Patrick, Just re-read your email before discarding and I dare say the second paragraph is baloney - you and I should be so lucky to be supported in a lifestyle that we aspire to by our children!!!! I still remember Chloe’s appeals to you for money when I stayed with you. She was quite an expert at it then and she was only a youngster!
Enjoy your weekend and I hope someone gave you a nice Valentine’s kiss. We actually spent the night washing dishes for the golf course that was hosting a dinner theatre night. It is a way for the course to make a bit more money on these events when they can get free labour. I count my blessings that I don’t have to do that for a living when we get home though. Cheers, Dawn
Hi Skeptical One! Chloë and friends, Katie and Robbie, just popped by to borrow my snowshoe gear for Robbie as they are off to explore trails around top of Carmi, not far from where Chloë lives, above Sendero Canyon. Anyway, she presented me with a large bundle of toilet paper, from Costco, when she stopped off after collecting Robbie at airport in Kelowna. Ha! Forgot to mention it is gold leaf paper, made from gold purloined from the Aztecs so I spit on Machu Picchu, especially when you are Heraldo are indentured labourers! Enjoy your stale bread and muddy water. Otherwise, stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: The Young Set!
I'm to have dinner with Clan Sutherland this evening. Talked to Flamin', yesterday, after they drove up from Vancouver earlier. Will go wine-tasting with Sarge this afternoon as she is taking care of Ashlynn, youngest. Must away to ready myself to Wow Babes on Wine-Tasting Trail! Pics: Chloë and Robbie after film on Thursday night. This morning, with Katie, down from Vernon. I will be up about 1:15 or so Sarge
Hello Lonely Girl, et al! Trust you are well in spite of being all by your lonesome. I'm sure, however, that you will have no trouble filling your time. For my part it has been a pretty busy long weekend so far. Arranged to go wine-tasting with Sarge yesterday so Flamin' dropped him off close to 2:00 pm as she was taking Avery to a birthday party. We started at Roche as he had never been before and over course of tasting I discovered I'd not picked up Fall release! Anyway, had a most enjoyable tasting and lady behind counter said that there were going to be a couple of Wine Club tastings in March so something to look forward to. Not sure if you knew Penelope and Dylan had another child, Gabriella, I believe, and had to add an extension to their "tiny" house as a result.
On to Legend as I was hoping to pick up a bottle of the whisky Pam had given us. Web site suggested it was open but wasn't so we headed back and stopped in at Little Engine, again as Sarge hadn't ever been. Another "private" tasting with Jonathon, extremely tall chap, very, very knowledgeable and pleasant, [you might remember], so we enjoyed ourselves. When we left about seven arrived so we were fortunate. On to Popular Grove where there were more people in restaurant than at tasting counter. Most pleasant array and I opted for Cab France as it was luscious.
Not sure if I mentioned it or not, in an earlier message, but Laura Wilkinshaw had sent me a note last week informing me that she had resigned as Tasting Room Manager and that her email would no longer be active after February 19th. I had put her on bridge list although she never came, as you know. Anyway, she was in the back and came out to say hello. She will be the TR Manager at La Frenz and starts on Tuesday. She said salary is better and so are hours so it simply made sense to move on. I told her that since she would have more time there would be no excuses for not playing bridge. Will see!
On to Time as it was about 4:00 pm by than and Sarge had never been. Found their Meritage delish so picked up a couple of bottles. As we were peckish we had the Bruschetta special, (tomatoe topping for me, mushroom for Sarge), which came with a glass of any wine or a beer. Sarge opted for a Cannery lager but I had the tasty, aforementioned Meritage. Not all that busy so I hope they can make it. Afterwards, I dropped Sarge off at Sendero as it was just after 5:00 pm and dinner was not until 7:00 pm. As I was waiting for Sarge to get out of the MarriageMobile Sue and Leandro stopped beside me and I introduced Sarge and then he went inside. I invited them down for a drink as they were en route to Sue's office as she needed Leandro's help with a blind there.
They knocked on the door around 6:00 pm and came with two pizzas as they wanted to feed Lucia and Javier. Since Sue was driving she had a bit of beer while I plied Leandro with malt. I expected they would only stay for a bit but seemed in no hurry to leave so we had a great visit while kids watched Avery & Ash on Netflix! Chloë phoned around 6:45 pm and said that she had bumped into Rebecca earlier who said that Marvin had come down with the Norwalk virus, [Sarge said that he had woken up not feeling well that morning.], so I wasn't overly thrilled about going over after hearing this. A few minutes later Sarge phoned to ask when I was arriving as dinner was about to be served. I asked about the Norwalk situation but they didn't seem to think it was an issue. Anyway, I told them to go ahead and start meal and I'd be over later. Corey called shortly thereafter, insisting I come along so I said I would after Sue and Leandro and kids left. However, by the time they did leave I didn't really feel like driving so I watched a couple of episodes of The Break, instead, Duke, sleeping on my lap! [Thanks for everything on Saturday and you missed a fabulous dinner prepared by herself.]
When I finished watching Netflix both cats went out and I had brushed and flossed and was in bed before they came inside. Not sure when but woke up to find Duke sleeping beside me. I put my hand on his side and he started purring! Greetings to Lynnette/Agneta and enjoy your lunch after yoga and then music festival. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio/Dad! Pics: Wine-tasting today!
Thank you for the impromptu visit and great family photos! Sue it was great to share dinner with you Patrick. Thanks for the pictures! Hi Pizza Delivery People! Glad you enjoyed the snaps. Was a delight to have you all over on the spur of the moment even if you had to provide your own food! Had a simply wonderful snowshoe outing on Monday so we'll have to try and connect to show you some of the trails. Off to Apex to snowshoe there tomorrow. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrizzia! Sorry to hear that you don't think Lady Dar is capable of Bite-the-Stick, Civil War Battlefield Surgery with no anaesthetic other than good 'ole Bourbon! Hope you are drying out now, on Dry Creek Road! Thanks for tip on The Assassination of Gianni Versace. Had heard, vaguely, about it, but will put it on my list since I believe simply everything you say! I'm currently watching Season Two of The Break and like it muchly. If you decide to watch it I think you should start with Season One as you need to know backstory of many of the characters for Season Two. On another matter, Yes, I'm ready to taste the future, BUT, I'll be entertaining a visiting friend, Toshi, [former Japanese boarder, over to attend a business seminar in Whistler and then flying to Penticton], first weekend, and then readying myself for surgery, shortly after second! I'm sure it will be a blast. All the best to everyone at Coffaro. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Young Set; Sarge on the wine-trail!

Dear Pat Thank you for the ecard, message and pictures! We had our first day with temperatures over 10 degree Celsius here today in Copenhagen and strolled en famille through the city with Nils! It is great to get out, we have been waiting for this for months. Michael and Benjamin a friend from school back in Ittigen arrived at noon from Basel and we met at the Ørsted Park playground enjoying the great weather and eating Smørrebrød.
Sabine is indeed doing exceptionally well. We attribute this at least in part to her fitness from long city walks in the last few months. On many days she logged more than 15km by foot exploring the surroundings, while I was cycling to work a bare 20km both ways.
We have just gotten word, that we are granted an extension here for a few more months, so that we will have the summer here and then move back to CH to set up in Basel next to my work at the University Hospital there. Our housing here only lasts until End of July and we have a lot to figure out. For September we will be somewhere in between, CPH, Basel or Italy. We plan to spend some weeks in Sabine’s parents vacation home in the region of Marken in August & September (40min from Ancona and about 3h30 from Rome) if things work out. It would be great to meet you maybe there, if the travel plans are somewhat aligned. Let’s keep in touch as things are unfolding. With best wishes from Copenhagen, Simon
Hi Simon! Pleased that Sabine is doing so well and that you received an extension to your project. Exciting, as well, that you will be returning to Basel. Is Michael living there? Will keep in touch regarding travel plans, of course, so I do hope out that we can connect, at some point. Fondestos and Cheers to one and all, Patrizzio!
Gerry Dobbin, d. Feb. 4/19: Hello, all -- Gerry's obiturary is in today's Vancouver Sun. Her memorial service will be at 2 p.m. Sat. Feb. 22 at Christ Church Cathedral at Burrard & Georgia. Hoping to see some of you there. Elsie Thank you, Elsie. I won't be there in person, but I remember her fondly - with what patience she shepherded us into the pre-21st-century. Phyllis Hello
Thank you for alerting us to Gerry's death and I will look in today's Sun. Will try to be at Christchurch Cathedral on Friday. I was extremely fond of Gerry and loved her take on the world. Enjoyed knowing her from work immensely. Sad news and sad to think I lost touch with her over the years. Jo-Anne Naslund
Thank you for alerting us to Gerry's death and I will look in today's Sun. Will try to be at Christchurch Cathedral on Friday. I was extremely fond of Gerry and loved her take on the world. Enjoyed knowing her from work immensely. Sad news and sad to think I lost touch with her over the years. Jo-Anne Naslund
Hello Fartograms, This Monday we will do something different, a snowshoe in the Idleback Lake area on the Carmi Plateau in Penticton. The snow should be good and probably untracked. The terrain is mostly flat - not like any of the bumps in the Apex area. As usual we will meet at the Home Hardware parking lot in Penticton at 9:00AM. Summerlanders will need to get together at 8:40AM at the IGA parking lot in Summerland, then carpool to the HH in Penticton. The road to the trail-head is an active forest service road, but the road is wide and plowed. After an enjoyable snowshoe we will decide on a venue to relax and ponder over the next outing. See you there! Aarturos....forgot to mention that David Pacey will be our leader and guide for our Monday outing. Cheers, Aarturos
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