A society that presumes a norm of violence and celebrates aggression,
whether in the subway, on the football field, or in the conduct of its
business, cannot help making celebrities of the people who would destroy
it. -Lewis H. Lapham, editor and writer (b.
8 Jan 1935)
Dear Patrick Thanks so much for your wonderful email. So sorry to hear about Chloe. Definitely hope she gets over her flu and feels better soon. Also sorry to hear about Joan Whitney and her hip replacement. Not everybody rebounds like you did--i think you are part energizer bunny. Will write a proper email soon as it is late. Do take care and yes the polar vortex is here! Lots of love for now Jo-Anne and Colin
Hi Marps! I see you were up late as well! Chloรซ is feeling better, thanks. Must away as fire needs attention if I'm to keep the very pipes from freezing! Fondestos and Cheers, Polar Patrizzio! Pics: Window ornaments! Taken this morning.
Hi Corinne, Sounds like we might have a provisional plan. I suggest we drive up to Penticton on Tuesday 16th April, stay with you two nights then head up to Kelowna for two nights. Join you at Spirit Ridge on Saturday 20th and again stay for two nights leaving for Vancouver on a Monday 22nd. Andre is concerned that we spend as much time as possible apartment hunting so this might be shortened, especially since he cannot get hold of his friend in Kelowna and his cellphone is turned off - probably off riding his motorbikes in Mexico now he has semi-retired. Also Andre believes the market never closes so we can view throughout the Easter holidays - not what happens in the UK since it is a family weekend/holiday but I appreciate things are different in Canada. Anyway after around three weeks in Vancouver and Burnaby (over five weeks for him) we should have seen everything in our price range and be able to make a decision. More anon.
Patrick - we will take a look at your camel bag and malt - size and weight are obviously important plus the malt will have to go in the hold since it will not be allowed through security as it is liquid. Any questions we will revert back to you.
Corinne - I am pleased you are enjoying yourself - thanks for the book recommendations - both only available in hard back versions here apart from airport exclusives so plan to buy Tana French when I next pass through one and already have Barbara Kingsolver in my substantial pile of books to be read - could not wait! Since we returned from the Caribbean I have hardly picked up a book - too busy catching up on paperwork and sorting out holiday stuff. Hoping to get back to it now we are in France for a couple of weeks. Much love to you both, Rosemary XXX
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Photo: Geert Weggen |
Up at 5:30 am this morning to let El Diablo outside. Miss Etta, The Clam-shell, didn't move, curled up on heated floor, the shower-mat her blanket. Closed Rumpus Room door and was able to sleep in until 6:45 am, listening to radio and snoozing, cosy under the throw from couch in living room. Yes, even I have made allowances for The Polar Vortex! Once I'd dressed in many layers for hike ahead, I opened a new can of pumpkin. Duke was right by the Rumpus Room door and zipped into the kitchen when I opened it. Surprisingly, Etta went out the front without so much as a glance at the crunchies!
Duke was famished so he ate a hearty breakfast and Etta, for her part, didn't stay out all that long and after eating positioned herself, along with Duke, to look out bedroom window. Just a skiff of snow on sidewalks and road so I knew I'd probably need to sweep when back from outing. Wind was going to be an issue as it was blasting out of the NNW at 30 km/h and temperature is predicted to be between -10ยบ C and -5ยบ C over course of hike. Wondered how many of the gang would show up for the expedition to Antarctica!
On the landslide front, Highway 97 remains closed. Apparently boulders the size of homes and cars came crashing down, at different times, over the weekend. Some people became stranded taking alternative back roads to try and detour around blockage and Search and Rescue teams had to find and help them. Life isn't just wine-tasting in the Sunny Okanagan! Must away as fire needs attention if I'm to keep the pipes from freezing! Fondestos and Cheers to one and all, Polar Patrizzio!
Greetings to All the Polar Vortex Avoiders! Uncharacteristically, [Rumour has it that he is "softening" in his grizzlehood!], T Rex ordered the Red Baron to wait beyond the posted departure time, until 9:05 am, Dear Reader, before we left the IGA lot, bound for Garnet Valley and the steep slopes of Mount Aeneas, patiently waiting for the ascent of The Three Musketeers, St Athosillian, Alaramis and Porthizzio.
Pretty nippy as with the cutting wind out of the NNW, whipping past us at 26 km/h, it felt like -18ยบC. [Album contains fewer snapolas than usual as it really was too, too cold, for first half of outing, to take many shots.] Must say that even the steady huff and puff for most of the way up, while my body was well insulated, my poor fingers and thumbs felt frozen until we reached the spot where we took a short break for snacks and a drink. St Athosillian very kindly lent me a pair of his 40 year old duct-taped gloves, [Inserts knitted by his beloved mother, in the Alps, while milking cows and making chocolate, upside down, in the last century], about half-way to Base Camp and they certainly did the trick for my hands were quite toasty when we took our break. Look Ma, Hands!
Needed respite as the snow, in most places, was quite deep, and one, when breaking trail, would often sink about a foot, +/-, through the crunch of the surface or else plough through powder, sinking even further. Aside from the extra exertion required, the effect was nothing short of magical as combined with the dazzling blue of the sky, the surrounding views spectaculare, and the giant Cone of Silence, we found ourselves in a transcendent state. While it might not have been Nirvana, it was pretty damn close.
Shame I say, Shame on you weasel laggards who clung like barnacles to the warmth of your beds and fireplaces for the misdirection and harsh criticism, [undeserved, of course], of Our Fearless, Beloved Leader. Per esempio, whenever I elected to break trail I would ask, [naively, I now understand], "Which way, Sir?" "Whichever route is easiest for you, Porthizzio." And then, when finally atop one ridge or another to hear, dripping with vitriol, "Well, I wouldn't have gone that way!" [No wonder the palace revolt is gaining momentum!]
Fortunately, like Pearly Whites, I possess a rhino skin, so I simply soldiered on and made the best of the forced march. In fact, in this instance alone, I must confess, I exaggerate, as the pace was absolutely poifect. We took our time to smell the pine cones and drink in the stupendous views so I must thank my dear, helpful, considerate companions for such a phenomenal, unparalleled outing. Unfortunately, I was not able to treat them at The Beanery as upon arrival we found a gaggle of highschoolers ahead of us so the line-up almost stretched out the door. For my part, no need for a shot of caffeine as I was still on an Mount Aeneas high. One for Al and All for One! Hip Hip Hooray!! Cheers!!!
Colleen Teahan Waldron BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR that looks cold! You said it, Marilyn! Needed a cat to keep me warm! Cheers! Hildegard Schmidt Patrick...I admire all of you for braving that cold today. I had considered it...but ended up going to the Gym instead. See ya all soon....hugs๐๐ค๐๐๐๐ Hi Von Bingen! And I thought you had braved Winnipeg winters! Cheers! Hildegard Schmidt Patrick James Dunn But that was A LONG TIME AGO...๐๐๐๐ You are the youngest at heart hiker in the gang, Von Bingen! No excuses!! No whining!!! Cheers Hildegard Schmidt Patrick James Dunn ๐๐๐ค๐ค๐ Yes, Patrick, a cold but wonderful hike yesterday not to mention much quieter than is usually the case!Judy B Pratt You. Are truly embracing winter ๐
Enjoyed the photos as well! Are you planning another second group snow shoe hike (for lack of a better term) this Thursday or will you attend Jim’s hike near Nickle Plate Lake? I am good to go either way but may choose to join you if you decide on another outing. Cheers…..Kilian
Hello Patrick, I know its been a while or shall I begin with Happy New Year! How is your entire family doing? Not forgetting to mention cycling business? As you may suspect, I am married to my wonderful long time friend Barakat and it was at the Van Nuys Court House. A very small crowd and very memorable to us. Well let me know when you are in town. I live in Los Angeles now, no more San Fernando Valley. Adios, till we run into each other soon. Fond regards to you entire family and your loving wife! Adewole Williams
Dearest Wole! Congratulations indeed! what simply wonderful, wonderful news. Fondest regards, it goes without saying, to your stunningly gorgeous wife, Barakat. I'm so pleased that all your plans have come to fruition and we wish you both good health and unrivaled domestic bliss!
For my part, I'm well, although alone, except for our two cats, Etta and Duke! Lady Dar has been in Mexico, an hour or so north of Puerto Vallarta, in the lovely village of La Peรฑita, for over a month now. She has rented a small apartment and various friends have already stayed with her. She reports that she is doing yoga 3 times a week and lots of walking. And of course eating great food. We are having our first great grandchild this month, [from Samantha and Alex], so she is stopping in LA on way home, at the end of February, for a week, to meet her. I drove her to the airport in Kelowna on New Year's Eve.
As you might recall, we were in Costa Rica last winter and I wanted to stay here so that I could continue to hike and snowshoe, primarily because I will undergo a complete right shoulder replacement on March 12th and would like to be as fit as possible beforehand.
Funnily enough, I was riding until mid-January when we had our first lasting amount of snow. Winter has really set in over last few days so Lady Dar is delighted to be so far south! Must away as fire needs attention if I'm to keep the pipes from freezing! Stay well, Wole. Fondestos and Cheers to you and Barakat, Polar Patrizzio! Pics: Hike, a week or so ago. Not nearly as much snow as today! Oh dear, I knew I was in for it lol. Driving, ttyl. WAD
Thanks Patrick. Do you have any desire/need for a Roy Henry Vickers and Emily Carr posters that could be framed? Cheers, Tim Hi Timbo! Missed you both yesterday! I guess you used the Polar Vortex as an excuse to de-clutter! I'd certainly like to take a look at any of the prints you mentioned. Thanks. I might be joining the outing to Nickel Plate Lake on Thursday. Am waiting to see if David Pacey has an alternate route in mind. St Kilian might join us if so. I don't know how difficult NPL will be. Any idea? If you think I can do it I trust your judgement, knowing that I don't feel all that comfortable with steep descents, etc. Let me know your opinion and we can arrange when I might be able to look at posters. Thanks on both counts. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Thanks for snapola. When message appeared in my mailbox I thought it was of cherry blossoms, given way photo displayed the snow on the tree branches. Quite something!
I know some of you already have your tickets but this is a reminder of the upcoming concert, Okanagan symphony concert Feb. 16, at 7:30 pm. See you there! A&JHi Colonel Klink! Have missed you on hikes and snowshoe outings. How are you? Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello, Beautiful hike last week up Green Mountain! Plan for
this week was to do the Cougar Trail, Painted Canyon, and back under the
triple chair to Apex. However, word has it that the snow around the
canyon is very unstable, so I have decided not
to take the risk. Instead, I am planning to explore the north side of
Nickel Plate Lake, beginning from the parking area under the power
line. I intend to keep it fairly tame, perhaps heading for the Stagger
Inn and area.
We will: -meet at 0900 at Home Hardware north parking lot in Penticton (0840 at IGA parking lot in Summerland) -carpool and head for the power line parking area -snowshoe to our hearts’ content -go to the Edge at Apex for coffee and debriefing -return home Are you interested? If so, drop me a line.
There has
been some confusion for people to do with keeping two lists (Monday and
Thursday). So, I have made an executive decision. We are going to
merge the two lists. Beginning soon, you may
begin getting Monday info as well. It will be easier to keep a single
list up to date. I plan to give this a go for a while and see how it
works out. So, thanks for your patience! Cheers, Jim
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