Writers, like teeth, are divided into incisors and grinders. -Walter Bagehot, journalist and businessman (3 Feb 1826-1877)
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Photo: Cavale Doom |
From Greek ailuro- (cat) + -phile (lover). Earliest documented use: 1914.

Hello Famiglia and Amici! Happy Chinese New Year! Year of the Pig, symbol of wealth so make sure you have plenty of lottery tickets! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hope you have bought lots for us. I’m feeling lucky!! Love you Lady Dar May luck be with you two too BLM Thanks Patrick. May the year of the pig bring us all abundance. Dianne So clever Patrick; I was piggish today and took a couple of capital gains to celebrate. Thanks, Bill. PS: Piggish equals Bullish. Thank you my friend May year of the pig bring us good health and good fortune Xoxo Judy Happy New Year Susan
Easy to spout threats from afar. Not so easy up close, let me tell you, as you'll discover upon return to try to end The Reign of Terror!
Had a long chat with Rosemary and Andre this morning. At the time they couldn't find my Nexus Pass but had a message from Rosemary saying she'd just found it. Pleased of course, as I thought I had left it with my things, not needing it until return to Canada and was worried, when they couldn't locate it, initially, that I'd lost it somewhere along the line.
On the home front, couldn't get the fireplace in bedroom to work on Sunday. Had been working for past week or so, whenever I wanted to take chill off room as it has been pretty chilly of late. Wasn't sure what had gone wrong and even with Chloë's help we couldn't get it to work, even using manual controls. Gave Norm a call today and he came over this afternoon and when he used manual control it worked! But not with remote even though I changed the battery. He surmised it was wireless plug-in control so I popped down to Rona and bought a new one. Shazaam! Works like a charm now. If it didn't was going to switch it for unit which was in fireplace. No need to do so now and Norm said they are worth about $1,000 as he deals with them at Accent.
Finished last episode of Four Seasons in Havana last night and started New Blood, set in London. Like it muchly although it isn't really as dark as some of the other British detective series. Finished Episode 3 of Case 1 this evening. Next, think I'll watch When Heroes Fly: Dramatic thriller centers on four friends -- Israeli military veterans -- who reunite for a final, deeply personal rescue mission 11 years after having a bitter falling out. They travel to the Colombian jungle in search of Yaeli -- the former lover of one man and sister of another -- who they had presumed was dead. The Hebrew-language series, a story of fighting for life and overcoming personal demons to find peace, is based on a book of the same name."
Had a couple of alerts about international transactions, from Capital One, and I assume you have used your Costco card. Just checking so let me know. Received a note from Jugos and he said it was a bit cool there, with highs not much above 15ºC this week. Had fun with Olga Polga at bridge in Summerland this afternoon. Poor thing is really suffering with a very, very painful neck. Not sure if this was the cause but she was terribly distracted, reneging and not leading what I had bid, even having done so twice. Still, I enjoy the gathering and most of the people are very friendly. However, one lady, Erikin, originally from Germany, was quite fussed that I'd not asked her if I could take her picture when playing against her and her partner first time I was there. Fine! Funnily enough, at their table, (Rolly Polly and I move.), one keeps the deal if everyone passes. With rest of group one loses the deal. When I mentioned this difference, citing Erikin's protocol, the woman I was talking too just snorted and waved her hand. I guess there is always politics even, perhaps especially, in a church hall . Must away as I'm sleepy and want to read a bit more Becoming. Fondestos and Love to Tough Love Person! Cheers, Patrizzio/Dad!

Send my love to your lovely wife as well, and to Chloe too. I hope she is settling in quite nicely and enjoying life in the small city (versus "large" city of Vancouver) Love Yda
I am becoming vegetarian now but Thank-you. Take care Glasgow Hello Marmite Man! Am almost thinking of becoming a vegetarian myselft as nourishment made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing, washed down with Single malt is very, very appealing! Also easy to carry on snowshoeing outings! Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks, may you be happy as a pig in shit all year long ;-)

Thanks for the Chinese Year card. In this year of the pig, we would like to butcher a happy pig fed on nuts for making fine prosciutto, sausage, salami and tenderloin. Cheers, Tim and Marian Hi Tenderloin Tim and Meat Market Marian! Glad you enjoyed the card but methinks your darker, much disturbed side is expressing itself, Summerland Slaughterhouse Man. I thought therapy had it under control but guess you are off your meds. Buy me some expensive malt or I'll forward message to Tony and Dorothy!
With respect to notice of Monday's hike, perhaps your names might have been lost in list-updating. Too, too bad as it really was a terrific outing, once my fingers thawed and my nose fell off! St Kilian thinks Thursday should be fine so I plan to join Jimbo. You folk? Thanks for hanging on to the posters. I thought you might have needed them to cover blood-spattered walls. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks so much, Patrizzio! Much needed right now. Hope all are well at your end! Deborah Thanks for this "year of the pig" greeting! I don't understand their culture sufficiently to guess what it all means however I believe the intent is good which is all that really matters! Cheers......Kilian
Hi David and St Kilian! Glad you enjoyed the snaps of Monday's hike, Red Baron. Just wondering if you, David, were planning to join Jim French's outing. He mentioned: "I am planning to explore the north side of Nickel Plate Lake, beginning from the parking area under the power line. I intend to keep it fairly tame."
How tame is tame, I wonder? I have never been to this area before so don't know anything about steepness, degree of difficulty, etc. Do you know it, St Kilian? If so, what is your opinion, knowing that I'm not all that comfortable with steep descents, etc., preferring reasonable flat to slightly hilly terrain, at this point in my snowshoeing experience. If you think it is a course that you would enjoy, given your knee, David, then I would go to Nickel Plate Lake as well. However, if you have something else in mind, à la Idleback, then St Kilian would likely join us as well. Please let me know both your thoughts and we can plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Oink Oink Oink to you as well my friend!. Take care and ttys. Al Hi Sandee and Arv! KUNG HEI FAT CHOY! Happy Chinese New Year!! Happy Year of the PIG!! Cheers, Patrizzio! Love that year! Luigi Darling Patricio, and I was wondering why I was receiving a card from you today. It's no one's birthday (that you would know of) or anniversary, and Valentine's Day is 2 weeks away. Ahhhh, but I clued in to Miss Piggy once she appeared. Got it!! Thank you :>). Hope all is well, surely you are keeping busy despite (because of?) retirement and the body is coping with its various ailments?
All well here, spent New Year's Eve and first week January at my mom's in FL (my first trip in a year). Mom's memory loss continues to deteriorate. However, she still knows me. Maybe for another year? Physically she is slowing down as well. It is actually her birthday today, her 89th! Send my love to your lovely wife as well, and to Chloe too. I hope she is settling in quite nicely and enjoying life in the small city (versus "large" city of Vancouver) Love Yda

YOUR NEXUS CARD FOUND IT! Since I watch and read so many crime and detective series/books I could not give up until the case was solved. Now in your bag to bring back with us to Penticton. Think I deserve a drink for my perseverance and it is after all past 7 pm here. Lovely to talk earlier and thanks also for the Chinese New Year card. Rosemary XXX Hi Sherlock! Glad you enjoyed card. Pleased as punch that you ferreted out my Nexus Pass. Bravo and thanks, of course. Hope you had three bottles of wine! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Thanks for your wishes. We plan to live high off the hog this year, as who knows, we may not be around for another Year of the Pig. Hope you're enjoying the wintery conditions. It's a bit cool here, with highs not much above 15 C this week. Keep the fire stoked! Peter Hello Long Lost Jugos Dom Pedro!
Life above the salt! Lives of the Rich and Infamous indeed! Trust Lynne is feeling much better by now. Fondestos to my Darling Lynne and to you, Peter Piglet. Cheers, Polar Patrizzio! Pics: Gazelles at the watering hole; Window ornaments! Computer Hacker!
Happy Chinese New Year!! Happy Year of the PIG!! Thanks for the lovely painted e-card commemorating our Chinese NY. So very kind & thoughtful of you. Will have to buy some lottery tickets for sure. Good health & happiness always!! Cheers!! Mary Lee & Paul
Hi Patrick Thanks for your Chinese New Year wishes. Hope you are surviving without Corine and this very cold weather. I ,too, am batching with Polly up at whistler , playing bridge and snowshoeing with her friends. The cold weather has closed the golf courses so not as much to do , but I have managed a couple of games this year during the very spring like weather we enjoyed before this cold spell.But today, I spent cooking a tasty chilli enough for three days food. Life goes on pretty much as normal, with lots of grand-parenting duties , Polly playing bridge on two evenings and going to the theatre on another , and me at home watching Netflix. (Currently viewing Dogs of Berlin, which is average at best.)
I recently watched The Bodyguard, a Brit drama which was excellent, and I also enjoyed black earth rising, apart from the performance of John Goodman, (the only American actor), who was pathetically miscast. I see there is a second series of Bordertown which I will probably watch next.
Ray and I play pickleball every Monday with a bunch of oldies at the Kits community centre and we both really enjoy the games, he is keener than I am and also plays on Tuesday as well, which is too much for my creaking knees.
We drive to Palm Springs on 26 February and will not return to Vancouver until the first week of April. All the family are coming down at various times , except Davey and Michelle, who are expecting their second child in March. My sister from Philadelphia, and her husband are also visiting so it will be a busy month and hopefully when we return to Vancouver spring will be here. We saw the movie Bohemian Rhapsody on Sunday and I loved it, and hope it wins the Oscar for best picture. But I also very much enjoyed Green Book. Do you have a favourite? What are you up to these days ? Cheers, Mick Hi Pickleball Man and Fellow Snowshoe Person! Seem to be surviving, quite well, thank you, without Lady Dar, even though she refuses to

Seems we will be having quite a few visitors mid-March. Calamity Jane and Whirlygig will be up in Osoyoos for ten days, over Spring Break. Her sister has a place there so we hope to visit them and they will come to Penticton to stay with us for a couple of nights as well. My shoulder replacement surgery is on March 12th so I'll just have to see how it feels for travelling. Not supposed to drive for six weeks. Toshi, our long-term boarder, will be attending a business seminar in Whistler from 22nd to 28th of this month and then will fly to Penticton for a few days. Unfortunately, Lady Dar isn't back until March 7th and Toshi has to be back in Japan by then.
If Chloë isn't too, too busy, on Saturday, with more extreme cold weather problems in her various buildings, I hope I can show her some of the trails at Idleback. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge and Feline Caretakers! Lady Dar instructed Duke to keep watch over my time on computer and to guard malt cabinet so I can't even enjoy a wee dram!
Hello Corinne and Patrizio! Happy ANNEE DU COCHON to both of you too. Hope it will be a super one! Hi Patrick:The opening selection from my choir's concert last Saturday night:
Though I prefer the finale from last year's concert better.
Hello Classmates and Oinksters! Trust you are both well. For my part, so am I. Thought about both of you last week when I heard Cynthia Peyson Wahl, [I think!], singer and director of choirs at Daniel McIntyre Collegiate Institute, interviewed on CBC One out of Kelowna. Tradition continues. I enjoyed two clips you sent, Ronaldo. As I say, the tradition continues. Bravo! Must away as I've some grocery shopping to do as well as readying hosue for two tables of bridge this evening. As well, fire needs attention if I'm to keep the pipes from freezing! Shades of Winterpeg! Fondestos to Andea & Amy and Cheers to you both, Polar Patrizzio!

Xoxo Judy Patrick, Happy Chinese New Year to you🐷 All the best to you and Cirinne in 2019✨ Pam Hello Long Lost Naramata Goil! Are you hibernating? Still in Hawaii? Bridge tonight at our place if you are interested and available. Only seven so far so you would be most welcome for all sorts of reasons. Trust all goes well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat! Thanks for the lovely card. Promise of spring, but who would know today? Trust you are keeping warm. Did Kjell tell you we are off to Mexico on the 16th for a week and will see Corinne. We are going to be a little south of where she is. Am off today for my annual ski trip. Kjell is going to party party party while I'm away, but he has told me little in advance! All the best, Jane
Hi Gianna! Glad you enjoyed card. Yes, I did know you were off to Lady Dar's neck of the woods. I'm devastated that I won't see you when you are in my neck of the woods. However, have plenty to keep me busy. Have fun at Silver Star. Hope it isn't too, too cold. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I quick-picked 3 plus the bonus number on last Saturday's 649 and won $10. Please respect our privacy as Sally and I consult with our financial advisor.
Hello I Vant to be Alone People! I won $20 two weeks ago and I'm glad I didn't offer to share my windfall with you as I just had a call from my financial advisor and he suggested I invest in anti-freeze. Cheers, Patrizzio!
thanks patrick very kind of you! We missed you up at apex, down in valley now, had a great few months! House sitting for Carol and Greg in Penticton Feb 11 to the end of Feb. so maybe see you then! Hi Judy! Glad you enjoyed the card. I had fully intended to call you at Apex but time simply evaporated. Chloë and I had a wonderful snowshoe outing to Moose Hut a few weekends ago and I thought about popping in to say hello but not enough time then either. Will see Carol tomorrow night at bridge, at our place. Would be great to see you both while house-sitting so let's keep in touch. Hello to Jimbo. Cheer, Patrizzio!
Ciao, Patrick, Sorry for taking so long in replying. Now there is more time, since I, like you, have been deserted by the woman designated to take care of me. Today, Jane left for her winter holiday at Silver Star. I was explicitly prohibited from going with her (she was accompanied by a "sister" instead). She claims I am too poor a skier. I don't do alpine skiing, but when it comes to cross country I'm infinitely better than her. I even won a race in the military.
Now, I'm not really devastated, because I have been there before, and I'm not really thrilled with the idea of renting a cabin with a dozen more people I don't know and for the most part would not prefer to spend four days with. The bad thing is I won't be able to go and see you in Penticton. 😢 By contrast, we might be seeing your dear wife in Mexico, since we will be going to the same area by the middle of this month. Just a week. Jane's sister and brother-in-law came back from two weeks last Saturday.
Here, life in the winter is pretty uneventful. The absence of indoor tennis has finally made me go into pickle ball, after resisting for several years. Two or three times per week. For the rest, it's the Comox Valley Swingers Club. 😝 (Only kidding!) Keep rockin', Marcello Hi Pickleball Man and Silver Star Starlet! Like you, Marcello, I seem to be surviving, quite well, thank you, without the woman, for my part, who I am designated to care of! If Chloë isn't too, too busy on Saturdayt, I hope I can show her some of the snowshoe trails at Idleback. Stay well. Dom Marcello. Fondest and Bestestos, Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks Patrizio - so pertinent especially as we were in Chinatown last night! Happy year of the pig to you and yours too! Xx Geng Hey Fat Choi--Thanks so much for this wonderful card! Hope you are taking care of yourself. Here's to a good year ahead. Jo-Anne and Colin Hello House Cleaner and New Outfit Buyer! Glad you enjoyed the card and thank you for the lovely post card of Hong Kong! Etta and Duke certainly appreciated the "sliver of afternoon sun"! I don't have to sit in a bean bag to worry about getting up from any low chair these days and I think the glass contains Vodka! Don't need umbrellas here, just snow shovels! Stay well. Wield that dust buster with impunity, Marps! Fondest and Bestestos, Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick, Thanks for the great card.. I hope we have spring as in the card soon.. I have been freezing ever since I came home. I had a wonderful vacation and many great memeroris.. Loved your facebbok post re your trek in the mountains.. pics are beautiful.. Will write more soon... Bill Thanks Patricio for your wonderful card and lovely sentiments XOXO Happy Chinese New Year Patrizzio & Corinne! Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness. Carol & Tom Hoenisch
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