I believe I found the missing link between animal and civilized man. It is
us. -Konrad Lorenz, ethologist, Nobel laureate (1903-1989)
Hi! Patrizzio & Corinne: Happy New Year!!! All the best in 2017. Hope both of you enjoyed a nice Xmas holiday & had a fun-filled time with the family. It was nice seeing you at your Xmas Open House before you left for the holidays. Glad I was able to make it even though I just flew back from Maui.

Sorry that you missed our annual Xmas Open House on Dec. 16th. We sure had a booming household of over 52 guests drop by. We've been busy with lots of post Xmas festivities, dinners & open houses at friends. Our friends Bill & Rita Laven became 1st time grandparents on Xmas Day and now have a new grandson Myles Laven weighing 8 lbs. They are beaming new grandparents. Thanks so much for the lovely Xmas & New Years greeting cards. I love the Scottish bagpipes!! Thanks a lot for the lovely greetings. We wish you a happy and healthy New Year also. How is the hip? I hope everything is going well. Otto
[Late as usual but heartfelt. All best. L. http://lynncopeland.smugmug.com]
I've gone snowshoeing a few times at Nickel Plate with the girls and once up Carmi. I'm getting my 2 wisdom teeth extracted tomorrow (Jan. 2nd) in Kelowna by a specialist. Then Paul has cataract surgery on Jan. 4th. We will be resting up this week from the surgeries. We hope to see you later on this month for a social get together to ring in the new year once we've recovered from the surgeries. Hope your hip is all healed and 2017 brings both of you good health, fun times & happiness. Cheers to you both!! Mary Lee & Paul
Hi Mary Lee and Paolo! Thank you for the lovely message and good wishes! Glad you enjoyed the bagpipes. Naturally, Lady Dar and I were simply delighted you and Paolo were able to attend our Open House. Certainly regretted not being able to attend yours. Sounds as if it was a super bash indeed!
We arrived home around 4:00 pm today. Was a tad worried about the state of the Hope-Princeton as it snowed quite heavily, starting around noon, in Vancouver, and then all night, New Year's Eve. [We visited two different sets of friends, (Jo-Anne and Colin, Raymondo and Sylvia), in the late afternoon and streets were covered with about six inches or more! Even some of the main thoroughfares were slow going but since we had snow-tires we didn't experience any problems, fortunately.] We left around 10:30 am and traffic was very light, getting out of the city.
Highway was clear all the way to Hope and once on #3 we encountered compact snow for much of the way, although on many stretches vehicular traffic had worn paths for the tires. No snow until we left Manning Park, about 50 km before Princeton, when it started to snow quite heavily, almost blizzard-like conditions, but not quite. There were two cars ahead of us so made driving much easier as visibility was not great, with blowing snow and it was hard to see where lane was, covered as the road was, so no lane lines. However, this didn't last all that long and as soon as we started dropping down into Princeton, snow stopped and sky lightened. Earlier it had been very dark and threatening.
More traffic heading south than going our way, for most of the drive, but once we were past Keremeos, hardly any at all, either way. More snow in Vancouver, we noted, once we were back in Penticton! Great to see Etta and Duke again and all seemed well with them so have our neighbour, Gary, to thank for that. Once we unloaded, Lady Dar set about doing laundry while I started a fire. As I'm sure you know, from all your travels, it will take us a day or so to fully unpack and return house to face 2017. Putting away all the Christmas decorations will take up a lot of that time.
Anyway, just wanted to wish you well and trust your dental extraction goes as smoothly as possible. Same goes for Paolo's cataract surgery. Please don't hesitate to give us a call if you need someone to run an errand or more, in case you are suffering after the fairly significant oral surgery. Furthermore, I imagine Paolo probably shouldn't drive until things settle down. At any rate, don't hesitate to call as we won't be going anywhere for next little while.
Thanks again for New Year's wishes. Fondestos from Lady Dar and a Healthy New Year to you, Mary Lee, and Paolo! Cheers, Patrizzio! Thanks Patrick ! Happy New Year to you and yours! Hanneke and Doug Happy New Year Pat & Corinne. Amos Thanks so much for thinking of me. Can't wait to see you back on the trails☕️ Hi Luigi! Lovely to hear from you! Saw Button Woman and Colonel Klink in the hot tub at the community pool the other day. I've been going since late November, [With a break over hols as we drove down to LA to spend Christmas with our eldest daughter and grandsons.], and I quite look forward to deep-water walking with a flotation belt as this particular exercise really helps with my hip rehabilitation. Wish I could start snow-shoeing and hiking with gang but will simply have to wait until the conditions in the hills are such that I won't have to be overly concerned about a fall. Nevertheless, I'll be thinking about you lucky folk and hope to see you soon. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pat, a favour , por favor< Ask Young Bill FLEET to phone me or and send me his phone ## as His father's story will be a fine one for VETS. III...Cheers, DBJS Any we once of the Armoured Corps would say at NY Day Levee's---TANKS!!!
DBJS And Happy New Year to you and Lady Dar, ha-ha! Best Wishes, Dorothy & Ret And good health and happiness to you folks, too, in 2017. Best always -- Jack and JaneHappy New Year Patrick and Corinne! I hope you had a wonderful start to 2017!! Love and Hugs, Ariane, Damian, Corben & Douglas xoxo
DBJS And Happy New Year to you and Lady Dar, ha-ha! Best Wishes, Dorothy & Ret And good health and happiness to you folks, too, in 2017. Best always -- Jack and JaneHappy New Year Patrick and Corinne! I hope you had a wonderful start to 2017!! Love and Hugs, Ariane, Damian, Corben & Douglas xoxo
Hi Jake! Glad you enjoyed the bagpipes. Naturally, Lady Dar and I were simply
delighted you and Vittoria were able to attend our Open House. Tanks
for coming! Is Bill Fleet aka Bill Lavan? If not, I don't believe I know the individual in question. Anyway, let me know about Bill Whatever His Name Is! Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Vittoria and a Healthy New Year to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrico, Bill Fleet is your next door neighbor. He is tall 6' + balding, pleasant and his wife pleasant too. Bill is a PSS grad circa 1974/5 He was working in Alberta and his Dad is a naval Vet and former Penticton Sea Cadet @ 1940!! Please ask him to phone me!!DBJS Bill Laven is a PSS TEACHER and a new grandfather!!
Patricio Trust you arrived safely. Pleased to report that the lemon squeezer also works on limes. Happy new year. //bjp Hi Ragin'! Glad to learn that you are enjoying the extremely expensive multi-purpose squeezer! Used ours this evening to make a hot rum and honey drink for Lady Dar who has come down with a cold. As I scribe, she is in the Rumpus Room, curled up on the couch, under mounds of blankets, watching The Young and The Useless, with Etta for company! Believe the kittens are very pleased that we are home as they are sticking close to us, purring like little outboards, demanding attention!
Dear Patrico, Bill Fleet is your next door neighbor. He is tall 6' + balding, pleasant and his wife pleasant too. Bill is a PSS grad circa 1974/5 He was working in Alberta and his Dad is a naval Vet and former Penticton Sea Cadet @ 1940!! Please ask him to phone me!!DBJS Bill Laven is a PSS TEACHER and a new grandfather!!
Patricio Trust you arrived safely. Pleased to report that the lemon squeezer also works on limes. Happy new year. //bjp Hi Ragin'! Glad to learn that you are enjoying the extremely expensive multi-purpose squeezer! Used ours this evening to make a hot rum and honey drink for Lady Dar who has come down with a cold. As I scribe, she is in the Rumpus Room, curled up on the couch, under mounds of blankets, watching The Young and The Useless, with Etta for company! Believe the kittens are very pleased that we are home as they are sticking close to us, purring like little outboards, demanding attention!
Will get back on the stationary bike and continue to deep-water walk in
pool until conditions allow me to ride outside. Anyway, just wanted to wish you well. Pleased you were able to join us
for dinner. Thanks for New Year's wishes. Fondestos from Lady Dar and a Healthy New Year to you,
Ragin'! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi! Girls: Happy New Year!! Hope you all enjoyed a fun time ringing in 2017. 2017 is here and wishing you all a very happy, healthy & fun-filled new year filled with lots of fun times & activities. To the Mah Jong (MJ) girls who have been playing MJ for the past 2 months, our recent newbie Colleen & to Jos & Corinne who would like to learn to play:
Mah Jong will be played on a regular basis on Fridays 2-5 pm. We need 4 players each week to play and others are encouraged to come watch & learn the game. If we have more than 4 players, you can team up with someone to learn the rules of the game & then join in to play a few hands once you feel comfortable.
Hi! Girls: Happy New Year!! Hope you all enjoyed a fun time ringing in 2017. 2017 is here and wishing you all a very happy, healthy & fun-filled new year filled with lots of fun times & activities. To the Mah Jong (MJ) girls who have been playing MJ for the past 2 months, our recent newbie Colleen & to Jos & Corinne who would like to learn to play:
Mah Jong will be played on a regular basis on Fridays 2-5 pm. We need 4 players each week to play and others are encouraged to come watch & learn the game. If we have more than 4 players, you can team up with someone to learn the rules of the game & then join in to play a few hands once you feel comfortable.
After each week, we will take turns hosting the following week. If you are hosting it the next week, all you need to do is send out an email to the girls to let them know that you will be hosting it the following week and make sure that you have at least 4 players to play.
I will host MJ this week on Friday, Jan. 6th @ 2-5 pm. You are welcome to borrow my card table & MJ set. Looking forward to seeing you for MJ on Friday. Cheers!! Mary Lee :- Hi Maj Jong Woman! If I'm allowed to join the Maj Jong Girls, I'd love to learn how to play. Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio! Happy New Year to all. Looking forward to join the MJ ladies Unfortunately I have a commitment this Friday, but will keep the Friday afternoons open from now on. Jos Hi Marylee I will be there on Friday for MJ! Sandy Hi Ladies, I will be there too but not until around 3. See you there Lin:) Hi Ladies, I will be there for Mahjong on Friday. I can host it at my house the following Friday. Nancy
Dear Patrick and Corinne Many thanks for your New Year Wishes. We hope you are all keeping well and enjoying your new location. Ray and Sylvia are still in touch with us and we see one or other most years here in Yorkshire. Richard our son was married in Ireland in late November and we were fortunate to see old friends at the wedding and many of his friends from school and University. Both our mothers passed away this year aged 100 and 92 and we now have three grandchildren which we love to see. I am still cycling( modestly), running etc and we shall spend 2 weeks in Southern Spain in February to avoid some of winter here. Our best wishes for 2017 to you both. Jim and Chris
Hello Yorkshire! How lovely to hear from you, Jim and Chris! Congratulations on Richard's marriage. However, sincere condolences on the death of both of your mothers. Seems as if many of our friends are dealing with much the same situation. Unfortunately, Corinne's father, Dusty, 92, is now on oxygen and losing weight so it is a difficult situation, as you can imagine. Corinne will fly back to Manitoba at the end of January, to see her parents, as well as to celebrate her Mom's 92nd birthday. We drove there this past June to celebrate their 71st wedding anniversary.
Anyway, just wanted to say hello and wish you both well. Glad you are still cycling, Jim. Enjoy your holiday in Spain. Travel safely. Thanks for New Year's wishes. Fondestos from Lady Dar and a Healthy New Year to you both! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Famiglia Banks! Happy New Year to you too!!! Patrizzia!
Pat, Thanks to you and Corinne for dropping over yesterday. We had a good dinner and a pleasant evening. Jenny and Sean cancelled their dinner booking and ate with us which added another dimension to the conversation. Liese and Ken drove J & S to a party at Chris's place on their way back to Ladner at 10pm while I did the shoveling for 3 houses which was good exercise. Hope you and Corinne had a very good evening with Chloe, Michelle, Wayne and family. Safe journey back. Ray
Hi Raymond! Glad you celebrated well with everyone. Thanks so much for the lovely visit. It was a delight to meet Sean and see Jenny, as well as Ken and Liese, of course. Just received a newsy message from Jim and they are off to Spain in February. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for New Year's visit. Fondestos from Lady Dar and a Healthy New Year to one and all! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Famiglia Banks! Clan Sutherland: Darren and Jo-Anne, neighbours; Rebecca, Ashlynn, 4 months, newest, third, grandchild; Sarge with Ashlynn; Nicole and Marvin, their son, Jaxon, was already in bed; Corey, in very front, Ashlynn's Dad.
Thank you very much Patrick! Very nice indeed! And a very Happy New Year to you and your family also.....all the best! Cheers.....from Kilian or how about St. Kilian to you! Thanks for the New Year wishes Patrick, and best wishes to you and yours. Here's to a happy and healthy 2017! David Conn and Nancy Halpern Hello Lower Mainland Ice Age/Woolly Mammoth People! Thanks for the New Year's wishes, David. Cheers, Patrizzio!Happy New Year Patrick and Corinne! I hope you had a wonderful start to 2017!! Love and Hugs, Ariane, Damian, Corben & Douglas xoxo Hi Ariane! Thanks for the New Year's wishes. Guess you are all well back at school now! Have you had any word from either Trevor or Teens about former coming to Sun Peaks? If ski trip is on it would be great if we could coordinate a bit of a visit with you and Doug and lads. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Happy New Year Patrick and Corinne! All the best in 2017✨ Thank you and a Happy New Years to you and Corrine!! See you soon, Hugs, Olly Thanks a lot for the lovely greetings. We wish you a happy and healthy New Year also. How is the hip? I hope everything is going well. Otto Happy New Year to you as well - thanks for the card. Will write a message later as still having great difficulty with my balance and hearing due to inner ear virus. Otherwise all is fine. Cheers! - Roma & Leonard Thanx. Happy, happy to you. Sandee That was a great card! Our best wishes to all of you too.Brenda Louise Dear Patrick and Corinne
Happy New Year! Thanks so much for this lovely card! Save travels home. Jo-Anne and Colin
Happy New Year to you and Lady Dar from your east coast friends. Hope
all is well with you in Penticton. We are planning on spending a week in
Kelowna this coming August and would certainly like to make a visit
during that time. Cheers from Peggy and myself. Thank you for the card. All the best to both of you for 2017. We are both happily retired now!! LOL Anne Porter Sarty Lovely card Patrizio and we will certainly not forget our old acquaintance! Love to all and every good wish for 2017 xx Young Patrick, Thanks for the lovely card. Let`s hope that 2017 is kind to you and I and our families. Will write more later... Cheers.. Bill Happy New Year Dunners! All the best for 2017 to you and your family from the Coverntons
Thank you for your nice card. May we return all the good wishes? Thank you for your warm friendship, we look forward to even more blossom in the future.
Thank you for your message Pasticcio. You never seem to fail. Tis' the season to enjoy, and the season seems never ending. We're so glad to be friends with you and Corinne. We hope you both enjoy a very prosperous and productive New Year. We send our best regards, Filmer, who once lucked out and met Sally. Dear Pat and family, thank you for the memory, and may 2017 bring
health, peace and happiness to all of you. We hope to see you in the new
year. If we plan to travel to your side of the corner this summer, I
will give you heads up.
Happy new year! Eyob and family Thank you Patrick and Corinne for the lovely warm greetings. Much love Tina and Trevor Thank you so much. And you two, too!! Kjell
Right back at you!! ... and cheers too. Have a safe trip home. We're looking forward to our get-together in Naramata on Tuesday. Love from Lynnie and Dom Pedro Hi Patrick and Corinne, Thanks for your New Year greetings. Have you returned to the land of ice and snow? Looking forward to seeing you on the 3rd. Good health and much happiness in 2017. Peter and Lynne Lovely! Bev Thanks Patrick & Co.! Wishing you all a Happy New Year filled with health and happiness. Nancy (& Cactus) I got nervous the moment I saw those bagpipes! But it was a pleasant pipe down the pathways of the past! So onward we go into a new time that will bring us great challenges. Luckily, there is wine. Hi Patrick & Corrin: Thank You So Much. And A Very Happy New Year To You Too. See You in 2017.........Cheereo Hildi Happy New Year to you, Patrizzio & your family!! May 2017 be fun, healthy & happy love from the Carr Clan!!
Thank you for your nice card. May we return all the good wishes? Thank you for your warm friendship, we look forward to even more blossom in the future.
As said .... love you lots! See you soon, Aart & Jos Happy and healthy wishes coming your way from The Dronkers. Have a safe and smooth journey back,looking forward to a new adventurous year together.
Jos and Aart Wonderful card, Happy New Year to you and Corinne. Love you both, Jean & John Dear Friend Happy New Year to all you there. XO FROM MARGARETA AND BOYS ( the latter are still out drinking, though)
Hi Patrick, I wish you and your family a healthy and happy new year. I miss our interesting non-reader book gathering. Best wishes. Moe And a Happy New year to you too! (It's been decades since I was really
at Edinburgh Castle, I'm guessing it hasn't changed much!) Deborah
What a fun card! The best to you and all the family for the New Year!
Looking forward to a visit to the Island this Spring/Summer.
Love Lynette Dear Patrick and Corinne, thank you for the heart-warming greeting, the
pipes make one cry. Let's hope the new year is better for the world than
the crappy one we're leaving. Good wishes and good health to you both
from Bruni and Tony
Thank you, Patrizio, and the very same to you and yours. Lang may yer lum reek! xo,
dj [A Hogmanay greeting, implying "May you never be without fuel for your fire!", but more literally translates to "Long may your chimney smoke!"]
dj [A Hogmanay greeting, implying "May you never be without fuel for your fire!", but more literally translates to "Long may your chimney smoke!"]
Happy new year! Eyob and family Thank you Patrick and Corinne for the lovely warm greetings. Much love Tina and Trevor Thank you so much. And you two, too!! Kjell
Right back at you!! ... and cheers too. Have a safe trip home. We're looking forward to our get-together in Naramata on Tuesday. Love from Lynnie and Dom Pedro Hi Patrick and Corinne, Thanks for your New Year greetings. Have you returned to the land of ice and snow? Looking forward to seeing you on the 3rd. Good health and much happiness in 2017. Peter and Lynne Lovely! Bev Thanks Patrick & Co.! Wishing you all a Happy New Year filled with health and happiness. Nancy (& Cactus) I got nervous the moment I saw those bagpipes! But it was a pleasant pipe down the pathways of the past! So onward we go into a new time that will bring us great challenges. Luckily, there is wine. Hi Patrick & Corrin: Thank You So Much. And A Very Happy New Year To You Too. See You in 2017.........Cheereo Hildi Happy New Year to you, Patrizzio & your family!! May 2017 be fun, healthy & happy love from the Carr Clan!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Happy New Year to you both! I look forward to hiking and snowshoeing with you in 2017. Colleen Dear Patrick, Corinne, and household -- Thanks for an enjoyable few minutes lightening up the holiday season. Jack and I wish you a Happy New Year and rollicking adventures, good health, and happy surroundings throughout 2017. Best always -- Jane
Happy New Year Patrick. Rabbie Burns at his best. Why always Edinburgh?and not wee Glasgae. Will toast you with a wee dram. Matt��☃�� Patrick, Are you still in LA? We arrived today to go to the Rose Bowl Parade. We are freezing. HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and Corinne. Cheers, Dawn and Gerry Thanks Patrick, HNY to y'all too. Quiet one here altho we did watch the Sydney fireworks. Laying more plans for our 6 mo. abroad, seeking house sitters right now. See you soon. S Hi Patrick, We had a very quiet NYE with about 14 guests to see in 2017. As usual too much food and cool refreshing ales and wine. Hope you and yours have a great 2017 and we are still working our way through a possible visit to coincide with the grand Fondo. Love to all Greg and Claire
Such a beautiful video with an unbelievable voice...Listen,...Watch and Rejoice over our beautiful World and Nature!! With my Sincere Best Wishes for 2017 Murielle
Happy New Year from the Seymours!
AULD LANG SYNE by Sissel - Happy New Year - YouTube
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