The buck stops here. -Harry Truman, 33rd US president (8 May 1884-1972)
Hi Patrick, This is a very sunny outlook on Delhi. I spent 4 days in the Democratic Republic of Congo last week. That was an eye-opener. Just on my last leg home, YVR to Kelowna. Cheers, Peter Hi Jugos Dom Pedro! Sunny take on Dehli, indeed! Trust you made it home without delay, even though having to jump from the frying pan of the DRC into the fire of moving mode!
In this regard, just wondering if you still have the long-handled shovel you used when you so generously helped me with earth for our raised planters?
If so, and you are not taking it to Victoria, I'd be interested in buying it. We are extending the planter closest to the house and I'll need it for that extension, as well as just to have around for one thing or another. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Although I had walked the KVR the day before, for just over an hour, I didn't take my camera or my Garmin along. Made sure I had both when I left at around 3:00 pm.
Was rewarded as soon as I reached the intersection of the KVR and Upper Townley Street. Here I encountered two does, one nestled into a blooming lilac bush. Further along a cheeky, plump Robin sang for me. This time I walked past the cemetery, to just beyond the crematorium where the vineyards bracket the trail. Had taken about an hour so, my goal for day achieved, I turned around.
On the way back, close to spot where the cow-catcher from one of the KVR locomotives is part of a trail-side marker, I saw two garter snakes. First was quite small but second, a few steps further along, was much larger and, initially, I thought it might be a rattle-snake.
However, when I spied its tail, as it slithered away into the tall grass, I could see it was not, as no rattle affixed. Somewhat relieved, I continued on, enjoying the day and the slight downhill grade, Dear Reader! Back home by 4:50 pm, so outing was ten minutes short of two hours. Please with walk although disappointed that the Garmin stats do not accurately reflect the time and distance, although the GPS tracks the actual route I took. This being the case, I'm going to take along my iPhone on next outing to see what the AllTrails app will record. Map and Stats for walk:

At any rate, it seems Monday evening works best for most of gang so it was proposed that we play that evening, this coming week. Anyone interested in hosting? Let me know if you can play, and where, and I'll plan accordingly, letting everyone know where and when. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: One table players! I'm not smiling, almost grimacing, as Lady Dar slammed my right shoulder when we put them down three, doubled and vulnerable!
Patrizzio, Yes, I can play Monday night, the 13th.
Mother Theresa Hi Mama T! Grand that you can play! I understand, form O Susannah, that you are hosting tomorrow. Have fun. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrizzio, You, as a wine affection-ado, will appreciate this wonderful wine I have discovered. Next time I visit, I’ll bring over a bottle. Don’t worry, it’s cheap!
Also, I took down a tree in my back yard, and combined
with the wood I didn’t bring last time, I now have a truckload of
firewood. I would bring it over, but I fear you would disapprove of my
fossil fuel burning truck. So, as Ducati now makes
an awesome electric motorcycle, I’ll just make use of that “free”
charging station in Manning Park.
I won’t worry that “clean” hydro-electric power that comes
from generators which are cooled down by the river water that powers
them, which warms the water, reduces its oxygen content, making it that
much more difficult for the already diminished
salmon to reach their spawning grounds. And, who cares about the West
Coast Orcas who’s primary food source is salmon, will become extinct in
our lifetime. I don’t like fish anyway.
I don’t worry about the ecological food chain, which the
above example is just a very, very minuscule example, nor do I know how I
can fix it. I just know, that buying one electric vehicle will save
the world. I saw a cool movie recently. “Free Solo”. Truth is, we
are all living on the edge. Some nutso’s are just foolish enough to
choose their edge.
cheers/bjp Branko
Dear Patrick, Thank you so much for your email. So so sorry to have missed your trip to Vancouver and Gibsons. Sounds like you had a great time. I also appreciated so much the pictures of Tom Shorthouse and Sylvia Crooks. i do see Anne Petternick as she comes to the UBC Faculty Emeriti meetings. She is quite something . I admire her style and grace.
Anyways I hope you listen to your doctor and do all that is required to get you back on track. It sounds like you as per usual have set goals for yourself--bravo!
We have had some concrete work done yesterday and today. I am pleased with the results and of course there is so much to do at home--cleaning windows. washing stairs and outdoor furniture etc., etc. Spring Cleaning! Wish I was back in my decadent hotel in Delhi. Anyways, take care--just heads up we are going to Osoyoos I believe June 4 and 5th--some silent auction item I purchased for BC Book Prizes. We will go only for a couple of nights. I think -- so hoping you will be in Penticton at that time--as we would love to meet you for cup of coffee, tea or something given that we will be so close. Lots of love for now, An exhausted house person. Jo-Anne
Dear Patrick, Thank you so much for your email. So so sorry to have missed your trip to Vancouver and Gibsons. Sounds like you had a great time. I also appreciated so much the pictures of Tom Shorthouse and Sylvia Crooks. i do see Anne Petternick as she comes to the UBC Faculty Emeriti meetings. She is quite something . I admire her style and grace.
Anyways I hope you listen to your doctor and do all that is required to get you back on track. It sounds like you as per usual have set goals for yourself--bravo!
We have had some concrete work done yesterday and today. I am pleased with the results and of course there is so much to do at home--cleaning windows. washing stairs and outdoor furniture etc., etc. Spring Cleaning! Wish I was back in my decadent hotel in Delhi. Anyways, take care--just heads up we are going to Osoyoos I believe June 4 and 5th--some silent auction item I purchased for BC Book Prizes. We will go only for a couple of nights. I think -- so hoping you will be in Penticton at that time--as we would love to meet you for cup of coffee, tea or something given that we will be so close. Lots of love for now, An exhausted house person. Jo-Anne
Hello all, There is a fun event happening on Sunday, June 23. Starting at 8 am from the KVR Middle school and continuing on to the KVR north of Penticton The Canadian Mental Health Association South Okanagan Similkameen branch is putting on an event called Ride Don’t Hide. The goal of the event is to have some fun while bringing mental illness out into the open in order to destigmatize it. Bill and I participated in the event last year for the first time. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun. It is a participation event, not a race. This event this year includes a 5 km walk also. It would be great to see you there. The cost/person is $45. For more info and to register please go to the following website: <>If you have any problem registering let me know. Hope to see you on June 23:) Pamela
Hi Biker Chick! Trust you are well and that Wild Bill's knee is continuing to recover well. I've purchased two tickets as Chloë and I will do the walk as my physio doesn't want me to ride or hike for next few months as a fall could be very serious. Since this is the case I have embarked on an ambitious, (for me), walking regimen. My goal is to do a round-trip from our place to the Little Tunnel, roughly 40 km. To date, I've done about a quarter of that overall distance, gradually increasing time/distance with each outing. Trust we'll see you at book club, at our place on May 21st. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick, You did it - you are now registered for Ride Don't Hide 2019! You will be taking part at South Okanagan Similkameen Penticton. One in five Canadians lives with a mental illness in any given year, but five in five—all of us—have mental health. You have it, I have it. And we all need to take care of it. When we don't talk about our emotions or our mental health we feel alone, and don't get the help we deserve or need. So Ride Don't Hide, a nationwide fundraising bike ride, brings mental health into the open and raises critical funds that support CMHA program in your own community that help Canadians take care of our mental health.
You can help bring mental health into the open so we can all get the support and help we need to thrive - help spread the word and raise funds for CMHA's critical mental health programs. The money you raise will be used locally in your own community to support mental health programs and services. Ride Don't Hide is a chance to connect - to your own mental health, to others, and to your community. Because we all deserve to feel well, whatever our mental health experience. Thanks again for your support! Ride Don't Hide Team Hi Fellow Walker! I'm not embarking upon any fund-raising, just entry fee is enough for now. Up to you if you want to do so. Cheers, Dad!
Hi Dream Cafe! My name is Patrick Dunn and I would be interested in volunteering to distribute posters. I can be contacted at this number. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks So Much!!! I had such a huge response from over 30 people wanting to help. I will figure out a way to organize all this soon and come up with a postering plan! Love you all! Hazel
Hi Dream Cafe! My name is Patrick Dunn and I would be interested in volunteering to distribute posters. I can be contacted at this number. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks So Much!!! I had such a huge response from over 30 people wanting to help. I will figure out a way to organize all this soon and come up with a postering plan! Love you all! Hazel
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