Friday, 27 January 2017

Connector Kamloops Sun Peaks Blues: Friday, January 27th!

It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment. -Ansel Adams, photographer (1902-1984)

Hello Soon-to-Be Sayulita Bound Folk! I heard from Marilyn that you leave on Domingo! Have a wonderful time. Lady Dar has decided that she is going back to Guyabitos, shortly before Christmas, next year, for a couple of months. She plans to rent a place that is large enough to invite Ayn/Los Horridos and Chloë down for Xmas. Still remember, most fondly, the great time we had there with you.

Great that you are busy with "bill paying" work and that progress on cabin continues to go well. Once you decide to sell, you should come up here and we'll take over the real estate scene here in Penticton! Marilyn can run her exercise program out of the barn which Lady Dar will have for her wedding ceremonies and we can ride all day! 

Everyone has paid for their malt shares and money has been deposited. Can't believe how well the scam worked! Hootch won't be ready for 3 years and by that time I'll be long gone! Maybe I'll hole up in La Peñita and have a market stall, selling masks! In fact, I'd like to drive to Gallagher Lake, to the distillery there, on Sunday, to complete paper work/payment, so I've asked Kjell, (Ihe'd like to join me.), to be here before 2:00 pm.

Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both, (She's green with envy!), just out the door to her volunteer shift at PGH. I'm charged with getting everything ready so that we can leave shortly after she's back home, shortly after 12:15 pm. Not all that much to do but I also want to do about a 70 minute stint on stationary bike so have to figure that into my schedule. Again, travel safely. Watch out for the strong undercurrents when enjoying The Grandes! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Bridge cats, with Lady Dar, & bridge players, Spumoni. Olga Polga and Naramata Pamela!

Greetings Book Club, (and potential), Folk! Absolutely delighted that you are keen on the book club. This is an initial message now that there are enough committed readers, (6), to form a critical mass, (Luigi, Dame Judi, Lady Dar, von Bingen, Jake and Il Conduttore, aka Patrizzio), as well as a number, (5), of potential, occasional members, (Spumoni, Maid Marian, Dorothea, Guillermo and Albariña), asking for suggestions on meeting times and book titles. For my part, Thursday evenings seem like a time to start but will let the group decide.

I will also suggest Lisa Moore's February, 2009, the story of one woman's grief after her husband is lost when the oil rig, Ocean Ranger, sank, off the  coast of Newfoundland, in 1982. I met Lisa at the Vancouver Writers Festival, in 2009 or 2010, I believe, and have a signed copy of the book. I think the work should be available in paperback and PPL has a copy, although it is checked out at the moment. Another suggestion is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, available from Amazon for anywhere between $0.78 to $1.96 and higher, for perfectly reasonable used copies! Let me know your thoughts and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick I've read The Book Thief and enjoyed it. I have not read February so for that reason would prefer that selection. I'm sure you could also share some insight having spoken to the author. Let me know more as things evolve. Luigi

I assume Albarina stands for Senka, who would be delighted to join the group, on whatever time basis the core group sees suitable At the moment busy learning about the Aztecs and tasting mezcal but should be back mid February just in time for the book of the same title. Read it while on another journey 2-3 years ago. Good choice Hasta Lugo amigos Senka Thursday evening would work for me but We'd would better. In Feb I have two board meetings the 9th and 23rd. The 2 and 16 are free. Judi

Greetings from Sun Peaks! Hello Albariña and Dame Judith! Thank you both for replying so quickly. Delighted that you are going to be part of club, Senka. Until I hear from more people, I don't think we'll settle on day of the week, just yet, but do appreciate knowing your schedule, Dame Judith! Will feed everything into the grist mill and see what members think suits. Lady Dar and I left Penticton just before 1:00 pm today to take the Connector. Highway was completely bare so driving was terrific. Ran into thick fog/cloud as we approached the first summit so had to be very careful as a number of heavy semis were going quite slowly and one only discerned them as their lights winked out of the shroud as we came upon them rather abruptly. After that section is was smooth sailing and we arrived at Sun Peaks just before 4:00 pm. Found our friend's place without much difficulty. A lady, walking on the road, pointed out the turn we needed to make and Trevor came to help us unload, shortly thereafter.

Lovely to see him again. Was around last year, at this time, that we drove up to see both him and Tina, his wife, not along this year as her Mom is in failing health. Spent a wonderful evening catching up on everyone's lives and managing to polish off four bottles of wine over the course of the evening! Lady Dar had prepared coq au vin, (back in Penticton), for dinner and along with a mixed salad and baked potatoes, we feasted! [Hi Gianna and Her Devoted Chauffeur!Yes, sorry we won't connect but understand completely, given your tight schedule. Cuba sounds fabulous, indeed! Kjell, have you had any thoughts about when you plan to arrive on Sunday? Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both, (She's green with envy about Cuba), just out the door to her volunteer shift at PGH. I'm charged with getting everything ready so that we can leave shortly after she's back home, shortly after 12:15 pm. Not all that much to do but I also want to do about a 70 minute stint on stationary bike so have to figure that into my schedule. Again, travel safely, ski safely! Cheers, Patrizzio! I'll try to be there well before two, if I can find my way, /k]
Will be in touch as I hear from rest of gang. Continue your studies on the Aztecs, Alabariña, as well as your ongoing research on Mezcal! Hello to Roberto. Buona Fortuna with board meetings, Dame Judith. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Beautiful shots. Thanks for sharing. Dame Judith 

Hello Dame Judith! Trust you are well. With respect to setting an evening for book club, are you involved with board meetings most every month, on Thursdays? I was going to suggest March 2nd as first gathering since this would allow people to obtain and read book selected. Please let me know and I'll send out a notice once I hear from you. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Look who is playing at Aunt Leah's Thrift Shoptomorrow night!!
I'll be going!! xx

Sinead singing Patsy Send her my love please Chloe!

Hola hola Thanks for your grand send off! You will definitely be in our thoughts as we frolic in the waves in Sayulita. That sounds like a great plan to go down for Xmas next next year...that is something I have always wantedto try and organize with my family ( Geraldo and Sue ) We will have to confer with you maybe this will the the year. I am very excited to tell you that I have applied to go to field school as an International Student this upcoming May. I am handing in the application package today.

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I have had to garner 2 academic references, one personal reference, write a letter of intention, update my resume, provide my unofficial transcript as well as fill in reems of
paperwork. I hope to know soon if I am accepted into the program and if all goes well I will be spending about a month in Belize studying geography, sociology, and archeology at the University of Galen located in St.Ignacio. Completing this field school will also mean that I will have finished my Sport Science Diploma and will be technically done school by the end of June.
I have never really been off by myself like that before and decided that it would be a great way to reward myself for all of my hard work at Douglas as well as get the opportunity to immerse myself in the culture of Belize. I will certainly keep you posted about whether or not I'm accepted. I am teaching 2 classes this morning so I must scurry off and get ready to go to work. I anticipate having some more free time in the next week or so down south...I think that our condo has a free phone to Canada and if this is the case we will try and give you a call from Sayulita. Our minds have been on Dusty and hope that he is doing well...please send my love to Corinne and to your adorable little babies as well. Love you lots! Marilyn xoxoxoxo

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