Friday, 31 May 2019

Early Morning Watering Can Blues: Friday, May 31st!

I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. -Walt Whitman, poet (31 May 1819-1892)

Hello Umbrella Woman! "Good think" on my part to alert you to the need to keep brolly in car! Pleased you were not washed away! Were the wipers able to deal with the deluge? How much charge did you have before you plugged in? Any trouble finding the hotel?

Executive summary: Two questions. 1) Any word about tires? Let me know. 2) Please read over Net Metering Agreement as I'd like to phone Jake back today to set up a meeting, for late Monday afternoon, for us to sign contract. Sooner that is done the sooner we will be able to have system inspected and initiated. We can ask our questions at meeting. I don't think our concerns about accruing a balance will be addressed at this time anyway, but the start of a slow process.

Now that you have departed, the early morning kittens seem to be less inclined to agitate for care and feeding, at 6:00 am, or earlier, as I was not bothered, at all, until I woke at just after 8:00 am, with a furry, purr machine on my tummy, El Diablo asleep on the chair opposite. Miss Etta hopped away at my first movement and Duke found his way to the watering hole for a morning quench. Etta had gone outside so it was only The Boy who ate his dish of "wet" cat food, licking the counter clean as I prepared my java. As soon as it was ready I went outside to water the front garden, joined by two very concerned supervisors! Both were quite comfortable with the nozzle spray and didn't dash away but rather stood quite close to ensure I missed nothing!
Lovely, lovely morning and Wild Bill, topless, was eating his cereal on front deck. [I expected to read you ran with the garden hose to cool off topless Bill. Either you're slacking off, or you're getting wise and keep such deeds out of the newspapers. Had it been his curvaceous wife I certainly would have done so, hoping to make front page news! Off course topless downtown Penticton is not newsworthy, but a white male watering a hot house flower certainly would trigger the metoos. Especially when I was bottomless! That would do it.] He complimented us on our front garden. Soon as I was finished front, I went to the back and used the water from both barrels to fill the watering cans and then to work my way around patio. Etta deserted me to hop up onto the louvres, to scrabble about, while Duke spent most of his time investigating the water in the cans and buckets I was using. 

Net Metering Agreement - 611 Burns Street Good day Patrick, Further to our phone conversation today, attached is the net metering interconnection agreement for you and Corinne to review. Please let me know if you have any questions about the agreement. Once you and Corinne are available to sign it, please call me directly to set up a time to meet with me and sign. Thanks. Jake Stewart, Land Administration Assistant

Back inside and the phone rang. It was Jake Stewart from the City's Land Administration Dept. He wanted my email address so as to be able to send us the Net Metering Contract. We both have to sign it, as co-owners of the house, so he wanted us to look it over beforehand in case we had any questions. 

I'll attach it to this message for your perusal. I'm going to phone Jake back as soon as I've sent this message to set up an appointment, as late as possible, on Monday afternoon, to give you time to be back in Penticton. Once we go to City Hall we'll be able to start the process. Once this is done, City will send out an inspector to approve work by Argon and then system can be initiated. Mildly annoyed at all this bureaucratic, [although necessary], delay as we are not generating any power on these wonderfully clear, hot, hot days!

Must away as I want to ready my yogurt. Fondestos to Linda and remind her that I'll come over, once you are back, and take gate apart, unless she can have it taken away. Stay well. Love and Cheers, My Darling, your Adoring Patrizzio!
I an only see the first page. Make the meeting for 4 or later. Just charged up at Langley Event Centre at Greenlots, where I had to pay $9.00, charged up to 526 km. Lots going on at meeting. Love CoraLee Hello Your Greeness! Wow! 526 km is a record! I'll have a Gold Medal waiting for you if you are here in time for 3:30 pm meeting, Monday afternoon! That is our appointment slot so leave in plenty of time, Procrastinator!

Had saved the bottoms of the asparagus we had a few days ago so when I needed a break I decided I'd steam them first and then used the handy-dandy, handheld Kitchen-Aid blender I received from Chloë for Christmas, to pulverize some of the tougher bits. Then I added the container of Broccoli Bisque stock Lynne had given to us on Friday and kept blending until I had a smoothie! Part of tonight's dinner. I spit on the Sonoma Restaurant at Burrowing Owl! Must away as I want to stat on my first set of shouldares! Happy United Church politicking! Cheers, Keeper of Kittens and Galloping Gardener/Electrical Gadget Gourmet Patrizzio!
PS: This just in from Bruno: "I was talking last night to my pot-smoking friend, John Lepp, from La Broquerie, as his name came up in a discussion where his sister-in-law, Agnetta Dyck, expressed hope the sauna he is building out of pallets in his backyard would be ready when she visits next week, to which I thought to myself "Good luck with that!" Pics: Farewell to the Naramatians; Go Argon; El Diablo! Kitchen Aid and the livin' is easy! Our son Thi is going to travel to Ukraine, Hungary and Romania, so my brother asked what in hell is he going there for, to which I replied: "I have no clue where his idea of travelling to Central Europe comes from. It's not as if his parents or uncles were globetrotters... If we exclude trips to Bali, Syria, Argentina, the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa, Vietnam, Fiji, Jamaica, Norway, Central America, Reef, California, Bulgaria, Iceland, Rajasthan, Iran, Ecuador, Sardinia, Vietnam, Peru, Dominican Republic and the Sahara. Thierry has his work cut out if he wants to beat their carbon footprint, which could feed the Fontainebleau forest for a century." :-) Bruno 
Hi again, Jet-Setters! Very, very good thing, indeed, that we will be off-setting your family's considerable carbon Fontainebleu footprints with our solares and eKona! [Cool car, cool cat, Caol Isla Cool looking car! They finally figured peeps who care about the environment don't necessarily want to be seen driving a toad ;-) And the mileage :-O I bet going down the mountain she watched the battery recharge.] Did you mean Buona Fortuna with dopester's completion of sauna or enduring Jawohl Mein General Agneta's visit! Or both? [Sorry, I misunderstood you at first, so I meant completion by next week ,but yeah, the latter probably applies too :-)  Yes her royal highness Agneta’s visit to Manitoba] Must away as I want to start work on my office. Another task left for me by Her Imperiousness! Cheers, Keeper of Kittens and Galloping Gardener/Electrical Gadget Gourmet Patrizzio! Pics:  Tier-Two Charger and associated electrical panel/box. ["Put your money where the sun does shine". Duke enjoying rolling around! 

Hello Ex-Naramatians and Tinsel Towners, et al! Trust everyone made it to their respective destinations, safely and without so much as a side-saddle hitch! Cheers, Patrizzio! Wild fire: <>
Hi Pat, Thanks for the medical name. My friend appreciates it. I see that you are also plagued by the smoke of the Northern Albertan fires, but I'm sure it didn't dampen the lovely meal and musical evening you experienced. I'm glad all of your electric and solar advances are working so well for you. Three cheers for moving into the future with such grace! Ruth 


Thursday, 30 May 2019

Tier Two Charger and The Inverter Blues: Thursday, May 30th!

War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today. -John F. Kennedy, 35th US president (29 May 1917-1963)

Hi Dino and Southside! Thanks for the call and message, yesterday. We were out for most of the day,[Down in your neck of the woods at Burrowing Owl, where I believe you installed the solar panels, for a fantastic early dinner, and then at the Venables Theatre, [What a great venue!], for a wonderful, wonderful concert, [featuring the songs of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., and Dean Martin!], so didn't read email or listen to message until this morning. I just talked to Dean and he mentioned you would be over around 8:00 am! See you then! Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! When the sun hits your eye/Like a big pizza pie/It's Solare!!!!

Hi Lyn and Carol! Great to bump into you both, last Friday. [Pleased you enjoyed Saturday's GFA Tea snapolas, Lyn.] Been busy with yard work, of late, so apologize for not sending these sooner. Trust you are enjoying being On the Road, Thomasino! Stay well, everyone. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Ellis and planter extension, in front yard, with first shoots, behind. Bordered with Marigolds, to dissuade deer, we hope, from Cheryl, at GFA Tea. New solar panels and electrical tie-in today! Tummler, Hope this finds you well. G'us an update on the mended wing. Are you back on the saddle in the out of doors? How are things at the Burns tasting room? Have you collected any wines from Italocemente? Bocce Brothers Jack is one of my favourites. The beanstalk is taking over the north island and I guard the Valley garden 24/7 with a machete lest things get too verdant. Not sure why I thought of you when I saw this word in word of the day. Anyway, you best get to Ukiyo on some overmorrow soon. All the best to you and yours from Ukiyo-clulets, W, CJ y Morita
Hello Ukiyo-cluloids! [Are you as addictive as Opioids?] Trust you and Calamity are both well! Thanks for inquiring about my healing wing! Slow but steady improvement in terms of degrees of movement, given the set of exercises I follow with religious, nay fanatical fervour. I know I must comply if I'm to regain lost mobility, etc. Unfortunately, I won't be riding or hiking this summer. Too, too much worry about irreparable damage to bone surrounding implant should I fall. On the bright side, I can now engage in deep-water walking so will start that shortly, varying this with walking the KVR and elsewhere. Up to almost 15 km, round-trip, to date, so pleased about this.

Nevertheless, still busy, putting finishing touches to the raised vegetable bed extension I put in, a month or so ago, now. I have been working away at the pavers, of various sizes, I am placing around the planter. [All free, from Terry, our neighbour, directly across the street.] Such footing makes it easier to water, tend vegetables, etc. Almost finished this particular task and then will spend a bit of time making some cosmetic changes to the rock borders and gravel "stream" to tie everything together.

Chloë drove to Vancouver yesterday as she is flying to LA for a week, to see her great-niece, Olivia Rose, et al. Argon Solar is here, as I scribe, [Dean, electrician, from Oliver, just mentioned that he watched the original Venables Theater burn to the ground!], to complete the solar install by hooking the panels into the house electrical box/city grid and setting up inverter for Tier Two charger. While at Burrowing Owl we charged our car at one of the eight stations they have. Lady Dar is off to Vancouver for the weekend, first a church conference, in Langley, and then her book club round-up on Sunday evening. Have Evehicle, Will Travel! Fondestos from her to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

PS: Flamin' is here for the weekend, grand-parenting, I believe, so I hope to connect at some point. VRC will be visiting this month, first Grogg and Lurch, en route to Burrowing Owl for their annual stay, and then Polly and Mick, before retreat at Sandy Beach Lodge with their unending hordes of grandchildren! Bill and Denise in July, along with Danish friends, Maggie and Hans. Lady Dar's birthday on the 19th, same day as Poplar Grove Wine Club Appreciation Party so no rest for the wicked! Pics: Burrowing Owl; raised-bed and Dusty's Iris! Big thunderstorm in Manning park: Good think I have the umbrella 

Dans la série "Jake and Erna partent en voyage" Jake and Erna Friesen from Blumenort are on their way to Mexico. Behind them in the plane are Jean-Guy Tétrault and Gérard Dubé from La Broquerie. It's their first trip to the tropics so they are excited and can't stop talking about how nice it will be, sitting at the beach, watching the girls in bikini, maybe engage in a three-some, enjoy 28 degrees in the shade with pina colada by the side, and the best part, NO MENNONITES anywhere around. That last point is clearly at the top of of their wishlist, because they say it loud enough for everyone on the plane to hear it. At long last, Jake, who is getting a little more than fed up with the constant bashing, turns around and says "You know what, why don't you guys go to hell? 500 degrees in the shade, and NO MENNONITES".

For their 25th wedding anniversary, Jake and Erna decided to splurge and go see the Rockies and the West Coast. Their sons are old enough to look after the broiler barns, so it's a perfect time to go. After visiting the giant grain export terminals in the port of Vancouver, on their last day, Jake gives in to Erna's wish to see Chinatown. There, Jake sees the name "Hans Schmidt" prominently displayed above a butcher shop window, and leaning against the doorway is a 5 ft tall Chinese looking man wearing an apron. 

So Jake walks up to him and asks if his boss is in by any chance. With a radiant smile, the guy says he is the shop owner. Most intrigued, Jake says how interesting, I'm of German extraction too, what a small world, we could be distant relatives, etc. but really, how did you end up with the name Hans Schmidt? Simple, replies the man, when I was in the immigration line there was a 7 foot tall blond hair guy ahead of me ,and when my turn came to give my particulars, the immigration officer asked me my name, and I told him Sam Sing. If someone asks you where you got those just say Cornell Friesen from Mitchell Manitoba. Bruno 

Hello Mennonite Man! I suppose one can take the boy out of Manitoba but one cannot take the Manitoba out of the boy! Lady Dar left around noon today to drive down to Vancouver for a church conference. She stopped at Manning Park to recharge and was caught in a deluge! Must away as I want to start on the stretching exercises for my shouldare! Fondestos to Chooch and remind her that I'm still waiting for my royalty fee. I suppose one "Cannot Rely on Riera!" Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Burrowing Owl and the Tim Tam Blues: Wednesday, May 29th!

Speculation is perfectly all right, but if you stay there you've only founded a superstition. If you test it, you've started a science. -Hal Clement, science fiction author (30 May 1922-2003)

Hi Patrick! Your garden is amazing! I can't wait to see photos of it in another month or two. I bet you will have quite a bounty this summer. Fresh produce right off the patio is so wonderful to have. I so miss my Grandparents and their garden. It was such a treat to have beautiful carrots, lettuce, beets and tomato every year. There was more of course but it was such a labour of love for them and then to share it was another part of the love.
I really do need to follow through with a plan to visit. Must look at the calendar seriously and book you when the boys are not paddling and you are still home! They have time off right after the home Regatta on July 20/21 so maybe around then? Pray for no smoke!

Thank you again for your continued support of my little men and their adventures. I only have a couple of things each year to fundraise for and it means a lot to us when our family and friends keep encouraging the boys in their little clubs. Very different than big organizations so we just keep plodding along. They are happy and even managed to be on TV today with the mid day show for the news! So fun! Good fun and they love it - especially because they enjoy the people they have on the team. Well...another late night. Hugs to you all! Take Care, Ariane ❄️❄️

Hi TV Celebrities! Terrific that the cause is receiving such support! Ever Onward! We'll be home for July, [Lady Dar is in Winnipeg for ten days at beginning of the month.], as we have friends from both Denmark and Vancouver visiting, as well as a number of weddings for our resident Marriage Officiant!  Fondestos to one and all. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Thank you so much for your encouragement for next month’s ride for cancer. When I signed up I thought I might get fit, lose a few pounds and make a modest donation to the Kid’s Cancer Foundation. Then the donations started to add up and I began to take it more seriously. Finally they asked the riders to share their stories about cancer and the ride became an emotional commitment. I know you have lost family or friends or know someone now struggling with cancer and that is why you have joined this effort to raise funds. On their behalf I thank you. Now I just have to get out there and pedal! You can check my site to monitor my progress:  

Hi Pat and Corinne, I hope you're both out enjoying the sunshine. It was wonderful to see both you and have some time to catch up. I ran into the friend of mine whose husband has all of these weird symptoms that the doctors are having a hard time diagnosing. You mentioned the name of a rare one that's hard to diagnose that your friend had and the symptoms you described were similar to my friend. I couldn't remember the name so it would be of great help if you could send me the medical name you mentioned. Thanks so much, Ruth

Hi Ruth! Trust you are both well. Terribly, terribly sorry about your friend's husband's un-diagnosed illness. I trust it is not Jakob-Creutzfeldt Disease as this is what Ted Keating died from. You can find much information about it on the Web so I won't go into any detail.

On a much brighter note, we had a wonderful late afternoon, yesterday, driving down south, past Oliver, to Burrowing Owl Winery for an early dinner. Lady Dar had a $50 gift certificate which she received a number of years ago, now, and we decided it was time to cash it in, particularly since we were attending a concert later that evening, in Oliver itself, at the Venables Theatre. Dinner was wonderful and since place was quite quiet, at 5:00 pm, we had a lovely relaxed time, chatting with our friendly, efficient server, [A delightful Finnish lady who grew up in Sweden, most senior server in restaurant, after ten years!], and enjoying the stupendous food.

Concert, [Tim Tamashiro, former host of CBC's weekly Jazz program, along with a pianist, bassist and drummer, put on a mini-musical, featuring the songs of Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis Jr and Dean Martin, in their Vegas years. Affair was incredibly informative and marvelously performed.], was held in the Venables Theater, in Oliver itself. I learned that the original, historical building was lost to fire, [not sure when but in fairly recent times], and replaced with an auditorium that is nothing short of spectacular, especially given the size of Oliver, smaller, even, than Penticton, which, as you already know, is on the way to nowhere!
Quite a few friends, from Penticton, attended, so it was fun chatting with them before concert started and during short intermission. Even had time to pop in to say hello and goodbye to a good friend, Hildi Schmidt, [I call her Hildegard Von Bingen!], in hiking group and book club, at her lovely home, a few blocks from the theatre, before concert started. All in all a terrific day.

Argon Solar will be by tomorrow morning to complete the solar install by hooking the panels into the house electrical box/city grid and setting up inverter for Tier Two charger. 

While at Burrowing Owl we charged our car at one of the eight stations they have. Many, many solar panels on the various winery buildings across the extensive property. I plugged the Kona in last night as wanted to have as full a charge as possible as Lady Dar is off to Vancouver for the weekend, first a church conference, in Langley, and then her book club round-up on Sunday evening. Have Evehicle, Will Travel! Fondestos from her to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Burrowing Owl: , amuse-bouche or amuse-gueule, soft carrot ball, Ostrich Carpaccio; Duck Confit; Arctic Char; Von Bingen!
Hi Wine Connoisseur! Trust you and Sondra are both well! Fondestos from her to you both. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! What a treat you both had, spectacular pictures....we are very jealous....your choice of again.....lots of love, A & S xxxx 
Hi Patrick, My apologies for the late email. I was informed that we could complete your solar install / grid tie tomorrow morning. Just wanted to know if tomorrow is still good for us to install your inverter and start generating your own electricity!!! I believe Dean may have called earlier to confirm but had not heard back from you. Here is his mobile. Thank you. Southside Jonny.


Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Raised Planter and the Paving Brick Blues: Tuesday, May 28th!

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves. -William Pitt, British prime minister (28 May 1759-1806)

Gardening 101: How to Use Eggshells in the Garden: While I wasn't adding crushed eggshells to the new raised planter, I did spend a goodly portion of the late morning and most of the afternoon setting pavers along the outside of the extension. Quite pleased with how everything went. Used up all of the pads which we obtained from Terry, this past March so quite happy about that as well. Might have to do a bit more "re-arranging" once Lady Dar has a better sense of how things work, in terms of using hose to water garden, now that most of the rain barrels are almost empty.

No sign of precipitation in foreseeable future so will be on hose water until it does decide to sprinkle. [Another task is to move squat rain barrel from back patio to front of house. One that was near front door split open this winter. I thought ice had enough room to expand, out of open top, but not the case! Plan to buy a larger one for back patio as one there now fits nicely on the planter ledge.] Basic idea is to have both rock borders and "access" pavers prevent the lava rock from being scattered about when hose is dragged over various sections of garden. Not a big deal but just one aspect of trying to make front garden as maintenance free as is reasonably possible. 

Next step will be a bit painstaking as I'll need to kneel on ground and pick away at the stone border of the "stream", rearranging the various sized rocks on either side of the "stream" to better contain the gravel bed and try to mirror what exists on the south side of the sidewalk, for aesthetic reasons dictated, rather imperiously by Her Green Thumbness! 

Image: imgflip
Hello Bridge Club, 5 Clubs People! Two tables yesterday evening so thanks to everyone, especially the frequently moving Dummy! Thanks as well for the nibbles and bottles of wine. Consensus suggests that next Monday is best for most people so that is the evening I will attempt to organize, unless there is a ground-swell of opinion, clamouring of calls for another night. Please let me know if you plan to play, when and if you would like to host. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Two-Table Sisterhood! 

Hi again from me. I have not heard from any Summerlanders to say they will be going to Divide Lake this Thursday. There is someone from S’land who needs a ride. So, if you are joining us, please let me know so that I can arrange for the ride. Many thanks, Jim


Monday, 27 May 2019

More Shouldares and the Raised Bed Blues: Monday, May 27th!

Compassion is not weakness and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism. -Hubert Humphrey, US Vice President (27 May 1911-1978) 

😊 And a GOOD MONDAY MORNING………Von Bingen! Must away as I want to perform my shoulder exercises. I have an appointment with physio later this morning so would like to be as loose as possible for next set of exercises she will have me do. Fondestos from Lady Dar, just in from harvesting a huge bouquet of rhubarb, [We plan to make chutney with it. We've been enjoying last year's product muchly.], and a very attractive bunch of Sage. 

Over the growing season we will gather many of the stalks and tie them together, hang them in the garage to dry, and then strip leaves and bag them when ready. Great for adding to anything from soups, to omelettes to bbq rubs. Stay well. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Sage bouquet along with gorgeous lily from Lynne and Peter; rhubarb. Monday's hike started at Mahoney Lake and we wandered through the forested area to the West, looping around 6 lakes ... though some were puddle sized given the low snow-pack. 

Hello Bridge Club, 5 Clubs People! Two tables this evening so thanks to everyone, especially the frequently moving Dummy! Thanks as well for the nibbles and bottles of wine. Consensus suggests that next Monday is best for most people so that is the evening I will attempt to organize, unless there is a ground-swell of opinion, clamouring of calls for another night. Please let me know if you plan to play, when and if you would like to host. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Two-Table Sisterhood! Hi Patrick. I can play June 3rd. Sorry, cannot host yet. Dianne I don't think that I will be able to make it on Monday. I have a very busy week with Royal Conservatory Exams on 3 days. If you find yourselves stuck that night, I live close enough that I could help out, but only if you are really stuck. Thanks, great time last night. Dame Judith 

[Hi DJ! While I can certainly appreciate your more than full schedule, I hope I can keep you in reserve as Olga Polga stated, "Hoping to play..." From past experience this often means that she cancels at last minute, for one reason or another. Since you are playing so well it would be a shame if you could not continue honing your razor sharp skills if we might need you. I'll be in touch, if so. Thanks again. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Yup u can Dame Judith] I can host . 6:30 on Windsor Ave. See you then! Carol I can play. Susan Hi again, Card Oriented People! Carol, (aka Choocheranian!), has very kindly offered to host, [Thanks Choch!], so we will convene at 6:30 pm, on Windsor Ave. So far one table is confirmed, with one player for second table. Will report again when I have heard from rest of group. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick, I believe you need more men’s power 😉 so I am in. Cheers Mike Sounds like a good group. enjoy happy bidding. AEB If you need another one, I can play as well. Theresa Hi Carol Hoping to play on Monday and would you please email your full address. Thanks so much, Olly Hello again, into The Bidding Breach Bridgers! With the already committed, plus Michaelovitch, Mama T and Olga Polga, we now have  eight confirmed, clinically diagnosed bridge fiends so we will gather at Chooch Hall, 241 Windsor Avenue, Penticton, Canada, Bridge Universe, Seven No Trump Galaxy, next to the Doubled Black Hole, on the right, and the Vulnerable Quasar, on the left! [Is this full enough, Rolly Polly?] 
Thanks to everyone for speedy response. Practice precise bidding with each waking moment until next we meet to deal the cards. Cheers, Patrizzio, reading Bridge for Dummies after my abysmal play last Monday! Pics: The Sisterhood's unspoken thoughts!  

Does this mean you don't need me? DJ Hi again, DJ! At the moment, we have a full compliment for two tables BUT as I mentioned, things change at the last moment so I would still like to keep you as my Ace, up my sleeve! I trust we will be fine and that you can concentrate on your studies! However, will be in touch when I know, one way or another, for sure. However, don't worry if you can't make it either as Dummy can move. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Talented Gardeners! Apparently, Duke and Etta were the models for the feline sculptures! Yards: I suppose if one has nice shrubbery, one should have lawn chairs and lawn ornaments. If those Game of Thrones' lawn ornaments, "props" are in your Dunbar yard, be careful! These yard ornaments might be too large for car-jacking or snatch-and-grab!

"Ébourgeonnage" is the selective removal of buds ("bourgeons") and shoots according to density and positioning of shoots on the vine. This ensures even spacing of the shoots, optimal airflow, sunlight penetration, and manages crop yield. This is an essential step in growing healthy and balanced grapes. 

Dear Patrick, This spring, I'm taking part in Stride to Turn the Tide, a national walk that supports the Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. I am walking to raise funds for African grandmothers living in the communities hardest hit by the AIDS pandemic. These indomitable women not only care for their grandchildren orphaned by AIDS, but lead the way with innovative programmes that are transforming their communities and altering the course of the pandemic on the African continent. Please help me reach my fundraising goal! Every dollar truly counts and is so deeply appreciated, I couldn't do this without the support of my incredible network.

To make a secure donation visit my fundraising page by clicking this link: My Personal Page Then look for the "Donate Now" button in the top-right corner and follow the steps from there. If you'd like to learn more about the Grandmothers Campaign, and the work that your donation will be supporting, click here to watch a short video, and hear directly from African and Canadian grandmothers, and the community-based organizations that the Stephen Lewis Foundation supports. Thank you for your generous support, if you'd like to know more about my fundraiser and the Grandmothers Campaign, I'm happy to share. Warmly, Corinne Durston  

Stride to Turn the Tide is a Grandmothers toGrandmothers Campaign initiative.  Proceeds go to grassroots organizationsin sub-Saharan Africa that support African grandmothers and the children intheir care. To learn more about these organizations, please visit: or

Hi all, I'm forwarding the notice for this coming Monday's hike on behalf of Hanneke who is leading the hike. Please see her email below! Thanks. Phil Robson PS oops, Hanneke made a typo... tis indeed Monday June 3rd not 2nd!! Hi everyone, On Monday, June 2, I will lead a hike from my house to Peach Cliff Bluff. If you would like to join me meet at my house, around 9:15. So those of you in Summerland should be leaving the IGA at the usual time of 8:40 am, and Pentictonites at 9am at home hardware. Parking is limited here, so car pooling is a good idea. If there is no room left in my driveway, please park down at the bus stop or around the corner, by the junction of Eastside road and McLean creek Road. the start of our hike is directly across from my house. It will be on a trail, and not longer than 3 hours...or so...
Horseshoe with Calks (projections)
Image: Wikimedia Commons
I will be happy to have you over for coffee etc afterwards. have a good weekend, and hope to see you Monday! Hanneke

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Last Terravista Hurrah and The SOWTS Souse Blues: Sunday, May 26th!

Authority without wisdom is like a heavy axe without an edge: fitter to bruise than polish. -Anne Bradstreet, poet (1612-1672)

Hello, bemoaning wood rack absence, and good advice absorption man! Glad the message of hurt feelings finally got through after the barrage of emails pointing this out! I hadn’t realized Colleen had mentioned it as well so I can see why I got such a backlash lol.
Glad to hear re the electrical upgrades and new garden beds! I had plans to plant more vegetables this year but after the rats ate most of the stuff I like and not really wanting to start a war against them as this has proven to be futile I opted to let the perennial flowers, rhubarb and some potatoes stake their claim.

Clover and I had a nice visit with my friend Jim now living on hope on the way to the valley yesterday afternoon. We walked along a trail near his house that runs along side the Fraser river and then the Coquihala river where it empties in the Fraser. Everything was lush and beautiful with lots of flowers highlighted by the sun filtering down through the branches. Had a nice quiet evening in the Valley and a good rest last night so happy for that and after another coffee and a bowl of cereal will venture out on a meadow walk.

Heading back to town this afternoon as is Colleen and we are going to head out for a nice dinner to celebrate our 29th anniversary! Give my love to the girls and a hug to you my friend, enjoy your day and we’ll talk soon. Cheers, Al

Hi Goin' to the Chapel of Love Man! Congratulations to you both! Trust your celebratory dinner was wonderful! For our part we had a lovely time at the SOWTS whiskey tasting. Sat with a number of very interesting people: Jennifer Vincent, and her husband, Nick, who started COWork Penticton, a shared workspace, and Kenton Olson, a rep for Centennial Foodservice. Jennifer's mother was a producer for CBC so I hope to meet her at some point. Nick was on the board at the PAG so they are keen supporters of the Gallery. We will probably see them again at the Art Gallery Dinner on June 27th, along with Jennifer's parents. Kenton knows our friend Simon who is the chef at Zias Stonehouse Restaurant in Summerland. 

It was the SOWTS AGM and Lady Dar beat out Simon in the election for Secretary. His brother, Colin, is the Vice-President and Simon mentioned this fact, jokingly, when he gave his brief introduction to himself. In her pitch, Lady Dar said she enjoyed drinking from my malt cabinet and that she wasn't, otherwise, related to anyone on the existing board! Garnered many laughs. In fact, Dame Judith, Event Co-Ordinator, wife of President, Kevin, asked Corinne to run as she really needed help with organization, [Secretary's position had been vacant for more than six months.], and knew Lady Dar was well organized. [Both are Marriage Officiants for All Seasons.] As well, I think it didn't hurt that Board probably wanted more women to serve. 

[Hello SOWTS Souses and Spouses! Thanks to everyone for the more than delightful tasting and dinner. Hip Hip Hooray! Condolences to Chef Simonize on losing a close race but The Sisterhood Party has a powerful grass-roots organization! Apparently a field of candidates will be but forward in the coming federal election!!! Wonderful to meet you three, Penton, [aka Kenton!], Jennifer Juniper and Nicolevitch! I trust our paths will cross again, in the not too, too distant future. Until then, stay well. Cheers, First Secretary, Lady Dar, [She of an Iron Fist in a Velvet Glove!], and Patrizzio! Pics: SOWTS AGM]

As I'm sure you know, from your Sunshine Valley involvement, volunteering is loads of work, often for nothing but plenty of criticism, as compensation, by those who do nothing but complain, not matter what, without ever offering to lift a finger! More a labour of love but still great good fun as it really is quite a vibrant organization. It would be great if we could time one of your visits so that you could take in meal/tasting. Next one will be in September, just in time for WEC to deliver firewood frame and trailer hitch assembly! Onward! Fight!!!

By the way, I was certainly more than impressed with the magnitude of the construction on the concrete barge. Is it one? I assume it is from both comments and pictures. Wow! Almost like building the Empire State Building with all those forms and beams. That being said, how could Germaine even think that not having pillars/beams plumb would not be quintessentially important and absolutely necessary. I'm a Construction for Dummies bloke and even I know this leads to disaster! Not something like a firewood frame, per esempio, [Just to remind you!], where a touch of off kilter isn't important and could, in fact, add to rustic nature of function. Can only imagine your frustration. Will be more than curious to see how things turn out. Buona Fortuna! You'll need it from what has transpired, to date.

Stay well. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: When are you buying an electric vehicle and having solares installed, a la Predictions of the Future? Pics: Picking up latest wine release at Terravista, with Sam, before heading to SOWTS tasting: Kenton, Nick and Jennifer; Simon, Cindy and Jon; Jennifer and Lady Dar; Colin with his daughter, Sarah; Kevin with his son, Neill; Dame Judith with Tammy.

Dear Patrick Love your red umbrella!!! Also those solar panels are amazing.
Stan Brown was in PE I believe. Glad to know you are around on June 5th -- we will be travelling through--thanks for your kind offer to stay but we do need to get back to V. to complete tasks before our quick trip to Beijing. Will confirm properly once we are home from Qualicum Beach. Here helping Colin's mother for a bit. Cheers for now Hope Lady Dar is feeling better. When are your birthdays?? Had forgotten that you and and Lady Dar are in your 70's yikes!! Feels weird to realize how time is passing us by. Good gardening to you! Jo-Anne

Hello Patrick, Any chance that June 3rd at around 1:00-1:30 would work for you?? We would stop in Penticton on our way to Osoyoos. If the 3rd is not good then we could aim for the 4th. Also now that the bylaw has been passed regarding sitting and laying down in the streets I hope you will now conform to your city's rules. Lots of love Jo-Anne Hi Marps! Ironically, Lady Dar will be driving back from Vancouver on Monday, June 3rd, and may well not be here by 1:30 pm. Next day, Tuesday, May 4th, she works at PRH from 12:00-4:30 pm. We could have an early dinner on Monday, if that suits you. If that doesn't work think about dinner on Wednesday or something else that might work, given time constraints. I assume you might be heading home, via Kermeos, on the 5th so probably don't want to head north that day. Anyway, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Fig leaf, the original cache-sexe Adam en Eva by Jan van Scorel, 1527
Photo: mickeymousestudio
Hello Chicago Bridgers, wherever you might be! Sorry for the late message. No excuses BUT plenty of reasons! Most of people I've had occasion to chat with would find tomorrow, Monday, May 27th, best night for bidding. If nobody is interested in hosting, Lady Dar and I are happy to do so. Please let me know if you can play and, for possible hosts, who you might be and I'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Last week's game with O Susannah, Choocheranian and Tea Drinking Man, Phillipinino! Lady Dar played first round only but insisted on being part of photo op!

Hi Bridge folks, I'm home but have company and therefore am unable to play this Monday. Hoping to catch up with you next week. Enjoy tomorrow eve. Hugs, Olly Hi Patrick. I am available for bridge. Thanks. Dianne Hi, Can't make tomorrow night for bridge but mucho appreciate the invite. Hopefully next week! Cheers. Phil Sorry, I cannot play tonight. Theresa

Elvis in Vegas!
I would like to join you guys if there is room. Carol Hi Lady Di and Chooch! Since you both can play, we will have at least one table at our place so see you at 6:30 pm. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! See you then! I can play tonight
Susan Hi Patrick I can play tonight then not likely until July. I can host then too. Cheers Ann AEB Hello The Bridge Sisterhood! With you three we will have two tables, Dummy To Move, so thanks very much! See you at 6:30 pm or whenever you can make it. Dame Judith, you can come here for dinner if things are tight after work. Cheers, Patrizzio!

[Former Beatle John Lennon, left, fought to stay in the U.S. in the 1970s with the help of his attorney Leon Wildes, right.] Hi all, This week, we shall trek to Divide Lake, in Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park. We will: -meet at 0800 at Home Hardware north parking lot in Penticton (0740 at IGA parking lot in Summerland) -carpool and drive to the parking lot beside Chute Creek. Hopefully the last bit of road will be fine. -hike to Divide Lake (chilly swim, anyone?) -return to the parking lot -stop for debriefing and refreshment. Location to be decided (may I suggest the Naramata pub) Care to join us? Let me know. Cheers, Jim

What a pretty card! I have been so busy I haven't had time until today to work my way through all my emails. Fun to do a puzzle too ;) Sounds like you had a fun time at Shuswap with your friends... oh how I just love being at the lake! I am really looking forward to using our boat this summer. Hugs to you and Corinne. xoxo Ariane 

Damian & Corben - 2019 Paddle-A-Thon Hello Family & Friends! Damian and Corben will be participating in the 2019 Paddle-A-Thon on July 2 @ Shumway Lake. This is a long distance paddle for 2 hours! They are helping their club fundraise for equipment such as paddles; upgrades to boats; and the NEW enclosed trailer that is much needed to help take their boats to regattas.

Tax receipts are provided for donations over $20 and these are emailed to you in January 2020.  Donations under $20 are also gratefully accepted online or you can e-transfer me or let the boys know to stop by and I can make the donation on your behalf if you prefer. 

Damian and Corben are also willing to do some yard work or odd jobs if you have something that you need help with :) They have time to help you out with washing pollen off deck furniture etc. Please give them a call and leave a message at the house. ;) Thank you again for your continued support of the boys and their paddling :) To donate please use this link: <> Yes… I love paddling too :) We have an adult paddling program at KCKC. Punch cards are available and it is so nice to paddle while the kids have practice! Ariane Thanks For Your Donation!
Hi Paddle-A-Thoners! Wow! When do The Lads try out for the Olympics! Great snaps indeed! You should visit and paddle board with Amanda, our neighbour, who goes to Skaha regularly. I currently working away at the pavers, of various sizes, I am placing around raised bed extension I put in, a month or so ago. Such footing makes it easier to water, tend vegetables, etc. Almost finished this particular task and then will spend a bit of time making some cosmetic changes to the rock borders and gravel "stream".  Happy paddling. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!  Pics: Ellis with Lyn and Carol; FM with Cheryl and Jake, fellow students at United College, in Winnipeg. GFA Tea: Lyn with someone I don't know; Marian Dunn, [l], my "cousin" with another GFA; Lady Dar with Claire of TW, behind urns; wall hanging and flower arrangement; The Sisterhood around the fire-pit; latest plantings, black peppers, in new extension.