Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without
newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a
moment to prefer the latter. -Thomas Jefferson, third US president,
architect, and author (1743-1826)
Tim Kelly If you love Vegemite, wow this is the perfect combo - Yum
Patrick James Dunn Send cases to The Okanagan! Sarge needs them to sop up all the hootch we tasted this past Saturday! PM me your address Patrice and I'll send you a pack 🙂 Personal delivery only, Tiptoe! I'll make that happen this year after my hip surgery We'll be quite a pair, on wine-tasting trail, you with a new hip, me with a new right shoulder! Greetings Patrice, send me your address and I'll send you some vegemite shapes
Hi Vegemite Shapes Man! Trust you are well in spite of addiction to these crisps! Here is our address. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrice!

Life as busy as ever but I have been spending some of each day whilst here in Chabeuil reading which has been relaxing and mentally rewarding. Some time ago Patrick mentioned he was catching up with a number of David Baldacci books and I have followed his lead and just finished his latest so am now up to date. Also read the latest Fiona Barton - she has written three independent books and I am sure Corinne you would enjoy them all if you have not already done so.
Time to get back to work - both work-work and housework on my agenda for today. Take care my friends and looking forward to seeing you again in April.Much love to you both, Rosemary XXX Hello Rosemary! Trust you managed to accomplish all your work-work and housework before you set of for Scotland. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Woke up at 6:05 am, not a cat to be seen. Had put alarm on but didn't need it. Found Miss Etta in bathroom. When I was dressed I went into garage to check cat door. Of late I've noticed that it sometimes locks. Not sure if Duke fusses with it, or what, but latch was moved enough so the tit wouldn't open. As soon as I moved it, El Diablo dashed inside! Neither wanted any pumpkin and Etta didn't bother with crunches either. She has not been out but The Boy is back and forth, of course. Must away as I need to ready myself for snowshoeing. Back at Idleback Lake today, with regular gang. Lou is picking me up and we will go right to starting point since there is no real need to meet at HH. I've already told leader, David, about this so they won't wait for us at usual meeting spot.
Hello Sendero Canyon Folk! Great visit on Saturday. Trust you will have a chance to do some snow activities today. I'm off to Idleback Lake with regular gang this morning. Give me a shout anytime you want to head out for a spot of snowshoeing. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Sendero Isolation Ward! Sorry I never made it to dinner. Trust Marvinator is feeling better and rest of you are fine. Here is a recap of Saturday's wine-tasting experience. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Sorry you couldn't make it for dinner but just as well because the kids, Marvin and Nicole became sick. I am going to be in Penticton until Sunday so perhaps we can meet up for dinner, drinks etc. Michele
Hi, Nurse Flamin'! Sorry to hear about the Kamloopians and their illness. I assume Sarge has headed home. On
another matter, he told me, at some point on Saturday, (Great day,
Sarge. Thanks! [Thanks for everything on Saturday and you missed a fabulous dinner prepared by herself.]), that you are still suffering with back trouble so I was
terribly concerned that you are not even near being fully recovered. I
can sympathize completely as I've had lower back problems over the
course of my life. While I'm not equating my past ailments to your
current situation I know the toll such persistent pain/discomfort takes
on one's ability to cope and continue with even the tiniest of everyday
On a more positive note, if you'd like to come for dinner tomorrow, Tuesday, Chloë is coming so we could have a good visit together. Wednesday, is also a possibility. Thursday I'm hosting our Book Club so you are welcome as well. Becoming is the book. Even if you haven't read it, the group is lively and I'm sure they would think that you are Lady Dar! Friday and Saturday are also possibilities so let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly. Plenty of overlefts, months old, so don't worry about anything! Bridge tonight, here, so must away. Fondestos. Try to take care of yourself when minding The Terrible Twosome! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Mouse brochettes? Snowshoe outing today.
Hi Pat, Sorry I just got your message have been looking after kids all day. Love to come to supper tomorrow do u want me to bring anything ... hate to be presumptuous but is the invite extended to everyone or you just want a quieter dinner M Hi Miss Presumptuous! Just you, Babycakes! And Chloë so that the adults can visit. No need to bring anything as I'll subject you to my cuisine! Let me know what time and perhaps Chloë can collect you or at least take you home if one of the uninvited can drop you off! Cheers, Patrizzio! Perfect I will coordinate with Chloe 10-4! Thanks Sarge!
Happy Family Day, Flash, The Family Man with Two Troublesome Teenagers!
Pleased you are well in spite of being the parent to teenagers similar to those your parents had to contend with in their time! Be wonderful if you could come up for a weekend or even longer! Fondestos to all Your Sisterhood and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dad don't send her photos get copies made at London drugs. So you don't give away the photos. Hi Archival Woman! You can take a look at the ones I selected and if there are any you would like, you can make copies for yourself. I think it is more important that the photos be used and in possession of those who care about them. At any rate, you are also welcome to look through any or all of the albums and pick out those snaps you'd like. Part of de-cluttering in a sustainable way.
Just back from another simply marvellous outing at Idelback. Huge group of 25 people: 24 adults, one child of 5 or so and two dogs! What a day although cutting across lake was like being a deep sea diver with lead boots. Water under snow, in certain places, so one's snowshoes soon became "clumped" with ice, freezing to metal rims and claws, making each step very, very heavy. As soon as we were through the "wet" patches, the going became far less ponderous but while we were slogging through the slush it was exhausting work. Must away to have a shower and ready place for bridge this evening. Love and Cheers, Dad!
Hello Idlebackers! Many,
many thanks to Margaret and David for leading such a glorious trek on
such a glorious day. Hip Hip Hooray!! I know quitea few people had not
been to Idleback Lake before so I know it was a real treat, for them,
[not to mention the rest of us], to explore this area. What a turn-out!
On a darker note, it was rumoured that the troops found the new
leadership to be more congenial than The Grizzled Old Guard! However,
that may well be fake news! At any rate, another extraordinary outing.
Best wishes to one and all. Cheers, Scandalmonger Patrizzio!
Thank you Patrick for the photos. It truly was a delightful day of wandering the fluffy and deep stuff. I am so glad to NOT have been in the wet slush in the middle of the lake for most participants. There is so much similar terrain around there and an easy drive from Penticton as well. Again thank you too the mass of members that attended. I for one was shocked at the turn out for this glorious day of snow blundering - 27 ? People? Good on ya all David thanks Patrick! great snowshoe today! Hanneke
Hello Select Monday Nighters, et al! Quite a pleasant evening this evening, although nobody really seemed to have many cards, Lady Dianna the exception. No real decision made about the game this coming week so please let me know which evening works best for most and I'll plan accordingly. Also, anyone interested in hosting? Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge Elite!
Thank you Patrick for the photos. It truly was a delightful day of wandering the fluffy and deep stuff. I am so glad to NOT have been in the wet slush in the middle of the lake for most participants. There is so much similar terrain around there and an easy drive from Penticton as well. Again thank you too the mass of members that attended. I for one was shocked at the turn out for this glorious day of snow blundering - 27 ? People? Good on ya all David thanks Patrick! great snowshoe today! Hanneke
Hi Fartologists, Please click following link to my photos on Flickr of today's snowshoe: <https://www.flickr.com/photos/99264714@N02/albums/72157706947499354> Weather could not have been better and lovely area. The swimming in the lake was a bit cold and soggy, but other than that ... all wonderful! Thank you much David & Margaret, great to venture in a new area. Aarturos
Hello Select Monday Nighters, et al! Quite a pleasant evening this evening, although nobody really seemed to have many cards, Lady Dianna the exception. No real decision made about the game this coming week so please let me know which evening works best for most and I'll plan accordingly. Also, anyone interested in hosting? Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge Elite!
Hi all, Last Thursday was a great day of snowshoeing. Several folks told me how much they enjoyed the Painted Canyon area. This Thursday, Otto will lead us to the area of the mine above Hedley. We will: -meet at 0900 at Home Hardware north parking lot in Penticton (0840 at IGA parking lot in Summerland) -carpool and drive past Apex and Nickel Plate xc area to a point where the road begins its descent to Hedley -snowshoe in the area around the old open pit mine. Otto says if it gets too steep, we will simply retrace our route. -debrief and have a coffee, likely at the Edge Bistro at Apex -return to P’ton Interested? Please let me know. Cheers, Jim Hi Sir James: As mentioned on Monday, I plan to join Thursday's outing. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Such a cool card!! Thank you so so much. Loved the flamingoes! Hope you are taking care of yourself. Happy Family Day! Say hello to Chloe for me.
Lot of love and good wishes always, Jo-Anne Thank you for the lovely wishes! And the Lunar New Year card, as well! May we all have a very happy year of the pig! Missing the Bench... xo, Okanagan Jane Hi OK Jane! Pleased you enjoyed the card but sad to learn that you are missing the Bench. Just a quick flight away! Senka was at our book club this past Thursday and another friend who helps her bottle brought their 2015 Syrah. Von Bingen is paid with wine. Nice gig if you can get it! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sorry not to have been in touch for a while. Had planned to phone and will do soon. Thanks for last 2 cards and all much the same. Had a fall just before Xmas and still sore - shoulder and thumb and left knee but reassured not serious! still walking dog and swimming. Pat. Your shoulder? Our choir doing a tour of Eastern States next march. More news later. All our love. Sir J and Lady P Hello Sir James and Lady Patrizzia! Trust you are well in spite of your fall! Glad it wasn't anything too, too serious. Still enjoying some wonderful, wonderful outings and back to deep-water walking in the pool to strengthen my shoulder muscles for coming operation, March 12th. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Such a cool card!! Thank you so so much. Loved the flamingoes! Hope you are taking care of yourself. Happy Family Day! Say hello to Chloe for me.
Lot of love and good wishes always, Jo-Anne Thank you for the lovely wishes! And the Lunar New Year card, as well! May we all have a very happy year of the pig! Missing the Bench... xo, Okanagan Jane Hi OK Jane! Pleased you enjoyed the card but sad to learn that you are missing the Bench. Just a quick flight away! Senka was at our book club this past Thursday and another friend who helps her bottle brought their 2015 Syrah. Von Bingen is paid with wine. Nice gig if you can get it! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sorry not to have been in touch for a while. Had planned to phone and will do soon. Thanks for last 2 cards and all much the same. Had a fall just before Xmas and still sore - shoulder and thumb and left knee but reassured not serious! still walking dog and swimming. Pat. Your shoulder? Our choir doing a tour of Eastern States next march. More news later. All our love. Sir J and Lady P Hello Sir James and Lady Patrizzia! Trust you are well in spite of your fall! Glad it wasn't anything too, too serious. Still enjoying some wonderful, wonderful outings and back to deep-water walking in the pool to strengthen my shoulder muscles for coming operation, March 12th. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
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