Hi Luise! Trust you are enjoying retirement and not suffering from a Champagne hangover! Must apologize for taking so long to reply but have been very busy with quite a few visitors and the on-going kitchen renovation. Very pleased to report, however, that almost everything is now complete and yesterday we spent a goodly part of the day putting books back on the shelf unit we had to move in the Rumpus Room in order to make room for a lip to be placed on the top stair, to meet new cork flooring. Still some painting to accomplish but we plan to take a bit of a break before embarking on this next stage.
At least new kitchen will be ready for our Open House this coming Saturday. Have two sets of friends arriving towards end of week, Lurch and Grog, (from Parksville), for Thursday/Friday nights, and Ragin' Bull, (from Vancouver), on Friday, for a week or so. Branko has a pick-up so we will be doing a couple of firewood runs as well as transporting a mess of lumber I have here to Chloë's new place in Sendero. Plan to build storage shelving in her two car garage with it.
We had a real blast at the Pentastic Jazz Festival this weekend and on Saturday we bumped into Pam. Earlier, Jim French, from hiking group, had had a brief chat with her so I knew she was in the same venue at the TCC. Of course we were pleased to learn that she was out and about, so to speak. Anyway, I wanted to say hello so went over to where she was sitting. She looked well although a tad thinner than when I'd last seen her. After I said hello I mentioned that you and Dave would be in town towards the end of the month, with friends from Memorial, and she replied: "That's okay, Patrick." I took this to mean that she wasn't interested in making contact but I might be wrong. She, Jim, and Al Tinka, from hiking group, used to meet for coffee every week, before she "withdrew" from most everything, so they were far closer to her than we ever were and Jim said that his conversation with her that morning was very guarded as well.
I mention this encounter as I knew you were concerned about her welfare and that you had not heard from her. At least she seems well enough and doing things so that is wonderful. For my part, I have now removed her from my group lists, (hiking and bridge), as it seems obvious that she is not interested. I understand, of course, but initially thought that it might be important for her to know that people were thinking about her.
At any rate, look forward to seeing you four when you hit town. We have our Book Club meeting at our place on Thursday evening and then a malt tasting/dinner on Sunday afternoon but otherwise our weekend is relatively "free" so let's arrange to meet, and even wine-taste when your schedule allows! (Thanks for invitation to join you.) We're both curious to see the Black Widow cottage so if it works, we'd love to poke our noses into your home away from home, at some point. Lady Dar does a shift on the information Desk at PGH from 8:00 am to noon on Friday morning and then there is the Farmers' Market on Saturday morning which is loads of fun. At any rate, let us know what your plans are and we'll plan accordingly.
Must away as I'm off to Kelowna to shop at Costco for some of the food stuffs we want for Saturday's party. For her part, Lady Dar has to go to Chloë's townhouse, in Sendero, later this morning, to be there when a couch is being delivered. Fondestos to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Etta and Duke and Lady Dar! Last week was the first time since renovations started that they both slept where they had usually "bunked down"! Shelves over sink; new wall shelves next to malt cabinet; new sofa; Lady Dar's "office" starting to become organized; new swivel armchairs.
Funny I was just thinking about you and how the renos have progressed! Nice to have stuff done! Love the kitchen and chairs. I guess I’m not surprised about Pam’s reaction. Somehow she never really trusted me – perhaps bc I knew her in her other life. I did email her last week – and your email explains why I haven’t heard back from her! I can only reach out. Thanks for the update.
We are in Osoyoos Tues/Wed and then at Black Widow Thurs/Fri/Saturday nights heading back Sunday (not sure when but probably will want to get back to Denman that night). You’d be welcome to drop by the BW cottage. Perhaps we could drop by on the way through Penticton on Thursday morning. We were thinking that we could do some hiking in the mornings and then wine tasting in the afternoons. Would appreciate some shortish hike suggestions. Also like to go to the market on Saturday. That’s about as far as we’ve “planned”! We still have to locate all the wineries you suggested on a map so we can be strategic in the ones we go to.
Funny I was just thinking about you and how the renos have progressed! Nice to have stuff done! Love the kitchen and chairs. I guess I’m not surprised about Pam’s reaction. Somehow she never really trusted me – perhaps bc I knew her in her other life. I did email her last week – and your email explains why I haven’t heard back from her! I can only reach out. Thanks for the update.
We are in Osoyoos Tues/Wed and then at Black Widow Thurs/Fri/Saturday nights heading back Sunday (not sure when but probably will want to get back to Denman that night). You’d be welcome to drop by the BW cottage. Perhaps we could drop by on the way through Penticton on Thursday morning. We were thinking that we could do some hiking in the mornings and then wine tasting in the afternoons. Would appreciate some shortish hike suggestions. Also like to go to the market on Saturday. That’s about as far as we’ve “planned”! We still have to locate all the wineries you suggested on a map so we can be strategic in the ones we go to.
It’s like someone turned off summer here and turned on the rain – which was welcome but it’s been cool! Hopefully we have some warm weather in the Okanagan! Did I give you our cell? Here are the numbers. Enjoy your visitors, Luise
Hi Susana! Great to chat with you today. Here is an invitation for you. Do hope Leandro will be able to pop in as well. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: I have included Beckster and Kid Chelene in the message as they are the couple we'd like you to meet as they are building a home in Sendero while Chloë has already moved into her townhouse there. We will be there! I’ll be out of town. Not sure if becca and the kids are going to be making an appearance. C Hi Kid Chelene! As far as I know, Beckster was planning to come. Hope so anyway. Cheers, Patrizzio!
WHAT IS THE BOOK CLUB DATE…….CAN YOU LET ME KNOW. AND WHAT TIME IS THE END OF SUMMER BASH………..AND WHAT CAN I BRING ALONG. HOPE YOU ARE FEELING MUCH BETTER. Patrick you missed an adventurous bike ride with the OLD FARTS yesterday. 4 flat tires………had to cut our ride short. Packed Lunch in Hildi’s Back Yard along with wine and beer. Cheereo and Have a great Sunny Okanagan Day. Hugs to you both……….H…..😊😊😊 Hi Von Bingen! Book Club is on Thursday, September 20th, at 7:00 pm, at 611 Burns Street. Summer Bash starts at 4:00 pm until hootch runs out, this Saturday, September 15th! Lady Dar has requested that if you could bring a salad that would be wonderful. Thanks! I heard about yesterday's disastro cactii bike ride as we played bridge with Olga Polga and Josinta, at their place, last night. Aarturo described all the recurring flats. Quite an outing!!! They both "raved" about "recovery" in your back yard! See you on Saturday! Cheers, Patrizzio!
WHAT IS THE BOOK CLUB DATE…….CAN YOU LET ME KNOW. AND WHAT TIME IS THE END OF SUMMER BASH………..AND WHAT CAN I BRING ALONG. HOPE YOU ARE FEELING MUCH BETTER. Patrick you missed an adventurous bike ride with the OLD FARTS yesterday. 4 flat tires………had to cut our ride short. Packed Lunch in Hildi’s Back Yard along with wine and beer. Cheereo and Have a great Sunny Okanagan Day. Hugs to you both……….H…..😊😊😊 Hi Von Bingen! Book Club is on Thursday, September 20th, at 7:00 pm, at 611 Burns Street. Summer Bash starts at 4:00 pm until hootch runs out, this Saturday, September 15th! Lady Dar has requested that if you could bring a salad that would be wonderful. Thanks! I heard about yesterday's disastro cactii bike ride as we played bridge with Olga Polga and Josinta, at their place, last night. Aarturo described all the recurring flats. Quite an outing!!! They both "raved" about "recovery" in your back yard! See you on Saturday! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Around 11:00 am, today, I was off to Kelowna to shop at Costco for some of the food stuffs we want for Saturday's party. For her part, Lady Dar went to Chloë's townhouse to be there when a couch, [She bought it, second-hand, while she was in Osoyoos for the weekend.], was being delivered, then back home to paint walls and some of the doors in hallway to bathroom/guest bedroom. After I was back from Kelowna and had put away groceries I went for ride and for most of the outing, [Route regulare down to PTC, Lakeshore, Riverside, Power Street Loopage, and then SOEC gerbil circuit.], it was sunny and most pleasant even when dark clouds blew in from the west. Turned out that they were rain clouds and there were a few light showers for last half hour I was cycling but really not heavy enough to put a damper on things, so to speak! Of course, rain of any sort is more than welcome! Really chuffed to have logged my first 51 km ride since being back. [Had three earlier rides, over last week or so, September 1st, 26.42 km; September 2nd, 27.53 km; and September 6th, 34.15 km, respectively, working up to base distance.] Hip Hip Hooray!Map and Stats for ride: https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/3007646206#.W5h4ATjeHUw.email
Gail Thomson Bravo, Patrick! Your cycling posts have inspired me to take up cycling. I just completed a group cycle and boat ride in the Low Countries. It was flat, but the winds were a challenge, at times even punishing. I will do more cycling in future. Loved it so much. Penny Doorbar Well done Patricio you as always inspire me with your cycling and your constant nattering on, I have had my glass eye finally sorted since your last visit and have been assured by the best in the land that I am ready for your next onslaught! Always love your catch -ups mad Cap Brenda McMorland Glad o see you are on the road again
Hello Vertical in the Vineyard People! Lady Dar and I would love to hike and taste in your vineyards so thanks for the wonderful invitation. As well, we would like to bring four guests, if that option is still open. Cheers, Patrizzio! See you then! Cheers,Virginia I will not be attending but I will get Patrick Dunn to pick up my wine. Thanks Wayne Hi Wayne, Thank you. We will be sure that Patrick takes your wine with him. Cheers, Virginia Pat If you are not going to the party I could get Corey or Rebecca to pick it up
Hello Potential Orofinites! Lady Dar and I would like to invite you, Judy Blue and Naramata Goil/Wild Bill to join us at Orofino for their fall pick up event on Saturday October 6th: "At 1pm sharp, Virginia and John will conduct a casual walking tour of 3 of their vineyards within a few blocks of the winery to taste the grapes on the vine and then taste the wines from these very vines. They will showcase a few varietals from these vineyards and we will have the opportunity to taste multiple vintages in the vineyards. This casual event includes walking through the vineyards so appropriate walking shoes are required. The tour will run approximately 1 hour. Upon returning to the winery, members and their guests are invited to enjoy a casual glass of wine and appetizers. The tour will begin promptly at 1pm at the winery." Let me know if you are interested and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! My card might be expired. Hi Sarge!
for new numbers as my cards have reached their limits so I
certainly need to use yours for next little while. Talked to Corey
about coming to event but he hasn't confirmed as of this writing. Will
collect your wine one way or another and I can mule it into Vancouver on
the 24th. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks, Sarge!
That sounds like do much fun! Thank you for the invitation. I really enjoyed the event last year. The pizza was delicious! I may not be able to go tho. My plans right now are to go back with Vanessa to Toronto. She is making the flight arrangements so as soon as I know I will tell you. See you Saturday Judy Xo Hi again, JB! Understand about travel to Toronto but if you don't go we'd love to have you join us. Closer, however, is this coming Friday. We have friends from Vancouver arriving on Thursday/Friday and I was wondering if you'd like to come for dinner. You've met Branko but not Grogg and Lurch, as far as I know. Anyway, I thought we might have a few hands while Lady Dar and Lurch serve us drinks! Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, Thank you very much for this invitation to attend Orofino’s wine pick up event. We enjoyed our outing to Orofino with you and Corinne last year. However we are in Vancouver in Oct 6 at the football game. The Argonauts are playing the BC Lions. Go Argos I hope that for your outing to Orofino this year you have weather as fine as we had last year. See you Saturday👍 Pam
Hi Football Fans! Great that you will be able to see your son play but we'll miss you at Orofino. [I think Wild Bill just wants an excuse not to ride with me!] Looks like JB may well be visiting her daughter, Vanessa, in Toronto, so we may have to search high and low for other guests as Chloë will be in Winnipeg that weekend! [Doesn't anybody stay in one place anymore?] With respect to bridge, are you going to Banff? I'm sure Festival will be wonderful and I'm more than envious. Latest development, as of this writing, is that game is now going to take place next Tuesday evening but I know you have hot yoga and more! You need to clone yourself!!! If Football Son and His Significant Other are still in town this Saturday, please bring them along if they would like to join us. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello all, I can’t play next Weds. I have tickets to the Banff Mountain Film Festival. Happy bidding. I hope to catch up with you the following week👍 PamPatrick, The Banff Film Festival movies that I am seeing are at the Cleland Sept 19. Tix are $25 at Peach City Runners. Tuesday doesn’t work for me because as you noted I have yoga (which I love). Matt and Alex head back to TO on Friday so will be gone by Sat. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. Have a great week👍 Pam Hello Bridge players, I wont be free to play bridge until Sept 24 or later. Most nights will work for me. Have fun! Cheers Carol
Hello Patrick, Well, yes, it is depressing, but the guy is in very good spirit. You probably have seen him on some early hikes with the Old Farts, and he knows Al Tinka very well. Al went through the same ordeal, and is quite OK now, so there is a hope. And sure, thanks very much for the invite to celebrate the ground opening of the fantastic kitchen. Mariola and I will drop in for sure.
See you there Cheers Mike Too bad because Wednesdays and Thursdays are not good for me. But I am not that regular as others anyway, therefore I might have to take any opening opportunity as it would come because I love to join the group, even occasionally. So, keep me posted please. Cheers. Mike
See you there Cheers Mike Too bad because Wednesdays and Thursdays are not good for me. But I am not that regular as others anyway, therefore I might have to take any opening opportunity as it would come because I love to join the group, even occasionally. So, keep me posted please. Cheers. Mike
Hi all, Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday night will work as I fly to Edmonton early Thursday morning. I'll be back on Monday October 1st and will be glad to play any evening that week. I would be happy to host the Bridge evening this week; just let me if which night is best for you. Again, thanks for hosting last night Jos. Have a fantastic trip!!! Same to Mariam, Tim and Aart. Hugs to all, Olly
Looks like you all had fun. Nice to see you in a few, Patrick. As far as bridge most nites work for me Judy Phil and I are not available any day next week as my climbing friends from Sedona are staying with us and don't play bridge!! We can host the following week but not available on that Thursday 27th. Hi Bridge friends, It looks like next week's Bridge night will be held at my place on Wednesday, Sep.19th. I am hoping that we can start at 6:30 and end a bit early as I fly out early Thursday morn. Let me know if this is okay. So far we have: Judy, Corrine, Patrizzio and me. Hugs to all, Olly
Hi Olga Polga, et al! I apologize for flip-flopping but due to changed circumstances, (both social and medical), I can only play on Monday evening next week. Friend Branko, in town for our Bash on Saturday, will be my partner as Lady Dar has a meeting that night. Let me know if this still works for you Olly. If we play in Summerlandia, JB you can carpool with us if you would like. Other players please let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Sorry, I am not available. Susan
Patriçio, Split is an interesting place. I wonder how Diocletian would have felt about beach volleyball played in his main square! Actually, my favourite coastal city is Rijeka. And thanx to relatives (once removed) I have a free apt to stay at! The guy who owns it lives in Zagreb. I plan to hit the road not too early, but definitely want to be out of the city by noon. So I hope to arrive by 4pm. I always pack last minute, otherwise I angst over too many decisions. So tomorrow, after a dog walk (Juno is in town), I plan to wash & vacuum the truck; slide on the side rails so we can haul more wood, then early to bed andoff in the a.m. Branko
Hi all, Something I have forgotten to mention for Thursday: Please bring plate, bowl, glass, mug, cutlery, napkins….whatever you think you might need for yourself. I’m sure there are other things ai have missed, But we’re big kids and we will muddle through! See you in a couple of days. Cheers, Jim Hello Fartograms, I will not be able to do the Monday outings for the next 3 weeks, so kindly ask that someone else picks it up to keep it going. Thank you, it is the precious camaraderie I hope we all hold dear! See you early October! Cheers,
Your Aart, the Mountain Bard Thank you Aart, for all of your organizing! We will be away til mid October, see you then, Hanneke and Doug
Looks like you all had fun. Nice to see you in a few, Patrick. As far as bridge most nites work for me Judy Phil and I are not available any day next week as my climbing friends from Sedona are staying with us and don't play bridge!! We can host the following week but not available on that Thursday 27th. Hi Bridge friends, It looks like next week's Bridge night will be held at my place on Wednesday, Sep.19th. I am hoping that we can start at 6:30 and end a bit early as I fly out early Thursday morn. Let me know if this is okay. So far we have: Judy, Corrine, Patrizzio and me. Hugs to all, Olly
Hi Olga Polga, et al! I apologize for flip-flopping but due to changed circumstances, (both social and medical), I can only play on Monday evening next week. Friend Branko, in town for our Bash on Saturday, will be my partner as Lady Dar has a meeting that night. Let me know if this still works for you Olly. If we play in Summerlandia, JB you can carpool with us if you would like. Other players please let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Sorry, I am not available. Susan
Patriçio, Split is an interesting place. I wonder how Diocletian would have felt about beach volleyball played in his main square! Actually, my favourite coastal city is Rijeka. And thanx to relatives (once removed) I have a free apt to stay at! The guy who owns it lives in Zagreb. I plan to hit the road not too early, but definitely want to be out of the city by noon. So I hope to arrive by 4pm. I always pack last minute, otherwise I angst over too many decisions. So tomorrow, after a dog walk (Juno is in town), I plan to wash & vacuum the truck; slide on the side rails so we can haul more wood, then early to bed andoff in the a.m. Branko
Hi all, Something I have forgotten to mention for Thursday: Please bring plate, bowl, glass, mug, cutlery, napkins….whatever you think you might need for yourself. I’m sure there are other things ai have missed, But we’re big kids and we will muddle through! See you in a couple of days. Cheers, Jim Hello Fartograms, I will not be able to do the Monday outings for the next 3 weeks, so kindly ask that someone else picks it up to keep it going. Thank you, it is the precious camaraderie I hope we all hold dear! See you early October! Cheers,
Your Aart, the Mountain Bard Thank you Aart, for all of your organizing! We will be away til mid October, see you then, Hanneke and Doug
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