A proverb is a short sentence based on long experience. -Miguel de
Cervantes, novelist (1547-1616)
Hi Flamin', et al! Thanks for the fabulous, fabulous evening! I'm pleased you enjoyed it so much, [Although I knew you would even though I didn't snatch any food from neighbouring table!], and that you are now planning to move to Penticton! Especially since your new massage therapist has worked wonders on you! Trust this is the start to a full recovery. Anyway, I might see you later this afternoon if you plan to pop by Chloë's to see start of Oscars, before you fly back to Vancouver. Look forward to continued Freeloading in the near future, especially when there are just the two of us to drink such wonderful Church & State hootch! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: FSB and PDA!
Hi Toshiko-San! Trust all continues to go well in Whistler. Thanks for sending along your flight information. Dates and times work out very well so I'll be waiting for your arrival this coming Wednesday. In case there are any last minute changes you can always call me at home. Have been very busy with all sorts of outdoor activities ever since Lady Dar flew to Mexico. Album below is an example of snowshoeing that is an absolutely wonderful activity. Chloë and I have been out two times as well. At any rate, look forward to seeing you in a few days. Stay well. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Taken by friend, Aarturos, on Thursday's outing. Dinner last night with Flamin' at wonderful restaurant, Front Street Brasserie, here in town. Hi, Patrick! Thank you very much for picking up at the airport. Wonderful pictures! Looking forward to seeing you on Feb.27th. Here is my number in case, Love, Toshiko

Hi Luigi! Are you still planning to join Monday's outing? If so, is it convenient for you to swing by again? I have your ticket for the Kitchen Stove film on Thursday but can arrange for you to collect it, or hand it over another time if you are doing something else tomorrow. Let me know and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Patricio Gladly pick you up tomorrow, how about 8:30? Luigi Ciao Luigi! Grazie! Ci vediamo alle 8:30. Lo prendo, andremo dritti a Summerland, a meno che Bruno non sia d'accordo. Nel qual caso possiamo prendere la mia macchina. Grazie e saluti, Patrizzio! Didn't want you to get lost in translation! Hi Luigi! Thanks! See you at 8:30 am. I take it we will head straight to Summerland unless Bruno won't be along. In which case we can take my car. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Great pics Patrick! Congratulations on the birth of your great granddaughter:) It’s lovely to see one’s family expand. At this point our family is expanding in terms of significant others only…grandchildren aren’t even a twinkle in any of our children’s eyes. Sorry to hear that Lynn and Peter are departing the area. However Victoria is a lovely small city with a lot to recommend it as long as you don’t mind living on an island (which Bill does). I wonder who bought their house. I am enjoying the sunshine today after such a dull day yesterday. Unfortunately I am dusting (which is a multi hour task) rather than enjoying an activity outside in the sunshine. Enjoy the Oscars tonight. Pamela
Hi Molly Maid! You can come and dust here once you've finished your place! I have to do fireplace mantle and surrounding shelves every few days as there is always a fine coating of ash from fire. Know when it's time when I can see paw prints left by Explorer Cats! I am curious to know who bought Lighthall's place as well. Furthermore, I couldn't agree more with Bill about island life and being a slave to the ferries! I voiced this objection when Lady Dar first brought up subject of move. Thanks for good wishes about Olivia.
I'm wondering if Lady Dar will now be able to tear herself away from Tinsel Town and her brand, spanking new great-granddaughter! I'm off to Sendero, around 5:30 pm, to stop at Sutherland's place to say hello and goodbye to Flamin', flying back to Vancouver this evening, and then on to Chloë's place afterwards to watch rest of Oscars.
Snowshoeing tomorrow and then my brother-in-law, from Winnipeg, but in Calgary at moment, arrives, with his two sons, for a few days, almost at same time as former Japanese boarder, Toshi, coming from Whistler, where she is at a Tony Robbins business seminar, [translating for her boss!], via Vancouver, flying into Penticton on Wednesday, until Saturday. Unfortunately, she'll miss Lady Dar who isn't scheduled to fly back from Tinsel Town on March 7th. Maybe I'll get my guests to dust! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
I'll send Billy Porter over to dust your floors for you🙃 Photo to follow👍
Pamela Billy Porter (at the Oscars)
Hi Lady Dar! Up at 5:30 am to feed the Wild Things. Both licked their plates, wet cat food, clean and then went out, via Rumpus Room, so I headed back to bed until 9:00 am! Luxury, sheer luxury! Will spend most of day readying house for coming invasion and then making my lunch for tomorrow's snowshoe outing. I'm off to Sendero, around 5:30 pm, to stop at Sutherland's place to say hello and goodbye to Flamin', flying back to Vancouver this evening, and then on to Chloë's place afterwards to watch rest of Oscars. Probably only be her and Beckster as Kid Chelene will look after The Terrible Twosome. Also need to look at door from hallway to her garage as she hasn't been able to open it since Robbie's visit. She thinks something fell off inside lock mechanism but I won't know until I've taken a closer look. From what she described I think I might have to take handle off and perhaps replace entire unit. Where's Dusty?
Must away as fire needs another log or two. Lovely and sunny, blue, blue sky and temperature is hovering around 2º C although cold wind out of the north at around 26 km/h so not shirtsleeve weather yet! Much Love to my Gorgeous Great Grandmother. Cheers, Patrizzio, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer for Your Relatives! PS: Are you planning to transfer funds into Joint Account before Wednesday? Also, did you change your AirMiles password? Pics: Very, very sleepy kittens and today's sky, all taken a few minutes ago.
Fabulous evening great company, (I mean people at next table!), great wine ! Thank you for introducing me to Lisa and John. Apparently Oscar party is at Rebecca’s see you there. My flight is out at 7 so will only catch a glimpse of it M Hi Flamin' The Freeloader Enabler! Mutual, I'm sure, about great company at next table! Had a note from Lisa and she said she thought you were a rather pushy broad so that's why she charged you corkage! I'm exempt as I'm such a well behaved lad! Will definitely run up to Beckster's to drink some more free wine and then move to Chloë's place afterwards for free food! Nothing better than this Freeloader gig! [Now I'm beginning to understand Clan Sutherland's compunction for same!] Far, far superior to on the halves! See you in a few hours. Have plenty of Church & State breathing! Cheers, Patrizzio! See, it really is the best ;) way to finally figure it out !!! Cheers Nicolina
Best speech! <https://youtu.be/hy8z_Tq_VHo> Chloë Thanks! Off to read so I hope I have a couple of fur blankets! Lovely evening. Talk tomorrow. Love, Dad! I agree lovely speech and real! Mom
Hi Colin and Marps! Pleased you enjoyed the card, Jo-Anne but Colin, you must have your iPod glued to your ears as you already sent me that joke! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Congratulations on reaching a more elevated genealogical plateau. AND to all those involved in making it happen. WOW. Hard to believe how little kids (well, not THAT little) are now full-fledged parents. I hope that Spring hits the Okanagan soon!!!! We are busy trying to determine which horse to ride to take Trump to the cleaners. It's wonderful to contemplate.... Donna Florida is off to her book group with a fresh loaf of bread as bounty. Me to while my evening away with a distressing lack of temptation. Cactus Congratulations Great Grandparents! Thank you for sharing this little wonder with us.It must be a special feeling that we can't even imagine as brand new grandparents. Corinne, enjoy while you are in L.A. Safe travels and we hope to see you soon around the bridge table. Big hug, Jos
Many congratulations to you all. Very exciting and glad everyone is well. Sounds like many more trips to California. This is increasing the fold who will look after you in dotage. The picture of the snow shoeing, is that you escaping. Meeting up with Ben and Ellen this w/e. Gorgeously beautiful here and freezing. Congratulations again. Now off to Tai Chi. Take care Glasgow
Many congratulations to you all. Very exciting and glad everyone is well. Sounds like many more trips to California. This is increasing the fold who will look after you in dotage. The picture of the snow shoeing, is that you escaping. Meeting up with Ben and Ellen this w/e. Gorgeously beautiful here and freezing. Congratulations again. Now off to Tai Chi. Take care Glasgow
Hi Patrick! Congratulations to you and Corinne and of course all your family! What precious photos of your great-granddaughter. I am sure there will be a trip south once Corinne is home! So lucky to see the new generation of your family starting. What a gift! Glad you are enjoying the winter outings. We had a great weekend of skiing. Now the cold wind is blowing again so we will see what the first weekend of March brings! Just home from picking up the boys from climbing. Need to practice their prose for festival tomorrow. I think they will be glad to be finished this event for another year. Congratulations again! Take care, Ariane
Dearest Elaine! I trust you are well. This is what I added to the Guest Book for the anniversary of Ted's death: After moving to Penticton, in May 2015, we were very fortunate to be able to stay with Elaine and Ted, when we visited Vancouver. At these times I became even more aware of their Sodastream as Ted would often offer me a glass of this "fuzzy" water, as I called it. Over the course of subsequent stays I always looked forward to enjoying a glass from the "soda fountain" and grew so enamoured of the device and its refreshing seltzer that it was one of the first things we added to our kitchen appliances once we had settled into our new home. Its shiny black case sits on the counter of our newly renovated kitchen and I am reminded, each and every day, of Ted, of his willingness to prepare another flask and/or make a cappuccino, laughing and smiling all the while. Of course, the CO2 cylinder must be replaced, from time to time, but the memory of Ted will never disappear from the hearts and minds of all who knew and loved him. Fondestos from Lady Darjeeling to you, Elaine. Stay well. Bestestos and Cheers,
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