Whenever you're called on to make up your mind, / and you're hampered by
not having any, / the best way to solve the dilemma, you'll find, / is
simply by spinning a penny. / No - not so that chance shall decide the
affair / while you're passively standing there moping; / but the moment the
penny is up in the air, / you suddenly know what you're hoping. -Piet Hein,
poet and scientist (1905-1996)

Hi Patrick; Thanks for your entertaining emails and invites! I'd love to come to bridge this Wednesday. Let's talk about the book club on Wednesday. I'm not much of a reader, but it sounds like neither are you! Pam
Hi Spumoni, et al! With Spumoni and Olga Polga, bridge on Wednesday will be on, at Burns Street. I'll spend all day, today, choosing the bridge prizes. It would be terrific if we could have two tables so please let me know who else will be participating. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Wouldn't that be nice to have 2 tables, bring the competition on Patrick! I can't wait to win one of those door prizes and will be there Wednesday. Jos Dearest Josinta! Terrific that you will be joining the bridge gang on Wednesday. However, I regret to inform you that as a past winner of the very expensive and highly desirable "chopper" you are not eligible for any more Burns Street Bridge Prizes until 2018! Still, if your playing speed increases, perhaps I can put in a good word for you with the Bridge Director! Cheers, Patrizzio!
I'll do my best dearest pressure builder. Enjoy todays clouds. Jos Dearest Cloud Person! Funnily enough, I've been singing your theme song all day: 'I've looked at cards from both sides now and I really don't know cards at all!" Cheers, your ever-supportive Bridge Partner, Patrizzio! Patrick, I am planning to play Bridge on Weds. Thank you for hosting. Pam Hello Naramata! Fab that you'll join us. Have not yet heard from Michaelo but Lady Dar knows a number of bridge players from her book club and walking group so we are hoping to host two tables. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Famiglia Coffaro! Trust all
goes well. Thought that the latest Merc might make Patrizzia more likely
to want to visit us this coming year! Cheers, Patrizzio! Announcing the New Mercedes AA Class ...........
Wow, cool!! I think Pat has agreed to drive up to Alberta in May. I have to stop at Ashland for a play on the way back...............I will survive Hi again, Survivor!
We have stayed in Ashland quite a few times but unfortunately, not ever long enough to take in any plays. Must rectify this shortcoming! Now that trepidation regarding choice of vehicle has been assuaged, you need to work on Patrizzia's reluctance to stay with us! No reason, whatsoever, not to do so! Cheers, Patrizzio!
My choice would be to stay with you for a night, but Pat does not want to impose, you would have to ask her why. Now that we have committed to Ashland and have tickets, we would be hard pressed to stop for more than an hour or so for lunch with you. We have to be in Alberta for 6 days before that so we can't change those reservations also. Pat is in The City again and is planning to stay less at the winery.......long story:-)........Dave
Dearest San Franciscan Patrizzia and Her More Than Difficult Husband! I know your coming junket to the Far North will be busy and packed with many, many places to visit and vistas to see but your stay, however brief or extended, would never, never be an imposition of any sort. This being the case, you are ever welcome so please entertain this invitation. Duke and Etta can hardly wait to meet their Sonoman cousins and promise to be on their best behaviour! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Duke, high atop our kitchen cupboard, guarding a string of dried peppers! Etta as Gopher Girl!
This is her email Patrick but I did forward your message. Thanks, Abandoned Wine-Maker! Cheers, Yoga Widower!
Hello Aunt Chloë! Trust your charges behaved, unlike the Demon Cats, roaring around the house like hellions! Your Mother is off to Oasis and I'm waiting for the workmen to arrive to wrap the attic with space age insulation. Miss Etta is purring like a tiny steam engine on the stool beside me but now that Duke has come inside I'm sure the Sumo wrestling will begin! Cheers, and Love, Dad! Pics: Time for a bath and another favourite napping spot! Gopher Girl!
They are my baby sibs!!!! Can't wait to Smoosh and cuddle them soon!!! Off to see Lion with Robbie and Jason, went for a walk at Jericho this morning now it's raining cats and dogs!!! Seeing Krissy and Kim tonight, Krissy has accepted a job being in charge of Bridge Brewing's new kitchen so will get details tonight!!! Love you 😘 Hello Vancouver/Manitoba/Tinsel Town! Hard to believe that our respective temperatures are warmer than those in Arizona! At moment he is Ronaldo, chasing his "soccer" ball all over the house, dropping it at my feet so that I throw it, for him to fetch, over and over and over again! Love Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Hi Tinsel Town Youngsters! Trust you are both well. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. Thanks again for fabulous snowglobe! Unfortunately, Duke knocked it off the mantle so I'd appreciate you mailing me a replacement! With respect to LinkedIn, I was a bit leery of initial request as I find that this particular system often self-generates requests. Furthermore, I think there have also been security breaches in the past so I'm always concerned about hackers. All the best to you both. Cheers, Poppa Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick! I'm always embarrassed when I compare my short missives to your wonderful commentaries. Thank you for sharing your time with me. The showing at the art gallery sounds like it was an inspiring event. I particularly like the bear and the spawning salmon. At first look they seem simplistic compared to our art but on closer examination the blue bear is so much more and the "movement" of the salmon is exactly as remembered. Can't wait to hear more about our book club; it's my favourite means of travel😊. Best regards. Luigi
Wow, cool!! I think Pat has agreed to drive up to Alberta in May. I have to stop at Ashland for a play on the way back...............I will survive Hi again, Survivor!
We have stayed in Ashland quite a few times but unfortunately, not ever long enough to take in any plays. Must rectify this shortcoming! Now that trepidation regarding choice of vehicle has been assuaged, you need to work on Patrizzia's reluctance to stay with us! No reason, whatsoever, not to do so! Cheers, Patrizzio!
My choice would be to stay with you for a night, but Pat does not want to impose, you would have to ask her why. Now that we have committed to Ashland and have tickets, we would be hard pressed to stop for more than an hour or so for lunch with you. We have to be in Alberta for 6 days before that so we can't change those reservations also. Pat is in The City again and is planning to stay less at the winery.......long story:-)........Dave
Dearest San Franciscan Patrizzia and Her More Than Difficult Husband! I know your coming junket to the Far North will be busy and packed with many, many places to visit and vistas to see but your stay, however brief or extended, would never, never be an imposition of any sort. This being the case, you are ever welcome so please entertain this invitation. Duke and Etta can hardly wait to meet their Sonoman cousins and promise to be on their best behaviour! Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Duke, high atop our kitchen cupboard, guarding a string of dried peppers! Etta as Gopher Girl!
This is her email Patrick but I did forward your message. Thanks, Abandoned Wine-Maker! Cheers, Yoga Widower!
Hello Aunt Chloë! Trust your charges behaved, unlike the Demon Cats, roaring around the house like hellions! Your Mother is off to Oasis and I'm waiting for the workmen to arrive to wrap the attic with space age insulation. Miss Etta is purring like a tiny steam engine on the stool beside me but now that Duke has come inside I'm sure the Sumo wrestling will begin! Cheers, and Love, Dad! Pics: Time for a bath and another favourite napping spot! Gopher Girl!
They are my baby sibs!!!! Can't wait to Smoosh and cuddle them soon!!! Off to see Lion with Robbie and Jason, went for a walk at Jericho this morning now it's raining cats and dogs!!! Seeing Krissy and Kim tonight, Krissy has accepted a job being in charge of Bridge Brewing's new kitchen so will get details tonight!!! Love you 😘 Hello Vancouver/Manitoba/Tinsel Town! Hard to believe that our respective temperatures are warmer than those in Arizona! At moment he is Ronaldo, chasing his "soccer" ball all over the house, dropping it at my feet so that I throw it, for him to fetch, over and over and over again! Love Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Hi Tinsel Town Youngsters! Trust you are both well. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. Thanks again for fabulous snowglobe! Unfortunately, Duke knocked it off the mantle so I'd appreciate you mailing me a replacement! With respect to LinkedIn, I was a bit leery of initial request as I find that this particular system often self-generates requests. Furthermore, I think there have also been security breaches in the past so I'm always concerned about hackers. All the best to you both. Cheers, Poppa Patrizzio!
Hello Patrick! I'm always embarrassed when I compare my short missives to your wonderful commentaries. Thank you for sharing your time with me. The showing at the art gallery sounds like it was an inspiring event. I particularly like the bear and the spawning salmon. At first look they seem simplistic compared to our art but on closer examination the blue bear is so much more and the "movement" of the salmon is exactly as remembered. Can't wait to hear more about our book club; it's my favourite means of travel😊. Best regards. Luigi
Hello Accidental Armchair Tourist! Really
pleased that you enjoyed the Art Gallery snaps. [Please don't be
embarrassed about my ramblings. I'm just delighted you enjoy my
missives. Most of my friends and relatives only want"executive
summaries", if that!] I couldn't agree more with what you mentioned
about vitality and movement of salmon. With respect to the Bear
painting, Clayton shared a number of very interesting and quite personal
facts about it. He only completed it but a few weeks before the opening
and it was done to honour his father who died a number of years ago, if
I remember correctly. The animal was his father's totem. It was
extremely moving to hear him talk about this, to the extent that he was
quite overcome with emotion, as were most of us in the audience. For my
part, I was completely bowled over by this image when I first
encountered it on Friday evening. It pulses with so much energy that one
expects the bear to move out of the frame and into the gallery!
Will be in touch about fledgling book club. Happy snowshoeing if you are going out with gang. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi all, Old Farts snowshoe outing this Thursday as follows: -Meet at 0900 at Home Hardware parking lot (Summerland folks meet at 0840 at IGA in S’land) -Carpool and head for Apex. Likely will park close to the big bend over Keremeos Creek -Snowshoe up Keremeos Creek to the headwaters, then out to the forestry road, up the road, and through the trees to the top of Scat’s Knob. -Snowshoe down from Scat’s Knob via an alternate route. -Meet for coffee and debriefing. I would class this outing as about a 6 on the Old Farts’ scale of 1 to 10. There is some vertical, but nothing too steep going up; a bit steeper in parts coming down. Interested? Please give me a heads up if you are coming along. I look forward to seeing some of you there. Cheers, Jim
Will be in touch about fledgling book club. Happy snowshoeing if you are going out with gang. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi all, Old Farts snowshoe outing this Thursday as follows: -Meet at 0900 at Home Hardware parking lot (Summerland folks meet at 0840 at IGA in S’land) -Carpool and head for Apex. Likely will park close to the big bend over Keremeos Creek -Snowshoe up Keremeos Creek to the headwaters, then out to the forestry road, up the road, and through the trees to the top of Scat’s Knob. -Snowshoe down from Scat’s Knob via an alternate route. -Meet for coffee and debriefing. I would class this outing as about a 6 on the Old Farts’ scale of 1 to 10. There is some vertical, but nothing too steep going up; a bit steeper in parts coming down. Interested? Please give me a heads up if you are coming along. I look forward to seeing some of you there. Cheers, Jim
Hi Pat, Just settling arrangements for next weekend's visit with Ariane. When do you intend leaving Sun Peaks? Trevor Hello Trevorino and Great White! We had planned to leave shortly after brunch on Saturday. We need to be back to see to Etta and Duke, as well as ready ourselves for next Freeloader, Kjell, arriving next day. Whirlwind visit, I know. Happy skiing. See you both soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sounds like a nice plan...and a very interesting project Of course under my circumstances..away so many months at a time..I would be absent more than not...but I think it might be a fun gathering for those who participate Je te souhaite Bonne Chance Patrick!! Avec amitié ...Murielle
Hi Murielle! Lovely to hear from you. I do apologize for not replying sooner. Have been meaning to do so ever since your newsy message just before New Year's. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Your extended South Pacific Cruise sounded wonderful. Thank you for the New Year's wishes. [Wonderful rendition of Auld Lang Syne so thanks for that as well!] Sorry that you won't be able to join book club but I understand completely, given your jet-setting! If you do end up wanting to participate, at some point, you are always welcome, it goes without saying.
Trust all continues to go swimmingly in California. We had a wonderful time in LA over Christmas and will be back in July for our youngest grandson's wedding. All the best, Murielle. Enjoy your time with your grandchildren. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Murielle! Lovely to hear from you. I do apologize for not replying sooner. Have been meaning to do so ever since your newsy message just before New Year's. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Your extended South Pacific Cruise sounded wonderful. Thank you for the New Year's wishes. [Wonderful rendition of Auld Lang Syne so thanks for that as well!] Sorry that you won't be able to join book club but I understand completely, given your jet-setting! If you do end up wanting to participate, at some point, you are always welcome, it goes without saying.
Trust all continues to go swimmingly in California. We had a wonderful time in LA over Christmas and will be back in July for our youngest grandson's wedding. All the best, Murielle. Enjoy your time with your grandchildren. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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