The man who can make others laugh secures more votes for a measure than
the man who forces them to think. -Malcolm De Chazal, writer and painter
(12 Sep 1902-1981)
Hi Zircon! Must apologize for taking so long to reply but have been very busy with quite a few visitors and the on-going kitchen renovation. Very pleased to report, however, that almost everything is now complete and this past Monday we spent a goodly part of the day putting books back on the shelf unit, in Rumpus Room, we had to move in order to make room for a lip to be placed on the top stair, to meet new cork flooring. [Work was done on Saturday morning.] Still some painting to accomplish but after Lady Dar finishes a few touch-ups we plan to take a bit of a break before embarking on this next, far, far more time-consuming comprehensive stage. At least new kitchen will be ready for our Open House this coming Saturday. Sent you the invitation with the hope that it will entice you to join us, your next trip west!
As you know, Chloë has wanted to visit Marlo ever since her diagnosis and we just booked her flight to Winnipeg for October 3rd. She will return on the 9th but the exciting news from Falcon is that Rosie-the-Riveter will accompany her! Clarisse will stay with us until November 23rd so we are absolutely delighted that she has decided to visit. Might have to have another turkey when she is here as Thanksgiving weekend is when Chloë will be away. Otherwise, please send a package of overlefts from Medicine Hat as your meals sound wonderful, whether mashed potatoes or Indian food!
We had a real blast at the Pentastic Jazz Festival this past weekend and have our Book Club meeting at our place, a week this Thursday evening, and then a malt tasting/dinner on the following Sunday afternoon. Bridge on Tuesday and dinner with friends, Pauline and Mick, on Wednesday, visiting from Vancouver and staying at Sandy Beach Lodge, in Naramata. Hope to play bridge with them while they are here. Lady Dar has a Grandmothers for Africa meeting this morning and I want to work away at some brick work around one of the rain barrels on the back patio. Also need to try and tidy up garage as it has become the repository for all the empty storage tubs, so little room to move. I will take ones we don't need to Chloë's as she has plenty of room but want to use a number of them to store all sorts of quilts and comforters we currently have in heavy plastic garbage bags. More efficient to use tubs as they can be stacked.
Once I've rearranged things I want to move my stationary bike into the garage. Once weather fall/winter weather is such that I cannot ride outside regularly, I will set up apparatus in Rumpus Room so that I can watch Netflix as I pedal away. Probably not until after our Christmas Open House, in early December, however.
We had a real blast at the Pentastic Jazz Festival this past weekend and have our Book Club meeting at our place, a week this Thursday evening, and then a malt tasting/dinner on the following Sunday afternoon. Bridge on Tuesday and dinner with friends, Pauline and Mick, on Wednesday, visiting from Vancouver and staying at Sandy Beach Lodge, in Naramata. Hope to play bridge with them while they are here. Lady Dar has a Grandmothers for Africa meeting this morning and I want to work away at some brick work around one of the rain barrels on the back patio. Also need to try and tidy up garage as it has become the repository for all the empty storage tubs, so little room to move. I will take ones we don't need to Chloë's as she has plenty of room but want to use a number of them to store all sorts of quilts and comforters we currently have in heavy plastic garbage bags. More efficient to use tubs as they can be stacked.
Once I've rearranged things I want to move my stationary bike into the garage. Once weather fall/winter weather is such that I cannot ride outside regularly, I will set up apparatus in Rumpus Room so that I can watch Netflix as I pedal away. Probably not until after our Christmas Open House, in early December, however.
Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, James. Stay well. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Lady Dar's feline hot-water bottles! Bridge this past Monday with Gaughin and hat! Sunday at Pentastic with trumpeter, Bria Skonberg and Dave Bennett. Hi Ragin'! Trust you are well and packing for your coming trip. Thought you might enjoy reading about Split! Any idea about time you expect to arrive on Friday? You'll be over-lapping with Grog and Lurch, fro Friday night, so we'l plan dinner to suit your schedule. If Judy Blue is free I thought I might invite her for dinner so that we could have a few hands of bridge while Lady Dar and Lurch serve us drinks! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you, Ragin'. Stay well. Look forward to seeing you on Friday! Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio! Pics: Hot-water bottle felines, for Juno! Etta does not wish to be disturbed!
We are staying at sandy beach arriving next Monday and leaving Friday with micks sister and brother in law from the states. Wondered if you had time to join us there for dinner? Looks as if it is going to be quite cool next week. Hope to see you both. Mick and pauline. That would be lovely, thank you. Wednesday would be best for us if that works for you. Next week is not bad re weather but supposed to have lots of rain on weekend. I have a wedding Friday and will be raining. Look forward to seeing you. Cheers Corinne. Hello Soon-to-Be Sandy Beach Folk! Thanks for wonderful dinner invitation! Sorry you won't be here earlier to attend our End-of-Reno Bash! [At any rate, we hope you'll be able to pop by for a look at new space.] I know Lady Dar suggested that Wednesday would be best night for us BUT since she sent that message and left for her Grandmothers for Africa meeting I received a phone call from my surgeon's office.
Not sure if you knew that I had been put on a wait-list to have day surgery for my two hernias, navel and lower groin. According to receptionist, there had been a cancellation and I am now scheduled to have "my stuffing pushed back inside", [Ayn's sensitive phrasing!], on Wednesday, September 19th. Not sure at what time as have yet to be notified by hospital. As you might well imagine, I am delighted to have this unexpected opportunity as the hernia in my lower right groin seems to be getting a tad larger since I returned in late June. While I don't experience any undue discomfort, I am keenly aware of it and I certainly limit certain exertions as a result. Moving boxes of books and heavy furniture, per esempio!
All this to say that we might
need to change dinner plans once I know more about day of operation
itself. I suspect I will be reasonably tender, no matter what, but from
others I understand I should be able to move around and might need wine
as a pin-killer anyway! I'll be in touch once I've had a chance to talk
to Lady Dar as she doesn't know about this latest development and I need
to dovetail our plans with her busy social calendar, not to mention our own! Lurch and Grog arrive tomorrow for
nights, and Ragin' Bull, on Friday, for Bash. He has a pick-up so we will be doing a couple of firewood runs as
well as transporting a mess of lumber I have here to Chloë's new place
in Sendero. Plan to build storage shelving
in her two car garage with it. Will have to try and fit those activities in before surgery, obviously. Fondestos from Lady
Dar, in absentia, to you both. Stay well.
Look forward to seeing you next week. Will be in touch as soon as I know
more and we can confirm dinner. Thanks and Cheers, Il
Anyway, wanted to send this along as not sure how much time I'll have over next few days. Fondestos from Lady Dar, in absentia, to you both. Stay well. Look forward to seeing you and meeting Heather and John next week. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Etta as Lady Dar's hot-water-bottle; Sleepy Duke, with a big yawn, on new swivel chair! Hey Kids, Could be to your place and take you out for lunch tomorrow if it works for you. Or, if you have plans, could arrive later...Some nice wine in tow for next 2 nights...Looking forward to seeing you!
Have to make a stop at Summerland quilt shop before coming to your place.
Cheers, Grog & Lurch
Hi again, JB! Understand
about travel to Toronto but if you don't go we'd love to have you join
us. Closer, however, is this coming Friday. We have friends from
Vancouver arriving on Thursday/Friday and I was
wondering if you'd like to come for dinner. You've met Branko but not
Grogg and Lurch, as far as I know. Anyway, I thought we might have a few
hands while Lady Dar and Lurch serve us drinks! Let us know and we'll
plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!Yes I would like to come for dinner on Friday. Invitation graciously accepted!! Let me know what time and if I can bring something! JobHi Judy, come around 5:30. No need to bring anything. See you tomorrow, Corinne
We are staying at sandy beach arriving next Monday and leaving Friday with micks sister and brother in law from the states. Wondered if you had time to join us there for dinner? Looks as if it is going to be quite cool next week. Hope to see you both. Mick and pauline. That would be lovely, thank you. Wednesday would be best for us if that works for you. Next week is not bad re weather but supposed to have lots of rain on weekend. I have a wedding Friday and will be raining. Look forward to seeing you. Cheers Corinne. Hello Soon-to-Be Sandy Beach Folk! Thanks for wonderful dinner invitation! Sorry you won't be here earlier to attend our End-of-Reno Bash! [At any rate, we hope you'll be able to pop by for a look at new space.] I know Lady Dar suggested that Wednesday would be best night for us BUT since she sent that message and left for her Grandmothers for Africa meeting I received a phone call from my surgeon's office.
Not sure if you knew that I had been put on a wait-list to have day surgery for my two hernias, navel and lower groin. According to receptionist, there had been a cancellation and I am now scheduled to have "my stuffing pushed back inside", [Ayn's sensitive phrasing!], on Wednesday, September 19th. Not sure at what time as have yet to be notified by hospital. As you might well imagine, I am delighted to have this unexpected opportunity as the hernia in my lower right groin seems to be getting a tad larger since I returned in late June. While I don't experience any undue discomfort, I am keenly aware of it and I certainly limit certain exertions as a result. Moving boxes of books and heavy furniture, per esempio!

Hi again, Luise! Popping by on Thursday morning would be just fine. Give us a shout when you are about to leave Osoyoos and we'll be ready to give you The Grand Tour! Perhaps we can chat about visit to BW cottage then. With respect to hikes I would suggest the KVR given your location in Naramata. Not quite sure where BW cottage is relative to KVR but cannot be far. As well, south of Penticton, a stretch runs along the west side of Skaha, right along the lake so it is a wonderful, flat hike. You can go all the way from near the bottom of the airport to OK Falls, about 20 km round-trip but you might not wish to go that distance. I have a book with hikes from Kelowna to Oliver so I'll have it out for you to take on Thursday and you can see if anything interests you. Funnily enough I haven't been hiking since before I left in April but tomorrow I'm going on a short one, more a farewell party for a chap who is/was a regular member of hiking group for years, soon returning to Germany, where he and his wife were from, originally, to live.
Busy day, today, doing all sorts of household chores, in part to be ready for both visitors and party on Saturday. I cut up a load of kindling that I got from neighbour across back lane and then worked on brick work around one of the rain barrels on the back patio. Also needed to tidy up garage as it has become the repository for all the empty storage tubs, so little room to move. I will take ones we don't need to Chloë's as she has plenty of room but want to use a number of them to store all sorts of quilts and comforters we currently have in heavy plastic garbage bags. More efficient to use tubs as they can be stacked. Now that I've rearranged things I want to move my stationary bike into the garage as I plan to ride outside for next few months, weather permitting, of course. Once late fall/early winter weather is such that I cannot ride outside regularly, I will set up apparatus in Rumpus Room so that I can watch Netflix as I pedal away. Probably not until after our Christmas Open House, in early December, however.
Then is weeded the bricks in front of our garbage, recycling and yard waste bins. Lady Dar said she was going to do this but had to dash to a wedding rehearsal this afternoon so she managed to slip off the hook. Then I spent about an hour cleaning the front picture window. Takes about that long as I also have to remove the screens on the two, smaller side windows. Didn't go too too badly as Duke was supervising for much of the time!
Lady Dar said she couldn't help again as she was working on her presentation for her Book Club this evening. She left just before 7:00 pm to walk but a block down the street where gathering was hosted by the wife, Nancy, of another friend, Guillermo, in hiking group. When the windows sparkled like diamonds I affixed flexible downspouts to one of the water barrels we have near front door as well as one in back patio. The "fix" I had come up with for one in front didn't work so I trust latest effort will do the trick for both.
Anyway, wanted to send this along as not sure how much time I'll have over next few days. Fondestos from Lady Dar, in absentia, to you both. Stay well. Look forward to seeing you and meeting Heather and John next week. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Etta as Lady Dar's hot-water-bottle; Sleepy Duke, with a big yawn, on new swivel chair! Hey Kids, Could be to your place and take you out for lunch tomorrow if it works for you. Or, if you have plans, could arrive later...Some nice wine in tow for next 2 nights...Looking forward to seeing you!
Have to make a stop at Summerland quilt shop before coming to your place.
Cheers, Grog & Lurch
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