The fact that astronomies change while the stars abide is a true analogy of
every realm of human life and thought, religion not least of all. No
existent theology can be a final formulation of spiritual truth. -Harry
Emerson Fosdick, preacher and author (1878-1969)
Welcome Olivia! Hip Hip Hooray!!! Take care of your new parents! Much, much
Love, Great-Grandparents, Corinne and Patrick!
[More pics tomorrow! Ayn Looking forward to more pics. Give Sam and Alex big hugs from me. Love Mom What was her weight? Patti I don't have weight yet, they were have skin to skin time for a few hours. Ayn] Rebecca has offered to have us both for dinner prior to the dramatic showing of the Bacehlor or we can have a quiet evening at the bistro your call M
Hi Boomerang Babe! Very, very generous of Beckster but I'm just as happy to drink a 2014 Facsimile, 15.9%, when there are just the two of us, and dream about The Front Street Brasserie! As I half-thought, Greg will not be arriving until Monday now! Has to see a client on Monday morning in Calgary before heading west. Hope there aren't any avalanche stoppages. At any rate, I've already made dinner arrangements so let me know when you wish to bring your fabulous wine and I'll plan accordingly.
Other wonderful, wonderful news is the birth of Olivia, last evening/night. Both she and Sam are well. I don't have all the stats yet but believe she weighed over 8 lbs and has legs like a champion racehorse! She'll probably be taller than Uncle Pierre! Cheers, Proud Great Grand-Father Patrizzio, [No, Catherine, we are not going to talk about great-grandchildren all night!], who now has the best reason in the world reason to be a Truly Grumpy Old Man! Pics: Olivia with Sam and Alex Ok it's just the two of us. What time were you thinking?
Congratulations to all your family on the wonderful arrival of Olivia such an amazing experience for everyone. Does this make you a Great Troll? Hi again, Flamin'! Chloë is part of The Bachelor Betting Pool so I think she plans to pop by and take part in fiasco! Before that she is heading in to work and then will drop by and we'll watch the movie you've already seen, later this afternoon. Anytime if fine by me so you decide what works for you and what you needs in terms of transportation. Let me know. Cheers, Super Troll!
Good for transportation - do we need reservations at Front St? Michele Hi again, Boomerang Goil! No! We have reservations for a special table, in a secluded corner, far from prying media eyes, at the Burns Street Bistro so don't forget the Facsimile as the greasy spoon joint offers corkage! I assume you'll slide down the hill to arrive sometime around 6:00 pm +/-. Cheers, Maitre d'Dunn!
Made reservations at front st ( not confirmed if you would rather some PDA See u around 6

Hello Patrice, Glad to hear you are keeping busy with both social and physical activities in anticipation and preparation of your upcoming surgery, I am sure this will be a major benefit in your recovery! I love the pictures, especially the one of you and you should get it printed and perhaps hang it in close proximity to one of Edmund Hillary if you have one as it seems in the same vein..battling the frozen tundra on some grand adventure! We will continue to wallow near the bottom of your social engagement considerations list and humbly continue to beg for visitations. Have a wonderful weekend and we will talk soon. Cheers, Al
Hello Dear Wallowing Warthog! Trust your dust bath is better than a recent frigid shower! Have instructed our Social Convenor to pencil you in sometime during a slow, shoulder season in 2020 so look forward to reacquainting ourselves with you then, if we an even remember who you are! Pleased you liked my Roald Amundsen/Edmund Hillary look-alike snapola. Have to thank fellow snow-shoer friend, Aarturos, for that. In fact, when we are climbing a hill, strung out in single file, I often like to imagine, whimsically, that were are climbing/trudging towards Everest. Still cannot even begin to imagine how those incredibly courageous, hardy, hardy souls were able to accomplish the feats they did, given extreme conditions, at such altitudes. I huff and puff as we ascend even marginally steep slopes, let along through oxygen depleted air! You, of course, can speak far better to that with your experience in Peru. Anyway, I do hope we might be able to snowshoe together at some point when our busy schedules permit.
Baby Photos Are Now Available: Your Bella Baby Photography photos are online! You can view your
photos by entering your access code on our main page
or by visiting our website at <> Congratulations! Thank you, Bella Baby Photography. Very nice Congratulate the new parents from us Pat Gavin and Rachael These pictures are so lovely how do we get some? Love G-Nana
On a far more exciting front, my other wonderful, wonderful news is the birth of Olivia, last evening/night. Both she and Sam are well. I don't have all the stats yet but believe she weighed over 8 lbs and has legs like a champion racehorse! She'll probably be taller than Uncle Pierre! For my part, I'm now an extremely proud Great Grand-Father who now has the best reason in the world to be a Truly Grumpy Old Man, or as Flamin' said, a Great Troll!
On a far more exciting front, my other wonderful, wonderful news is the birth of Olivia, last evening/night. Both she and Sam are well. I don't have all the stats yet but believe she weighed over 8 lbs and has legs like a champion racehorse! She'll probably be taller than Uncle Pierre! For my part, I'm now an extremely proud Great Grand-Father who now has the best reason in the world to be a Truly Grumpy Old Man, or as Flamin' said, a Great Troll!
She's coming for dinner tonight. My brother-in-law, Greg, was supposed to arrive today, to ski for a few days at Apex, but will not be arriving until Monday now! Has to see a client on Monday morning in Calgary before heading west. Hope there aren't any avalanche stoppages. Must away as I want to shovel/sweep sidewalks of reasonably thick dusting of last night's snowfall. Also need to give Etta and Duke a chance to race around outside instead of doing their Wild Horses routine in living room, turning up carpets and caroming off furniture while chasing each other! Fondestos and Cheers from somewhere near the North Pole, Super Troll Patrizzio! Pics: Olivia with Sam and Alex; Duke waiting for me to floss! Felines in repose!
Hey Patrick, Won’t make it to your place until Monday night. Need to see a customer here in Calgary Monday morning and then head your way. I think it’s about an 8 hour drive. Will update you when I’m on my way. Greg Hi again, Mighty Grigor! Thanks for note. Understand completely. Only disappointed I won't see more of you as we've plenty of rum to consume! On a sadder note, Mabel, from Go Green, in Vancouver is devastated that you won't be there this trip. She had organized a party with some great ribs that weren't all that green when she took them out of a dumpster, as well as a half-eaten birthday cake that she over-wrote, on top of "Happy Birthday", "Welcome Back Greg", in some chocolate chips she'd scraped from the bottom of the aforementioned dumpster, and melted in her heroin spoon. Also, she mentioned she was saving half a jug of Baby Duck she opened on New Year's Eve! Your loss!!! Stay well and let me know your progress on Monday. I'll be hiking that day so probably won't be home until 3:00 pm but assume you will be here later than that. If not, The Lads on the benches along Penticton Creek happen to know Mabel and would be glad to host you until I return. Their jug wine is even better than Mabel's and I think they have an extra appliance box so you might consider spending your time in Penticton with them! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Don't know if you have heard about birth of Olivia, delivered yesterday evening/last night.
Hello Great Grandmother! Hip Hip Hooray! Congratulations to you, Lady Dar! I suppose you are pleased as punch, as well you should be. Glad everything went so well. You'll be in Seventh Heaven when in LA. Perhaps you won't be able to tear yourself away. Whole photography angle with professional photographers is quite different from when our two girls were born!
Flamin' had invited me for dinner yesterday but then found out they were going to The Cannery for a farewell party for Tina, one of members, so she asked me to come on Saturday. Then discovered Beckster was hosting a Bachelor Bash that evening so I said come here instead, teasing her about how I'd made reservations at FSB, with her to pay as a way of getting back at The Millionaires ducking out on Chloë and I, a few weeks ago. Anyway, I had dinner arranged when she sent another message saying she'd called and made reservations for 7:00 pm. She came by at 6:00 pm, [Chloë was at work and was going to come over earlier to watch an Oscar nominated film but it was too late to do so, given when we were leaving for restaurant.], and we had a drink and a good visit.
Big news, from her, is that she stumbled upon a RMT, [Beckster's was unable to fit her in.], at Riverside Mall, above T-Bones, on Friday. He explained that what others had been doing was only exacerbating her condition and what he did was nothing short of miraculous as far as she was concerned. She was able to sleep for seven straight hours that night, something she had never done in months and felt almost like she did before accident next morning! Went for another session today and she can even contemplate returning to work in next little while.
Anyway, we had another wonderful time at FSB. Flamin' brought along a bottle of Church & State Syrah as we knew they provided corkage. Started with Caesar salads. I ordered meatballs and Michele had a shrimp dish. We shared a Crème brûlée for dessert and I also had a small glass of Ice Wine. Flamin' was very impressed with food. She's only been for lunch before. Chatted with couple at next table, she a teacher and he a social worker dealing with youth so plenty in common. They are both from Penticton. John and Lisa are well. Shana and Gavin were in for lunch last week but haven't seen them when I've been by UB to pick up some cheese. Back home to watch another episode of The Frozen Dead (Glacé), "a French mystery thriller television series set in the French Pyrenees. The six-episode series is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Bernard Minier." Had Duke on my lap so I was cosy.
Hi, Ayn! Thank you!! I'm in Whistler at Tony Robbins seminar event as a translator. Cannot wait to visit Penticton!! Look forward to see you in September in LA! Love, Toshiko Hi Toshi That sounds like a cool gig! Have fun xoxo Pic of my granddaughter Olivia Rose who was born yesterday! Ayn Thank you, Ayn! And most of all, Congratulation on your newly born granddaughter!!!
Hey Patrick, Won’t make it to your place until Monday night. Need to see a customer here in Calgary Monday morning and then head your way. I think it’s about an 8 hour drive. Will update you when I’m on my way. Greg Hi again, Mighty Grigor! Thanks for note. Understand completely. Only disappointed I won't see more of you as we've plenty of rum to consume! On a sadder note, Mabel, from Go Green, in Vancouver is devastated that you won't be there this trip. She had organized a party with some great ribs that weren't all that green when she took them out of a dumpster, as well as a half-eaten birthday cake that she over-wrote, on top of "Happy Birthday", "Welcome Back Greg", in some chocolate chips she'd scraped from the bottom of the aforementioned dumpster, and melted in her heroin spoon. Also, she mentioned she was saving half a jug of Baby Duck she opened on New Year's Eve! Your loss!!! Stay well and let me know your progress on Monday. I'll be hiking that day so probably won't be home until 3:00 pm but assume you will be here later than that. If not, The Lads on the benches along Penticton Creek happen to know Mabel and would be glad to host you until I return. Their jug wine is even better than Mabel's and I think they have an extra appliance box so you might consider spending your time in Penticton with them! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Don't know if you have heard about birth of Olivia, delivered yesterday evening/last night.
Hello Great Grandmother! Hip Hip Hooray! Congratulations to you, Lady Dar! I suppose you are pleased as punch, as well you should be. Glad everything went so well. You'll be in Seventh Heaven when in LA. Perhaps you won't be able to tear yourself away. Whole photography angle with professional photographers is quite different from when our two girls were born!
Flamin' had invited me for dinner yesterday but then found out they were going to The Cannery for a farewell party for Tina, one of members, so she asked me to come on Saturday. Then discovered Beckster was hosting a Bachelor Bash that evening so I said come here instead, teasing her about how I'd made reservations at FSB, with her to pay as a way of getting back at The Millionaires ducking out on Chloë and I, a few weeks ago. Anyway, I had dinner arranged when she sent another message saying she'd called and made reservations for 7:00 pm. She came by at 6:00 pm, [Chloë was at work and was going to come over earlier to watch an Oscar nominated film but it was too late to do so, given when we were leaving for restaurant.], and we had a drink and a good visit.
Big news, from her, is that she stumbled upon a RMT, [Beckster's was unable to fit her in.], at Riverside Mall, above T-Bones, on Friday. He explained that what others had been doing was only exacerbating her condition and what he did was nothing short of miraculous as far as she was concerned. She was able to sleep for seven straight hours that night, something she had never done in months and felt almost like she did before accident next morning! Went for another session today and she can even contemplate returning to work in next little while.
Anyway, we had another wonderful time at FSB. Flamin' brought along a bottle of Church & State Syrah as we knew they provided corkage. Started with Caesar salads. I ordered meatballs and Michele had a shrimp dish. We shared a Crème brûlée for dessert and I also had a small glass of Ice Wine. Flamin' was very impressed with food. She's only been for lunch before. Chatted with couple at next table, she a teacher and he a social worker dealing with youth so plenty in common. They are both from Penticton. John and Lisa are well. Shana and Gavin were in for lunch last week but haven't seen them when I've been by UB to pick up some cheese. Back home to watch another episode of The Frozen Dead (Glacé), "a French mystery thriller television series set in the French Pyrenees. The six-episode series is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by Bernard Minier." Had Duke on my lap so I was cosy.
Hi, Ayn! Thank you!! I'm in Whistler at Tony Robbins seminar event as a translator. Cannot wait to visit Penticton!! Look forward to see you in September in LA! Love, Toshiko Hi Toshi That sounds like a cool gig! Have fun xoxo Pic of my granddaughter Olivia Rose who was born yesterday! Ayn Thank you, Ayn! And most of all, Congratulation on your newly born granddaughter!!!
Olivia Rose, so beautiful!!!Thank you Toshi, she is a very sweet baby! A very good screamer too ha ha ha
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