a winter wonderland, with many Xmas coloured lights adding to the magic of the scene.
Didn't even need my gloves as it was very mild. When home I shovelled the front sidewalk, hoping that it wouldn't snow again, during the night. When I was finished I found both cats yawning and stretching, in the living room, and both went out to explore in the snow. Place was so cosy that I didn't even bother to stoke the fire and simply brushed and flossed and then went to bed to read. Almost finished Bill Browder's Red Notice and am finding it quite a disturbing exposé on Putin's Russia. Fascinating, morally bankrupt parallel between official Russian line on death of Sergei Magnitsky and Trump's denial of impeachment charges. Sorry, Satchmo, What an evil world!
Hi The Sisterhood! Here are a few snapolas from this morning/afternoon with Rowan James and then Elliott Brood performance at The Dream with recent snowfall along Penticton Creek on walk home. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Hi Alex and Kevin! Thanks so very much for the birthday wishes and the wonderful, wonderful present! Funnily enough, we had never tasted at Freemark Abbey although we have driven by it countless times on our visits to and stays in Calistoga. I decided I'd gladly accept it and let the Nota Bene age a little longer and perhaps have Chloë forget about it! Thanks again for such a marvellous present!
Since Maya wasn't flying out until Sunday evening we enjoyed dinner with her. I declined an offer to drink with meal as I was to take her to the airport. Just as dinner was about to be served, Flamin' called and asked if Maya wanted a ride as she was on same flight! I insisted she hitch-hike with her so I could then enjoy some hootch! Naturally, I cracked the Freemark. It was simply divine and I was even more delighted when I discovered that Maya only drinks white!
Friend, Susan, from Bridge Club, had given Chloë a toque and mittens, which she knit, a week ago and Rowan James wore the toque to the hospital, on Monday, for regular check-up, since being discharged, along with the very stylish sweater you and Alex sent to him. The entire Fashion Sisterhood was most impressed with his "threads"! So thanks, as well, of course, for such a lovely, thoughtful gift. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, to one and all, Patrizzio! Pic: Stylish sweater, worn for hospital visit!
Hi Hazel! Have been meaning to send along these snapolas but Rowan James insisted I pay attention to him! See you this evening. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: I's got dem 'ol Dream Café Blues, Mama! Hi again, Hazel! What a fabulous, fabulous performance! Have attached the invitation for our Open House so hope you can pop by. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Performance and then walk home along Penticton Creek.
Patrick, I trust all is well with RJ and Chloe - and you and Corrine as
grand care givers and support team. I came across the attached cartoon
(which you may well have seen in a New Yorker some time back) which
depicts my usual cognitive state when in a wine buying situation. We are
off to the annual UVic Retirees Association Xmas buffet at the UClub
tomorrow to kick off the festive season. Best wishes, John
Hi Befuddled Wine Buyer! Great cartoon! We have a number of small plates with similar New Yorker cartoons on each. One of my favourites shows a dating couple, at a restaurant, and the man says: "I want Chardonnay, but I like saying 'Pinot Grigio'" Another has the waiter showing the bottle, saying to the customer: "It's a full-bodied wine with hints of acrimony, partisanship, and mral outrage." With respect to your original, Lady Dar, when on the Reference Desk, often heard: "I can't remember the title, but the cover is red."
Anyway, trust you Xmas buffet was fun. Did you bump into Don Hamilton? Am attending the hiking group's Annual Christmas Picnic on Thursday. Usual spot is a place out of Summerland, along the KVR, right on a small river, so picturesque spot. Group went out on Monday to forage for firewood as we usually have a bonfire and roast sausages, etc. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Some of the pictures in Rowan's room. Sunday School Certificate was awarded to my Mom, in 1925. Paige, close friend of Chloë's. Elliott Brood performance and then along Penticton Creek on walk home.
Hi Pat Thanks for your message - I certainly appreciated the brevity! And the lovely photos....Chloë looks very relaxed and enjoying motherhood. Mike ended up in hospital but thank God after a barrage of tests he only needed a catheter and bag. He’s not happy that this will have to stay strapped to him while we’re on holiday and can only be removed in early January once we’re home - enforced celibacy is not his thing!!
Too many tales of woe here - Anna has a bad back, Lisa’s boys off school with colds, coughs and temperatures so she has had to take unpaid leave as Dave back in Iraq. Mother has been helping but now taking care of Madcap. Carol now fine after 2nd hip op - she is back at work 3 days a week and can walk unaided.
Wishing you all peace, joy and health. Lots of love to the girlies and Rowan Penny xx
Dearest Florence Nightingale! Terribly sorry to learn of all the nasty bugs and bags afflicting, seemingly everyone! However, heartened that Madcap must onlyspend time in a cloister and that Carol is recovering well. For our part, the care and feeding of Rowan James goes extremely well and the establishment of a routine is coming along nicely. Ayn arrives Thursday evening, around 8:00 pm or so. We are hoping that plane will be able to land as we have had quite a bit of snow over last few days and ceiling is quite low. Stay well, Nurse Florence and Fondestos to all The English Patients! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thank you for sharing the photos and thank you for attending the Tuneagers’ concert:) It was really nice to look out into the audience and see familiar faces:) Life must be pretty exciting with a newborn grandchild. I am looking forward to those days in our family. I have a Netflix recommendation for you…Saimdang: Memoir of Colour. It’s a Korean series. I thought the acting was superb and the costumes were wonderful. Enjoy the festive season! Pamela
Hi Chorister! Concert was a blast so thank you! Thanks, as well, for Netflix suggestion. Much appreciated. This past Jan/Feb I watched a modern day Korean murder mystery, police procedural, and found the cultural milieu simply fascinating so looking forward to this historical period piece. Thanks. For our part, the care and feeding of Rowan James goes extremely well and the establishment of a routine is coming along nicely. Ayn arrives Thursday evening, around 8:00 pm or so. We are hoping that plane will be able to land as, with snow over last few days the ceiling is quite low. With her here, Lady Dar will have another weekend "furlough" so she'll be back at Burns until Monday. Stay
well. Hope to see you and Famiglia Webster at our Open House on January 1st. Cheers, Patrizzio!
El Diablo is probably as demanding as Rowan James since he had me up at 6:45 am. Didn't really mind as I had plenty to do before Lady Dar would be popping by shortly to bring the car over as I need to run a few errands this morning.
I had a physio appointment at 9:30 am so Lady Dar drove over from Winnipeg St to pick me up as she had needed the car yesterday. I dropped her back at Chloë's before proceeding to the hospital. Once there Irene gave me a few new exercises for my shoulder and then I headed home to pick up a few things that Lady Dar wanted me to bring over to Winnipeg. Did a few chores there and then made a quick trip to Canadian Tire to buy a Dust Buster for Chloë as until she has a central vacuum system installed she needs something for small jobs, etc.
I had a bowl of the scrumptious chili Lady Dar had made for dinner the night before and then I bid farewell to Rowan James, sleeping soundly in his bassinet.
Back home I chopped up some kindling and then tended the fire before starting on my shouldares. I had completed one set when Chloë phoned to ask if I'd drive her to City Hall as she had to straighten out some billing details having to do with her move from Sendero to Winnipeg. Was happy to do this of course but by the time I was back home I only had time to shower and change and then have a bite to eat. I had to return to Winnipeg as Lady Dar needed Kona for her meeting at Oasis that evening. Before that she dropped me off at The Dream as I was selling 50/50 tickets when Elliott Brood was performing. Chloë was extremely jealous as band is one of her favourites. I first heard them a few years ago, now, at Vancouver Folk Fest.
Even though I was reasonably early I enjoyed myself, visiting with Wade, chap who regularly looks after merchandise table and chatting with a number of the servers I've come to know since I started volunteering. Just after 7:00 pm Hazel gave her regular spiel about 50/50 tickets and then I started to sell to the sell-out crowd. One of the fans happened to be someone in the book club Chloë belongs to. Earlier that day Chloë told me to look out for Mel and her two young sons, Ronin and Felix, so I had an enjoyable chat with them, along with one of the former owners of Joy Road Catering, Dana. Also met the cousin, Claude, of the drummer, Steve Pitkin, [percussion, sampler, and backing vocals], the Executive Director of the Edmonton Folk Festival, although he lives in Kelowna.
Before the band went on, I had a chance to shake hands with them and mentioned I'd seen them three or four years ago, at the VFF. However, Mark Sasso, [lead vocals, guitar, banjo, ukulele, harmonica, and kazoo], disabused me of this notion, reminding me that it had been eight years ago! After Hazel welcomed the group, Casey Laforet, [guitar, lead vocals, backing vocals, bass pedals, keys, and ukulele], started the set and they never let up, their driving energy, high amp beat and mesmerizing, inspired playing, electrifying the audience, many of whom were die-hard fans.
The band has an easy and appealing stage manner and are immensely entertaining with their banter before and after each number. Before I knew it the first set had concluded and during the intermission I had further opportunities to visit with Mel and Felix as well as brief chats with Steve and Mark. The second set was even more charged and almost immediately the place was on its feet, dancing at their tables or in the narrow aisles. With the announcement of the last song the audience went wild and once it was finished, refused to allow the band to leave. The encore, Miss You Now, turned the place into a bacchanalian dance party so it was quite a fitting way to end such a fabulously entertaining evening. Made my goodbyes to servers and Hazel, wishing everyone a Happy Christmas as I probably won't be back until January. Walk home was more than a delight as there had been a snowfall which carpeted the city. The pathway along Penticton Creek was a winter wonderland, with many Xmas coloured lights adding to the magic of the scene.
Didn't even need my gloves as it was very mild. When home I shovelled the front sidewalk, hoping that it wouldn't snow again, during the night. When I was finished I found both cats yawning and stretching, in the living room, and both went out to explore in the snow. Place was so cosy that I didn't even bother to stoke the fire and simply brushed and flossed and then went to bed to read. Almost finished Bill Browder's Red Notice and am finding it quite a disturbing exposé on Putin's Russia. Fascinating, morally bankrupt parallel between official Russian line on death of Sergei Magnitsky and Trump's denial of impeachment charges. Sorry, Satchmo, What an evil world!
Hi The Sisterhood! Here are a few snapolas from this morning/afternoon with Rowan James and then Elliott Brood performance at The Dream with recent snowfall along Penticton Creek on walk home. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick and Corrine, Greg and myself would be most happy to join you on the first in 2020. I would like to host Bridge this monday coming. Room for only 2 tables. Cheers Carol Rsvp
Hi Alex and Kevin! Thanks so very much for the birthday wishes and the wonderful, wonderful present! Funnily enough, we had never tasted at Freemark Abbey although we have driven by it countless times on our visits to and stays in Calistoga. I decided I'd gladly accept it and let the Nota Bene age a little longer and perhaps have Chloë forget about it! Thanks again for such a marvellous present!
Since Maya wasn't flying out until Sunday evening we enjoyed dinner with her. I declined an offer to drink with meal as I was to take her to the airport. Just as dinner was about to be served, Flamin' called and asked if Maya wanted a ride as she was on same flight! I insisted she hitch-hike with her so I could then enjoy some hootch! Naturally, I cracked the Freemark. It was simply divine and I was even more delighted when I discovered that Maya only drinks white!
Friend, Susan, from Bridge Club, had given Chloë a toque and mittens, which she knit, a week ago and Rowan James wore the toque to the hospital, on Monday, for regular check-up, since being discharged, along with the very stylish sweater you and Alex sent to him. The entire Fashion Sisterhood was most impressed with his "threads"! So thanks, as well, of course, for such a lovely, thoughtful gift. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, to one and all, Patrizzio! Pic: Stylish sweater, worn for hospital visit!
Hi Hazel! Have been meaning to send along these snapolas but Rowan James insisted I pay attention to him! See you this evening. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: I's got dem 'ol Dream Café Blues, Mama! Hi again, Hazel! What a fabulous, fabulous performance! Have attached the invitation for our Open House so hope you can pop by. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Performance and then walk home along Penticton Creek.
![]() |
New Yorker! |
Hi Befuddled Wine Buyer! Great cartoon! We have a number of small plates with similar New Yorker cartoons on each. One of my favourites shows a dating couple, at a restaurant, and the man says: "I want Chardonnay, but I like saying 'Pinot Grigio'" Another has the waiter showing the bottle, saying to the customer: "It's a full-bodied wine with hints of acrimony, partisanship, and mral outrage." With respect to your original, Lady Dar, when on the Reference Desk, often heard: "I can't remember the title, but the cover is red."
Anyway, trust you Xmas buffet was fun. Did you bump into Don Hamilton? Am attending the hiking group's Annual Christmas Picnic on Thursday. Usual spot is a place out of Summerland, along the KVR, right on a small river, so picturesque spot. Group went out on Monday to forage for firewood as we usually have a bonfire and roast sausages, etc. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Some of the pictures in Rowan's room. Sunday School Certificate was awarded to my Mom, in 1925. Paige, close friend of Chloë's. Elliott Brood performance and then along Penticton Creek on walk home.
Hi Pat Thanks for your message - I certainly appreciated the brevity! And the lovely photos....Chloë looks very relaxed and enjoying motherhood. Mike ended up in hospital but thank God after a barrage of tests he only needed a catheter and bag. He’s not happy that this will have to stay strapped to him while we’re on holiday and can only be removed in early January once we’re home - enforced celibacy is not his thing!!
Too many tales of woe here - Anna has a bad back, Lisa’s boys off school with colds, coughs and temperatures so she has had to take unpaid leave as Dave back in Iraq. Mother has been helping but now taking care of Madcap. Carol now fine after 2nd hip op - she is back at work 3 days a week and can walk unaided.
Wishing you all peace, joy and health. Lots of love to the girlies and Rowan Penny xx
Dearest Florence Nightingale! Terribly sorry to learn of all the nasty bugs and bags afflicting, seemingly everyone! However, heartened that Madcap must onlyspend time in a cloister and that Carol is recovering well. For our part, the care and feeding of Rowan James goes extremely well and the establishment of a routine is coming along nicely. Ayn arrives Thursday evening, around 8:00 pm or so. We are hoping that plane will be able to land as we have had quite a bit of snow over last few days and ceiling is quite low. Stay well, Nurse Florence and Fondestos to all The English Patients! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thank you for sharing the photos and thank you for attending the Tuneagers’ concert:) It was really nice to look out into the audience and see familiar faces:) Life must be pretty exciting with a newborn grandchild. I am looking forward to those days in our family. I have a Netflix recommendation for you…Saimdang: Memoir of Colour. It’s a Korean series. I thought the acting was superb and the costumes were wonderful. Enjoy the festive season! Pamela
Hi Chorister! Concert was a blast so thank you! Thanks, as well, for Netflix suggestion. Much appreciated. This past Jan/Feb I watched a modern day Korean murder mystery, police procedural, and found the cultural milieu simply fascinating so looking forward to this historical period piece. Thanks. For our part, the care and feeding of Rowan James goes extremely well and the establishment of a routine is coming along nicely. Ayn arrives Thursday evening, around 8:00 pm or so. We are hoping that plane will be able to land as, with snow over last few days the ceiling is quite low. With her here, Lady Dar will have another weekend "furlough" so she'll be back at Burns until Monday. Stay
well. Hope to see you and Famiglia Webster at our Open House on January 1st. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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