I tore myself away from the safe comfort of certainties through my love
for truth -- and truth rewarded me. -Simone de Beauvoir, author and
philosopher (9 Jan 1908-1986)
Tummler and Corinne, Thank you for the fulsome note and sharing your news. We are truly saddened by your news of Dusty and Rosita. Our thoughts are with them and with Corinne as she finds her way down this river. I do know all too well how she is feeling. Having not heard from you since before Xmas we had feared you had stayed in Tinsel town and had been seconded to some Hollywood role as the aging Lance Armstong in the Lexus Police series.
We are also disappointed to learn you will not be joining us across the pond. Our only hope is that you will be tempted by some of our locales enough to come over on a whim and join us. Thanks to your reference we have secured stays in Venice, Rome, Tolox Spain, Cotswolds, London… have France and Scotland in our sites.
This is our third full day in Oaxaca City Mexico and we are enthralled to say the least: weather, sun, people, food, landscape, history (not to mention Mescal which is fantastic) and we only have a taste so far. I have been to Mexico many times but this trumps it multifold. Put this place high on your travel list or get on a plane now and join us. We are here until the 5th of February. Please keep us in the loop. It is important to us. More pics and stuff mas tarde. Love to all, W&C
Hello World Travelers! Delighted to hear from you although I believe the inordinate amount of Mescal, (Is this the new chain cleaner?), you have been imbibing has clouded your already suspect thinking. I will have you know that I was approached by the Tour organizers, after last year's Penticton GrandFondo, to star in a new French series, as a grizzled, (not "aging"), undercover vice flic, determined to get to the bottom of the doping scandal I had suggested that you and Robo Man would be my sidekicks, the perfect domestiques, but after your disparaging remarks, I've forwarded Ragin' Bull's name instead of yours! You'll miss all the handsome royalties, especially useful on your coming trip, but you can cry into your small beer while watching us on Netflix, this coming July, Beyond Mount Ventoux: Code-name Deux Chevaux! I spit on Lamborghinis, , (not martinis!), never mind a Lexus!
Your itin is shaping up rather nicely! Bravo indeed! Be careful what you wish for as Lady Dar is suffering from cabin fever and is agitating for a sunny getaway. Unbelievable as it sounds, one can fly from Penticton to St Martin $350, return, via Westjet. Ski invited us to stay as Ron, her husband, is back teaching there for February/March For my part, malt cabinet is much diminished so I'll see you on Isla, at Ardbeg. Send dates and book me into a hovel. Rather spend money on hootch than hot water!
Thanks for your sympathy regarding Dusty. However, he's a tough prairie lad so don't think he's down for the count, just yet. Fondestos from Lady Dar, busy working on a cross-stitch Christmas project, "Seasons Greetings", for Alejandro and Samantha. Take care of yourselves. Calamity, stay away from Mescal, as your latest message didn't contain anything but my message! [More pics and stuff mas tarde. Cheque's in the mail, obviously!] Continue to travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Crapulous Calamity, perhaps we can lend you Duke to help with your recovery!
Good morning Patrick! The Joy of Living in Canada video was amazing. You would think it was in Vancouver as some of the streets here have been horrific. Today is great though much warmer and it rained overnight. Much of the snow is soft and hopefully disappearing. We just don't want to have it freeze again.
It is stew weather that's for sure! Your goulash sounds very very good.
Anyways take care. This week is busy with grad classes.
On a sadder note I wanted to let you know about the following people. "We are sad to announce the passing of Branko Blazicevic, a long-time UBC Library staff member who passed away on August 12, 2016. Branko moved to Vancouver in 1956 from Croatia and completed his M.A. in Slavonic Studies at UBC in 1972.
He spent hiscareer working in a variety of departments within the Library including Cataloguing and RBSC. His widow, Mira, also worked as a staff
member with RBSC for a long time. After he retired in 1992, he spent much of his time travelling, being with family and friends as well as researching his family and local history. His funeral service was held in his hometown of Crikvenica on August 17, 2016".
I thought you knew him quite well?? Also some more sad news---Alex McLeod passed away last week of December--he was away in Mexico. I loved Alex very much and I was so sorry to learn of his death. He was in Puerta Vallarta and hadn't shown up at the beach for a few days. Friends found him dead in his apartment--think it was a heart attack. He always spent the winter in Mexico--playing with a Mexican beach band.
Also Ann Lukesavich and Glen Dixon died. Ann was living in Windsor Ontario her home town and she also suffered a heart attack. Glen had been suffering from dementia for some time and was in a home in Vancouver. I thought you may remember them. Anyways life is short. Enjoy the day. Take care always. Jo-Anne
Hi Jo-Anne! Glad you enjoyed the curling spoof! For my part, had some hearty chuckles about "bored Canadians"! On a more sombre note, I was quite moved to learn of so many deaths. I did know about Branko, from Sara. In fact, I knew Mira better than him. However, I am more deeply saddened, perhaps to learn about Alex and Ann. (I didn't really know Glen, except in passing.) I always had a great deal of fun with both of them, joking and telling stories, whenever they passed through. Sad days for the Curric Lab!
Lady Dar is suffering from cabin fever and is agitating for a sunny getaway. Unbelievable as it sounds, one can fly from Penticton to St Martin $350, return, via Westjet. Ski, (Rhoda MacCormick, Student Assistant for me in '77/'78), invited us to stay, for a couple of weeks, as Ron, her husband, is back teaching there for February/March. Don't think it will be possible, given Cora Lee's coming trip back to Winnipeg to see her parents. Take care of yourselves until ice and snow melt. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Typical Lady Dar pose!
Hello bridge folks, I keep having problems with Wednesday nights, and have to cancel bridge at my house this Wednesday. If nobody has a problem with Tuesday night we can do that and I am more than happy to host. Please let me know. Jos I would be happy to have bridge Tuesday night! I'm feeling well enough to play.... Thanks for offering Jos! Pam Tuesday evening works for me too. Patrick, Corinne, Pam...I can drive. Hello Bridge Date Prevaricators! Tuesday is fine with Lady Dar and her indentured servant. However, I wonder about Michaelo and Olga Polga. Perhaps we can play on both nights. We'd be happy to host on Wednesday as well, if that works for the Summerland Duo. Will wait to hear what people think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks for offering to chauffeur, Ms Naramata. At this point in place and time, I assume we will be playing at Il Palazzo di Josinta. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Looking forward to see you all at my place tomorrow night at 6.30 pm. Jos Hi Kids! If we are going to car-pool, courtesy of Naramata Pamela, I assume Spumoni should be here at Burns Street at 6:05 pm, so that we three can step into the limo at 6:10 pm. Etta and Duke will be waiting. Cheers, Patrizzio!I'll see you at 6:05👍😊 Pam Hi from Edmonton. Yes I'm still in the deep freeze but will be home Wednesday night. Hopefully I'll see you next week. New Year hugs to all, Olly
Hi Olga Polga! Thanks for the New Year's wishes. We'll miss you terribly tomorrow evening but look forward to a week Wednesday. Not sure where it will be but will settle that after the bridge session tomorrow. Enjoy the Edmonton deep-freeze while you can! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Curling Fans! Trust you are both well! Have you moved to Osoyoos? If not, when? I was absolutely tickled by The Joy of Living in Canada...Montreal Curling! I forwarded it to a number of friends and family members. Had a bowl of my goulash, a few minutes ago, after shoveling/sweeping the walks of the heavy snow which fell last night. Etta and Duke were supervising!
Lady Dar is trying to catch up on the next Netflix series, Trapped: Set in Seyðisfjörður, a remote town in eastern Iceland. In the introductory scene, Hjörtur and his girlfriend Dagný speed on a motorbike towards an abandoned factory, where they have created a secret hideaway, where they come to drink, smoke and have sex. A fire suddenly breaks out and Hjörtur desperately tries but fails to rescue Dagný from the flames. Seven years later, a mutilated torso is caught in fishing nets just off the local harbour, shortly before the arrival of the ferry from Hirtshals in Denmark. Andri, the town's chief of police, starts the investigation with his staff of two junior officers, Hinrika and Ásgeir, while a blizzard sets in, preventing detectives from Reykjavík from reaching Siglufjörður.
I've been enjoying it while I ride the stationary bicycle so that is why The Young and the Useless addict is behind. Look forward to hearing from you once you are back at Spirit Ridge. depending on your schedule and ours, weather, etc., it would be fun to get together, at some point, over your stay. Until then, take care of each other. Fondestos from Rumpus Room Woman and her cats! Happy sweeping! Cheers, Patrizzio!
We have been here 1 week, not a fun trip here! Getting settled,shopping twice a day. We are in a different suite, hopefully we will get moved Sandee
Hi Sarge! Had a fairly long chat with Grog yesterday. He is very well and even played a game of singles squash recently. If Trevor does come to Sun Peaks, (I gather it depends on the state of health of Tina's Mom.), he and Lurch will spend a few days there as part of their ski holiday to Banff and Whistler. He said that they would probably swing by Penticton, on way back, from Banff, to stay for for a couple of days. At any rate, we were planning to go to Sun Peaks, ourselves, to see Trevor. Grog said he would book a suite to share with us if we wanted to stay overnight, so that was very generous of him. Guess we'll have to wait and see if ski trip is on. Are you planning to drive up or simply see Trevor in Vancouver?
Tickets for Sevens were $55/per day so with booking fee total is $138.30. Maybe we should just buy two good bottles of Scotch at Dram and stay home to watch series on TV! Until then, a big smooch for Flamin'. Take care of each other. Fondestos from Rumpus Room Woman and her cats! Happy sweeping, curling or otherwise! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Snow removal supervisors!
Hi Ponce de León People! Trust that the weather has improved in La Florida and that you are now sunning and swimming and bbq'ing to your heart's content! 'Twas a very balmy -2º C this good morn so I we are rivaling your getaway clime! Was also able to remove most of the ice-buildup on street sidewalk. Has been too cold over last few days to allow me to chip away as I did today. I guess Gary didn't shovel right away and once people walk on snow it makes it difficult, if not impossible, to expose concrete. Should be easier to keep on top of things now, especially with more fairly heavy snowfall in the offing. Had loads of help as Etta and Duke were supervising! No help from the royalty, of course! Must away to lay a fire as Lady Dar is barking orders from The Rumpus Room. A big smooch for Lynne and a double shot of Shelter Point for Juan/Jugos! Happy 'gator watching! Cheers, Patrizzio! [Good tidy pathway, keep it up. Stephen]
Hi Patrick, We just finished watching Trapped before we left. Good stuff.
Weather quite cold this morning. I was scoffed at for wearing shorts at the golf course, but it warmed up to an acceptable 22 in the afternoon. That's supposed to be the end of the cold snap. Cheers Peter
Hello again, Floridians! Thought these two clips might give you a bit of a chortle, in between day excursions! Hope you are drinking copious amounts of freshly squeezed orange juice and vodka, around the pool, in short sleeves and bathing suits! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: I keep forgetting to mention that your gate was already fixed when we returned your car last Friday.
Yes…..thank you Patrick and a Happy New Year to you and family! Good to see you are getting out and about or at least somewhat too! I also am recovering slowly but surely and realizing just how lucky I was to not have been injured more seriously or permanently! I went to Apex Saturday for my patrol shift but was not skiing at all. If we are injured but still mobile we can fulfill our duties by working the first aid room or the dispatch room. It allows us to still make our shifts and the able bodied folks to take up the slack on the mountain. This is my first injury where I was unable to ski the next day so I count my blessings.
However it’s at some cost because my ski friends like to bug me when we have new powder and I am unable to get out there with them. I just say Oh well your turn may come too and then look for my getting back at them! I will go back up there again this weekend for another shift in the first aid room again. I have now ditched the crutches as I’m able to walk almost normally on my sprained ankle however ribs are still sore with certain movements as you can imagine. I hope to be back snowshoeing and skiing this month but we will see how it goes.
When do you think you may be back hiking or snowshoeing? It sounds like you are quite mobile however you have had a major operation so it behooves you to look after yourself and prepare yourself as you are doing through the rehab process. So……take care and we will talk again soon Patrick!
Hi! Patrick .............. Thanks for all the pics of your friends & hosts thru the Xmas holidays. Glad to hear that you had a fun time biking. Must have felt great being back on your bike. Take care & no bike riding in town until all the white stuff is off the ground. It is quite slippery out there. Ciao!! Mary Lee
Hi Mustang Mary! Thanks for the biking advice but I'm very aware about the road conditions, don't worry. That being said, Naramata Road looked fine for cycling when we drove it last Friday. Not sure what it'll be like since the latest snowfall, however. Hello to Paolo. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi! Patrizzio ................... Good job cleaning the sidewalk. You should see our 3 driveways. Took over 1.5 hrs. this morning to shovel them. Paul helped push the snow but NO LIFTING!! I definitely was making sure he didn't bend or lift anything. He constantly needs to be reminded. Your 2 supervisors, Etta & Duke made sure you stayed on track and got the sidewalks cleaned before you got distracted.
I had wanted to go on Aart's hike today but decided to stay home & shovel the snow. Need to stay away from the cold air going down my chest or in my mouth/teeth. I don't want to get dry sockets & I'm still coughing up a lung. The dissolving stitches are dissolving and my gums are still tender. I have lost my appetite & desire to drink wine .................. oh, NO!! Hope I feel better soon & back to my ole self. Say "HI" to Lady Dar and will connect with you soon! Slow Moving & slow talking. Mary Lee :-)
Hi! Patrick ................ Nice to see that you have signed up for the Hungary bike ride. Are you sure that the level of biking would be appropriate for you since you enjoy going on 100 km bike rides? Who is your roommate? I'm planning on doing this one or biking in Poland in spring of 2018 with a girlfriend. I would like to sign up for the Hiking & Spa in Slovakia trip, June 11-25. I'm looking for some travel mates. Mary Lee :-)
Hi SMST Woman! Sorry to hear about your loss of appetite and desire to drink wine! Sounds very serious!!! Especially since we'd like to invite you and Paolo to join us, next Thursday night, January 19th, for the Grandmothers for Africa Jazz Band night at the Barking Parrot at the Lakeshore Hotel. Lady Dar has tickets for the event so you would be our guests. We plan to make dinner reservations but if you don't wish to have a meal there, beforehand, that is fine. Just let us know and we'll plan accordingly.
With respect to Katarina's biking tour in Hungary, I'm very sorry to say that we have decided that we won't be travelling to Europe this spring. This, of course, means that I won't be cycling in Hungary. Very disappointed, of course, about not being able to connect with Katarina, but realize it is right thing to do, given Dusty's failing health. For my part, I'm still interested in all her cycling trips so I do hope I'm able to avail myself of some of them in the not too, too distant future. Have already contacted Katarina apologizing for the fact that I have had to withdraw from excursion. Have you found any companions for Spa trip? Hope you are soon back drinking copious amounts of wine and eating mounds of solid food. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Image: funnymerch |
Tummler and Corinne, Thank you for the fulsome note and sharing your news. We are truly saddened by your news of Dusty and Rosita. Our thoughts are with them and with Corinne as she finds her way down this river. I do know all too well how she is feeling. Having not heard from you since before Xmas we had feared you had stayed in Tinsel town and had been seconded to some Hollywood role as the aging Lance Armstong in the Lexus Police series.
We are also disappointed to learn you will not be joining us across the pond. Our only hope is that you will be tempted by some of our locales enough to come over on a whim and join us. Thanks to your reference we have secured stays in Venice, Rome, Tolox Spain, Cotswolds, London… have France and Scotland in our sites.
This is our third full day in Oaxaca City Mexico and we are enthralled to say the least: weather, sun, people, food, landscape, history (not to mention Mescal which is fantastic) and we only have a taste so far. I have been to Mexico many times but this trumps it multifold. Put this place high on your travel list or get on a plane now and join us. We are here until the 5th of February. Please keep us in the loop. It is important to us. More pics and stuff mas tarde. Love to all, W&C
Hello World Travelers! Delighted to hear from you although I believe the inordinate amount of Mescal, (Is this the new chain cleaner?), you have been imbibing has clouded your already suspect thinking. I will have you know that I was approached by the Tour organizers, after last year's Penticton GrandFondo, to star in a new French series, as a grizzled, (not "aging"), undercover vice flic, determined to get to the bottom of the doping scandal I had suggested that you and Robo Man would be my sidekicks, the perfect domestiques, but after your disparaging remarks, I've forwarded Ragin' Bull's name instead of yours! You'll miss all the handsome royalties, especially useful on your coming trip, but you can cry into your small beer while watching us on Netflix, this coming July, Beyond Mount Ventoux: Code-name Deux Chevaux! I spit on Lamborghinis, , (not martinis!), never mind a Lexus!
Your itin is shaping up rather nicely! Bravo indeed! Be careful what you wish for as Lady Dar is suffering from cabin fever and is agitating for a sunny getaway. Unbelievable as it sounds, one can fly from Penticton to St Martin $350, return, via Westjet. Ski invited us to stay as Ron, her husband, is back teaching there for February/March For my part, malt cabinet is much diminished so I'll see you on Isla, at Ardbeg. Send dates and book me into a hovel. Rather spend money on hootch than hot water!
Thanks for your sympathy regarding Dusty. However, he's a tough prairie lad so don't think he's down for the count, just yet. Fondestos from Lady Dar, busy working on a cross-stitch Christmas project, "Seasons Greetings", for Alejandro and Samantha. Take care of yourselves. Calamity, stay away from Mescal, as your latest message didn't contain anything but my message! [More pics and stuff mas tarde. Cheque's in the mail, obviously!] Continue to travel safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Crapulous Calamity, perhaps we can lend you Duke to help with your recovery!
Good morning Patrick! The Joy of Living in Canada video was amazing. You would think it was in Vancouver as some of the streets here have been horrific. Today is great though much warmer and it rained overnight. Much of the snow is soft and hopefully disappearing. We just don't want to have it freeze again.
It is stew weather that's for sure! Your goulash sounds very very good.
Anyways take care. This week is busy with grad classes.
On a sadder note I wanted to let you know about the following people. "We are sad to announce the passing of Branko Blazicevic, a long-time UBC Library staff member who passed away on August 12, 2016. Branko moved to Vancouver in 1956 from Croatia and completed his M.A. in Slavonic Studies at UBC in 1972.
He spent hiscareer working in a variety of departments within the Library including Cataloguing and RBSC. His widow, Mira, also worked as a staff
member with RBSC for a long time. After he retired in 1992, he spent much of his time travelling, being with family and friends as well as researching his family and local history. His funeral service was held in his hometown of Crikvenica on August 17, 2016".
I thought you knew him quite well?? Also some more sad news---Alex McLeod passed away last week of December--he was away in Mexico. I loved Alex very much and I was so sorry to learn of his death. He was in Puerta Vallarta and hadn't shown up at the beach for a few days. Friends found him dead in his apartment--think it was a heart attack. He always spent the winter in Mexico--playing with a Mexican beach band.

Hi Jo-Anne! Glad you enjoyed the curling spoof! For my part, had some hearty chuckles about "bored Canadians"! On a more sombre note, I was quite moved to learn of so many deaths. I did know about Branko, from Sara. In fact, I knew Mira better than him. However, I am more deeply saddened, perhaps to learn about Alex and Ann. (I didn't really know Glen, except in passing.) I always had a great deal of fun with both of them, joking and telling stories, whenever they passed through. Sad days for the Curric Lab!
Lady Dar is suffering from cabin fever and is agitating for a sunny getaway. Unbelievable as it sounds, one can fly from Penticton to St Martin $350, return, via Westjet. Ski, (Rhoda MacCormick, Student Assistant for me in '77/'78), invited us to stay, for a couple of weeks, as Ron, her husband, is back teaching there for February/March. Don't think it will be possible, given Cora Lee's coming trip back to Winnipeg to see her parents. Take care of yourselves until ice and snow melt. Cheers, Patrizzio!Pics: Typical Lady Dar pose!
Hello bridge folks, I keep having problems with Wednesday nights, and have to cancel bridge at my house this Wednesday. If nobody has a problem with Tuesday night we can do that and I am more than happy to host. Please let me know. Jos I would be happy to have bridge Tuesday night! I'm feeling well enough to play.... Thanks for offering Jos! Pam Tuesday evening works for me too. Patrick, Corinne, Pam...I can drive. Hello Bridge Date Prevaricators! Tuesday is fine with Lady Dar and her indentured servant. However, I wonder about Michaelo and Olga Polga. Perhaps we can play on both nights. We'd be happy to host on Wednesday as well, if that works for the Summerland Duo. Will wait to hear what people think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks for offering to chauffeur, Ms Naramata. At this point in place and time, I assume we will be playing at Il Palazzo di Josinta. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Looking forward to see you all at my place tomorrow night at 6.30 pm. Jos Hi Kids! If we are going to car-pool, courtesy of Naramata Pamela, I assume Spumoni should be here at Burns Street at 6:05 pm, so that we three can step into the limo at 6:10 pm. Etta and Duke will be waiting. Cheers, Patrizzio!I'll see you at 6:05👍😊 Pam Hi from Edmonton. Yes I'm still in the deep freeze but will be home Wednesday night. Hopefully I'll see you next week. New Year hugs to all, Olly
Hi Olga Polga! Thanks for the New Year's wishes. We'll miss you terribly tomorrow evening but look forward to a week Wednesday. Not sure where it will be but will settle that after the bridge session tomorrow. Enjoy the Edmonton deep-freeze while you can! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Curling Fans! Trust you are both well! Have you moved to Osoyoos? If not, when? I was absolutely tickled by The Joy of Living in Canada...Montreal Curling! I forwarded it to a number of friends and family members. Had a bowl of my goulash, a few minutes ago, after shoveling/sweeping the walks of the heavy snow which fell last night. Etta and Duke were supervising!
Lady Dar is trying to catch up on the next Netflix series, Trapped: Set in Seyðisfjörður, a remote town in eastern Iceland. In the introductory scene, Hjörtur and his girlfriend Dagný speed on a motorbike towards an abandoned factory, where they have created a secret hideaway, where they come to drink, smoke and have sex. A fire suddenly breaks out and Hjörtur desperately tries but fails to rescue Dagný from the flames. Seven years later, a mutilated torso is caught in fishing nets just off the local harbour, shortly before the arrival of the ferry from Hirtshals in Denmark. Andri, the town's chief of police, starts the investigation with his staff of two junior officers, Hinrika and Ásgeir, while a blizzard sets in, preventing detectives from Reykjavík from reaching Siglufjörður.
I've been enjoying it while I ride the stationary bicycle so that is why The Young and the Useless addict is behind. Look forward to hearing from you once you are back at Spirit Ridge. depending on your schedule and ours, weather, etc., it would be fun to get together, at some point, over your stay. Until then, take care of each other. Fondestos from Rumpus Room Woman and her cats! Happy sweeping! Cheers, Patrizzio!
We have been here 1 week, not a fun trip here! Getting settled,shopping twice a day. We are in a different suite, hopefully we will get moved Sandee
Hi Sarge! Had a fairly long chat with Grog yesterday. He is very well and even played a game of singles squash recently. If Trevor does come to Sun Peaks, (I gather it depends on the state of health of Tina's Mom.), he and Lurch will spend a few days there as part of their ski holiday to Banff and Whistler. He said that they would probably swing by Penticton, on way back, from Banff, to stay for for a couple of days. At any rate, we were planning to go to Sun Peaks, ourselves, to see Trevor. Grog said he would book a suite to share with us if we wanted to stay overnight, so that was very generous of him. Guess we'll have to wait and see if ski trip is on. Are you planning to drive up or simply see Trevor in Vancouver?
Tickets for Sevens were $55/per day so with booking fee total is $138.30. Maybe we should just buy two good bottles of Scotch at Dram and stay home to watch series on TV! Until then, a big smooch for Flamin'. Take care of each other. Fondestos from Rumpus Room Woman and her cats! Happy sweeping, curling or otherwise! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Snow removal supervisors!
Hi Ponce de León People! Trust that the weather has improved in La Florida and that you are now sunning and swimming and bbq'ing to your heart's content! 'Twas a very balmy -2º C this good morn so I we are rivaling your getaway clime! Was also able to remove most of the ice-buildup on street sidewalk. Has been too cold over last few days to allow me to chip away as I did today. I guess Gary didn't shovel right away and once people walk on snow it makes it difficult, if not impossible, to expose concrete. Should be easier to keep on top of things now, especially with more fairly heavy snowfall in the offing. Had loads of help as Etta and Duke were supervising! No help from the royalty, of course! Must away to lay a fire as Lady Dar is barking orders from The Rumpus Room. A big smooch for Lynne and a double shot of Shelter Point for Juan/Jugos! Happy 'gator watching! Cheers, Patrizzio! [Good tidy pathway, keep it up. Stephen]
Hi Patrick, We just finished watching Trapped before we left. Good stuff.
Weather quite cold this morning. I was scoffed at for wearing shorts at the golf course, but it warmed up to an acceptable 22 in the afternoon. That's supposed to be the end of the cold snap. Cheers Peter
Hello again, Floridians! Thought these two clips might give you a bit of a chortle, in between day excursions! Hope you are drinking copious amounts of freshly squeezed orange juice and vodka, around the pool, in short sleeves and bathing suits! Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: I keep forgetting to mention that your gate was already fixed when we returned your car last Friday.
Yes…..thank you Patrick and a Happy New Year to you and family! Good to see you are getting out and about or at least somewhat too! I also am recovering slowly but surely and realizing just how lucky I was to not have been injured more seriously or permanently! I went to Apex Saturday for my patrol shift but was not skiing at all. If we are injured but still mobile we can fulfill our duties by working the first aid room or the dispatch room. It allows us to still make our shifts and the able bodied folks to take up the slack on the mountain. This is my first injury where I was unable to ski the next day so I count my blessings.
However it’s at some cost because my ski friends like to bug me when we have new powder and I am unable to get out there with them. I just say Oh well your turn may come too and then look for my getting back at them! I will go back up there again this weekend for another shift in the first aid room again. I have now ditched the crutches as I’m able to walk almost normally on my sprained ankle however ribs are still sore with certain movements as you can imagine. I hope to be back snowshoeing and skiing this month but we will see how it goes.
When do you think you may be back hiking or snowshoeing? It sounds like you are quite mobile however you have had a major operation so it behooves you to look after yourself and prepare yourself as you are doing through the rehab process. So……take care and we will talk again soon Patrick!
Hi! Patrick .............. Thanks for all the pics of your friends & hosts thru the Xmas holidays. Glad to hear that you had a fun time biking. Must have felt great being back on your bike. Take care & no bike riding in town until all the white stuff is off the ground. It is quite slippery out there. Ciao!! Mary Lee
Hi Mustang Mary! Thanks for the biking advice but I'm very aware about the road conditions, don't worry. That being said, Naramata Road looked fine for cycling when we drove it last Friday. Not sure what it'll be like since the latest snowfall, however. Hello to Paolo. Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi! Patrizzio ................... Good job cleaning the sidewalk. You should see our 3 driveways. Took over 1.5 hrs. this morning to shovel them. Paul helped push the snow but NO LIFTING!! I definitely was making sure he didn't bend or lift anything. He constantly needs to be reminded. Your 2 supervisors, Etta & Duke made sure you stayed on track and got the sidewalks cleaned before you got distracted.
I had wanted to go on Aart's hike today but decided to stay home & shovel the snow. Need to stay away from the cold air going down my chest or in my mouth/teeth. I don't want to get dry sockets & I'm still coughing up a lung. The dissolving stitches are dissolving and my gums are still tender. I have lost my appetite & desire to drink wine .................. oh, NO!! Hope I feel better soon & back to my ole self. Say "HI" to Lady Dar and will connect with you soon! Slow Moving & slow talking. Mary Lee :-)
Hi! Patrick ................ Nice to see that you have signed up for the Hungary bike ride. Are you sure that the level of biking would be appropriate for you since you enjoy going on 100 km bike rides? Who is your roommate? I'm planning on doing this one or biking in Poland in spring of 2018 with a girlfriend. I would like to sign up for the Hiking & Spa in Slovakia trip, June 11-25. I'm looking for some travel mates. Mary Lee :-)
Hi SMST Woman! Sorry to hear about your loss of appetite and desire to drink wine! Sounds very serious!!! Especially since we'd like to invite you and Paolo to join us, next Thursday night, January 19th, for the Grandmothers for Africa Jazz Band night at the Barking Parrot at the Lakeshore Hotel. Lady Dar has tickets for the event so you would be our guests. We plan to make dinner reservations but if you don't wish to have a meal there, beforehand, that is fine. Just let us know and we'll plan accordingly.
With respect to Katarina's biking tour in Hungary, I'm very sorry to say that we have decided that we won't be travelling to Europe this spring. This, of course, means that I won't be cycling in Hungary. Very disappointed, of course, about not being able to connect with Katarina, but realize it is right thing to do, given Dusty's failing health. For my part, I'm still interested in all her cycling trips so I do hope I'm able to avail myself of some of them in the not too, too distant future. Have already contacted Katarina apologizing for the fact that I have had to withdraw from excursion. Have you found any companions for Spa trip? Hope you are soon back drinking copious amounts of wine and eating mounds of solid food. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick! Your photos are quite impressive :) We had a lot of snow too and
then the storm blew in again this morning and the wind was terrible. By
the time I came home I could not drive up the driveway and things had
drifted around the doors.
We have two girls from Shanghai staying with us this week. Had a
busy day getting ready for them to arrive on Sunday and then it was
finally 9pm when they did! 1am when I managed to get them to bed, but
only after one had a massive nose bleed that lasted
almost an hour!! Poor girl:(
Even with me getting up much earlier I still didn't have any extra
time and my toast was still in the toaster when I came home from work
All I can say is they love strawberries! Only food they are asking for and eating in huge amounts.
Trevor hasn't said he is cancelling his trip. He told me awhile
ago that he was booked to arrive on January 18 and departure is February
Corben has hockey Saturday mornings so we go up later Saturday and
are there Saturday night and Sunday. We generally come after dinner on
Damian and I will be there Feb. 3/4/5 as Corben has a tournament
that weekend. We will head up Friday night and home Sunday night.
I know this is a difficult time for Tina. This last year has been
especially demanding. She did not plan to come skiing this year and
probably won't come back for another two. I suspect she only plans to
come now if her granddaughters can come for a
vacation too. Time will tell. She just doesn't like the cold. Will
miss her this year. So everyone seems to be in bed but me now. Finally!!! Have a good night and I do hope we can see each other soon :)
Take care, Ariane ��������
We have been here 1 week, not a fun trip here! Getting settled,shopping twice a day. We are in a different suite,hopefully we will get moved. Sandee Hello Osoyoos! Glad you are back in The Sunny Okanagan! Hope you have enough groceries in case you are snowed in and that you are moved to the suite you want. Take care of yourselves and we'll see you soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Typical pose for Lady Dar!
We have been here 1 week, not a fun trip here! Getting settled,shopping twice a day. We are in a different suite,hopefully we will get moved. Sandee Hello Osoyoos! Glad you are back in The Sunny Okanagan! Hope you have enough groceries in case you are snowed in and that you are moved to the suite you want. Take care of yourselves and we'll see you soon. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Typical pose for Lady Dar!
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