Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong. All human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who have doubted the current moral values, not of men who have whooped them up and tried to enforce them. The truly civilized man is always skeptical and tolerant, in this field as in all others. His culture is based on "I am not too sure." - H.L.Mencken, writer, editor, and critic (1880-1956)
Aww, beautiful pictures! Chloë is positively glowing

Have a great Christmas, all the best for 2020 xx Bev/Kev Happy Christmas to you, Bev and Kev, and family. Fondestos and Cheers from Rowan James!
Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Christmas. Just arrived back from the Canaries. Will definitely make it next year to Penticton Best wishes Gayle and Derek Hello Cornwall Lager Drinkers! Sad, unspeakably sad, to realize that Elowen takes after her Canadian relatives!!!! Thank you for the seasons' wishes and the delightful snapolas! Delighted to learn that you will visit this coming year. We will go wine-tasting while Chloë and Krissy stay home and change diapers! I believe I speak for all of us when we say that we are truly blessed with these new little people. Thanks, again, to Krissy, for her wonderful, wonderful generosity in terms of clothes and accoutrements for Rowan James. Her dipso-maniacal grandparents, [Selfish, EMELDA SHOES, Lady Dar and Pauper Poor Patrizzio], could never have afforded such fabulous things!] Stay well. Healthy New Year! Fondestos from The Burns Street Bistro, Staff and Management, [Her Imperiousness, Lady Darjeeling, lounging in a chaise-lounge, sipping extraordinarily expensive Chardooooonaaaaaay], of which I am the underpaid and constantly overworked, endlessly berated, under-appreciated scullion. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Here comes Santa Claus! Getting ready at Winnipeg; with Theodore, just a few days older, son of one of our favourite vendors; Santa fired from Cherry Lane Mall as he took a pretend swig of hootch, as a joke, on his own webpage, no less! Since then has has received more business than he can handle! Perogy Woman; back home at the Burns Street Bistro! Friday evening when Clan Sutherland popped in for a drink. Flamin' and Sarge were en route to Kamloops, where everyone will gather for Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS, FROHE WEIHNACHT, FELIZ NAVIDAD: Dear Patrick and Corinne I has been a while since news was send here and there. I hope you are doing well and keep healthy and fit. I am in fair health, for a 85 no complains, the hearing has its moments and walking is not so brisk anymore. I still volunteer for the opera and symphony. And baby sit on and off. West Vancouver is not too far to drive, my little young friends use to live in Langley. Which I do not or did not like. It is boring place and a long way to go.
[Elowen sure is a cutie!! Ayn] Kuschel's in Oliver, have moved into there new home, they do have regrets letting the beautiful old one go. Well such is life. Lore had a nasty cancer scare melanoma, she had surgery 2 years ago on her nose. and this time it was the cheek. She had many test and visits, but every one was or is negative. But until she knew, it was a tough time. Now she has little scar on her right cheek, make the face interesting. But she has to be tested over the year, as this cancer is a nasty one.
This year our vacation took us to Tofino again, we had great weather and a marvellous time. B&b's are always fun, one meets interesting people. Next year we hope the Okanagan is free for us. Where have you been 2019 off to far away horizons????Hope to hear from you. Love to Corinne and you always Gisela❤️ Hello Gisela! Lovely to hear from you and learn of all your news. We were distressed to learn about Lore's cancer but pleased that latest results were negative. Please give her our best wishes and we hope to see you both in the Okanagan next summer.
[Hi JT! Pleased you enjoyed the card. Thanks for all your lovely wishes. How will you be spending Christmas? Stay well. Healthy New Year! Fondestos from The Burns Street Bistro, Staff and Management! Cheers!!!]
One of the main reasons I've not been in touch for ages is that it was an extremely busy August as we left at the end of the month for six weeks in Europe, travelling with close friends, Flamin' and Sarge, for the first three weeks, by car, visiting Vienna, Budapest, Ljubljana, and then almost ten days in Croatia: Rovinj, Hvar and then Dubrovnik. From there they flew home but we continued on, by train, to Switzerland, staying with close friends in Zurich and Bern, the latter for almost a week, before making our way to France. We stayed near Valence in a tiny village, Chabeuill, for a couple of days with friends who own a gorgeous home. Then to Paris for four nights before flying back to Penticton. Simply wonderful, wonderful time everywhere so we feel extremely fortunate to have been able to see so many new places and visit with such good friends, many we had not seen in several years.
It was a hectic few weeks before we left as Chloë sold her new townhouse, in Sendero Canyon, at the beginning of August and bought another new build on Winnipeg Street, but seven blocks from where we live. She was able to reduce her mortgage by over $400 per month although this place is slightly larger. It also possesses an unfinished basement suite, [already plumber and wired], construction to begin early in January. The income will certainly help for obvious reasons but more importantly due to the fact that we were blessed with nothing but a miracle on November 26th. Chloë gave birth to a healthy, bouncing baby boy, 8 lbs, 6 1/2 oz, with red hair, Rowan James! ["Rowan" was Corinne's grandfather's name, "James" was my father's name and my middle name.]
He is doing extremely well, gaining weight, [over 9 lbs now], and possesses a very easy going temperament, rarely complaining, thus far, except when hungry or needs his diaper changed. Fondestos from both of us to you, Gisela! Stay well. Healthy New Year! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrice, Glad to hear Santa was vindicated..geesh so many uptight people these days..just lighten the f**k up already!. Still haven't gotten around to boning up on the finer or even rougher points of Bridge I'm afraid so I will still be doing my big Molly impersonation for a while yet lol. Great pictures and glad to see everyone including baby Rowan so happy and relaxed, have you got him a spandex bicycle racing suit to tag along with you?. We had a fabulous time in Mazatlan and have just been puttering on the power up bench and making the rounds to visit people. I talked to my man Paul who is doing Lost in Space season 3 coming up in March and I will likely go work on that for a while. Looks like season 2 will be in the running for an Emmy and was only beat out last year by game of thrones!. Have a great day and ttys. Cheers! You can stay with Ms Tinsel Town when you go to LA to receive Emmy! I'm hoping for my own spandex, [Speedo now as pool has taken over from Trek], as Rowan James already has more outfits than you can shake a stick at! Cheers!
Hello Freezin' Floridians! Sorry to have been the author of your cold weather. Pleased you enjoyed card but must apologize for not, otherwise, having been in touch for ages Fondestos from both of us to you, Gail, and Jack! Stay well. Healthy New Year! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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