Thursday, 28 February 2019

Toshi Tackles The Carmi Trail Blues: Thursday, February 28th!

It is good to rub and polish your mind against that of others. -Michel de Montaigne, essayist (28 Feb 1533-1592) 

Good Morning , Toshi-San! Wonderful night last night. Trust you slept well. Terrific that you could see Greg, Cody and Dustin and they certainly enjoyed meeting you. They will be off to Apex shortly and I will do a bit of tidying up before I come to collect you, around 11:00 am, if that is fine. You might want to try your footwear in the snowshoes, (in the garage), just to see how they fit/feel. Of course I'll take a look at them when I'm there. Give me a call, if you wish, otherwise I'll see you in an hour or so. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Good morning, Patrick and Chloe! Wonderful to be back home in Canada! Thank you so much. I enjoyed meeting Greg, Cody and Dustin as well!! Please take your time. Anytime is fine for me. I woke and slept again, and woke up at 10:00. hahah. See you soon. Love, Toshiko 

Toshi and I went snowshoeing on the trails at Carmi on Thursday while Lads were at Apex.  
Hi Corrine and Pat, Many congratulations upon the arrival of your beautiful great-granddaughter! Adorable photos! Hope you are both well. Corrine, you may still be in Mexico, hope that’s fun. Pat, hope you are staying warm in this wintry weather. Peace/love Colin and Gail Hi Colin and Gail, I’m in the PV airport on way to LA to meet Olivia. Will be there for a week. Just hosted Lynette for past two nights at my place. She is on her way to Tepic and Copper Canyon eventually for some hiking. Had a great two months in Mexico not really ready for cold weather again. Hoping for an early Spring. Hugs Corinne Safe journeying to LA Corrine! Hello to Ayn and extended family! Take care, peace/Colin ✌️

Hi From Newly Minted Great Grandparents! What wonderful news indeed, [From latest snaps of Olivia I wonder if she has been signed by The Lakers yet?], so thank you for your best wishes! Now I am truly a Grumpy Old Man, or as friend Flamin' says, A Great-Grand Troll! Fondestos to you both! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Thank you for your email. I currently work a .5 (half-time) position. It may take me a day or two to respond to your email. peace/colin

Hi Taffy! I hadn't added you to Hiking list so here is the album I put together. On another matter, I'm planning to take my good friend, Toshi, visiting from Japan, to snowshoe at Idleback Lake, tomorrow, and wondered if you might like to join us. we will probably head out around 11:00 am so I could collect you, en route, if you are interested. Let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! Yes I would love to join you and snowshoe Idle back. Will call you later. Taffy.

Hi Colleen, If you could give us the name of who will be picking up for you, we will make a note that you have authorized them to pick up for you. Cheers,
Preston Hi Preston, Regarding our wine ready for pick up at Noble Ridge please allow Patrick Dunn to collect it for us and if you are in fact, the one distributing it, we would appreciate it if you could please remind him not to dip into it before we arrive for our next freeload, I mean visit.( hahaha jj ) Kind regards Colleen Waldron

Hello From Freeloader Central! Did you know about birth of Olivia Rose on February 22nd? What wonderful news indeed! Other than that, too, too busy with a fast and furious flow of non-stop Freeloaders, [Other than you two, at the top of the list!], to even think! Fondestos to you both and I'll save the empty Noble Ridge bottles! Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Apex and The Bad Boy Blues: Wednesday, February 27th!

Fear is a disease that eats away at logic and makes man inhuman. -Marian Anderson, singer (27 Feb 1897-1993) 

Mom and Lynette in Mexico
Olivia Rose!! A few more pics xoxo Ayn Great grandparents!!! So happy about the new addition to your family ❤️ She is beautiful I am happy you will be meeting her soon, Corinne!! Love and hugs Judy 
Hi all, This coming Thursday, let’s take a snowshoe in the Wilson Lake area. It is west of Peachland, near Silver Lake. We will: -meet at 0900 at IGA parking lot in Summerland (0840 at Home Hardware north parking lot in Penticton) -carpool and drive to the Wilson Lake trailhead -snowshoe…there are a few choices we can make about our route as we go -find a suitable place for debriefing and refreshment -return Are you up for it? If so, let me know. Cheers, Jim 
Hello to all,

I am canvassing for the Heart and Stroke Foundation in memory of my Dad, who suffered a stroke late in his long life that took away his ability to speak. Also, this year, I am encouraging you to donate to support research on congenital heart disease. Old friends lost their daughter in her forties from an infection because she had a small congenital heart defect.  

Why Heart & Stroke over other charities? Not only does the Foundation support research, it has an effective program for ensuring what is known is adopted in practice - see their "For Professionals" page at As a health librarian, I often saw the gap between research and practice - it is crucial to transfer research into practice, as the Foundation does.

Also, the Heart & Stroke Foundation is effective at public education. Notable is their FAST "Signs of Stroke" program described at They are leaders with their preventive approach, realizing that preventing heart problems and strokes is better than treating them. Please help me reach my fundraising goal by making a donation today. We all have many demands on our charitable dollars so certainly understand if you cannot donate to the Heart & Stroke Foundation right now. Thanks for your understanding of this intrusion into your inbox.

Right now your donation will be matched by Shoppers Drug Mart. Since it is late in Heart Month, I am once again asking for your support when it will be doubled. Thank you for your support! Jim

The Husband Hunters by Anne de Courcy: The invention of the "Four Hundred," the preeminent members of New York society in the Gilded Age:

"Yet at that very moment, as the Gilded Age began, a new social format was being created that would give shape and structure to the fashionable world for the next few decades -- and launch those daughters of the newly rich, the real-life 'buccaneers', across the Atlantic. At the heart of the stratagem designed to create what would become known variously as 'Society' and the 'Four Hun­dred' was one man, a Southerner named Ward McAllister. ... Even in an age of social striving, he was known as a snob.

"Connected by birth to some of the old New York families, in 1852 he had married an heiress and a few years later had settled in Newport, where his style of entertaining soon began to be copied. ... He had ... travelled extensively in Europe, where he soaked up everything he could about court and aristocratic customs. On his return to America he determined to become the self-appointed arbiter of its society and the customs it should follow.

"He had already been successful in shaping the society of New­port. Now, he decided, it was time to tackle the one city in America pre-eminent in wealth, drawing power, sophistication and general glitter: New York. A man might have made a fortune by planting a Midwest prairie with wheat -- but it was to New York that his wife, avid to spend this new wealth, now insisted they move.

"McAllister's cleverness lay in realising that the newly rich were there to stay; more and more millionaires appeared each year and the relentless tide of wealth would soon flood the passive Knickerbockers completely -- unless something were done about it (not for nothing were these newcomers known as 'the Bounc­ers'). He also recognised that any society had to have a leader, whom everyone would accept without question -- if not, it would degenerate into a formless mass riven by bitter internal struggles.

"There was only one person fit for this position and she, al­though beleaguered by the strivings of 'Bouncer money', as parvenu wealth was called, already occupied it. Caroline Astor would continue to be the queen.

"He decided to use the most desirable members of both old and new as the foundation stones of the new order. To select these, he formed a small committee ('there is one rule in life I invariably carry out -- never to rely wholly on my own judgment'); a little band that met every day for a month or two at McAllister's house, making lists, adding, whittling down, forming judgements.

"Eventually, twenty-five men, all wealthy, some from old fam­ilies, some from the new rich but all considered to be men of integrity, were chosen and invited to become 'Patriarchs', as they would in future be known. They would give two and sometimes three balls a season, as exquisite as possible, with each Patri­arch in return for his subscription of $125 having the right to invite to each ball four ladies and five gentlemen, this number to include himself and his family; all distinguished strangers (up to the number of fifty) would also be asked, their names to be run past McAllister. Everyone asked to be a Patriarch accepted immediately.

Samuel Ward McAllister
"As McAllister had rightly foreseen, the exclusiveness of these balls was what gave them their magnetic power. 'We knew ... that the whole secret of the success of these Patriarch Balls lay in making them select ... in making it extremely difficult to obtain an invitation to them, and to make such invitations of great value [so that] one might be sure that anyone repeatedly invited to them had a secure social position.'

"The first of the balls was given in the winter of 1872. With them, McAllister achieved absolute social power. "Applications to be made a Patriarch poured in, the great ma­jority turned down but often with the door left tantalizingly ajar."

The Husband Hunters, Anne De Courcy, St Martin's Press, 2017.


noun: A licentious or immoral person.

By folk etymology from Middle English rakel (rash, hasty). Earliest documented use: 1547.

“The titular character, John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester, was a notorious rakehell as well as being a classically influenced, but principally obscene poet and playwright. He was repeatedly exiled from the court of Charles II for everything from abducting his future wife to vandalising a sundial, and died at the age of 33 from alcoholism and venereal disease.” Ian Shuttleworth; Thoroughly Unlikeable, Highly Enjoyable; Financial Times (London, UK); Sep 29, 2016.  

[The Righteous Rakehell For some reason, the word rakehell occurs often in romance titles. Is it due to the belief that women are attracted to bad boys?]

The Music and the Life: Beethoven, by Lewis Lockwood. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), one of the most esteemed classical composers, had superb musical training as an adolescent, first as a violist in the orchestra of his hometown of Bonn, then as a young keyboardist dedicated to learning the difficult and still largely unknown works of Johann Sebastian Bach:

"For a smaller musical center the array of talent [in Bonn, Germany] was remarkable, and playing viola in the orchestra [as an adolescent] with such performers gave Beethoven a first-class introduction to the major orchestral literature of the time, including symphonies by Haydn, Mozart, and many other composers. He also took part in operatic performance as seen and heard from the orches­tra pit. ... By adding the violist's experience of playing inner-voice string parts within the orchestral ensemble and probably also in quartets he undoubtedly gained a stronger feeling for orchestral sonorities and idiomatic playing than he could have had in his more limited role of keyboard virtuoso. 

[Portrait of Ludwig van Beethoven by Carl Traugott Riedel]  Certainly after the years in Bonn there is no evidence that he ever played a stringed instrument in an orchestra again, and only on special occasions in later life did virtuosi of the caliber of these Bonn players turn up in any numbers to perform his orchestral works. After leaving Bonn and establishing himself as a free-lance composer, he had occasional limited access to orchestras assembled and paid for by a few wealthy patrons, such as the Lobkowitzes, but never had a regular court orchestra at his disposal for any length of time. For each of his own later public concerts of orchestral works he had to put the orchestra together himself. It often included a fair number of amateurs playing alongside a few top professionals such as the violinist Ignaz Schuppanzigh and the cellist Joseph Linke.

"Christian Gottlob Neefe counts as Beethoven's only important teacher at Bonn. ... Beyond his role as a mentor and teacher of modern styles, Neefe earned his place in history by introducing the young Beethoven to the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. His burnishing of Bach's image emerges in a very important notice that Neefe published about the young prodigy Beethoven as early as March 1783, when the boy was only twelve:

Louis van Beethoven [sic], son of the tenor singer mentioned, a boy of eleven years, and of most promising talent. He plays the clavier very skillfully and with power, reads at sight very well, and -- to put it as simply as possible -- he plays chiefly The Well-Tempered Clavier of Sebastian Bach, which Herr Neefe put into his hands. Whoever knows this collection of preludes and fugues in all the keys -- which might almost be called the non plus ultra of our art -- will know what this means. So far as his duties permitted, Herr Neefe has also given him instruction in thorough-bass. He is now training him in composition and for his encouragement has had nine variations for the pianoforte, written by him on a march -- by Ernst Christoph Dressler -- engraved at Mannheim. This youthful genius is deserving of help to enable him to travel. He would certainly become a second Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart if he progresses as he has begun.

"This is no mere plea for support of a talented beginner. It is a profession of faith in J. S. Bach as a supreme musical model -- and this at a time when the greater part of Bach's output was still little known and hard to find, except for copies that circulated among groups of enthusiasts who included Bach's sons, a handful of surviving Bach pupils, and a few theorists wedded to Bach's achievements, as well as some lay admirers. It is indicative of Neefe's knowledge of Bach and devotion to his music that in 1800 Simrock com­missioned him to furnish a corrected text of The Well-Tempered Clavier for local publication.

"In the Germany of 1783 the name Bach for most people referred either to his best-known son, Carl Philipp Emanuel, then rounding out his career at Hamburg -- or to his youngest son, Johann Christian, who had just died in England in 1782. Musicians knew of old Sebastian's reputation as a leg­endary patriarch of music, but in the age of galant homophony, his music, though of transcendent quality to Bach enthusiasts, seemed arcane and dif­ficult to average musicians. In Bach's lifetime only two cantatas and a hand­ful of his keyboard works had been published, because music prints were expensive to produce in the earlier part of the century. For thirty years after his death in 1750 there were only twelve Bach editions, mainly his late and contrapuntally 'learned' works -- The Art of Fugue in 1750, the Musical Offering and the third part of the Clavierübung in 1761. "It was only from about 1800 on that more publications of Bach's music began to appear, their production picking up momentum throughout Beethoven's lifetime.

What little of Bach was known in these early years was regarded by most musicians as formidably difficult to perform and to understand. That Beethoven could learn to know and play The Well­ Tempered Clavier so early gave him direct exposure to Bach's unparalleled command of musical logic and depth of expression, even if he could hardly integrate it into this embryonic stage of his own compositional develop­ment, which was inevitably aimed at mastering much easier contemporary styles and techniques. Bachian counterpoint remained a latent influence for many years before it reemerged in Beethoven's later life, when he was ready to accept the very different artistic responsibility of coming fully to grips with the intricate mysteries of Bach's art." The Music and the Life: Beethoven, Lewis Lockwood, W.W. Norton & Company, 2003

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Mighty Grigor and The Home Office Blues: Tuesday, February 26th!

Humankind's wounds, those huge sores that litter the world, do not stop at the blue and red lines drawn on maps. -Victor Hugo, poet, novelist, and dramatist (26 Feb 1802-1885)

Staying at this great old hotel in Ashland, en route to sunny California, and I spotted this wine, in the wine bar where we were eating, and it brought back many happy memories. Cheers Mick Ah yes , I remember it all well! Nectar!..
No doubt signs of more to come. Andrew
Forgot to mention Mike that Anne & I went to Seghesio last year for a tasting. They charge US $25 each to taste and only waive it if you buy 3 bottles@ US$45/ bottle!Those were the days when it was free and some of us were able to say” may I be so bold as to ask .....?” 😋
Enjoy Ashland . We’re jealous! Andrew

Hello Patrick et all, Answering your questions regarding Apex: The best place to buy your tickets is Costco or Sportscheck. To get a good feel for the mountain they can meet with a ski host at 9am or 1pm above The Edge coffee place.
The Apex website also gives you a detailed map of the terrain.Green easy slopes, blue intermediatiate and black advanced.The daily report on the website tells you which ones will be groomed, but I suggest do an orientation with the Apex host. Enjoy the mountain. Jos
Thank you Aart. Appreciate the feedback. We look forward to experiencing the hill. Thanks again, Greg Hi Greg, Just so that you know, if you are 65 or 70, passes at the ticket booth at Apex may be the cheapest. You have to check. Success, Aart Best price lift tickets may be at Costco and I believe unused tickets can be returned for full value....check it out. Sorry I am unable to do a tour guide this time as we are skiing the steep and deep Wasatch mountains near SLC in Utah until about March 10. Miss the hikes and snow shoe days! I am sure Aart will have a good idea on snow conditions at Apex. Cheers.......Kilian

Hola Patrick We always snowshoe at Nickel Plate nordic centre or Carmi Idleback is much closer for me, I will have to make an effort to find it, looks beautiful! I have a gentleman here from Moduline fixing descrepanies today, no snowshoeing for me. I have put "the date" in my phone I will pray for you and hope all goes well the day of your surgery. Sorry to hear Corinne went off without you, looks like Chloe is great company! Ciao Kelly

Monday, 25 February 2019

Snowshoe the Bald Range Blues: Monday, February 25th!

The pain passes but the beauty remains. -Pierre-Auguste Renoir, artist [responding to Matisse on why he painted in spite of his painful arthritis] (25 Feb 1841-1919) 

All-cat catch-all
Photo: Zoran Milutinovic
Hi put money for Costco charges in joint acct. Had a great weekend with Lynette. She arrives here tomorrow around noon. Off to yoga and to Agneta’s again later for Shani’s 5th birthday party. Will spend this afternoon packing up the empty duffle bag I brought down. Getting excited about seeing Olivia. The pictures are so wonderful and yes so different than when we had our girls. Love you, Cora Lee

Hi Duffle Bag Babe! Pleased your weekend went so well with Lynette. You'll be busy over the course of your last few days in La Peñita. Do you know if Sam and Olivia are back at home yet? Had a fairly lazy day yesterday and went over to Sutherland's to say goodbye to Flamin' just before Kid Chelene took her to the airport. I guess we won't see her and Sarge until Easter. Beckster invited Chloë and I for dinner and we had a drink and chatted until Corey was back. Stuffed peppers for dinner, delish. After dinner we said goodbye to Dad and Terrible Twosome and repaired to Chloë's place. I went ahead as I wanted to take a look at her garage door. Turned out it just needed a little pressure to release lock mechaniss so pleased I didn't have to take anything apart.

Chloë had taped Oscars so we had fun watching them unfold, nibbling on some cheese and great sweet potatoe humous she'd made that morning. Ironically, tape stopped just as Olivia was starting to make her acceptance speech, hence link to it Chloë sent! Knew Green Book had won Best Picture as she Goggled it before I drove Beckster home.

I paid Costco bill, as mentioned. How much should I transfer into Joint Acct before month's end? Did you order a SOWTS ticket for St Patrick's Day event? Still no word from Greg. Last message said he would arrive this evening, driving from Calgary, all going well with roads, etc. Must away as Lou is collecting me for today's snowshoe outing. Happy Packing! Fondestos and Love, My Mexican Amore! Cheers, Patrizzio!
I tried to use Costco card today and it was not accepted, luckily I had cash as well. I think we should each put more money into joint acct. I did get a ticket for St. Patrick’s day tasting and dinner. Just got home and starting to pack now. Love Corinne

Aah yes, Mabel, the prettier sister of Agnes. Her smile could light up a room, especially when she showed both her teeth. She always had the best bottle cleaning rag – and she could work wonders with a moldy cake. Congrats on your great grandfathership! Great news. I am in Golden BC right now – headed in your direction. It is 3:15pm. Not sure when that puts me in Penticton. Maybe 9pm?? Send me your address so I can punch into GPS please. Greg Hey Greg, In case dad’s hiking or swimming here is their address! Hi Golden Grigor! I see that Chloë has already sent you our address. I will be playing bridge in Summerland this evening so if you call me on my cell, (or at home, before 6:00 pm), when you are leaving Peachland, I can make arrangements to leave the game so that we can arrive at our place about the same time. If you arrive before I do, here is the back door code. It is best to pull the handle towards you when entering code. 

If you pull into the back lane, off White, we are second house from corner and Lady Dar's spiffy Bug is parked in front of garage. I'll park in front of house so you can back your vehicle up driveway, the better to unload anything you want inside. You'll be in spare bedroom, first door to your right when you walk past microwave/wall oven. You can also text Chloë if you can't find any rum! All this just in case you are here well ahead of me and Etta and Duke won't have anything to do with you! Anyway, look forward to seeing you. Travel safely and call when you are in the vicinity and I'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Both Mabel and Agnes send fond regards and you should know that Agnes now has a new set of dentures so her smile is nothing sort of dazzling although she can't spit quite as well!

Greetings Bald Range Endurance Snowshoers, et! A terrific round of applause to King Ottokar and Chuckster for this past Monday's more than rewarding outing. The sky, the temperature, the landscape, the company, all beyond compare. Thanks to Chuckerini, of course, for reconnoitering route beforehand and to all the Barbed Wire Boys for helping us over the various fences we encountered, not to mention the Mountain Rescue Crew who came to Taffy's aid. A special mention to him for continuing the trek when things looked very much like he may well have had to turn back. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we salute you, O Plucky One! Bravo, although I'm still a tad miffed that you beat me back to the parking lot! Nonetheless, a fab, fab day with fab friends. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hello Fartograms, Here are my photos from today:
It was another great snow shoe in a beautiful area and with great weather.
Thank you all for coming.
Enjoy! Aart

Fabulous photos Patrick! Dressed in flaming orange, the barbed wire boys looked dashing.  A special thanks to Bruno for his leadership skills. Cheers,
Tim Thank you U two for your pictures. Unfortunately We were not able to arrange transport from the House On the Hill to the meet spot nor return. So Where the Heck is the Bald Range? Is it off the Summerland/Princeton road paralleling the KVR ? And if so, how far out. Those pics look great and so I would like to take my bride for a walk in those hills. Let me know pls guys David

Hi Aarturos, St Kilian and Josinta! Thanks for piturras fabuloso, Aarturos! Grand day indeed! We missed you, St Kilian! Terrific bridge night, as well, Josinta!

On another matter, my brother-in-law, Greg, will be skiing at Apex over the next four days or so, beginning on Wednesday. He is collecting his two sons tomorrow night from airport in Kelowna. I am hoping that since they have never skied at Apex before, you might be able to have a bit of a chat with him about what runs might be of interest and match their downhill abilities. Cody, eldest son, is a high-end skier, Dustin is intermediate+ and poor old Dad performs at an intermediate level. Greg will be working from our place tomorrow, until he leaves for Kelowna, around 8:30 pm, so if you have a chance and the time, would it be too, too much to ask you to call, to give Greg some basic idea of what he/they might expect at Apex. I'm sure they can figure things out but local knowledge is always of benefit. As well, where would you suggest they buy lift tickets? Certainly appreciate any help and suggestions you are able to provide. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, Hope your surgery goes well. I've had two in the past few years and seem to have recovered! I'm sure you heard from Gregg about the blow. We had been in Parksville in the morning, at one point watching a complete rainbow out in the Strait in brilliant sunshine. On the way home started noticing downed power lines and traffic lights. Went to our local, The Shady Rest, to watch the sea and a large number of groups of sea lions (are they prides?) basking in the sun. Then they started sailing north, their fins acting as sails. 

Got home safely for the power to go out through Qualicum - actually throughout the Island and Lower Mainland. Luckily we have gas fire and stove so had a nice quiet, no internet, evening reading our luminated ereaders. Others around us had no power for a few days. Then, after a very mild January, we had three snow storms early this month which left almost a foot of snow on the ground around here. Much is still around, especially in the forest over the road. Had to cut today's walk with Nico short - far too icy and I've already slipped once and sprained my wrists!

Nico is Otto's replacement - Karen's had him about three years. He's a lovely black lab but without Otto's character or sense! Spent part of last week staying with Katy, my younger, and her baby. Robin is now about 5 months and has finally reached the point where Katy and Graeme can be sure of a bit of downtime. They're off to New Zealand camping at the end of the week - very brave of them since I remember flying with Sara when she was 11 months old and she never settled down.

We love it here - such a change from Yaletown which we enjoyed less and less as it got dirtier and noisier. Changes in licensing laws and the arrival of the Canada Line attracted drinkers till late and the bars followed. By the time we left there were about 10 bars on our side of our Yaletown block - no longer a mixed use neighbourhood. Instead we have a pub on the sea, trees all around us and very little traffic on our dead end street. We can get to medical and dental appointments in 5 to 10 minutes and have no trouble looking for parking. Do miss friends from Vancouver but many come over for a night or so - I operate a chauffeur service from Departure Bay and, sometimes, Dole Point. (Bloody au​tocorrect - Duke).

Haven't watched cable TV since we've been here - most of the time we stream from British TV - BBC and Sky which show a whole range of British and foreign shows. All courtesy of my mum who we piggy back on and a VPN / DNS that seems to hide our location. Also subscribe to Squash TV - I remember that I used to enjoy watching doubles more than singles but the use of a white slightly reflective ball and coloured glass courts makes good singles a real spectacle. Best wishes form all three of us N, K and N

Hi Nico, Karen and Chopper! Wonderful to hear you are so comfortably ensconced, just outside Qualicum Beach, I take it. I have often ridden fairly close to your place on my way north following the Island Highway out of QB. Did I mention that we have close friends in Qualicum Beach itself? Carol Riera is a real estate agent and you may well have seen her signs around town. Her husband, Bruno Sterckemann, works as a translator from home. I'm sure you would enjoy their company so give Carol a call. Tell her you want to sell your house and that Patrizzio wants half her commission! She still owes me for her slogan, Rely on Riera! Can't remember if you knew that we became great-grandparents on February 22nd. Congratulations on Robin! Take care of each other. Bestestos and Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio! Pics: Everest Etta, one of our two felines. Duke is the other.

Sunday, 24 February 2019

Oscar and The Red Carpet Blues: Sunday, February 24th!

A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience. -Miguel de Cervantes, novelist (1547-1616) 

Hi Flamin', et al! Thanks for the fabulous, fabulous evening! I'm pleased you enjoyed it so much, [Although I knew you would even though I didn't snatch any food from neighbouring table!], and that you are now planning to move to Penticton! Especially since your new massage therapist has worked wonders on you! Trust this is the start to a full recovery. Anyway, I might see you later this afternoon if you plan to pop by Chloë's to see start of Oscars, before you fly back to Vancouver. Look forward to continued Freeloading in the near future, especially when there are just the two of us to drink such wonderful Church & State hootch! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: FSB and PDA!

Hi Toshiko-San! Trust all continues to go well in Whistler. Thanks for sending along your flight information. Dates and times work out very well so I'll be waiting for your arrival this coming Wednesday. In case there are any last minute changes you can always call me at home. Have been very busy with all sorts of outdoor activities ever since Lady Dar flew to Mexico. Album below is an example of snowshoeing that is an absolutely wonderful activity. Chloë and I have been out two times as well. At any rate, look forward to seeing you in a few days. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Taken by friend, Aarturos, on Thursday's outing. Dinner last night with Flamin' at wonderful restaurant, Front Street Brasserie, here in town. Hi, Patrick! Thank you very much for picking up at the airport. Wonderful pictures! Looking forward to seeing you on Feb.27th. Here is my number in case, Love, Toshiko

Hello Fartologists, Tomorrow we will snowshoe in the Bald Range area in Summerland under the watchful eye of Otto Strobel and vice scout Chuck Fletcher. Most of you will know the Bald Range is a beautiful grassland area (now covered with snow) on the far West side of Summerland along the Summerland-Princeton Road. As usual we will gather in Summerland at the IGA parking lot at 9:00AM. Pentictonites need to get together at 8:40AM at the Home Hardware parking lot to carpool to Summerland. After our no doubt enjoyable snowshoe we will descent on a venue of your choice for a recap and beverage of our choice :)! See you tomorrow! Cheers, Aart the Mountain Bard

 Hi Luigi! Are you still planning to join Monday's outing? If so, is it convenient for you to swing by again? I have your ticket for the Kitchen Stove film on Thursday but can arrange for you to collect it, or hand it over another time if you are doing something else tomorrow. Let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Patricio Gladly pick you up tomorrow, how about 8:30? Luigi Ciao Luigi! Grazie! Ci vediamo alle 8:30. Lo prendo, andremo dritti a Summerland, a meno che Bruno non sia d'accordo. Nel qual caso possiamo prendere la mia macchina. Grazie e saluti, Patrizzio! Didn't want you to get lost in translation! Hi Luigi! Thanks! See you at 8:30 am. I take it we will head straight to Summerland unless Bruno won't be along. In which case we can take my car. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! 
Great pics Patrick! Congratulations on the birth of your great granddaughter:) It’s lovely to see one’s family expand. At this point our family is expanding in terms of significant others only…grandchildren aren’t even a twinkle in any of our children’s eyes. Sorry to hear that Lynn and Peter are departing the area. However Victoria is a lovely small city with a lot to recommend it as long as you don’t mind living on an island (which Bill does). I wonder who bought their house. I am enjoying the sunshine today after such a dull day yesterday. Unfortunately I am dusting (which is a multi hour task) rather than enjoying an activity outside in the sunshine. Enjoy the Oscars tonight. Pamela

Hi Molly Maid! You can come and dust here once you've finished your place! I have to do fireplace mantle and surrounding shelves every few days as there is always a fine coating of ash from fire. Know when it's time when I can see paw prints left by Explorer Cats! I am curious to know who bought Lighthall's place as well. Furthermore, I couldn't agree more with Bill about island life and being a slave to the ferries! I voiced this objection when Lady Dar first brought up subject of move. Thanks for good wishes about Olivia. 

I'm wondering if Lady Dar will now be able to tear herself away from Tinsel Town and her brand, spanking new great-granddaughter! I'm off to Sendero, around 5:30 pm, to stop at Sutherland's place to say hello and goodbye to Flamin', flying back to Vancouver this evening, and then on to Chloë's place afterwards to watch rest of Oscars.

Snowshoeing tomorrow and then my brother-in-law, from Winnipeg, but in Calgary at moment, arrives, with his two sons, for a few days, almost at same time as former Japanese boarder, Toshi, coming from Whistler, where she is at a Tony Robbins business seminar, [translating for her boss!], via Vancouver, flying into Penticton on Wednesday, until Saturday. Unfortunately, she'll miss Lady Dar who isn't scheduled to fly back from Tinsel Town on March 7th. Maybe I'll get my guests to dust! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
I'll send Billy Porter over to dust your floors for you🙃 Photo to follow👍
Billy Porter (at the Oscars)
Hi Lady Dar! Up at 5:30 am to feed the Wild Things. Both licked their plates, wet cat food, clean and then went out, via Rumpus Room, so I headed back to bed until 9:00 am! Luxury, sheer luxury! Will spend most of day readying house for coming invasion and then making my lunch for tomorrow's snowshoe outing. I'm off to Sendero, around 5:30 pm, to stop at Sutherland's place to say hello and goodbye to Flamin', flying back to Vancouver this evening, and then on to Chloë's place afterwards to watch rest of Oscars. Probably only be her and Beckster as Kid Chelene will look after The Terrible Twosome. Also need to look at door from hallway to her garage as she hasn't been able to open it since Robbie's visit. She thinks something fell off inside lock mechanism but I won't know until I've taken a closer look. From what she described I think I might have to take handle off and perhaps replace entire unit. Where's Dusty?
Must away as fire needs another log or two. Lovely and sunny, blue, blue sky and temperature is hovering around 2º C although cold wind out of the north at around 26 km/h so not shirtsleeve weather yet! Much Love to my Gorgeous Great Grandmother. Cheers, Patrizzio, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer for Your Relatives! PS: Are you planning to transfer funds into Joint Account before Wednesday? Also, did you change your AirMiles password? Pics: Very, very sleepy kittens and today's sky, all taken a few minutes ago.

Fabulous evening great company, (I mean people at next table!), great wine ! Thank you for introducing me to Lisa and John. Apparently Oscar party is at Rebecca’s see you there. My flight is out at 7 so will only catch a glimpse of it M Hi Flamin' The Freeloader Enabler! Mutual, I'm sure, about great company at next table! Had a note from Lisa and she said she thought you were a rather pushy broad so that's why she charged you corkage! I'm exempt as I'm such a well behaved lad! Will definitely run up to Beckster's to drink some more free wine and then move to Chloë's place afterwards for free food! Nothing better than this Freeloader gig! [Now I'm beginning to understand Clan Sutherland's compunction for same!] Far, far superior to on the halves! See you in a few hours. Have plenty of Church & State breathing! Cheers, Patrizzio!  See, it really is the best ;) way to finally figure it out !!! Cheers Nicolina

Best speech! <> Chloë Thanks! Off to read so I hope I have a couple of fur blankets! Lovely evening. Talk tomorrow. Love, Dad! I agree lovely speech and real! Mom

Hi Colin and Marps! Pleased you enjoyed the card, Jo-Anne but Colin, you must have your iPod glued to your ears as you already sent me that joke! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Congratulations on reaching a more elevated genealogical plateau. AND to all those involved in making it happen. WOW. Hard to believe how little kids (well, not THAT little) are now full-fledged parents. I hope that Spring hits the Okanagan soon!!!! We are busy trying to determine which horse to ride to take Trump to the cleaners. It's wonderful to contemplate.... Donna Florida is off to her book group with a fresh loaf of bread as bounty. Me to while my evening away with a distressing lack of temptation. Cactus Congratulations Great Grandparents! Thank you for sharing this little wonder with us.It must be a special feeling that we can't even imagine as brand new grandparents. Corinne, enjoy while you are in L.A. Safe travels and we hope to see you soon around the bridge table. Big hug, Jos

Many congratulations to you all. Very exciting and glad everyone is well. Sounds like many more trips to California. This is increasing the fold who will look after you in dotage. The picture of the snow shoeing, is that you escaping. Meeting up with Ben and Ellen this w/e. Gorgeously beautiful here and freezing. Congratulations again. Now off to Tai Chi. Take care Glasgow 
Hi Patrick! Congratulations to you and Corinne and of course all your family! What precious photos of your great-granddaughter. I am sure there will be a trip south once Corinne is home! So lucky to see the new generation of your family starting. What a gift! Glad you are enjoying the winter outings. We had a great weekend of skiing. Now the cold wind is blowing again so we will see what the first weekend of March brings! Just home from picking up the boys from climbing. Need to practice their prose for festival tomorrow. I think they will be glad to be finished this event for another year. Congratulations again! Take care, Ariane

Dearest Elaine! I trust you are well. This is what I added to the Guest Book for the anniversary of Ted's death: After moving to Penticton, in May 2015, we were very fortunate to be able to stay with Elaine and Ted, when we visited Vancouver. At these times I became even more aware of their Sodastream as Ted would often offer me a glass of this "fuzzy" water, as I called it. Over the course of subsequent stays I always looked forward to enjoying a glass from the "soda fountain" and grew so enamoured of the device and its refreshing seltzer that it was one of the first things we added to our kitchen appliances once we had settled into our new home. Its shiny black case sits on the counter of our newly renovated kitchen and I am reminded, each and every day, of Ted, of his willingness to prepare another flask and/or make a cappuccino, laughing and smiling all the while. Of course, the CO2 cylinder must be replaced, from time to time, but the memory of Ted will never disappear from the hearts and minds of all who knew and loved him. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Elaine. Stay well. Bestestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!