Story, finally, is humanity's autobiography. -Lloyd Alexander, novelist (30 Jan 1924-2007
Hi Patrick, Thanks for the email and the offer of a stay with you and Corine. Before naramata, we are staying a couple of nights at the spirit lodge inn in osoyoos with nick and Jodie, but we would love to visit after our week in naramata, say Sunday, Monday night, ( 25, 26 June)to be back in Van tuesday pm to meet our babysitting commitments.
Al's photos of Little Tunnel Hike:
I was interested in your comments about the movie "Silence". I went to see it with Chris and was disappointed, far too long , and too much gratuitous violence, the ending when Liam Neeson reappeared was interesting . I normally enjoy Scorcesse (spelling?) movies but this was definitely not one of his best.
A far better movie is "Lion" , which I thought was beautifully done. Have you seen it ? I hope it wins the oscar for best movie , but it looks like La La Land is a "shoe in". Back to playing golf this week , seeing Hobbsy and Ricardo this Thursday , the weather is still quite cool, but hopefully spring is not too far away. Cheers, Mick PS have you tried the Terra vista Syrah yet?
Hi Michaelo! Grand that you will stay overnight, at least! We'll expect you, at some point, on Sunday, for both that night and Monday. Grand! Of course, we can work out details closer to the time and perhaps we'll pop by Sandy Beach Lodge, over the course of your stay there, to say hello and have a bit of a visit. I'll probably ride and hope we'll ahave a chance to do a bit of the same while you are with us, in between wine-tasting, of course! Need to keep priorities straight. Speaking of which, we liked Terravista's Syrah so much that we bought six more bottles! Senka and Roberto are in Mexico for next few weeks. He bought two shares of Dubh Glas and dropped off his payment a few days before they left. Senka is also part of the book club I've put together so pleased she'll be in group as she is a real live wire.
I'll be sending out a message, to group, shortly, but you are first to know! Give my regards to Ricardo and Baldric. Look forward to seeing them both at the Sevens. I gather you and Raymondo are going to be watching the 6 Nations rugby if Tutor Man can fit it in with his schedule! As you know, I felt much the same about Silence. However, we watched The Innocents last night and were very, very moved by it, as you mentioned you were. Did you ever see Ida? Well worth it. A very, very interesting twist on the nun/convent situation, in Poland, as well.
Must away as we are off to go for a stroll along the KVR. We'll start out from the top of our street and probably walk as far as the small bridge, not all that far from where track crosses Naramata Road. Fondestos from Lady Dar to you both. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Mountain Sheep waiting for a tasting at Meyer Family Vineyards! Grant pouring Gin, [his Noteworthy], and Tonics! First run distillate. I liked it although everyone else thought it too rough! Barley; Grant's own cask! Come up with a name for ours, investors! Kjell and Lady Dar with my tasting of two year old malt!
Hi Patrick; Olly has graciously volunteered to host bridge this Wednesday. So far Jos and I are coming. I'll let you send out the bigger notice! You're so good at that. Pam Hello Speed Bidding Folks! Dearest Rolly Polly has graciously offered to host bridge on Wednesday, in beautiful downtown Summerland! As of this writing, Josinta, Ollster, Spumoni, Lady Dar and I are are committed. Naramata Pamela and Michaelo, please let us know if you'll be part of gathering so that Olga Polga can have the requisite number of fabulous bridge prizes ready! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrick, I am in Vancouver this week so won't be at Bridge. Have fun! Pam Hi my bridge enthusiasts, I am missing all that enthusiasm, excitement and laughter, but I have other commitments to attend, so I will pass this time.
Have fun everybody. Cheers. Mike Hello Wednesday Night Bridge Aficionados!
Pamela is in The Big Smoke this week and Michaelo is otherwise engaged so it will be Spumoni, Lady Dar and I from Penticton, to duke it out with Josinta and Olga Polga, Summerland's representatives in The Okanagan Bridge Wars, 2017! I assume Spumoni knows where Rolly Polly lives so we should be there at 6:30 pm, if that works, Hostess with the Mostess! Spumoni, we can drive so be at our place around 6:05 pm, please. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Earlier this afternoon on the KVR with friend, Kjell. Spumoni, please identify bird atop clay pinnacle! Go Penticton Bridge Team! Gnarled vines. Which way is up?

Thank you Patrick, I'll be ready. Off to the ski hill now. Life is good. Jos Hi Ski Buff! Be careful
on the slopes! Even if you are exhausted or, Gaia forbid, have an
accident, you must show up for bridge game, no matter what! Fondestos from Lady Dar, chiding me to lay
a fire. Slalom
safely. Cheers, Patrizzio! thanks Patrizzzzzzzioooo, I will nurture ski queen Jossefos to the max! Elephant kiss, Aarturo Hi Nurturing New Age Male! You nurture on the slopes, I'll nuzzle Josinta at the bridge table! Cheers, Mammoth Hug, Patrizzio!
Hi Pam and Patrick It’s been a while since we last talked! Hope you’ve enjoyed the winter. Did you get lots of snow? I’m in BC now, and Dave is in St. John’s teaching. I was in SJ from the end of August to Jan 10 – so it’s nice to be home. We have great memories of our trip to the Okanagan – hopefully we can do it again soon. Take care, Luise
Hi Luise! Lovely to hear from you! Yes, we did have quite bit of snow this winter. Started snowing at the beginning of December. We missed some of the deep-freeze as we drove to LA for Christmas but were back into it for New Year's as we stayed in Vancouver to see in 2017. City was almost brought to a standstill with skating rink roads and limited equipment to keep thoroughfares clear. At any rate, we have snow tires so we were fine and Hope Princeton was clear, on way home. As of this writing, most of the snow has gone completely, from Penticton itself, but there is still much in the surrounding hills. Pam would be able to report on this as I've not been hiking or snowshoeing this year as I had my let hip replaced in September. Very pleased with result and recovery process. Almost back to "normal" with stationary biking, [Hiking friends, Josita and Aarturo very kindly lent me their stationary bike for my rehabilitation.], and deep-water walking at local pool. Don't want to risk hiking until the ground is drier and since I'm but a novice at snowshoeing, didn't want to risk a fall under those conditions either.
We have had a good friend, Kjell, visiting from Sweden, for past few days, and earlier today we went for a walk along KVR, up from our street to just below first small trestle bridge, below Naramata Road. Simply gorgeous day, not a breath of wind, and so warm, relatively speaking that we all took off our gloves for much of stroll. Trail was completely free of snow and ice so I planned to ride it, later this week. City street shoulders are still quite thick with gravel and sand so not overly good conditions for road biking on my Trek. My Brodie has wider tires and is great on the hard-packed gravel surface of most of the KVR.
At least that was my intention until I received some snaps from hiking group who had been to The Little Tunnel, earlier in the day, and at that elevation the KVR was completely covered with snow. Still, I may be able to go for a bit above Naramata Road but won't know until I'm actually there. Nevertheless it'll be great to be back in the saddle again! Watched Genius, after dinner, [Fabulous baked chicken, Brussels Sprouts and kartofellage, courtesy of Lady Dar], staring Colin Firth, (Maxwell Perkins), Jude Law, (Thomas Wolfe), Nicole Kidman, Laura Linney and Guy Pearce. It explores the relationship between Thomas Wolfe and his literary editor Maxwell Perkins
Since all three of us are retired librarians we enjoyed the context of the film even though it received pretty damning reviews: "Though Michael Grandage's dull, dun-colored 'Genius' makes every effort to credit the editor’s role in shaping the century’s great novels, it’s nobody’s idea of interesting to watch someone wield his red pencil over the pile of pages that would become Thomas Wolfe’s 'Look Homeward, Angel,' even if the editor in question is the great Maxwell Perkins. While the talent involved should draw smarthouse crowds, the result has all the life of a flower pressed between 'Angel's' pages 87 years ago."
I've also organized a book club, [Spumoni is sitting on the fence as she claims she only has time to read on Tuesdays!], and have suggested Lisa Moore's February. Do you know her work? Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Dave. She hopes that you will next visit when she is in residence so that you have the opportunity of an audience at court! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: KVR walk: Which way is up? Kjell and Lady Dar; bare vines
"Resident Only" Parking Zones Hello, I like to register our protest about making our area on Burns Street a resident only parking zone. We have not experienced any problem the past two summers with parking in our area. Coming from Vancouver 2 years ago we were happy that parking was not regulated here.
It is unfortunate that the city is tending to charge for and regulate parking when it does not appear to be a problem, Is this perhaps to generate more revenue?
Thanks for considering our opinions. Corinne Durston Patrick Dun
Hi Luise! Lovely to hear from you! Yes, we did have quite bit of snow this winter. Started snowing at the beginning of December. We missed some of the deep-freeze as we drove to LA for Christmas but were back into it for New Year's as we stayed in Vancouver to see in 2017. City was almost brought to a standstill with skating rink roads and limited equipment to keep thoroughfares clear. At any rate, we have snow tires so we were fine and Hope Princeton was clear, on way home. As of this writing, most of the snow has gone completely, from Penticton itself, but there is still much in the surrounding hills. Pam would be able to report on this as I've not been hiking or snowshoeing this year as I had my let hip replaced in September. Very pleased with result and recovery process. Almost back to "normal" with stationary biking, [Hiking friends, Josita and Aarturo very kindly lent me their stationary bike for my rehabilitation.], and deep-water walking at local pool. Don't want to risk hiking until the ground is drier and since I'm but a novice at snowshoeing, didn't want to risk a fall under those conditions either.
We have had a good friend, Kjell, visiting from Sweden, for past few days, and earlier today we went for a walk along KVR, up from our street to just below first small trestle bridge, below Naramata Road. Simply gorgeous day, not a breath of wind, and so warm, relatively speaking that we all took off our gloves for much of stroll. Trail was completely free of snow and ice so I planned to ride it, later this week. City street shoulders are still quite thick with gravel and sand so not overly good conditions for road biking on my Trek. My Brodie has wider tires and is great on the hard-packed gravel surface of most of the KVR.
At least that was my intention until I received some snaps from hiking group who had been to The Little Tunnel, earlier in the day, and at that elevation the KVR was completely covered with snow. Still, I may be able to go for a bit above Naramata Road but won't know until I'm actually there. Nevertheless it'll be great to be back in the saddle again! Watched Genius, after dinner, [Fabulous baked chicken, Brussels Sprouts and kartofellage, courtesy of Lady Dar], staring Colin Firth, (Maxwell Perkins), Jude Law, (Thomas Wolfe), Nicole Kidman, Laura Linney and Guy Pearce. It explores the relationship between Thomas Wolfe and his literary editor Maxwell Perkins
Since all three of us are retired librarians we enjoyed the context of the film even though it received pretty damning reviews: "Though Michael Grandage's dull, dun-colored 'Genius' makes every effort to credit the editor’s role in shaping the century’s great novels, it’s nobody’s idea of interesting to watch someone wield his red pencil over the pile of pages that would become Thomas Wolfe’s 'Look Homeward, Angel,' even if the editor in question is the great Maxwell Perkins. While the talent involved should draw smarthouse crowds, the result has all the life of a flower pressed between 'Angel's' pages 87 years ago."
I've also organized a book club, [Spumoni is sitting on the fence as she claims she only has time to read on Tuesdays!], and have suggested Lisa Moore's February. Do you know her work? Fondestos from Lady Dar to you and Dave. She hopes that you will next visit when she is in residence so that you have the opportunity of an audience at court! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: KVR walk: Which way is up? Kjell and Lady Dar; bare vines
"Resident Only" Parking Zones Hello, I like to register our protest about making our area on Burns Street a resident only parking zone. We have not experienced any problem the past two summers with parking in our area. Coming from Vancouver 2 years ago we were happy that parking was not regulated here.
It is unfortunate that the city is tending to charge for and regulate parking when it does not appear to be a problem, Is this perhaps to generate more revenue?
Thanks for considering our opinions. Corinne Durston Patrick Dun
Hi DMCI Alumni Goil!
Are you going to the Flapjack Fundraiser! Trust
you and your Amy are well. All the best from Etta and Duke to you and Amy, Erika. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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