It is our belief that social justice begins at home. We want those who
have helped us to produce this great institution and are helping to
maintain it to share our prosperity. We want them to have present
profits and future prospects. ... Believing as we do,
that a division of our earnings between capital and labor is unequal,
we have sought a plan of relief suitable for our business. -James
Couzens, Ford Motor Company treasurer, announcing the doubling of wages
to $5/day on Jan 5, 1914 [The Wall Street Journal
said it is "to apply biblical or spiritual principles into a field
where they do not belong ... (Ford has) committed economic blunders, if
not crimes." Ford actually doubled its profits in two years.]
More light snow today but not really enough yet to have to sweep sidewalks. Will be heading back to pool this afternoon for another session of deep-water walking. Lady Dar's nasty head cold is still hanging on and she is not much improved from yesterday. Snow leopards have been outside ever since they were fed their pumpkin and dry food mix. Update: Kittens just returned, Etta drinking water, Duke munching his crunchies. If they stick to their normal routine, Galloping horses and Sumo wrestling will soon begin!
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“It Shoots Further Than He Dreams”
Cartoon: John F. Knott, 1918
Hi Sarge! Great that you want to attend the Sevens as well. I"d certainly be most grateful if I could stay with you and Flamin', if you have room. Then we can stumble from Dram to BC Place all weekend! Just back from the pool where I spent an hour and 15 minutes deep-water walking. Quite enjoy this form of exercise, as well as sessions in the steam room and hot tub afterwards.
With respect to Dram, do you want me to order my own ticket or purchase through you, as I mentioned? I can easily do former so just let me know. With respect to Sevens I'm going to be in touch with Mike and see where they are sitting as most of the lads have their tickets already. Probably won't really matter. Do you have any preferences? I'd rather be on one side or another, about mid-way up, if possible, as opposed to the end zones. As soon as I hear from Mick, I'll be in touch and we can go from there unless you have a strong preference.
With respect to that weekend, I plan to drive in on Thursday and am hoping to arrange a couple of tables of bridge that night. Are you still curling then? If available and interested I'll count you in. Probably be at either the Carters or Keatings if it works. Cheers, Patrizzio! I will still be curling and will sit wherever.
Hi Bridge/Malt/Rugby Folk! Trust everyone is well. Healthy New Year to one and all! We had a wonderful Christmas in Tinsel Town with Ayn and Los Horridos. Chloë flew down so it was a wonderful gathering.
This coming March I'm planning to attend a number of events in Vancouver, if the Ice Age has retreated by then! Who is hoarding salt? Has anyone managed to get into a fight over sand? Have heard that things managed to get rather nasty at some of the fire-halls where people were lining up for salt supplies that were long gone! Of course, as former Winnippeggers and Montrealites, you must be chortlin' about all the fuss!
With respect to that weekend, I plan to drive in on Thursday and am hoping that we might arrange a couple of tables of bridge that night. Anybody interested? If Sarge isn't curling, I know he'd be keen to play. Anyway, please let me know what you think and I'll plan accordingly. Must away as I'm on deck for dinner. Fondestos, to one and all, from Lady Dar. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Dinner with The Naramatians, Lynne and Peter, this past Tuesday. The Shelter Point Whiskey we bought into 3.5 years ago was delivered while we were in California. For my share, I received 6 bottles, five of malt at 62.5% and one of a blend of rye and malt at 58.4%. Also a Shelter Point toque. I'll bring hootch as bridge prizes! Christmas presents from the Lighthalls: I received two malt glasses and Lady Dar, Anthony Bourdain's latest, Appetites: a Cookbook. Furthermore, they loaded us down with all sorts of food items, from their fridge and pantry, which wouldn't last for the two months they'll be away. Now we won't have to go grocery shopping until they return from Florida, bringing back the warm weather! However, they are collecting me at 4:55 am tomorrow morning so that I can drive their car back, from the airport, to park it in their garage! Guess I'll need a few snorts of malt to wake me up and keep me warm!
I am up for bridge. Happy to host here. Hi Polly, et al! I knew The Sisterhood would be the first off the mark! Thanks for offering to host, Polly, certainly much appreciated. Sarge is curling but he'd like to come by when his match is over and he said he will just sit in wherever it works. If you need players, after everyone has had a chance to respond, let me know as I'm sure I can drum up a number of players. I have heard a rumour that Legs Levine is back in town so I plan to try to contact her to see if she is, indeed, around.
With respect to the evening, do you want to have a pot-luck? If so, we should think about a menu. If not, then suggest a time you'd like everyone to arrive. Anyway, thanks again. Looking forward to the evening already. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Still Life With Cat: in chair next to fireplace, at Burns Street!
Hi Patrick David has bought four weekend tickets for rugby, for Tom , Chris and myself, I think open seating like last year, but I will check with him tomorrow to make sure. Baldrick definitely wants to come and possibly accompanied by Will.
Weather is still frigid and some sidewalks very slippery. We have very conscientious neighbors who clear our sidewalk, and I managed to buy one bag of "Eco friendly " salt for $20.00, which I have been using very sparingly on our steps, which can be lethal.
Christmas was great and we had 19 for dinner on Christmas Day, and "she who must be obeyed" produced a fantastic meal even with a severe bronchitis and cold. We are now both recovered from our ailments and looking forward to an early spring, hopefully mid January Cheers Mick
Hi Patrick and Mike We will be in New York for the month of March to help Kristina and Alex with our new grandchild. I will have to miss the Sevens this year. Ted and Elaine
This coming Monday Aart is going to lead a hike along the old flume along Hwy. 97. So meet at the IGA parking lot in Summerland at 9am, and Pentictonites can carpool at Home Hardware at 8:40. Dress warmly!
Hi! Patrick ............... Thanks for your understanding of the Mah Jong Sisterhood Club. I'll keep it in mind for the future if other men are interested in learning how to play Mah Jong & I can teach them Will keep you posted if there is an interest. I know that Paul doesn't like it ................. too much thinking for his brain.
My oral surgery under anaesthetics went well on Monday less 2 beautiful wisdom teeth which I have had since I was 17 or 18 yrs. old. They are now crowding my molars & causing tooth decay. I was so happy to have them for so long without any problems. We had to to go to a specialist in Kelowna to get it done. Warm & puree fluids all week. Have no appetite........ good thing that all the Xmas festivities are over & I can just relax & not worry about eating & drinking. Paul's cataract surgery went well. Just have to keep putting drops in his eyes 3-4x's/day. He has to wear a patch to bed at night time. We are both laying low & resting from our surgeries.
Glad to hear that you are enjoying the pool & leg exercises along with the hot tub & sauna. Paul enjoys it too and he'll be back there soon. We'll connect for a visit when I'm feeling better & can talk & eat (my 2 favourite things in life).
Keep up the good work in the gym & pool. Cheers!! Mary Lee
Hi Mah Jong Woman! I have plenty of experience with The Sisterhood so I know, pretty much, what to expect. Per esempio, the Book Club I belonged to, in Vancouver, was open to everyone but Lady Dar's only allowed women! Our lawsuit is still working its way to the Supreme Court! However, thanks for offering to teach some of the lads. I'm going to ask Guillermo and some of the others from hiking group so I'll be in touch and we can work something out, I'm sure. Pleased to learn that all went so well with your respective surgeries. Take care of each other and I'm sure you'll both be back to normal in no time at all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
What a beautiful new year's greeting ! Thank you ! I hope 2017 will bring you many happy and interesting adventures and above all - Excellent health. We are presently in the deep freeze buried under a ton of snow. 😖☃☃☃ -22 and sinking. Keep warm. Erika Hello Manitscoldbans! Thanks for New Year's wishes, Erika,. Glad you enjoyed the card. Healthy New Year to you and Amy as well! Trust all continues to go swimmingly in Winnipeg. Of course we miss your congenial company but I gather your temperatures are almost exactly the same as ours, of late! Lady Dar has confirmed her plans for Winnipeg. She'll be flying out on February 16th, in time to be with Rosita for her surgery on the 17th. The Sisterhood is staying at the Fort Garry on the night of the 16th! Hang the expense!!! As well, once back at Falcon, she wants to give her brother, George, a bit of a break in helping out with Dusty, as well as with post-op care for Clarisse after her minor tear-duct surgery.
Lady Dar's sister, Pamela, from Winnipeg, will be in Vancouver, on business, in a few weeks and she and Chloë will fly to Penticton for the first weekend in February, arriving late on Thursday night. Chloë misses her kittens. They certainly keep us amused! Fondestos from the Marriage Officiant. All the very best to you and our darling Amy! Take care of each other. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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