Michelangelo was put out to nurse by Lodovico in that
village with the wife of a stonecutter: wherefore the same
Michelangelo, discoursing once with Vasari, said to him jestingly,
‘Giorgio, if I have anything of the good in my brain, it has come from
my being born in the pure air of your country of Arezzo, even as I also
sucked in with my nurse’s milk the chisels and hammer with which I make
my figures.'
Giorgio Vasari, Lives of the most eminent painters, sculptors and architects
Hi Rowan James' Feeding Crew, et al! Here are last night's photo ops! Must away as I'm off to the pool! Love and Cheers, Winnipeg Street Dishwasher!
Pics: Sweet Baby James sings the Blues! Lonesome cats!
When I checked to see what time the pool opened, I was delighted to see that it was at 8:30 pm. I arrived there a few minutes after that time to find that that pool was completely empty and I assumed cars in parking lot belonged to people using the gym until I reached desk and lady on duty informed me that pool didn't open until 10:00 am! Didn't realize time I found referred to facility and gym, in particular. Anyway, I then hied myself to Winnipeg Street to see how Rowan was managing with his handlers. They'd had a very good night although when I arrived he was fussing about his breakfast feeding. Chloë wanted another foot stool to rest her foot on when feeding so I returned to Burns to pick up one she wanted. On way back I stopped on Lakeshore to feed the Lakegulls. A week ago, or so, Lady Dar had brought back to bags of bread ends, from Soupateria, that would otherwise have been thrown away. Not a gull in sight where I parked but as soon as I threw the first piece of bread into the air one gull swooped to collect it.
Soon the air was filled with hundreds, seemingly, of shrieking, diving, arguing gulls and I enjoyed watching the remarkable mêlée. Then back to Winnipeg to deliver the stool and find Rowan James sleeping peacefully by this time.
Had a grand time at the pool. Bumped into Grizzy Guillermo as he usually swims on Sunday mornings. I had decided to do 90 minutes of deep-water walking first. Started out with a steam and then a hot-tub session before hitting the pool. Quite enjoyed being back in the water and my shoulder felt wonderful so I think I'm making progress with all the stretching, etc., I'm doing. Another session in the steam room and hot tub before returning to the Slow Lane to swim a quarter of a mile, [16 widths, 8 sidestroke, 8 backstroke], and then one last session in the steam room and hot tub.
Once I'd showered and changed I made for Chloë's place and found The Little Chap sleeping in the bassinet, downstairs, having been fed an hour or so ago. Lady Dar left me in charge of Rowan while she ran a few more shopping errands for Chloë. She wanted to have a shower so after I did the dishes I watched an episode of Longmire and was just about to start another when Lady Dar returned. SInce it was now Feeding Time at the Zoo, I headed home to do a few household chores as well as the three sets of shouldares specifically geared to relax my pectorals, ones I'm supposed to do after riding and similar such exercises. Had just started a fire when Duke went into the bedroom with a poor Chickadee, in his mouth. When I barked at him he dropped the corpse and since I still had fire gloves on I took the tiny body outside to dispose of it before he had a chance to spread feathers, and such, all over the house, something both he and Etta have done in the past!
Must away to finish my shouldares and then return to Winnipeg, for dinner. Will take a broom so that I can sweep sidewalks around Chloë's place. Did the same at our place once I was first back this afternoon. Not sure it will help as I think it will keep snowing, even if lightly, all night!
When I returned to Winnipeg Street I did sweep sidewalks around Chloë's place. Had done the same at our place once I was first back this afternoon. Started snowing just as I reached the Community Centre, second time! The Sisterhood ate salmon burgers and roasted broccoli while I finished up overlefts of two green salads, topped off with Feta and a sliced sausage. While The Sisterhood were feeding and changing Rowan James I watched almost two episodes of Criminal: UK. Taking place exclusively within the confines of a police interview suite, police officers and suspects engage in intense mental conflict as they both wrangle for the psychological upper hand
Finished the third, [Plan to watch three other series set in France, Germany and Spain.], when they brought him downstairs to sleep in his bassinet and catch up on paperwork which Public Helath Nurse has asked them to keep so that his well-being can be tracked. I'm sure this is all well and good but I wonder how our other children survived as none of this was done when they arrived home from hospital!
Around 10:30 pm, after putting away dishes I'd done earlier, I kissed The Babes and The Babe goodnight and made my way home. After starting a fire I repaired to the Rumpus Room to watch Longmire. I knew Duke had been missing "lap" time with Lady Dar away, so Isat in one of the large armchairs, my feet on the coffee table and an afghan on my legs. When he came in, from outside, he had a bite to eat and then settled on me. Before I knew it I had watched three episodes and it was 2:20 am! Fire had long gone out and I was pleased I'd already brushed and flossed so was in bed as soon as I'd turned out all the lights, Dear Reader!
Hi Patrice, Some how this last email (pre-birth) went undetected so sorry for the lag. Hope all goes well with you and the enhanced family!. Colleen, Clover and I are having a couple nights in the Valley and spending our time putting up some decorations etc. as we will not be back up until Boxing day. I don't know if we told you that we are going to Mazatlan with Gerry, Sue and the kids from Dec 11th to 18th. I had said to Colleen that I would really like to have come up for your Christmas due not realizing it was on the 14th.
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Illustration: Leah Palmer Preiss |
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Illustration: Leah Palmer Preiss |
Had a grand time at the pool. Bumped into Grizzy Guillermo as he usually swims on Sunday mornings. I had decided to do 90 minutes of deep-water walking first. Started out with a steam and then a hot-tub session before hitting the pool. Quite enjoyed being back in the water and my shoulder felt wonderful so I think I'm making progress with all the stretching, etc., I'm doing. Another session in the steam room and hot tub before returning to the Slow Lane to swim a quarter of a mile, [16 widths, 8 sidestroke, 8 backstroke], and then one last session in the steam room and hot tub.
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Illustration: Leah Palmer Preiss |

When I returned to Winnipeg Street I did sweep sidewalks around Chloë's place. Had done the same at our place once I was first back this afternoon. Started snowing just as I reached the Community Centre, second time! The Sisterhood ate salmon burgers and roasted broccoli while I finished up overlefts of two green salads, topped off with Feta and a sliced sausage. While The Sisterhood were feeding and changing Rowan James I watched almost two episodes of Criminal: UK. Taking place exclusively within the confines of a police interview suite, police officers and suspects engage in intense mental conflict as they both wrangle for the psychological upper hand
Finished the third, [Plan to watch three other series set in France, Germany and Spain.], when they brought him downstairs to sleep in his bassinet and catch up on paperwork which Public Helath Nurse has asked them to keep so that his well-being can be tracked. I'm sure this is all well and good but I wonder how our other children survived as none of this was done when they arrived home from hospital!
Around 10:30 pm, after putting away dishes I'd done earlier, I kissed The Babes and The Babe goodnight and made my way home. After starting a fire I repaired to the Rumpus Room to watch Longmire. I knew Duke had been missing "lap" time with Lady Dar away, so Isat in one of the large armchairs, my feet on the coffee table and an afghan on my legs. When he came in, from outside, he had a bite to eat and then settled on me. Before I knew it I had watched three episodes and it was 2:20 am! Fire had long gone out and I was pleased I'd already brushed and flossed so was in bed as soon as I'd turned out all the lights, Dear Reader!
Hi Patrice, Some how this last email (pre-birth) went undetected so sorry for the lag. Hope all goes well with you and the enhanced family!. Colleen, Clover and I are having a couple nights in the Valley and spending our time putting up some decorations etc. as we will not be back up until Boxing day. I don't know if we told you that we are going to Mazatlan with Gerry, Sue and the kids from Dec 11th to 18th. I had said to Colleen that I would really like to have come up for your Christmas due not realizing it was on the 14th.
Alas we will have to get up in the New year to visit as I need to finish a few outstanding jobs before Christmas and then the vacation pretty much takes us right through to then. Of course mentioning jobs for others strums a guilt chord as i know you are still waiting for your wood rack and I have not forgotten! It is a balmy -12 here but the sun is coming out and looks to be another beautiful day! Give our love to the family and ttys. Cheers, Al pics. of the power up bench in progress and a fireplace cover for someones out door fireplace.
Guilt Ridden, Shiny Stainless Steel Man! Your latest projects look fab, even if they come at my expense! Hee Hee! Wonderful to
have seen mock-ups for power-up bench and then see the the bench after
you turned into reality! Am pleased to hear that you will be enjoying
Mexico with Sue and Heraldo and lads. As it turns out, Lady Dar has
changed the date for our Open House Bash to January 1st so perhaps you
can celebrate New Year's Eve here, install the wood rack and then attend the party as well! [I
know you usually have a big splash at Sunshine Valley.] Anyway, Ayn will
be flying up on December 12th and Corinne wanted to have uninterrupted
time with her as she is only in town for the weekend and we won't be
travelling to LA for Christmas this year.
Also she felt it was a bit too soon to have Rowan exposed to many people who might not have had certain shots, particularly the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, (DTaP), vaccine. Fondestos to you and Marilyn. Please send our love and best wishes to Sue. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Also she felt it was a bit too soon to have Rowan exposed to many people who might not have had certain shots, particularly the diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, (DTaP), vaccine. Fondestos to you and Marilyn. Please send our love and best wishes to Sue. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Is there bridge this week ??? Susan Not to my knowledge Judy Blue Love the pic of corinne and rj I can ask Lynda if she wants to play I have other plans this Monday so count me out, gramps patrizzio! Jp Count me in Susan Great pictures Patrick, and what a wonderful boy! I a still fighting a cold and will not be playing tomorrow. Have fun everybody. Jos. Sorry, I can't make it. But am getting better. Enjoy your beautiful grandson and the cards Cheers, Olly
Hi Restless Bidders! Rowan James and I apologize for not sending out an email earlier. I'm happy to host tomorrow, Monday, December 2nd. If I recall, at the end of last week's ferocious match play, Theresa, O Susannah, Lady Di and I were on. I believe the Summerlanders were planning to play but one knows how unreliable those north of Penticton's city limits are! Olga Polga and Josinta, please let me know if you are both planning to play. Judy Blue, do you think Lynda would like to join gang? There would then be seven and Dummy Moves. Once I hear back from one and all, I'll let everyone know what evening looks like. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Rowan James started playing Fish on Tuesday, shortly after he was born. He soon graduated to bridge and yesterday he bid 2 No Trump and his partner, Lady Dar, passed! Fortunately, O Susannah doubled, much to Lady Di's dismay, and he made 7 No Trump! Since they vulnerable, he racked up 1,750 points: 420 for for doubled game; 800 for four overtricks; 500 for vulnerable game and 50 for insult! Well played, little chap! Hi Diane and Theresa! Are you both on for bridge Monday evening. Please let me know one way or another. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick. I am on for bridge. Cheers. Dianne Patrizzio: I am not sure I will be make it tomorrow. The forecast is of more snow and I am not comfortable driving on wet and icy roads at night. Sorry, my friend, I hope you have enough for a table. Theresa
Greetings from a cold damp Vancouver. We had a really fun evening last night at Wayne and Michele’s - you were both sorely missed along with Chloe and Rowan naturally. Hope mother and son are doing well. I will await Patrick’s regular updates of their progress plus no doubt numerous family photos.
Renovation continues and I am always covered in sawdust. The chop saw in the middle of the living room so adds to the ambiance of the apartment. I leave on Saturday & Andre next Monday. Lots to do beforehand & it is then London, Brussels, London and finally Barbados for me. Looking forward to living in one place for a month, being in hotel style luxury along with finally finding time to catch up with my reading.
Take care my friends. You now have additional responsibilities being grandparents once again. Have a wonderful festive season 🥂 and look forward to seeing you again in the spring of 2020 along with meeting Rowan James for the first time. Much love 💕 to you all, Rosemary XXX
Hi Chop
Saw and Sawdust Woman! Pleased to hear you enjoyed an evening with
Flamin' and Sarge. Michele will be here this Thursday, for the weekend,
and she may well join us for my birthday dinner, that night, at Sushi
Heaven, although my actual birthday is next day. Saturday, Lady Dar and I
will be at The Dream Café to hear Big
Hanks's Tribute to the Blues Songs of Christmas. I'm selling 50/50
tickets so we'll only need one ticket. Looking forward to hearing this
Christmas music, as opposed to that playing in malls now. Thanks for all your good wishes. Fondestos to you both. Travel safely. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Cuba Michaelao! |
Pic: Rowan James started playing Fish on Tuesday, shortly after he was born. He soon graduated to bridge and yesterday he bid 2 No Trump and his partner, Lady Dar, passed! Fortunately, O Susannah doubled, much to Lady Di's dismay, and he made 7 No Trump! Since they vulnerable, he racked up 1,750 points: 420 for for doubled game; 800 for four overtricks; 500 for vulnerable game and 50 for insult! Well played, little chap! Hi Diane and Theresa! Are you both on for bridge Monday evening. Please let me know one way or another. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick. I am on for bridge. Cheers. Dianne Patrizzio: I am not sure I will be make it tomorrow. The forecast is of more snow and I am not comfortable driving on wet and icy roads at night. Sorry, my friend, I hope you have enough for a table. Theresa
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Doris Day! |
Renovation continues and I am always covered in sawdust. The chop saw in the middle of the living room so adds to the ambiance of the apartment. I leave on Saturday & Andre next Monday. Lots to do beforehand & it is then London, Brussels, London and finally Barbados for me. Looking forward to living in one place for a month, being in hotel style luxury along with finally finding time to catch up with my reading.
Take care my friends. You now have additional responsibilities being grandparents once again. Have a wonderful festive season 🥂 and look forward to seeing you again in the spring of 2020 along with meeting Rowan James for the first time. Much love 💕 to you all, Rosemary XXX
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Photo: Bernard Tey |
If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse. -Woody Allen, author, actor, and filmmaker (b. 1 Dec 1935)
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