When old words die out on the tongue, new melodies break forth from the
heart; and where the old tracks are lost, new country is revealed with
its wonders. -Rabindranath Tagore, poet, philosopher, author,
songwriter, painter, educator, composer, Nobel laureate
(7 May 1861-1941)
Almost all Tesla cars are all wheel drive so 4WD. I am glad you are having fun.
They are interested in an electric vehicle but are waiting for a 4WD vehicle to come on the market. Apparently Tesla will be producing such a one in the near future. [Do you know if this is the case, O Tesla Guru?] The people you saw with a Tesla should have been charging at Superchargers like we did on our way to you and before to Jasper.
All the Superchargers are about 200 km apart and take about 30 min to charge for another 200 km. I have every adapter to connect to any other charger so I am surprised they did not do the right research......enjoy........Dave BTW, we are heading to New Zealand in December and cruise to Sydney so I have been collecting advice from friends. Let me know if you have any input.
Hi Antipodean Bound Person! The Tesla Folk we met did use the Supercharger in Hope on way to Osoyoos. Since this was their first long trip I assume it was a learning experience and that the adapter they had didn't work, a complete surprise. However, as you say, more research required! WE haven't been to NZ since 1992 so I'm afraid cannot really offer any suggestions for this country. However, we certainly enjoyed exploring both islands and I'm sure you will do the same, based on where you are able to travel. On the other hand, we know Sydney reasonably well. One of my favourite things to do is to walk over the Harbour Bridge, (Sarge and I climbed it in 2012 and it was loads of fun!], much like Golden Gate, for views, etc.
However, if you are not keen to go all the way, there is a fascinating museum on the history of the construction of the bridge itself, located in the large tower at the southeast end of the bridge itself. Simply wandering around the Opera House, The Rocks and Darling Harbour is more than pleasant. If time allows, I've taken a hydrofoil, [regular ferry service], up the Parammatta River, an informal do-it-yourself, sight-seeing tour, to Parammatta. Ferry to Manly gives you another view of city although Manly itself is rather too, too spoiled by all the souvenir, T-shirt/trinket/fridge magnet selling shops and mainly uninteresting restaurants catering to the tourist hordes. I prefer walks along the coast, the Bondi to Coogee Coastal Walk, a 6km trail that meanders to, Bronte, and beyond, south of Bondi, (more over-blown catering to influx of tourists, although a great starting point), where there is Icebergs Dining Room & Bar, above an ocean-fed, outdoor pool.
I used to swim there, regularly, doing laps as opposed to diving into the surf at Bondi, when we stayed with friends in the Eastern Suburbs, in Bellevue Hill, about a twenty minute walk to Bondi itself. On one occasion, surf was so strong that waves crashed over rocks into pool itself, and I bobbed like a cork, hardly able to stay in a given lane! A few days later, pool was closed as it was deemed too dangerous to allow anyone to swim in it. Generally speaking, the food in Sydney, (and elsewhere in the country, as well), is wonderful, often remarkable, [We really like kangaroo with a bottle of Rutherglen Durif!], and most places allow BYOB, some charge corkage, some do not.
When we first visited in 1991 this practice was most common as many small family restaurants, chip shops and the like, didn't have liquor licenses and actually told you where the closest "bottle shop" was located so that you could buy the alcohol you wanted with your meal. Subsequently, I noticed that this is not quite as common, especially in higher-end restaurants. Not sure what NZ is like, now, in this regard. We are green with envy! At any rate, I'm sure you will have a marvellous time. How long will you be away. Fondestos from Lady Dar, busy gardening, to you and Lady Patrizzia. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Icebergs and Bondi walk, images from Net; front garden with Etta and Lady Dar! Kona plunged into wall outlet until Tier 2 charger is installed. With any luck, in a week or two!
All superchargers do not need an adapter. I charged at Hope also and there were chargers every 200 km after that so I don't know what they were doing at a different charger. We charged at the supercharger in Revelstoke on the way to you. We are heading off to the Oregon Coast for two weeks so I will review the rest of your message on the trip. Look for messages from " frankie" my vacation email.............
Great news. Dr came by and said the surgery went really well. They really localized the removal spot, did not go larger which they do sometimes. So he thought this wound make her recovery quicker. The cancer had not spread any where else and he said it would have affected her if left unattended.
I asked about chemo / treatments after she was better and he did not think that would have to happen. Nurse said they would try to get her to sit up later today and walk tomorrow. Hopefully food in a couple of days. More liquids starting tomorrow. That is fantastic news all around. I have shared all your hugs, love and support and mom / grandma knows everyone is sending her love. Love to all. Pam
First May trip:Just two, Jim and I. What a day...Al <https://photos.app.goo.gl/wTKmPHTjZeARPM898> Hi Big Al! What a day indeed! Wonderful to see the True Vets enjoying such a glorious landscape. I see my physio tomorrow so am hoping I will be cleared to start hiking soon. All the best. Stay well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Family & Friends of Corben and Damian - I believe in kids helping kids. That’s why I’m participating in Jump Rope for Heart! I‘m practicing healthy habits every day to protect my heart and brain health, and fundraising for Heart & Stroke to make a difference in the lives of other kids too. Please help my brother and I reach our goal by making a donation today. Your support will fund research and education that gives kids across Canada the best start to a healthy life. If you have already donated to the Heart and Stroke Foundation this year Thank you! If not, please consider making your annual donation through JumpRope :) Thank you for your support. <http://support.heartandstroke.ca/site/TR/Jump2019/Jump2019?px=1554598&pg=personal&fr_id=6789> Have a super day! From Corben and Damian

Trust your search for the more than perfect dehydrator is going well, Linda. The grapes are waiting to be transformed into raisins! Travel safely, Zircon. If it works, you are more than welcome to stay on way home, O Mighty Zircon! [Coincidentally, Donna Maria and Heraldo, from Terrace, will be arriving on Thursday, with their more than Luxurious, Luxurious, Lives of the Rich and Famous Shiny Airstream, for the night. If you were still here, we could play bridge!]
Fondestos from Lady Dar, planting the last of our bedding plants! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Dinner and more!
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