Pray, v. To ask the laws of the universe to be annulled on behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy. -Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914), [The Devil's Dictionary, 1906]
Hi Patrick Whilst you were freezing in Sun PEAKS I was in the amazing 34C at Balgowan. Pictures of sunset, my friend and her sister in the kitchen of the converted tram, view of the tram from the extension. Warm regards Teens
Pat, Thanks for the recent e-mails. I'm surprised that the Kettle valley is in such good shape. With it's altitude, I thought there would be snow on the trails. Riding is not that good here as the roads are so poor and with sand and grit on many roads as well as numerous gouges in the surface, one has to be quite careful.
It's been quite a harsh winter, by Vancouver standards, and a trip like George and Jane have undertaken, would be very nice right now. A trip to New Zealand with Sylvia in just over a week would be just the ticket. The thoughts of walking and swimming at Ohope Beach are very enticing.
Mike and I are planning to watch the 6 Nations rugby if I can fit it in with my schedule. It starts next Saturday with England v France and I'm hoping to channel it in from the UK, although this match is on French Television. More tickets now on sale for the Sevens, so there should be large crowds each day.
Hope you and Corinne are both keeping well. Off to UBC on the bike to do some teaching in a few minutes. Ray
Hello Raymondo! Lady Dar says she'll go to New Zealand with Sylvia if you won't! Looking forward to Sevens.
Will go
for a stroll through the resort this morning and then back for lunch
with another set of friends, Ariane and Doug and their twin, 9 year old
sons, Damien and Corben. I knew Ariane when she was a
lifeguard at UBC, doing her degree in Family Science and she introduced
us to Tina and Trevor as she had met them skiing here, back in '97.
They have been coming, from Adelaide, almost every year since then. When
I mentioned to Ariane that we were going to
Australia, in 2000, she said we should get in touch with TNT, and we
did. Been friends ever since.
Last year Tina visited us in Penticton and she came on a snow hike out of White Lake. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Sylvia. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Hockey game in progress, this morning, on an outdoor rink, new this year, according to Trev. Some of the other condos and runs one can see from the deck of condo we are staying in.
Attention Old Farts RE: Thursday, February 2nd Let’s do something just a bit different. Kilian has suggested that we go downhill skiing for the day. Though there may be the odd expert among us, most of us will stay pretty much to green and blue runs. -For those who wish to carpool, we will meet at 0800 at Home hardware parking lot and, from there, make our way to Apex. -Our meeting time as a group will be at 1000 near The Edge. That will give folks time to purchase day pass, rent skis, have the first coffee of the day, and possibly get in an early run or two. - From there, we will ski as we wish, solo or in groups, as much or as little as we wish. The idea is to keep the day as simple as possible. So that we have some idea of numbers, please let me know if you are intending to join us.
Last year Tina visited us in Penticton and she came on a snow hike out of White Lake. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Sylvia. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Hockey game in progress, this morning, on an outdoor rink, new this year, according to Trev. Some of the other condos and runs one can see from the deck of condo we are staying in.
Attention Old Farts RE: Thursday, February 2nd Let’s do something just a bit different. Kilian has suggested that we go downhill skiing for the day. Though there may be the odd expert among us, most of us will stay pretty much to green and blue runs. -For those who wish to carpool, we will meet at 0800 at Home hardware parking lot and, from there, make our way to Apex. -Our meeting time as a group will be at 1000 near The Edge. That will give folks time to purchase day pass, rent skis, have the first coffee of the day, and possibly get in an early run or two. - From there, we will ski as we wish, solo or in groups, as much or as little as we wish. The idea is to keep the day as simple as possible. So that we have some idea of numbers, please let me know if you are intending to join us.
There may be some who are not interested in a day of skiing, and would prefer to have a day on snowshoes as usual. If any among you wishes to co-ordinate a snowshoe outing, please let me know and I will get the mailing list to you. Cheers, Jim
Patrick, Did you get a bottle of the Lohin McKinnon single malt from Central City? Also, highly recommend a bottle (or two, or three) of the Wiser's Union 52. -Colin Hi Colin! I wasn't aware of Lohin McKinnon before you brought distillery to my attention. Thanks. Looks like a reasonable drop and price seems pretty well positioned. Haven't had time to buy any Wiser's Union 52 but it is available here in town, (15 bottles according to BC Liquor website), so I will do so this weekend. Quite enjoyed the taste you poured on our New Year's Eve visit. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Jo-Anne, in absentia, as she's at yoga as I scribe. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Just so you know, "Walk Off the Earth", is a musical group from Burlington, Ontario. You and Corinne must be thriving there in Penticton, B.C., now that you've settled into your new community. I have a sister living in Victoria, and of course we both have so many friends and family scattered throughout our great Canadian nation. Sadly, and by the way, Sarah Blackwood, the only female member of the group "Walk Off the Earth", was recently, (2015), booted off her United Airlines flight from San Francisco to Vancouver, B.C. because her 2 year old child was crying too much just before take off. Ms. Blackwood was 7 months pregnant at the time she was booted off. Unbelievable, but true.
Anyway, Kaitlyn is due to deliver her all Canadian baby boy on February 7.
We know she is carrying the baby's weight well on her slender body frame. Scott and Kaitlyn have disclosed the 2 middle names for the child, "Andrew", with respect to Scott's side of the family, and "Edwin", with respect to our side. Sally and I are both very expectant about this event.
Sally is now off delivering fruit salad to Kaitlyn, and chewy treats for Kaitlyn's beloved rescue dog Koda. I expect her home soon, and I'm on duty here to order in Chinese food so gotta' go now, and leave off from the middle of Canada.
Did you ever wonder how Boeing produces more than forty 737 airplanes a mont? The train arrives with the fuselage in the morning, and then......
Christina Tassell Celebrating Australia Day, Balgowan style.
Enjoyed their video muchly but Sarah, by comparison, is lucky she isn't from Syria and headed into the US! Still, United should be ashamed. Ridiculous in the extreme, aside from any inconvenience and more which Ms Blackwood experienced. Quite a Boeing video as well. Wow! Have we ever mentioned that Melvin, Ayn's former husband, works for Boeing, and is a team leader on some part of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. Well, there you have it, Grandparents-to-Be! A bit of a window into the life of Pentictonites. Please pass along our best wishes and fond regards to one and all. Do think carefully about visiting as we'd simply love to see you and show you around. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Sally. All the very best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Travis visited Skara Brae last October after hiking the West Highland Trail. Too cute, and talented too.

Hi Teens! Enjoyed all the snaps of Balgowan! Looked like a fabulous place for a beach getaway! While the weather at Sun Peaks certainly wasn't what you experienced, it wasn't overly cold either. I gather much cooler on the slopes than in the village, of course. Well, there you have it Teens. A bit of window into the life of lucky Pentictonites. Please pass along our best wishes and fond regards to all your dear relatives, especially your Mom. Fondestos from Lady Dar. Much Love and Cheers, Patrizzio!
SALE DC FUSION - DAVE'S CUVÉE We have a lot of Estate Fruit coming on in the next few years, so starting right now we are offering these two wines at some of the lowest prices ever! Dave wants to be known as a Winery Owner who wants to sell great wine at a reasonable cost. These prices will remain in effect only through February 28th, or until the wines are sold out. Order online now to secure your place in line and to lock in these prices on either the 2016 Dave's Cuvée futures or the newest version of DC Fusion, just bottled this month.
Jacques Brel This guy was so amazing.
Goodbye, Emile, I loved you well/Goodbye, Emile, I loved you well, you know/We sang of the same wines/We sang of the same women/We sang of the same sorrows/Goodbye, Emile, I’m going to die/It’s hard to die in the Spring, you know/But I leave for the flowers with peace in my soul/Because you are good as fresh bread/I know you will take care of my wife

I want all to laugh/I want all to dance/I want all to party like mad/I want all to laugh/I want all to dance/When it is the time to put me in the ground
Goodbye, Father, I loved you well/Goodbye, Father, I loved you well, you know/We weren’t on the same side/We weren’t on the same path/But we were searching for the same port/Goodbye, Father, I’m going to die/It’s hard to die in the Spring, you know/But I go to the flowers with peace in my soul/Because you were her Confessor/I know you will take care of my wife
Goodbye, Antoine, I didn’t like you at all/Goodbye, Antoine, I didn’t like you at all, you know/It is killing me to die today/While you are living so well
And even stronger in your tedium/Goodbye, Antoine, I’m going to die
It’s hard to die in the Spring, you know/But I go to the flowers with peace in my soul/Because you were her Lover/I know you will take care of my wife (Chorus) Goodbye, my wife, I loved you/Goodbye, my wife, I loved you well, you know/But I’m catching the train to the Good Lord/I’m taking that train before you/But we all take that train when we have to/Goodbye, my wife, I’m going to die/It’s hard to die in the Spring, you know/But I go to the flowers eyes closed, my wife/As I often closed them before/I know you will take care of my soul (Chorus) -- Bruno
Ay Marieke, Marieke je t'aimais tant/Entre les tours de Bruges et Gand/Ay Marieke, Marieke il why a longtemps/Entre les tours de Bruges et Gand
Zonder liefde warme liefde/Waait de wind de stomme wind/Zonder liefde warme liefde/Weent de zee de grijze zee
Zonder liefde warme liefde/Lijdt het licht het donk're licht/En schuurt het zand over mijn land/Mijn platte land mijn Vlaanderland
Ay Marieke, Marieke le ciel flamand/Couleur des tours de Bruges et Gand/Ay Marieke, Marieke le ciel flamand/Pleure avec moi de Bruges à Gand
Zonder liefde warme liefde/Waait de wind see'est fini/Zonder liefde warme liefde
Weent de zee déjà fini
Zonder liefde warme liefde/Lijdt het licht tout est fini/En schuurt het zand over mijn land/Mijn platte land mijn Vlaanderland
Ay Marieke, Marieke le ciel flamand/Pesait-il trop de Bruges à Gand/Ay Marieke, Marieke sur tes vingt ans/Que j'aimais tant de Bruges à Gand
Zonder liefde warme liefde/Lacht de duivel de zwarte duivel/Zonder liefde warme liefde/Brandt mijn hart mijn oude hart
Drive home! |
Ay Marieke, Marieke revienne le temps/Revienne le temps de Bruges et Gand/Ay Marieke, Marieke revienne le temps/Où tu m'aimais de Bruges à Gand
Ay Marieke, Marieke le soir souvent/Entre les tours de Bruges et Gand/Ay Marieke, Marieke tous les étangs/M'ouvrent leurs bras de Bruges à Gand/De Bruges à Gand de Bruges à Gand Ah Marieke! Bien sûr!
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