The pain passes but the beauty remains. -Pierre-Auguste Renoir, artist
[responding to Matisse on why he painted in spite of his painful
arthritis] (25 Feb 1841-1919)
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All-cat catch-all
Zoran Milutinovic

Chloë had taped Oscars so we had fun watching them unfold, nibbling on some cheese and great sweet potatoe humous she'd made that morning. Ironically, tape stopped just as Olivia was starting to make her acceptance speech, hence link to it Chloë sent! Knew Green Book had won Best Picture as she Goggled it before I drove Beckster home.
I paid Costco bill, as mentioned. How much should I transfer into Joint Acct before month's end? Did you order a SOWTS ticket for St Patrick's Day event? Still no word from Greg. Last message said he would arrive this evening, driving from Calgary, all going well with roads, etc. Must away as Lou is collecting me for today's snowshoe outing. Happy Packing! Fondestos and Love, My Mexican Amore! Cheers, Patrizzio! I tried to use Costco card today and it was not accepted, luckily I had cash as well. I think we should each put more money into joint acct. I did get a ticket for St. Patrick’s day tasting and dinner. Just got home and starting to pack now. Love Corinne
yes, Mabel, the prettier sister of Agnes. Her smile could light up a
room, especially when she showed both her teeth. She always had the best
bottle cleaning
rag – and she could work wonders with a moldy cake. Congrats on your great grandfathership! Great news. I am in Golden BC right now – headed in your direction. It is 3:15pm. Not sure when that puts me in Penticton. Maybe 9pm??
Send me your address so I can punch into GPS please. Greg Hey Greg, In case dad’s hiking or swimming here is their address! Hi Golden Grigor! I see that Chloë has
already sent you our address. I will be playing bridge
in Summerland this evening so if you call me on my cell, (or at home, before 6:00 pm), when you are
leaving Peachland, I can make arrangements to leave the game so that we
can arrive at our place about the same time. If you arrive before I do,
here is the back door code. It is best to pull the handle
towards you when entering code.
If you pull into the back lane, off White, we are second house from corner and Lady Dar's spiffy Bug is parked in front of garage. I'll park in front of house so you can back your vehicle up driveway, the better to unload anything you want inside. You'll be in spare bedroom, first door to your right when you walk past microwave/wall oven. You can also text Chloë if you can't find any rum! All this just in case you are here well ahead of me and Etta and Duke won't have anything to do with you! Anyway, look forward to seeing you. Travel safely and call when you are in the vicinity and I'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Both Mabel and Agnes send fond regards and you should know that Agnes now has a new set of dentures so her smile is nothing sort of dazzling although she can't spit quite as well!
If you pull into the back lane, off White, we are second house from corner and Lady Dar's spiffy Bug is parked in front of garage. I'll park in front of house so you can back your vehicle up driveway, the better to unload anything you want inside. You'll be in spare bedroom, first door to your right when you walk past microwave/wall oven. You can also text Chloë if you can't find any rum! All this just in case you are here well ahead of me and Etta and Duke won't have anything to do with you! Anyway, look forward to seeing you. Travel safely and call when you are in the vicinity and I'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Both Mabel and Agnes send fond regards and you should know that Agnes now has a new set of dentures so her smile is nothing sort of dazzling although she can't spit quite as well!
Greetings Bald Range Endurance Snowshoers, et! A terrific round of applause to King Ottokar and Chuckster for this past Monday's more than rewarding outing. The sky, the temperature, the landscape, the company, all beyond compare. Thanks to Chuckerini, of course, for reconnoitering route beforehand and to all the Barbed Wire Boys for helping us over the various fences we encountered, not to mention the Mountain Rescue Crew who came to Taffy's aid. A special mention to him for continuing the trek when things looked very much like he may well have had to turn back. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we salute you, O Plucky One! Bravo, although I'm still a tad miffed that you beat me back to the parking lot! Nonetheless, a fab, fab day with fab friends. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Fartograms, Here are my photos from today: It was another great snow shoe in a beautiful area and with great weather.
Thank you all for coming. Enjoy! Aart It was another great snow shoe in a beautiful area and with great weather.
Thank you all for coming. Enjoy! Aart
Fabulous photos Patrick! Dressed in flaming orange, the barbed wire boys looked dashing. A special thanks to Bruno for his leadership skills. Cheers,
Hi Aarturos, St Kilian and Josinta! Thanks for piturras fabuloso, Aarturos! Grand day indeed! We missed you, St Kilian! Terrific bridge night, as well, Josinta!
On another matter, my brother-in-law, Greg, will be skiing at Apex over the next four days or so, beginning on Wednesday. He is collecting his two sons tomorrow night from airport in Kelowna. I am hoping that since they have never skied at Apex before, you might be able to have a bit of a chat with him about what runs might be of interest and match their downhill abilities. Cody, eldest son, is a high-end skier, Dustin is intermediate+ and poor old Dad performs at an intermediate level. Greg will be working from our place tomorrow, until he leaves for Kelowna, around 8:30 pm, so if you have a chance and the time, would it be too, too much to ask you to call, to give Greg some basic idea of what he/they might expect at Apex. I'm sure they can figure things out but local knowledge is always of benefit. As well, where would you suggest they buy lift tickets? Certainly appreciate any help and suggestions you are able to provide. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, Hope your surgery goes well. I've had two in the past few years and seem to have recovered! I'm sure you heard from Gregg about the blow. We had been in Parksville in the morning, at one point watching a complete rainbow out in the Strait in brilliant sunshine. On the way home started noticing downed power lines and traffic lights. Went to our local, The Shady Rest, to watch the sea and a large number of groups of sea lions (are they prides?) basking in the sun. Then they started sailing north, their fins acting as sails.
Got home safely for the power to go out through Qualicum - actually throughout the Island and Lower Mainland. Luckily we have gas fire and stove so had a nice quiet, no internet, evening reading our luminated ereaders. Others around us had no power for a few days. Then, after a very mild January, we had three snow storms early this month which left almost a foot of snow on the ground around here. Much is still around, especially in the forest over the road. Had to cut today's walk with Nico short - far too icy and I've already slipped once and sprained my wrists!
Nico is Otto's replacement - Karen's had him about three years. He's a lovely black lab but without Otto's character or sense! Spent part of last week staying with Katy, my younger, and her baby. Robin is now about 5 months and has finally reached the point where Katy and Graeme can be sure of a bit of downtime. They're off to New Zealand camping at the end of the week - very brave of them since I remember flying with Sara when she was 11 months old and she never settled down.
We love it here - such a change from Yaletown which we enjoyed less and less as it got dirtier and noisier. Changes in licensing laws and the arrival of the Canada Line attracted drinkers till late and the bars followed. By the time we left there were about 10 bars on our side of our Yaletown block - no longer a mixed use neighbourhood. Instead we have a pub on the sea, trees all around us and very little traffic on our dead end street. We can get to medical and dental appointments in 5 to 10 minutes and have no trouble looking for parking. Do miss friends from Vancouver but many come over for a night or so - I operate a chauffeur service from Departure Bay and, sometimes, Dole Point. (Bloody autocorrect - Duke).
Haven't watched cable TV since we've been here - most of the time we stream from British TV - BBC and Sky which show a whole range of British and foreign shows. All courtesy of my mum who we piggy back on and a VPN / DNS that seems to hide our location. Also subscribe to Squash TV - I remember that I used to enjoy watching doubles more than singles but the use of a white slightly reflective ball and coloured glass courts makes good singles a real spectacle. Best wishes form all three of us N, K and N
Nico is Otto's replacement - Karen's had him about three years. He's a lovely black lab but without Otto's character or sense! Spent part of last week staying with Katy, my younger, and her baby. Robin is now about 5 months and has finally reached the point where Katy and Graeme can be sure of a bit of downtime. They're off to New Zealand camping at the end of the week - very brave of them since I remember flying with Sara when she was 11 months old and she never settled down.
We love it here - such a change from Yaletown which we enjoyed less and less as it got dirtier and noisier. Changes in licensing laws and the arrival of the Canada Line attracted drinkers till late and the bars followed. By the time we left there were about 10 bars on our side of our Yaletown block - no longer a mixed use neighbourhood. Instead we have a pub on the sea, trees all around us and very little traffic on our dead end street. We can get to medical and dental appointments in 5 to 10 minutes and have no trouble looking for parking. Do miss friends from Vancouver but many come over for a night or so - I operate a chauffeur service from Departure Bay and, sometimes, Dole Point. (Bloody autocorrect - Duke).
Haven't watched cable TV since we've been here - most of the time we stream from British TV - BBC and Sky which show a whole range of British and foreign shows. All courtesy of my mum who we piggy back on and a VPN / DNS that seems to hide our location. Also subscribe to Squash TV - I remember that I used to enjoy watching doubles more than singles but the use of a white slightly reflective ball and coloured glass courts makes good singles a real spectacle. Best wishes form all three of us N, K and N
Hi Nico, Karen and Chopper! Wonderful to hear you are so
comfortably ensconced, just outside Qualicum Beach, I take it. I have
often ridden fairly close to your place on my way north following the
Island Highway out of QB. Did I mention that we have close friends in
Qualicum Beach itself? Carol Riera is a real estate agent and you may
well have seen her signs around town. Her husband, Bruno Sterckemann,
works as a translator from home. I'm sure you would enjoy their company
so give Carol a call. Tell her you want to sell your house and that
Patrizzio wants half her commission! She still owes me for her slogan, Rely on Riera! Can't remember if you knew that
we became great-grandparents on February 22nd. Congratulations on Robin! Take care of each other. Bestestos and
Cheers, Il Conduttore/Patrizzio! Pics: Everest Etta, one of our two felines. Duke is the other.
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