The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists. -Japanese
Chloe Alexis Dunn with Gaelan Rescigno.Remembering Paris with my G!!!

Patrick James Dunn Never mind Paris, Penticton is the Nuovo Parigi, Babes!
Hi! Patrizzio ................. Thanks for your understanding and if you do get 2 others to join you, I can definitely teach you all how to play Mah Jong. We had 5 gals here yesterday to play and they all enjoyed it. Hopefully, Corinne can join us one day too!! Does Corinne have her own email address that we can send her Mah Jong get-together invites to?
Thanks for the pics of your friends leaving for Florida. Hope they were not flying to Ft. Lauderdale airport. Dress warmly ........................ it definitely is winter out there!! Sure wish I was in Hawail now running along the warm & sandy beach & ocean. I'm not enjoying these cold winters even though I grew up in ON. Ciao for now!! Mary Lee :-)
Hi Mah Jong Woman! Thanks for agreeing to be our teacher. I'm sure I can find plenty of takers. (As you can see I have included Lady Dar in this message so that you will have her address.) Like you, I enjoy the winter, especially as it isn't nearly as harsh, or prolonged, as those on the Prairies.
Haven't heard back from Lynne and Peter but I do hope they were not caught up in that terrible situation. Their plane would not have been over Florida, given timing, but they could have been delayed, of course, given security procedures in place after shooting. Ironically, on way to airport, talking about holidays, in general, I had mentioned how lucky Lady Dar and I had been to visit Turkey in 2005, before the increasing and latest number of bombings/shootings that now make such international travel questionable, at the very least, to and in so many countries once thought safe. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Winter Wonderland from KVR!
Hello Floridians! Trust you are safely at your place and that you were not caught up in the terrible situation in Ft Lauderdale. Enjoy life in Orange Juice Land. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Keeping cosy: Let sleeping royalty, (Lady Dar and Bengal Princess!), lie!
Hi Patrick! Sorry about the car troubles. I thought that wearing long pants would have turned you into a real man! Even more thanks since you had all that hassle.
We were delayed about an hour and a half (switching to voice now) but it wasn't due to the troubles in Fort Lauderdale it was just mechanical they said however my sisters were quite worried about me having heard about the troubles in Fort Lauderdale so they were relieved that it wasn't us it was shot we finally got to bed last night about 130 after moving in and getting unpacked.
Today is a day of provisioning we spent a long long time in the Costco everybody else in the Fort Myers area was there today to bring a rainy Saturday and I am and I'm now acting as the boogie man in the Publix store when we get there at the rest of the groceries I stocked up on wine at Costco I have a very nice selection a good prices. Lynne isnt entirely happy with our condo but it's going to be quite comfortable. Cheers, Pete
On our way back from Japan, in 2012, via Hong Kong, I had two corkscrews from Oz confiscated. I was really annoyed with myself as I simply forgot about them. Not about cost but because they were from one of our favourite wineries, Jim Barry, in the Clare Valley. Couldn't have been more delighted when one of the Singapore staff at security said he would put them on next day's flight to Vancouver. Sure enough they arrived day after we did and airline even phoned to tell me they were waiting! Talk about Customer Service!
Hope rain stops and sun starts to shine and you make a large dent in your new wine cellar. Fondestos from a Globe & Mail reading Lady Dar. She is very lucky that she wasn't conked on the head by the heavy metal Christmas ornament which Everest Boy managed to knock off the mantle, inches from where she was reclining, just minutes ago. I looked up form my computer and he was busy investigating. Home grown feline terror! I've offered to lend her my biking helmet so that she can peruse her newspaper, secure in the knowledge that her pate will be protected, in the future! Cheers, Patrizzio, on behalf of ReadSafeBC!
Pics: Everest Boy and his handiwork! I'm was only worried that he might have knocked off my prized snow-globe!
I'm dragging my feet on putting together the traditional Xmas/NY card but wanted to acknowledge your much more assiduous greetings. Back from England/Germany visiting Rachel and Britt then sick with cold but am finally back on my feet (though a little iffy with the icy walks and streets here). So Happy New Year. See you soon. Are you at the Dram this year? Hi Lynn, happy new year again. We have been home for almost a week but I have been suffering as well with a cold and hibernating. Patrick is coming in for the Dram, I will be off to Manitoba sometime in February to visit parents. Not sure of other plans. Come for a visit this summer. Cheers Corinne
Hi Lynn! Enjoyed your wonderful, colourful Xmas/NY card! Trust you are back to normal and surviving the Ice Age! As Mme Coriandre mentioned, I'll be attending Dram, [I am going to be there early as I have to work. I am in charge of volunteers. Wayne Hi Sarge! You need Lady Dar as your corporal as she is extremely proficient at barking out orders! Cheers, Private Patrizzio!], in March so hope I'll bump into you there. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Joan and Paolo! Happy New Year! Must apologize for not being in touch when we were in Vancouver. As I've said, on many, many occasions, "No excuses, but plenty of reasons!" With respect to malt futures, I haven't yet begun to collect payment but will be in touch, regarding details, early this coming week. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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