If privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy. -Phil Zimmermann,
cryptographer (1954- )

Lady Dar was up before me this morning so I was able to sleep in until around 8:30 am. Spent all morning working on messaging, [Esempio: As soon as I've sent this message I'm off to stroll down to the Farmers' Market. Lady Dar's leg is better, but the walk is still too taxing for her. She wants to save her energy for the wedding she will perform this afternoon. No rain in forecast so she's pleased of course, as wedding is outdoors at Linden Gardens, in Kaleden, a lovely spot. As well, I plan to walk on the KVR while she is performing the wedding as I'd like to go to the Grand Opening of the Trail Shop and ask all the questions that The Sisterhood were annoyed that I hadn't posed to the new owner when we first chatted!], and just before noon had a delish brunch, overlefts from last night's meal.
Once I was fed and watered I headed down to the Farmers' Market. Poor Lady Dar couldn't join me as her leg was still too, too sore to walk comfortably, downtown and back. She had plenty to do anyway, readying herself for her afternoon wedding at Linden Gardens, in Kaleden.
Quite cloudy when I left so it was refreshingly cool and most pleasant. Bumped into Judy Blue almost as soon as I made it to the start of the kiosks. She was with her sister, Margot, and her daughter Vanessa, but they were somewhere ahead of us and as I spent a minute or so, buying some lemon curd, for the ailing Lady Dar, she walked on and I never reconnected. They will meet with Chloë, on Monday, but I would have liked to have see Vanessa and been introduced to Margo.
Continued on to chat with Jake and Vittoria, in front of the BookShop and then simply meandered. Not terribly much in the way of early produce but I did buy four bunches of radish and enjoyed joshing with Dave, from Starvation Flats, and Leigh, from Balsamic Bliss, before I headed back to Burns. Lady Dar was planning to leave shortly after 2:00 pm so I slathered on sunscreen as soon as I was at home and then she tied my hiking boot shoelaces, and I set off, just after 2:00 pm. Day had brightened up considerably so I knew KVR would not be as cool as walk downtown. However, there was a fairly brisk breeze, out of the north, so it keep me quite comfortable as I headed north. Had hardly made it past Pickering when I bumped into Bill Therriault, a fellow hiker, walking towards me. I've often seen him, with his wife, walking on the KVR, but I've been biking at those times. We talked a bit about my shoulder recovery and his latests hikes with the gang and then we waved adieu.
Trail was reasonably busy, mostly with bikers, but also a few dog walkers. I didn't meet anyone else I knew and soon found myself at the Trail Store. Noticed an older woman working in the yard and, thinking it was Gloria, I called out her name. Turned out not to be her but another lady who worked for family. As I wanted to push my distance today, I told her I'd drop in on my return leg. Continued on, past Naramata Road and the 4 km marker is just below Hillside Winery, so I decided to hoof it to the 5 km marker, my goal for the day. Once there I took a few snaps to prove I'm made it that far and turned around. I estimated that the total distance for the outing would be close to 14 km. I knew, from past biking outings, that it was approximately 1.5 km from our place to the start of the hard-pack of the KVR.
Stopped at the parking lot to snap a picture of the signage for the Cycling Pump Path as I couldn't remember what the rolling, paved berms was actually called. Had a few words with a woman, sitting at one of picnic tables there, cooling her feet as she said she'd walked from Ellis Creek. Continued on to stop at the Trail Store for a cone and learned that the woman I'd talked to earlier was named Ruth. She gave me a heaping one scoop and thanking her I said goodbye. Store will be open on weekends, from now on, perhaps during the week, once cherries are in season. Enjoying my cone, I stopped to chat to chap working in the hop farm field, just across the way. He informed me that owner was keeping one line of hops, closest to fence, to shade yard. When I asked him why the field was being watered he told me it was already planted with barley, resting soil for a year, before it was to be planted with vines!
All downhill so I trundled along, enjoying having the breeze at my back and enjoying the late afternoon vistas across the lake. Nothing of note until I crossed Cambie and saw a doe ahead of me. Lovely creature didn't go far off the trial as I approached and I managed to snaps a few shots before I noticed a younger animal on the other side of the trail. Not sure if it was a fawn or a yearling but as it retreated I noticed, with dismay, that it was hobbling on three legs, favouring its left front limb. Poor thing! I hope it is not a serious injury otherwise it might not turn out well, although there are probably few natural predators within the city limits. Silently wishing it well, I continued on my way to be back on Burns by 5:17 pm. Once I'd downloaded the AllTrails stats I learned that I'd only walked 13.6 km, just short of the 14 km I'd estimated. Distance from our door to start of KVR hard-pack is only 1.8 km so I'll have to push a tad further along KVR to break that distance. Next time I plan to make it to the 6 km marker. One small step for Patrizzio! One giant step for the newly minted walker! Cheers! Garmin map and Stats for walk:
AllTrails Map and Stats for walk:
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