A harbor, even if it is a little harbor, is a good thing, since
adventurers come into it as well as go out, and the life in it grows
strong, because it takes something from the world, and has something to
give in return. -Sarah Orne Jewett, poet and novelist
(3 Sep 1849-1909)
Home with Winnie, thank you for a wonderful long weekend xoxo Love Ayn
Glad you got home safe and sound. Got 4 mirrors up, dresser done, new shower curtain rods up and all floors mopped. Just got home time for a nap. Hugs and love Mom Wow!! Good work today all!! Send pics! thank you for my lovely birthday evening last night with three of the most important people to me It was so great to come to Penticton and be a part of Chloe's big move in! Can't wait to come and see it when she has her couch in and her artwork hung! Love the Burns Street Reno, it all looks fab and it all reenergized me to go and find a place to call home too As I flew up over Penticton this morning I was just so grateful for having had my birthday weekend with you three and it was all fabulous. I really needed your company and the weather was the icing on the cake PS the keys look great in the basket Bought a very Canadian water bottle (white with maple leaves) to make me less homesick in LA Lol Love Ayn xo
Bit of rain and quite fierce winds here last night. Woke up to find the front patio and steps strewn with leaves and small twigs, blown by the gusts that rattled our bedroom window blinds so much that we had to close it to stop the racket. Said goodbye to Ms Ayn around 8:00 am as Chloƫ and Lay Dar were driving her to the airport to see her off. Once they are back we will head up to Sendero to hang mirrors and finish assembling the Ikea dresser we started putting together a few days ago. Quite cool so far so I'm hoping it will stay this way as I hope to go for a decent ride later today. Pics: Farewell this morning while Duke was busy eating grass!
Hi Pat, I hope you have now fully recovered from your Central European adventures. Paul told me he had seen you at the Folk Fest (ages ago!), and that you had already, more or less, looked your old self. I have with no success tried to get hold of your telephone number. Seems like high time we had a proper conversation. What do you say? Are you willing to hand me this sensitive piece of information? I will be in Courtenay for another month. Kjell
Hi Pat, I hope you have now fully recovered from your Central European adventures. Paul told me he had seen you at the Folk Fest (ages ago!), and that you had already, more or less, looked your old self. I have with no success tried to get hold of your telephone number. Seems like high time we had a proper conversation. What do you say? Are you willing to hand me this sensitive piece of information? I will be in Courtenay for another month. Kjell

Sorry it has taken me so long to reply. Here is our home number. We will be at the Jazz Festival all weekend, September 7th-9th, all evening Friday, all day Saturday, until 10:00pm and all day Sunday, although event is over by 5:00 pm so we will be home shortly after that, for rest of evening. Our kitchen is "almost" finished, although cork flooring is still an issue. Still waiting to hear from manufacturer! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both. Look forward to chatting. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Thanks again for the great dinner. If you find you have more ripe prune plums than you can consume, you could dehydrate them if you have the equipment. I did mine and they turned out well, using instructions from Google. Cheers from Mexico City airport. Peter
As most of you know by now, Gerd (momentarily rather a slow fart) and his fearless faithful companion Meggie are leaving the True North and are going back to their roots in Germany. Before that happens, let’s get together once more for a picnic/hike. Where: Crump recreation site (on the old Summerland-Princeton Road) When: Thursday, September 13th, 0900 at Summerland IGA (0840 at Home Hardware in Penticton) for carpooling or 0930 at Crump. -We will provide some food and beverages. -Feel free to bring any edible or drinkable goodies to share. - Please note that a provincial campfire ban will likely still be in effect! -Camping chairs might be a good idea, too. - Refreshed and strengthened we can start any slow/intermediate/athletic hike from there and return for more food and beverages and … songs??? -There is no need to inform anyone that you are coming! -And please feel free to bring spouse/friend/other too! Hope to see you there, Gerd and Meggie
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