Sunday, 30 September 2018

Rainy Day Time for a Cosy Fire Blues: Sunday, September 30th!

It’s kind of selfish to say that you’re only going to fight for a victory that you will live to see. -Ta-Nehisi Coates, writer and journalist (b. 30 Sep 1975) 

Hi Patrick, Raining here today but we had a week of fabulous! Dave is almost finished the stairs. They look great! We bought a smaller Exalibur unit and some grapes! We are ready to go but was wondering if you pre-treat your fruits and veg? we loved the grapes you had dehydrated! The smaller unit we bought doesn't have a timer. You think that will be a problem? Luise

Hi Dehydrator People! Great about Excalibur and stairs. Onward and upward!!! Only thing I do with fruit, (Haven't graduated to vegetables yet!), I will use is to rinse with cold water. Grapes are easiest as I simply pluck and place on sheet, covering as much of each screen as possible. I'm certainly no expert but without built-in timer, I suggest you try 10-12 hours +/-, (depending on temperature settings available), and simply see what results. You can always put fruit on for more time/raise temperature, if you feel dehydration level isn't what you feel you'd like. As far as I've found, you can't really go wrong and I'm sure you will soon discover which settings work best.

Started to rain late last night and forecast suggests it will continue, on and off, for next few days. One of today's chores is to finish hooking up overflow hose for one of rain barrels in back patio. Since we won't be using much water, from all of them now, once receptacles are full, I re-divert overflow into bottom of various downspouts, plumbed into storm sewers by previous owner. Time for a cosy fire  and a dram of malt this evening, methinks. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hi Schnapps Man! Thanks again for wonderful hootch! Much appreciated. Yes, we plan to be at Orofino next weekend and looking forward to it. Loads of other barrel tastings on The Bench, that same day, as you probably know, so too, too bad everything happens at once! On another matter, we were at a wonderful 70th birthday party, yesterday, and EverReady Battery Bunny, Mary Lee, and Paolo, were there. She mentioned you four would be living the good life at God's Mountain today so I wondered if you wanted to stop by and collect the case of wine bottles I have been saving for you. We will be home all afternoon and evening so if it works, fine. If not, just confirm you wish me to continue saving bottles and I'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Again October 1st Openers! Just a quick reminder that this week's game will be hosted at The Burns Street Hot Sheets Hotel and Gin Joint, tomorrow, [Monday, October 1st], as Olga Polga and Ditch Digger Craig are up to their ears in water pipe replacement work. As of this writing I believe we will have at least seven combatants so looks like a two table evening. Hip Hip Hooray! See all comers at 6:30 pm tomorrow. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick, Please check if you need one more player to have full two tables. If you need one, I am available 😲 Cheers Mike Hi Mike It would be great if you could come Thanks

Corinne Hi Michaelo! Glad you can join us. Since Olga Polga is coming perhaps you two can carpool. Anyway, pleased you will be playing. Cheers, Patrizzio! Patrick, I cant make it tomorrow evening. My thoughts are with you all. Cheers Carol

Hi Birthday Girl and Vanessa! Happy Birthday, Judy Blue! Hip Hip Hooray! Thank you both so much for including Lady Dar, Chloë and I in your terrific celebration, everything from the fun-filled scavenger hunt to the Sumac Ridge Winery feast! The luncheon, with plenty of free-flowing wine, was a treat extraordinaire and it was such a pleasure to meet so many more of your family and friends. Thanks again. [Please forward album to all those for whom I don't have email addresses.] Enjoy your stay in Toronto. Look forward to seeing you when you return. Travel safely. Stay well. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks to both of your for your lovely gift. I will enjoy it on my return from
To. In the meantime keep healthy and happy. Love, Judy
Thank you sooo much what a great visual of the day I love all the pics!!! Truly happy and grateful Judy Xo You're welcome! Enjoy! Look forward to seeing you on your return. Hugs

Hi Judy Blue: Very pleased you enjoyed the album and glad it captured some of the wonderful celebration. On another matter, Dianne popped by this afternoon to see kitchen and we had a most enjoyable time, sipping wine, nibbling cheese and chatting in front of our first fire of the season. She is keen to play bridge so will come for dinner and join group tomorrow. As well, she would like to join our book club so terrific that numbers are beginning to grow with both groups. Again, enjoy life in Toronto and we look forward to catching up when you are back. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Kittens and Diane! Hi Dianne! I sent this off earlier but had wrong email address for you! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Pat: So I can still play if you get a game going but if someone else can host that would be best as I’m in a conference all day and will be home a bit later than if I was at work. However I’ll can probably still do it if no one else can host.
Off to Portugal Wednesday. Yippee. Janet

Dear Patrick & Corinne, So enjoyed your last letter with all your pics. I have yet to send pictures as we cannot figure out how to get them off my phone and transmit by email. We don’t get cell reception in our area so perhaps this is the problem.

We spent the summer going on many cruises and just the other day on Wednesday we grabbed onto some beautiful weather as the Captain de docked the good ship Commitment into the calmness of blue seas and brilliant sunny skies as we headed over to Poets Cove in Bedwell Harbour on Pender Isl. A seaside resort nestled amongst a wall of huge rock with million dollar American boats that come to be pampered. Guests wander from the spa with their crisp soft white robes down to the warm of the outdoor pools. We stayed till Friday indulging in the hotels finest gourmet burgers which we will shared with our fury friends. We enjoyed one or two hour hikes into the forests with Benson & Tess something we have done every day with our Dals for over forty years.

As I reflect back in time I remember reading Jordan Peterson’s number one selling book "Twelve Rules Of Life" one of his rules is "Pay Attention". That is something John & I remind each other every day & get a kick out of saying that as our minds start to slip in time. I can remember in March I started to look at the root cause of my many illnesses as I had MRI and CT Scans done but nothing was found. I was becoming more and more arthritic from head to toe, stomach problems, and esophagus problems and on and on that was irritating to say the least since my Mom at 102 has never been sick in her life and her memory is still sharp. Okay I thought Pay Attention and look at root cause of my many illnesses. I found on line Dr. Eric Berg. Nutritionist and Chiropractor and studied him every day for over six months in that time all of my arthritis is gone and all of my other ailments. So I will share with you what I discovered.

Read: “You tube: Dr Berg The 10 Causes of Inflammation". And then Read: “You tube Dr. Berg Healthy Life Style Hacks Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3”. Read: “You Tube Dr Berg on Potassium” By omitting sugar, grains, stress, alcohol and adding “Apple Cider vinegar” along with potassium rich salads, your arthritis will begin to disappear. We need 4700 milligrams of potassium a day. Beets, kale, cabbage, spinach, garlic, romaine lettuce, etc., omit everything sugar from your diet. I was addicted to chocolate the root cause was that I was low in potassium. Up your potassium and get rid of all sugar addictions. (Cancer feeds on sugar). Omit all carbohydrates. You can have lots of protein, eggs, cheese. Garlic is the number one vegetable for killing cancer, sauté with Kale. (My mom follows this diet) You won't believe how you will begin to feel.

Now that you know stress in the adrenals causes inflammation read "You Tube Dr Berg Corisol Resistance & Insulin Resistance”. This is powerful information. Read "You Tube Dr Berg Insulin is the cause of most illness" and lastly Read "You Tube: Dr Berg The importance of Apple Cider Vinegar". Again I am pain free. I take Apple Cider Vinegar in pill form because in time drinking the vinegar can wear away enamel on your teeth. (Benefits you also lose weight taking Apple Cider Vinegar). Of course there are hundreds more of his tutorials that I so enjoyed. Remember Pay Attention and learn and understand good nutrition to live a longer life. 

Just got back from a long walk with the kids, it is rainy but quite beautiful everything is so green and lush. John is in his den listening to classical music as he writes his newsletter for the Univ. Retiree Association that he is responsible for. Pres. have to keep all those seniors happy, busy & connected. That’s it kids!
Love Jean, John, Benson & Tess 

Dear Corinne & Patrick, Thought I would send a little more info on why Apple Cider Vinegar works! I think Corinne you said you have High Blood Pressure so Apple Cider Vinegar will lower your blood pressure. Anyways interesting info on how dangerous sugar is for our body. 1. Google: You Tube The Real Reason Apple Cider Vinegar works Dr Eric Berg.

Most of us have a great deal of stress in our adrenals stress that is stored right from birth. These cortisol levels are channeled through our digestive system taking the acid into our urine making our stomach quite Alkaline. Our digestive system has to have a PH balance both Acid/Alkaline before we can properly digest our food. Apple Cider Vinegar does just that. If we have an Alkaline digestive system we start getting many different illnesses, liver, gall bladder, high blood pressure, diabetes, esophagus reflux, arthritis, dementia to name but a few including cancer.

Apple Cider Vinegar has an anti-inflammatory properties & its function changes the Acid –Alkaline PH imbalance in our digestive system and in our brain. That will reduce Blood pressure, Lower Blood Sugar in Type Two Diabetes, helps Fatty Liver, helps Digestion, Lowers Cholesterol, and Arthritis, and helps Memory Problems, Dementia, & Glucose more sensitive need for insulin goes down. (I take it in pill form) It is an anti-inflammatory effect on arthritis and again my Osteoarthritis is now all gone.

2. Google: You Tube Dr. Eric Berg What is Insulin. Insulin starves glucose in the brain causing memory loss, dementia. High insulin levels prevent absorption of potassium. Stress, alcohol stimulates insulin causing the blood pressure to go up.3. He says inhibit Insulin by turning it off: Remove all sugar from the diet. Remove refined Carbs. Remove alcohol, 4. Google: You Tube Dr. Eric Berg Insulin is the cause of most major illnesses. Too much sugar in the diet is the root cause of high blood pressure, fatty liver, dementia, cancer but a few. 5. He strongly recommends Apple Cider Vinegar will reduce insulin resistance. 6. Google: You Tube Dr. Berg Sugar Toxicity 7. Google: You Tube Dr. Berg How Sugar effects your body 8. Google: You Tube Dr. Eric Berg Memory, Alzheimer’s, & Insulin.

Again he recommends removing all sugar from the diet, alcohol, pasta, wheat, soya, dairy, juices, snacking and eat only three meals a day. Why the brain is starving for glucose so you crave sugar, alcohol. Alcohol depletes the body of nutrients so even if you are eating nutritionally alcohol absorbs these nutrients, all that good potassium leaving your body depleted and starving for nutrients eventually weakening all the organs in the body. 9. Google: Dr. Berg’s Adrenal Potassium connection: take Adrenal Support Supplement. Take Nutritional Yeast B1 10. Google Dr. Bergs Adrenal Discovery Talks of nutritional deficiencies and all the illnesses that are created over time. 11.Google: You Tube Dr. Berg The Dangerous State of too much Calcium. Causes bone pain, arthritis, constipation high blood pressure and more. 12. Akaline/Acid that creates liver problems, gall bladder problems. Symptoms like skin issues, high blood pressure; gall bladder caused by sugar, High Fat diet, Alcohol consumption destroys the liver. Eat bitter vegetables will heal the liver and help it regenerate

It seems our parents lived healthier lives as they were not exposed to the toxins that we are and why it is important now to eat organic vegetables. Farm children have healthier immune systems. Parents today want to make their children “Free Range” children that is exposing them to soil, farm animals, etc. Many children today have so many allergies. To a long and healthy life. Love, Jean

Hi Jean and John! You both sound busy as ever. Thank you for all the tips on healthy nutrition. I'm pleased your recent regime has had such beneficial results for you, Jean. Thank you, as well, for the lovely Fall card and the best wishes. Fondestos from Her Imperiousness to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Painted Rock with Joan, Paul, Una and Henry; start of scavenger hunt with Mary Lee and Paolo; Chloë with Birthday Girl! Birthday Cake! Life of a Cat, Duke, with Dianne and Lady Dar, in front of fire, while poor Etta had to curl up on a chair on back patio! Album is of our Open House to celebrate new kitchen.

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Judy Blue Wails the 70th Birthday Summerland Blues: Saturday, September29th!

To do great work a man must be very idle as well as very industrious. -Samuel Butler, poet (1612-1680) 

Les Vendanges ont Commencé!

Not up until 8:30 am as El Diablo had not come inside last night by the time we went to bed. As a result, I left the garage cat door open so that he could slip inside when his alley-catting adventures were over. He did just that, at some point, in the wee smalls, I assume,  and was keeping Lady Dar warm when I clambered out of bed. Have ot ready ourselves for a reasonably full day celebrating Judy Blue's 70th birthday. Invitees will start with a "digital" scavenger hunt at the Ornamental Gardens in Summerland, moving on to Sumac Ridge for lunch and more games, croquet, bocce and the like! Play on!

Hello The Dubliners! Again, lovely to meet you both. Sorry you couldn't stay longer and take in the following event at "your" winery! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Three of us certainly enjoyed a reasonably full day celebrating Judy Blue's 70th birthday. Invitees started with a "digital" scavenger hunt at the Ornamental Gardens in Summerland, [Teams took smart phone pictures of plants, etc., to prove their "finds".], and I was particularly pleased to see the grounds as I'd never been before. Lady Dar has taken a number of their gardening courses so she was reasonably familiar with different parts of the quite extensive property.

After the fun-filled hunt we moved on to Sumac Ridge Winery, [just down the way, towards Peachland], for lunch and more games, croquet, bocce and the like! The luncheon, with plenty of free-flowing wine, was held in a very comfortable barrel room in a nearbye outbuilding. We knew a number of people but it was lovely to meet so many more of Judy's family and friends. Back home by late afternoon to watch Season Four of Bosch, based on the novels of Michael Connelly. The first episode starts with a murder committed on the Angels Flight funicular in the Bunker Hill district of downtown LA. I first rode it last year when I drove down for our grandson's wedding and then again with Lady Dar and Ayn, last January, before we flew to Costa Rica. Most interesting to see some of the action unfold in an area of the city with which we have become reasonably familiar. After a snack as opposed to dinner, [We were still quite full from earlier repast.], we continued to watch Harry, bowls of home-made popcorn, dusted with garlic scape salt, in front of us, in Rumpus Room, Duke sleeping on either Lady Dar's lap or Chloë's.
When it was finally time for Chloë to go home to Sendero, she "lured" El Diablo back inside, (Etta was already inside and sleeping under our bed!), and then we bade her goodnight. However, Lady Dar had started to watch a new releases, Jane Fonda in Five Acts, a fascinating documentary which takes "a deeper look at the life, work, activism and controversies of actress and fitness tycoon Jane Fonda." We both were held spell-bound. See it if you can!

Friday, 28 September 2018

Flin Flon & The HBM&S Blues: Friday, September 28th!

It is by character and not by intellect the world is won. -Evelyn Beatrice Hall, biographer (28 Sep 1868-1956)

Zinfandel grapes at Passalacqua winery & Chardonnay at Lambert Bridge to accompany gourmet cheeses and olives bring back memories of great tours! Hello Sir Andrew! Trust you and Anne are well. From the great pics it certainly seems so. Funnily enough, have seen quite a few of the squash gang over last few weeks. When are you coming to visit? Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Stay well. Travel safely. Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio!

Lady Dar spent the morning with her grandparenting hat on, taking care of Ashlynn, for the morning. She enjoyed taking her to a number of community programs before bringing her back to our place to wait until Kid Chelene picked her up shortly after noon. She and her charge, spent some time watching Moana before Corey arrived. He couldn't stay that long as he had to meet the contractor who is putting a pool into their new home in Sendero. The Lives of the Rich and Famous! Glad Nanny Dar is working for such a wealthy family! Tonight, she is involved with a documentary film presentation, Flin Flon Flim Flam this evening, at Oasis United:

In FLIN FLON FLIM FLAM, InvestigativeMEDIA turns its unflinching focus on Canadian miner Hudbay Minerals Inc. and its controversial plans to construct the massive Rosemont open-pit copper mine in the Santa Rita Mountains on the Coronado National Forest southeast of Tucson.

The film documents Hudbay’s legacy of lead poisoning in a remote Manitoba community where the company operated a notorious copper smelter for 80 years. It also reports on Hudbay's former operations in El Estor, Guatemala where the company’s security guards allegedly clashed with residents over land claims and the company stands accused of murder, rape and shootings in a precedent setting civil trial. 

FLIN FLON FLIM FLAM also reports on demonstrations and community opposition to Hudbay’s recently opened Constancia open pit copper mine in Uchucarco, Peru. There, indigenous villagers are occupying a mine site after Peruvian police beat and teargased protestors angry over Hudbay’s failure to abide by an agreement and deliver on its promises to the community. Finally, the film covers in detail the environmental destruction that would occur if Hudbay Minerals obtains state and federal permits to construct the Rosemont mine and the threat to Green Valley’s water supply from Hudbay’s planned groundwater pumping. While Hudbay has promised to replace the groundwater it pumps from the Santa Cruz River Valley with Central Arizona Project Canal water, critics cast doubt that Hudbay will be able to fulfill its promise as Colorado River supplies continue to decline.

Unfortunately, there was a conflicting event about the Trans-Mountain pipeline expansion with South Okanagan-West Kootenay MP Richard Cannings, joined by fellow NDP MP Nathan Cullen (Skeena-Bulkley Valley), at the PPL. Lady Dar knew that this particular even was in the works so contacted Dick's local office and she was assured he was to be in Ottawa then! Anyway, too, too bad as I'm sure many would like to attend both.  Anyway, the film was riveting and truly puts into perspective what international mining companies, [Most based in Canada!], are doing around the world. 

Director, John Dougherty, spoke after the screening and provided even more fascinating, post-production, stories. When he returned to Peru to screen film in various rural communities, as well as hand out free DVD's of the work, for wider distribution/exposure, he was arrested, the authorities claiming he was there to foment civil unrest/revolution. American Embassy obtained his temporary release until court hearing but he left country before appearing as he was very worried that he might languish in jail for who knows how long. He is now banned from re-entering Peru!

Hope all goes well with dermatologist. We are grand parenting on the 24.   With all the competition for our services They all have to book early! Hi Grandparents Inc! Sorry that you will not be able to join our bridge gathering but understand your popularity as care-givers of choice! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! 

Hi Patrick, I am very pleased to let you know that today the third Cal Rogan Mystery Lockstep is published and ready for you. It is the latest episode in the life of Cal Rogan, as he battles criminals, gangs and his own demons. You can now get the book that early readers on Amazon have given a perfect five stars. Here's what some of them say:

"I'm a big fan of crime drama books and this one is one of the best I have read so far."  "Grabs you from the first page and the storyline never disappoints." "A fast paced thriller with several twists that was hard to put down."
For the price of a latte, you can get Lockstep right now. Get it and enjoy it right away. Very best wishes, Robert.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Una and Hank Hit the Hope Princeton Blues: Thursday, September 27th!

If ever the time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin. -Samuel Adams, revolutionary (27 Sep 1722-1803) 


Hi Kids! How was Chelan? Thanks for fun-filled visit. Just said goodbye to latest round of visitors. Will be fairly quiet, for next little while, until Rosie-the-Riveter flies into town with Chloë, coming back from Winnipeg, on October 9th. Fondestos from Lady Dar, out running errands. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Ah-hooo, werewolves of Penticton, Ah-hooo! Flamin' and Ash; Van Westen; Liberty; Terravista; Bridge; Arrivederci; Painted Rock and bridge.

Did we by any chance leave a red carry bag behind? Only thing Joan can remember being in it was an empty milk bottle. If yes, hang on to it and we'll get it back next time we see you. Feel free to redeem the milk bottle. Let me know if anything else got left behind, in the bag or otherwise. Uneventful trip home. Many thanks again for a wonderful couple of days. Cheers...Paul

Have not found it yet. Enjoyed your visit and especially meeting Una & Henry.
Enjoy the rest of your time together Best Corinne Hi Paolo! Let me echo Lady Dar's comment about really enjoying your visit and meeting Una and Hank! As it turns out we did find your red carry bag, in the garage, glass milk bottle and all. If we can't "mule" it into Vancouver over next little while I will bring it with me when I'm in town on October 24th.

This evening we attended PechaKuchu Penticton last night, at Cannery Brewing. First time for both of us and we found both the format and content most informative. Interestingly enough, we walked along Penticton Creek for much of the way, noting the latest remedial work and the first speaker was Bryn White. from the Penticton Creek Restoration Committee. Wonderful historical background on how creek was transformed, starting back in the 1940's, mainly for flood control. Others of particular interest were Eric Corneau, Regional Dean of Okanagan College here in Penticton; Carl Meadows, new Administrator at Hospital, [Lady Dar met him a month or so ago at Volunteer Appreciation Party and liked him very much.]; Maggie Van Emmerik, Coordinator at Unity House, CMHA. I chatted with her afterwards and asked her about one of their fund-raising projects, bat boxes, so plan to buy one for our lot. 

One of most insightful presentations was made by Peter Byrnes, realtor in Penticton, who spoke about the economic opportunity that the legalization of marijuana will bring to the area, projected to surpass the wine industry's  revenues in just a few years. It seems that Tony Holler, owner of Poplar Grove, [He made millions from his medical patents, apparently.], has purchased the former Weyerhaeuser property in OK Falls and will turn it into a medical marijuana grow-op! According to Peter, he owns a similar facility, somewhere near Palm Springs, I think! Final speaker was Ted de Jager, RCMP Detachment Commander here in town. Had a brief chat with him and he knows Sarge as he worked in Surrey before coming to the Okanagan, and Rebecca/Corey, of course. As I scribe, Lady Dar is taking are of Ashlynn, their youngest, until noon today, as R/C are still struggling to find regular child-care.

All the best for now. [Please send along the Roche's email addresses when you have a moment.] Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dublin comes to The Okanagan.

Many thanks Patrick. We can sort out the transfer of the bag at some point during your time in Vanc. Henry & Una can be reached here. Snaps look grand.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Southward Bound Singin' The Spirit Ridge Blues: Wednesday, September 26th!

Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm but the harm does not interest them. -T.S. Eliot, poet (26 Sep 1888-1965) 

Hello Fellow Bidders! It turns out that Olga Polga cannot host on October 1st so we are happy to do so. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks Corrine and Patrizzio for hosting on Monday. Our place is under construction and the front yard grounds are all dug up as the water lines are all being big mess for several weeks. Poor Craig was been working in the trenches while I have been enjoying dining and wining with family and friends. I’ll be home in time for Bridge though so see you at C & P’s. Hugs, Olly 

I would like to join the funny bunch on Oct 1. Regards Carol Yes thanks Olly Phil and I will be there Oct 1st 6.30 hugs Gill We could come round 6.10 to take you and Patrick to Olly's Count me in. Susan Thanks you guys. yes Phil and I are good for Oct 1st. Probably only see you once more before we leave on 15th - hopefully all can come to our pot luck then. bye Gill Thanks you guys. yes Phil and I are good for Oct 1st. Probably only see you once more before we leave on 15th - hopefully all can come to our pot luck then. bye Gill

Joan and Paul Whitney, along with his lovely cousins, Una and Henry, from Dublin, are staying for two nights. They arrived, from Kelowna, this afternoon and after we enjoyed a fab Lady Dar meal, (delish ribs, wild rice, [Manitoba!], and corn-on-the cob, done on the bbq, in their husks, after soaking in water for an hour and tomatoe/fresh Basil and Upper Bench Belle Marie.], ended the evening with a very spirited game of bridge as everyone except Joan plays. Needed a couple of extra shots of single malt, [Henry and Una brought me a cask strength Irish Whiskey, Pearse, % after Henry doubled me. Of course, I redoubled and we were vulnerable, going down four or five, I think. Fortunately we were only playing for a hundred dollars a point!

Hi, All. Things are looking good (relative to the past several weeks, anyway....) Julia came home on Monday. Hooeee was she glad to see real daylight after 26 days in the hospital! We took the scenic route, through Stanley Park, with the windows and car skylight open, Julia filling eyes and lungs. After a home cooked meal and evening sojourn Julia had a long sleep, uninterrupted by nurses checking her vitals every few hours. Yesterday her son Jack made her some delicious Thai soup (who knew he could do that? Maybe we never asked.)

This morning the public nurse came for her first home care visit. She examined and cleaned Julia’s skin grafts (i.e. the donor sites on her leg) and the flap and graft on her foot. Everything looks very healthy and on the (admittedly long) path to mend. Tonight before dinner, Julia and I went down to the West Van seawall and she tried out her knee scooter. It was a middling success given that Julia’s legs are pretty weak after 3+ weeks of doing pretty much nothing, but it has great potential.  

We have been very lucky with Julia’s medical outcomes to date, and fortunate in the extreme to have quality medical care available. Many, many thanks for that. And many, many thanks for all of you: Julia and I are very grateful for all the thoughts, prayers, good wishes and general support that you have provided.

As an afterthought, although things look good, it has been hard. Poor Julia is truly hobbled at this time. Seeing her slowly approaching the front door on her return home, using her walker carefully and laboriously, I was for some reason reminded of Andrew Wyeth’s painting “Christina’s World” which we recently saw at a Wyeth show in Seattle. I guess it’s because Julia, like Christina in Wyeth’s picture, displays true strength of character. I have attached pictures, probably to Julia’s irritation, but so be it. All the best, Ross

Hi Stormin'! Trust you, Janet and Lucy are well. Sorry I won't be in town for your Sample Sale. Have seen quite a few of the squash gang over last few weeks. Grogg and Lurch arrived two weeks ago, today, for two nights. Ragin' arrived Friday afternoon for our Open House. The Millionaires left Saturday morning, headed for Lake Chelan. Open House, celebrating our new kitchen renovation, was a blast and the following Tuesday we were invited to have dinner with Mick and Polly Carter,who were up, staying at Sandy Beach Lodge in Naramata, with Mick's sister, Rosie, and brother-in-law, Allan, from Philadelphia.
Ragin' drove back to Vancouver on Friday.
Will be fairly quiet, for next little while, until Rosie-the-Riveter, my mother-in-law flies into town with Chloë, coming back from Winnipeg, on October 9th. When are you coming to visit? Fondestos from Cora Lee to everyone. Stay well. Cheers, Il Conduttore!Pics: Ah-hooo, werewolves of Penticton, Ah-hooo! Chloë and Cora Lee in new kitchen; Van Westen; Terravista; Bridge before dinner; Arrivederci; Sandy Beach Lodge; Ragin' hits the road!

Hi Sara! Trust you are well. Thanks for the invitation to your book launch, Swelling With Pride! Bravo! Unfortunately, we won't be able to make what I'm certain will be a terrific event. Too, too much going on here, among other things. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Sara. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Dunbar and Dublin Freeloader Blues: Tuesday, September 25th!

Aphorisms respect the wisdom of silence by disturbing it, but briefly. -Yahia Lababidi, aphorist (b. 25 Sep 1973) 

Joan and Paul Whitney, along with his lovely cousins, Una and Henry, from Dublin arrivedthis afternoon and we ended the evening with a very spirited game of bridge as everyone except Joan plays. Needed a couple of extra shots of single malt after Henry doubled me. Of course, I redoubled and we were vulnerable, going down four or five, I think. Fortunately we were only playing for a hundred dollars a point!

Hi Patrick The 24th is my pick up day for Hazel and as I am leaving for my river cruise on the 26th, I will probably spend the evening with the family. Thanks for including me though. Your room here is free if needed. Cheers Elaine

Matthew McConaughey’s lat­est role: bour­bon blender (The Globe and Mail (BC Edition)), Sep 22, 2018 Everyone is getting into the act!! Slainte/colin:

Matthew McConaughey’s lat­est role: bour­bon blender PHILLIP FARAONE/GETTY IM­AGES The Globe and Mail (BC Edition) Hello Clan Sanders!

Thanks for sending along article on McConaughey's venture. As an actor, I like him very much, [Thought True Detective with Woody Harrelson was terrific.], so am curious to taste his bourbon. Wasn't all that impressed with George Clooney's Casamigos Blanco when I tasted some last year but I understand they also produce an Añejo so I'd like to find some. Trust all goes well with you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick: I write this from HOME. Yes, they discharged me yesterday and I am so happy to be home after 26 days on the inside. I have almost completely missed September and won’t be very mobile for 4to 6weeks more. I somehow need to get stronger as my body is now like a bowl of pudding.

I’m glad to hear your hernia surgery went well. I had sentinel lymph node surgery two weeks before my big surgery and they say it is very similar to hernia. I hope your recovery is swift. I am impressed that you were reading on the recovery room. I couldn’t read for about 3 days, but I had both general and epidural, in the case of the big surgery.

I was absolutely delighted to drive through Stanley Park on the way home yesterday. It was a perfect fall day and it’s beauty seemed miraculous to me after all those days in hospital. It is true luxury to be home and to sleep in my own bed. All the best to you and give my love to Corinne. My recovery from here will be slow but doable. Say hi to Paul and Joan. Love Julia

Hi Patrick, Just arrived in Toronto on our four-legged journey. Next to Heathrow then Lisbon. Watch the mesh-belly. I hope they used a good strong geotextile.
Cheers, Peter
Hello Patrick and Corinne, It seems that life is good as always in Penticton! We know that we left Paradise. However, we have found another Paradise. So far we have enjoyed beer and wine but tonight we plan to enjoy the ouzo. No retsina for us! Best wishes to all as we head into town for another wonderful cappuccino ( it is still morning here ). Marian and Tim

Monday, 24 September 2018

Dinner with Cousine Belle Michelle Blues: Monday, September 24th!

If there is such a phenomenon as absolute evil, it consists in treating another human being as a thing. -John Brunner, novelist (24 Sep 1934-1995) 

Hello New Kitchen Open House Survivors! Thanks to one and all for helping us celebrate the new space and for all the wonderful food and drink and other gifts everyone so generously presented. More than anything else it was a delight to be surrounded by such marvellous friends and Lady Dar and I certainly hold this companionship most dear. Stay well. All the best. Thanks again. Fondestos and Cheers from Lady Darjeeling and Her Minion, Patrizzio! Thank YoU for the invite.
I enjoyed! Frances Great pics, Patrick … and a great party. Thanks mutely to you both. See you anon after our Portuguese sojourn! Cheers, Lynnie and Dom Pedro Patrick, Here is Birgitta’s contact. Thank you, thank you for the many wonderful pictures and kind words, Patrick. We enjoyed your hospitality... and great food! Now, shall we meet in Orofino soon, Bill Laven

Hi Patrice, It does look like you had a wonderful party and congratulations. I guess our invitation is in the mail too?. I am surprised at the lack of accurate guessing on the single malt given your vast wealth of malt knowledge! Glad the social calendar is chock full as usual, it seems that you are busier now than when you were in Vancouver. We would love to have you to the cabin soon as it has been many years since you were able to squeeze us in to your busy social schedule. Talk to Corrine and lets make it happen. Cheers, Al
Hello Douro Folk! Trust your flights went well and you are sipping Touriga Nacional aplenty by now! Thanks for Birgitta's contact information, Jugos. Much appreciated. Also, thanks again for the fab lunch at Front Street Brasserie, Lynne. Enjoy your holiday and we look forward to seeing you when back. Travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Party Sept 29: Just a friendly reminder about our party. Not sure if I have told you all the details. The theme is a garden party and we are meeting at 11 am at the ornamental gardens in summer land for a walkabout and digital scavenger hunt. Hats are welcome!! From there we proceed to sumac winery for appies and wine at 1230 and lunch to be served at 1. Weather permitting we can play bocci and croquet on the lawns at the winery. Looking forward to seeing you there and you will have the opportunity to meet new people and meet my family!! I don't have Chloe's email so can you forward to her. I will Also msg her. Judy Xo Hi Judy Blue! Sounds like great good fun! Looking forward to everything. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Grazie tante, Patrizzio! I wish Terry would feel better: thank you for your good wishes. It seems that early November might be a good time for the book club meeting, preferably mid-week. I would be glad to join the discussion and answer questions. Warm greetings to you and Lady Dar! Renato Hello again, Booksters! I just had word from René and it seems early November would be best for him so please provide me with some dates that work for you and I'll run them past René. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick. I’m not back from Oz until the 14th so that might be too late for him. You guys do what you need to do! Hi again, Luigi! as of this writing don't know when group will feel it can meet so I'll keep you posted and if you are back then you can join us. Cheers, Patrizzio!  

Any night except Tuesday or Wednesday the week of Nov 26 works for me👍 Pamela Hello to all: Looks like we have some "cross-over" e-mails. So, we do not have a date as yet for the book club - is that correct? I will be leaving on December 10th for 6 weeks in Mexico - so I can do November still once we have a consenus. I am going to send out a to everyone so that we can come up with a date. Dame Judith November is good for us. Jos and Aart Hello,  Yes I’ll be able to come. Red wine will be my contribution on October 18th. Take care. Lou

Hi Patrick, You are obviously making a speedy recovery with all of these
distractions to keep you preoccupied, a very good plan. It sounds like a charmed life! The Grumpoid won't be happy to hear that you can't play bridge. We are sad that we won't be able to enjoy your company, fine wine, food and chatter together this weekend. If you find yourself at the coast this fall, please let us know and we'd love to have you up to Squamish, until then, enjoy your new improved health, house improvements, and, as always, the company of many friends. Sincerely, Little White

Thank you for the great photos from your new kitchen bash..beautiful kitchen beautiful home indeed Thank you for the was great fun to share this with so many nice folks and so nice to meet more Of your friends you are a very popular couple ..and I certainly understand why Happy recovery and looking forward to the next time we run into each other🙏😊😎 Elle

Hi Cousine and Antonio! Thank you both for the lovely evening and scrumptious meal, as well as for some insights into coming municipal election. Stay well. See you soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dinner. Duke would like to be included next time! Thanks for coming. So glad you did. I was more than happy to have your company. My friend passed away at 2:59 am. 😥 Michelle

Sunday, 23 September 2018

SOWTS Whiskey Tasting Blues: Sunday, September 23rd!

Very few established institutions, governments and constitutions ... are ever destroyed by their enemies until they have been corrupted and weakened by their friends. -Walter Lippmann, journalist (23 Sep 1889-1974) 

Photo: Mandias
Hello Far Flung Five-No-Trumpers! I apologize for this latest change of plans BUT, unfortunately, for us, it seems that Lady Dar and I, given visitors and other social engagements, are unable to play this coming week. That does not mean that any others cannot play if you can manage to stitch a game together. Please do. Buona Fortuna! [Hi Patrick, I am camping/RVing in Washington at Sunlake area till the end of the week. Back on Monday, so possibly can join you guys that week. All the best Mike]
Monday, October 1st, is free for us so please let me know if you'd like to play that evening or suggest another date, better for most. [Hi fellow Bridge Comrades, I’m home on Monday October 1st and am happy to host...6:30 as usual.... just let me know if you’re in. Meanwhile the snow is almost all gone and it’s sunny with blue skies.... although it’s still pretty chilly. Talk to me, hugs, Olly. With Olga Polga's message, following week is already falling into place for a game!] Yes thanks Olly Phil and I will be there Oct 1st 6.30 hugs Gill Count me in Olly, thanks for hosting. Cheers to all. Mike I would like to join you Oct 1st. Please advise the address. Thanks, Susan Hi Susannah and Olga Polga! You are welcome to car pool with us, from Burns Street. If that works, plan to be at our house by 6:00 pm. Otherwise, Rolly Poly, please send Susannah your street co-ordinates. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks, Patrick, but I am not a good passenger (motion sickness) so please send me the address. Susan Hi Olga Polga! Please send Susannah your street address and direction for this coming Monday. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Looking further ahead, Gilliana and Fillipo are leaving to go south for the winter on October 18th and would like to have a farewell pot luck at their place before that, with bridge to follow. Since Josinta returns from Greece on October 12th Jack Rabbit Gill was thinking about having the get together on Monday, October 15th. Please let group know if you will be able to attend. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Olly, thanks for hosting. Patrick and I can be there. Best Corinne Greetings from Kimolos. Gill knows I will be there! Jos Hi Kimolos Kids! Trust everyone is well and drinking Retsina and Ouzo aplenty. Take care of each other. Travel safely. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Patrick and Corinne, It seems that life is good as always in Penticton! We know that we left Paradise. However, we have found another Paradise. So far we have enjoyed beer and wine but tonight we plan to enjoy the ouzo. No retsina for us!

Best wishes to all as we head into town for another wonderful cappuccino ( it is still morning here ). Marian and Tim

Thanks Patrick and Corrine for a lovely dinner and evening. Nice to get together and chat. We're off this morning with a very full car!! Way too much wine! We look forward to hosting you on Denman. Luise, Dave , Heather and John
Hi Long Gone Naramatians! Thank you four for such a wonderful, fun-filled evening. Glad you enjoyed Lady Dar's ever so tasty Coq au Vin and Upper Bench cheese. Trust drive back to Vancouver goes well. Will certainly be in touch about a visit to Denman, and St John's! [Please pass along email addresses for both Heather and John when you have a minute.] We are hoping to do a Vancouver Island Grand Tour this Fall so will certainly let you know if that comes to fruition. Fondestos from Lady Dar to one and all. Travel safely. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lady Dar with Newfie Freeloaders!
Hi Patrice, I am glad your recovery is going well and very glad to hear that you have not had to endure too much discomfort other than catheter..yikes!. the very thought makes me double over and grab my groin area. 

I was certainly only joking re the answering machine and your long emails, fact is I do enjoy them and although I do find it tough to sit down and read through that is certainly a problem with my life and need to adjust. I definitely am stretched a bit thin and my intention is and always has been as a means to an end to make sure my ducks are all in a row and I at some point in the near future be able to relax much more knowing that I will be able to be self sufficient and not “have” to work. Not sure if I mentioned it but am working on Lost in space season 2, another Netflix series and the first couple episodes are very ambitious and thus the reason for having little time for other endeavours. This weekend I got mixed up as it is the weekend when I usually go with a bunch of other motorcycle riders down to Anacortes and I though it was the last weekend of Sept. but is in fact the third. Instead I worked in my shop trying to get this Errant Cloud project finished up for Germaine, the artist I have done a number of projects for in the past as I am sure you’ll recall.  
I bought a new to me car last week as the Suburban obviously was just getting more and more expensive to drive and did not need it %80 of the time anyway so I purchased a 1998 Honda CRV like the one Colleen used to have and that we liked so much. This one is in very nice condition and am enjoying driving it . I will probably keep the Suburban insured for the winter as I am getting a truck rental and fuel paid for on the show and will still need it for a few trips back and forth with the trailer to the Valley. Having a nice lazy morning so far and have been trying to organize the huge back log of pictures on my phone as it was getting overloaded. I will take Clover over to have a visit with my Mom for a bit and then take her for a run at the park before coming back and spending a few more hours on the cloud project as I have to get stuff ready to take to a galvanizing plant tomorrow. Seeing as the project sits in the air above the pool in the Minoru aquatic center it is a corrosive environment due to the chlorine in the air and thus the reason for galvanizing. Take care and wishing you a speedy recovery. Love to Corrine and the felines and talk soon. Cheers, Al

Hi Big Al! Congratulations on new wheels! You sound even busier than ever so I'll try to keep this missive short! [Cheque's in the mail!] We certainly enjoyed celebrating the new kitchen space, a week ago now, and guests were very generous with wonderful food and drink and other thoughtful gifts. More than anything else it was a delight to be surrounded by such marvellous friends and Lady Dar and I certainly hold this companionship most dear. Take care of each other. Fondestos from Lady Dar, out running errands. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Malt tasting with Jugos Dom Pedro and friend; Lady Dar with Karin, wife of Darin Patterson, chef at Bognar's, great restaurant here in town, and Karen Gillis, wine-maker at Red Rooster. 

Hi Patrice, It does look like you had a wonderful party and congratulations. I guess our invitation is in the mail too?. I am surprised at the lack of accurate guessing on the single malt given your vast wealth of malt knowledge! Glad the social calendar is chock full as usual, it seems that you are busier now than when you were in Vancouver. We would love to have you to the cabin soon as it has been many years since you were able to squeeze us in to your busy social schedule. Talk to Corrine and lets make it happen. Cheers, Al

Hi Elaine/O Susannah/Clan Carter! Trust everyone is well. I'm scheduled to see my dermatologist, in Vancouver, on October 24th so was wondering if any of you are interested in bridge that evening. So far, Janet Scott, Ragin' Bull, and perhaps Fast Eddy, are in so we have a least one table. [Have a couple of other possibilities if Fast Eddy has to play doubles squash!]

Just back from a blind whiskey tasting with the South Okanagan Whiskey Tasting Society. Loads of fun even if I only correctly identified one out of eight. Fourteen possible countries to choose from and I hit Scotland, Glenmorangie, on seventh tasting! We are invited out for dinner tomorrow night, at Michelle Dunn's place, [I call her "cousin" even though we are not related.], and tonight, Dick Lancaster, owner/winemaker of Black Widow, was at tasting and he mentioned that he had a chap working in Tasting Room this summer, named Patrick Dunn! At any rate, let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly.  Thanks. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Malt tasting with Dame Judith and her broken ankle, and Kevin. After our Open House, last Saturday, while walking home, she managed to twist her foot, falling on top of her husband Kevin, (President of SOWTS), and breaking her ankle! Fortunately not on our property as we cannot even afford to pay for kitchen renovation let alone a multi-million dollar lawsuit!! O Susannah here and yes I am able to play bridge on Oct 24th anytime after 5:00 pm. Let me know how things unfold. Regards & Hugs to the Dunn/Durston family, Susan Hi O Susannah! Terrific that you can join us! I'll be in touch as soon as I've finalized numbers and venue. Look forward to seeing you and catching up. Fondestos from Lady Dar, out running errands. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Patrick! The 24th is my pick up day for Hazel and as I am leaving for my river cruise on the 26th, I will probably spend the evening with the family. Thanks for including me though. Your room here is free if needed. Cheers Elaine

Hi Elaine! Sorry that you won't be able to join us but understand completely. Another time. Thanks very much for the offer of "my room"! Certainly much appreciated, of course. However, I've already made arrangements to stay with Flamin' and Sarge. Speaking of which. Lady Dar is on grand-parenting duty this coming Friday, for Ashlynn, one of their granddaughters here in Penticton as both parents are on shift. Perhaps we'll have to "import" you with all of your honed skills! At any rate, we'd love you to visit at some point so keep a trip in mind. Until then, stay well and have a fabulous river cruise. Lady Dar is green with envy. Hello to everyone. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pic: Paul, Una and Henry.

Hello Book Clubbers! Just to let everyone know, the next gathering scheduled for Thursday, October 18th when we will discuss Stuart Turton's The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. I am going to suggest Dame Judith host as it might be easier for her, given her ankle. If this doesn't work, DJ, let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!Oops! Forgot to attach snapola! What time and where, Sir? Hi Louise! I was waiting to hear back from Dame Judith, about hosting, before I sent out her address. Wherever we meet, I'll provide directions. Very pleased you are joining the group. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Looking forward to it! Louise It will be at my condo, not in the room we met the last time, Lakeshore Dr W Entrance is across from Gyro Park. The shorter building - not the two towers. Dame Judith I will be in attendance👍 Thank you for hosting Judi. Pamela

Hello Gang: Nice photo Patrizzio. Yes, I would gladly host the next book club. We can have it in our condo. Just need to know how many folks will be coming. What are we doing? Appies, wine and cheese? Let me know. Happy reading. Dame Judith Hi again, Evelyn Hardcastle Fans: Dame Judith has very kindly offered to host on Thursday, October 18th so we will congregate at her condo, [Please remind The Bookworms where you live, parking, etc., DJ], for 7:00 pm. In the past group members have often contributed a bottle of wine or a tasty nibble of cheese so let's do that again, if gang agree. Let me know who will be attending so that DJ can move furniture as needed! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Corinne and Pat. When would be a good time for me to call to talk about our upcoming visit? I'm assuming we will arrive Tuesday afternoon. Will you be up for a bit of a winery tour Wed? Lunch on us at Tinhorn Creek perhaps? Not sure about dinner on Tues/Wed. Whatever works for you. For discussion. Cheers, Paul in Kelowna! 
Hi all, As per Jim's email below, I'm arranging a hike for this coming Thursday (Sep 27th)... which is to head up Mt Martin starting from Skaha Bluffs. I'm hoping there'll be some Larch's just turning on the higher slopes. So... meet at HH in Penticton at 9am to carpool (IGA in Summerland at 8:40 to carpool into Penticton) and make our way to the Bluffs upper car park . For those near the park, it works OK if you want to go straight to the upper car park in the Bluffs - we should be there by about 9:15.

The hike should be 4 to 5 hours and a bit less than 9 miles in distance. It might be warm enough to warrant a visit to the KVR pub after the hike but such decisions can be made by those surviving the hike. Cheers. Phil Robson