Hi Wild Bill and Denise Dangereuse! Lovely to hear from you and
know that your stay in Naramatia is on! Pleased to hear that you have
been busy and keeping your own with GG. I take it he is Garth Patrick,
of The evergreen Earthworms, originally. Am I correct? If so, I always
enjoyed playing with and against him. As you mentioned, he was always in
terrific shape BUT a Wily, (abeit, aged!), Coyote like you should have
no trouble outwitting him! Please pass along best wishes and fond
regards to him and his lovely wife whose name manages to escape me at
the moment.
For our part, life
seems to have been even busier than normal, of late.
a lovely last few days, this past week, with friend, Stefano,
(visiting from Melbourne), who came up with us from Vancouver, [We were in the
city to attend a Bonnie Raitt concert on Monday. Combined Mother's Day/Father's Day peresent from Chloë. Wonderful, wonderful performance and we started off with a terrific meal at Vij's new spot, at least to us, on Granville.], on Tuesday. He very kindly helped me construct two bike
lockers while he was here. [Ragin' Bull had been up a few weeks prior
to build first one and a month or so, before that, to build three sets
of book shelves in our Rumpus Room!] Steve returned to Vancouver
on Sunday, driving back with Nicolina Sutherland, who was in Summerland for a pre-wedding
party. Later that morning Polly and
Mick arrived! They had been in Naramata, at Sandy Beach Lodge, for last week with their children and
grandchildren. They headed back
to Vancouver yesterday morning. We enjoyed a lovely afternoon of wine-tasting and a picnic at last winery,
Meyer Family Vineyards, we visited. Whew!
Thank you for the lovely invitation, BUT, I'm driving into Vancouver, at this point, (I hope!), by early afternoon, for the night. I have a few errands to run on Wednesday morning and then Sarge and I are driving to LA for Alexander's,
youngest grandson's), wedding on July
7th. Unfortunately,
Sarge cannot stay for wedding itself. Lady Dar and Chloë will fly
down on July 4th. Funnily enough, Stefano has freinds in Glendale and after visiting with them he will drive back to Vancouver with me. SInce I knew the Folk Fest would be on when all the initial travel planning took place, I've bought a pass for the weekend of July 14th/15th/16th to return to Penticton on Monday, July, 17th, for a Serena Ryder concert that at evening. Whew! Whew!
That being said, Lady Dar will be back in Penticton
on Tuesday, July 11th, and I know she'd love to see you both. The wheel
will have come full circle since I last visited you at Deep Roots and
she was in New York! Since it would be wonderful to see you perhaps you might consider staying with us for a couple of nights. At ant rate, let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly.
I did come into town for the Rugby 7's. Flamin', Sarge and I sat with Sir Andrew, [Had a brief visit with them a few weeks ago when he and Anne
drove up to Osoyoos for the Vintage MG road trip. They came by for a
quick coffee as their itinerary was pretty full. Just had a message from
him, from Iceland!], Keith Valentine and Famiglia Carter. Even saw Richard Martin. Sorry we missed bumping into you but is was another hectic weekend as I'm sure you can appreciate.
Flamin', Sarge and Jo-Anne were here,
overnight, on Thursday, as they were up for the weekend at their
place in Osoyoos, but couldn't get in until Friday. Must away as I have
a few last minute chores around the house to discharge before Lady Dar chooses my clothes for the wedding and trip and I pack up the car and make for the Coqihalla. Too, too much road construction on Hope-Princeton. [Have three cases of wine for Famiglia Sutherland as they didn't have enough room!]
Wednesday night in Portland and then two nights with David Coffaro. They have a wonderful guest suite on the second floor of the building where they store the cases of bottled wine and I've stayed there before, with Glasgow and Whirlygig a number of years ago. Unfortunately, Pat is away in SF so we won't see her. Sarge and I will cycle West Dry Creek on Friday and David will have us for dinner that night. He is a wonderful cook. Then into Berkeley for Saturday night, Tinsel Town on Sunday. Hope to ride bike path from bottom of Topango Canyon past Venice Beach and further south to Marina Del Rey on Monday before Sarge flies home and wedding guests start to arrive. If it's Tuesday it must be Belgium! Whew! Whew!! Whew!!!
are very much looking forward to seeing you both so I trust something
will work out. Fondestos from my Fashion Consultant to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Stefano at Farmers' Market on Saturday, with vendor, Leigh; Duke
and Etta guarding new bike lockers; Relaxing after a hard few days of
crushing manual labour! Arrivederci Stefano! At Synchromesh and then
picnic at Meyer; Mick with
Jack, owner of Meyer. Sir Andrew and Anne arriving at Penticton Vistor's Centre with fleet of 20 MG's and then leaving Burns Street!
Hi Patricio, I hope you and Corinne are doing well. I am back from Belize still a bit out of it as it was incredibly intense taking 3 university courses in 7 weeks as well as travelling around the country so much. Had an absolutely wonderful time though I can't even begin to tell you of all my wonderful experiences and adventures so it will have to wait until we see you.
Our top proirity this summer as far as travel plans is to see you guys so just wanting to try arrange some potential dates. Al has been very fortunate to secure employment doing some design work which means we have much more flexibility as he can do much of the work from home on his lap top...we are so pleased that this work has come his way and hoping it all pans out. As for my schedule I am committed to working alternate Fridays and so during those weeks I will likely come into town Tuesday and try to see clients and then teach on the Fridays and return to the cabin where I intend to be spending the majority of the time.
The Fridays I am working are June 30, July 13, July 28, Aug 11 and maybe Aug 25...might take that one off. We don't necessarily have to come on a weekend either but please check your guest registry to see if there is a 2 - 3 day time slot that might work for us to come freeload. Are you coming into the Folk Fest this year? Please let us know if you are. I saw an amazing Garifuna drummer in Belize who has performed there 5 times...his name is Josh but I can't think of his last name at this moment although he was absolutely fantastic. Ok I need to go and work now...waaaaaaa! LOL Looking forward to connecting soon! Love Marilyn
Hi Marilyn and Big Molly! Lovely to hear from you and
know that you are back safely from your terrific time in Belize.
Pleased to hear that things are working out for Stanchion Man and that
you are now planning a Freeloader Visit! I've forwarded your message to
Lady Dar as she can better dovetail your dates with her wedding schedule
the better to be able to have a good visit.
This afternoon, I drove into Vancouver, leaving an extremely desolate Lady Dar and two very sad felines, at 2:40 pm, for the night. Will stay with Jo-Anne, upstairs, as Nicolina/Marvin and almost two year old Jaxon are living here until they list and sell their North Van condo. They plan to move to Kamloops by summer's end. Delighted to learn of your Belize drummer so let me know more details when you have a moment so I can look out for him at the Folk Fest. That
being said, Lady Dar will be back in Penticton on Tuesday, July 11th. We are very much looking forward to seeing you both so I trust something
will work out. Fondestos to The Belize Bombshell and Lap Top Man!
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Tinsel Town, et al! You
can forget about "vicious" watch command. The Downstairs Maid seduced
Etta into watching The Young and The Useless yesterday and poor Duke had
to guard all three bike lockers by himself! Please note the high
fashion statement of Lady Dar when bidding goodbye to Freeloaders!
Cheers, All Alone, for the moment, until JT comes home, all likkered up,
I hope, Dad/Patrizzio/Favourite Son-in-Law/Soon-to-Be Canadian
Pics: Guest Bedroom Blues! Farewell Freeloaders! Lady Dar's cactii, Cactus! Distraught Lady Dar saying goodbye to Indentured Patrizzio this afternoon!
Hello Spiller Road Bridge Fiends, et al Trust
the night's cards were generous to one and all. Very pleasant ride into
Vancouver and then dinner waiting when I arrived. Just wanted to say
hello and pass along these snaps of Spumoni. Bumped into her at the
Farmers' Market this past Saturday. Unfortunately, she said she wouldn't
be playing bridge for foreseeable future! Must away as I've a busy
morning domani, before we leave for Portland. Will be singin' The Open Road Blues for next week or so!!! Fondestos to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Farmers' Market this past Saturday!
Hi Polly and Mick, et al! Lovely visit, if ever so brief!
Trust you are safely home and preparing to grandparent until you need
another knee replacement, Mick! Was that "official" scoring, Polly or
just some duplicate superiority showing through? Did we award you too many points? Greedy Sisterhood, as always! Must
away as Sarge's cheap malt is exhausted! Fondestos to you both, and kisses to the rest of the motley crew! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Bayswater B&B: Any chance for a
booking on Folk Fest weekend, July 13th-16th? If not, I'll sleep under
the front stairs with my bike! Just me and the two Swedish masseuses Stefano and I will have been travelling with since leaving Tinsel Town!
Travel safely, laugh plentifully, drink less �� Hi Stefano! Thanks again for all your incredible help! [Bill for new work-table top has been posted!] Sorry, your advice came too, too late tonight but I will keep it in mind for rest of trip. Lovely, extremely productive visit, (Praxis in action!), visit, if ever so brief!
[You probably thought it was interminable!] Trust you are safely home
and preparing to grandparent until you make your way to Glendale. Let
me know your arrangements, when concretized, one way or 'tother. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Lady Dar's cactii! Fond Farewell, at least on my part, this morning!
Thanks Patrick, I had a blast playing with Corinne agains those highlanders from Spiller Rd. It took us one lost game to finally "polish" our skills, and hit them hard with quick robber. So enjoy your visits, and see you in quite a while (probably in August). Cheers. Mike Hi Michaelo! Pleased
to hear that you and Lady Dar finally meshed. She played extremely well on
Sunday night so she'll be more impossible to live with now! Thanks!!! Enjoy
the next part of the summer and we'll see you in Augusto! Hello and best
wishes to Mariolla. Cheers, Patrizzio!