Live and let live, be and let be, / Hear and let hear, see and let see, /
Sing and let sing, dance and let dance. ... Live and let live and
remember this line: / "Your bus'ness is your bus'ness and my bus'ness is
mine." -Cole Porter, composer and songwriter
(9 Jun 1893-1964)
Hi Pat We are back from our holiday in Philadelphia, New York and Washington and already in planning mode for our trip to naramata! We had talked about visiting you on the Sunday following naramata, Sunday 25th June and staying overnight. Does this still work for you ? Hopefully the lake will have receded a bit by the time of our holiday. Cheers Mick
Hi Travelers from Trumpland, et al! Pleased you are back and ready to roll again. Yes, we have you penciled into the Faulty Towers' Guest Register, for Sunday, June 25th. My network of Lower Mainland spies and agents, (Robo Man and Baldric), both reported on your forays into the Heartland of the Eastern US! Funnily enough, we will be driving into Vancouver on the 18th to attend a Bonnie Raitt concert on the 19th, returning to Penticton on the 20th.
Ragin' Bull is coming up on Tuesday, of this coming week, to collect a large cabinet that Lady Dar wants rid of. She feels the Rumpus Room has too, too much furniture and when Branko was here, about a month ago, building three sets of fabulous shelves, she offered it to him as he had expressed an interest in it at the time. He is taking care of his eldest daughter's dog, Juno, a lovely pooch, while Rebecca is in Croatia for a number of weeks. He will be driving her large pick-up so can easily transport cabinet back to Vancouver. Needless to say, both Etta and Duke can hardly wait to share Burns Street Hot Sheets Hotel and Gin Joint with a canine visitor!
Not sure how closely you have been following flooding by historically high lake levels, given your recent travels, but it is no laughing matter, let me tell you! A state of emergency was declared, a couple of days ago, primarily for Red Wing, both East and West. Former, at lake level, has been sandbagged and otherwise protected by huge bladder dams, etc., but most worrying concern was that with rising water table, the base of the silt cliffs, on which latter sits, would be compromised and perhaps cause a collapse of some sort. Just heard, earlier this morning, that according to geo-technical experts, the soil saturation has not proceeded under 97, so far, so authorities have reason for cautious optimism at the moment.
However, closer to Sandy Beach Lodge, eleven or so homes, on Mill Road, were declared emergency status yesterday. Not quite sure of all the details. Nevertheless, I don't think there will much beach at SBL when you arrive, even in late June. Presumably, the water levels will have dropped, (Supposed to start receding by mid-June.), but according to city officials sand will have been washed away so, obviously, will need to be replenished, at some point. Same holds true for beach all along Lakeshore. Sand bags are now piled on boardwalk for much of its length.
We happened to be picking up latest release from Terravista yesterday afternoon and skies opened, (Temperature dropped form 25º C to 14º C in less than half an hour!), while we were tasting. (Just what region needs, more rain! Wind was gusting to at least 68 kph, out of the South, and drove waves over the highway in and near Peachland! I gather 97 was closed and then down to one lane until weather settled down.) Afterwards, we drove into Village as Lady Dar wanted to check out possible wedding dresses at a store there she likes. Afterwards, we drove past the Naramata Centre and Manitou and both lakefront areas are flooded, water over the grass ledge, no beach visible and most docks barely above surface.
Not trying to scare you but you might well wish to phone SBL for an on the spot report. I'm sure, at least I hope, that all the buildings are/will be fine, even if beach isn't useable. Given snow-melt feed, water is still pretty cold, I'm told, so swimming might not be all that comfortable anyway. At any rate, sun is shining today and forecast suggests only slight, if any, showers over weekend. Off to ride to OK Falls shortly as need to be back to get ready for our Book Club pot-luck this evening. We are reading Katherena Vermette's The Break. I can barely put it down. Even moer interesting, for the two of us,perhaps, as it is set in Winnipeg and we know most of the places where events take place, characters live, etc.
Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both, discharging her volunteer shift at PGH until noon and then off to play Mah Jong afterwards, then to Painted Rock for wedding rehearsal at 5:00 pm. She will marry the couple, there, tomorrow afternoon. Until she returns from rehearsal I will have to hold court. Senka, winemaker at Terravista, is in the book club as well, as is Judy Ritcey, another Marriage Officiant with same organization Lady Dar works with. Her husband, Kevin, is the President of the South Okanagan Whiskey Tasting Society, and he will be coming for dinner only, and malt tasting, I regret to say! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: As I mentioned, above, wind was gusting out of the South at between 58-64 kph yesterday and this gorgeous creature took refuge on the artificial flowers of the lamp situated in a protected corner of the patio. Had to keep Etta from wanting to devour it. Couldn't believe how she was growling and swishing her tail. Talk about battle of the cats as she is, supposedly, a Bengal, and I believe butterfly is a Tiger Swallowtail Poor thing was still clinging on this morning although it spread its beautiful wings and wafted away a few minutes ago! Poster Dog Ben. He is the pin-up pooch for Winery Dogs of BC for May! Senka and new Tasting Room employee, Brooke. Lady Dar going over her ceremony for Saturday's wedding. Garlic scapes almost ready to harvest, with zucchini blossoms behind. First blossom on Golden Jenny melon. Garden Guard Cat waiting to pounce on any cheeky deer!
Patrick, Monday is the only night that I can play Bridge next week. I ran into Olly at Cambo yesterday and she said you all had great fun at the Bridge potluck. So sorry to have missed it. Pam A big thank you to Corinne and Patrizzio for hosting a fun evening; great food and company. Next week any evening will do for me. Hugs, Olly Phil and I can do either night Mon or Tues
see you Gill Thanks Corinne and Patrick for hosting superb evening, thanks all for such a good time. We are leaving for Calgary tomorrow, so I won't be arguing with Jos about superiority of Christmas over the Easter, however I would gladly join this wonderful companion a week after. See you then. Cheers Mike
Hello Jacoby Transfer Adherents! Looks like Monday evening is the preferred night for bridge. If this is copacetic with Josinta, we'll have enough for two tables at Il Palazzo di Dronkers, at 6:30 pm. [Mike is at a bridge competition in Calgary so he cannot join us!] If not, Lady Dar and I are happy to host unless someone else would like to do so. Please confirm and we'll plan accordingly. For car-pooling, Upper Pentictonites, Lower Naramatian and Spiffy Spiller Road Folk, looks like we'll need two vehicles so let me know who would like to chauffeur. I'm happy to drive one BridgeMobile. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Bridge for Dummies, Tip #1: The Jacoby transfer is a convention initiated by responder following partner's notrump opening bid that forces opener to rebid in the suit ranked just above that bid by responder. For example, a response in diamonds forces a rebid in hearts and a response in hearts forces a rebid in spades. Transfers are used to show a weak hand with a long major suit, and to ensure that opener declare the hand if the final contract is in the suit transferred to, preventing the opponents from seeing the cards of the stronger hand.
Pics: As most of you know, wind was howling and gusting out of the South at between 58-64 kph, perhaps more, I don't know, yesterday afternoon and this gorgeous creature took refuge on the artificial flowers of the lamp situated in a protected corner of our back patio. Had to keep Etta from wanting to devour it. Couldn't believe how she was growling, quite fiercely, actually, arching her back, all puffed up, and swishing her tail like an Osoyoos rattler! Talk about battle of the cats as she is, supposedly, a Bengal, and I believe butterfly is a Tiger Swallowtail! Poor thing was still clinging on this morning although it spread its beautiful wings and wafted away a few minutes after 8:00 am!Not a minute too soon as I had my butterfly net, small bottle of chloroform and pins ready for mounting as specimen was for next set of bridge prizes!!! Relax, just kidding, Patrizzio The Collector!
After finishing the last chapter of The Break, [For our Book Club discussion this evening.], while I ate my brunch, goulash extraordinaire, a more than tasty mélange of overlefts, I lubed and suited up and hit the road by 12:30 pm. Knew, from consulting weather report supplied by Penticton Airport that the wind was out of NE at 11 kph but would shift to the SSW at 9 kph and then to the SSE at 21 kph over the time I expected to be out. This being the case I decided to hedge my bets, in case forecast was off, and not commit to going to either OK Falls or The Naramata and beyond, in case I ended up heading into the wind, both ways!
Was more than content to start off with PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside/start of KVR and then up Vancouver Ave to begin the Hamster Wheel of the Middle Bench/Upper Bench Loop. Described it five times before I had logged the distance I wanted and the circuit worked exceedingly well as the wind was behind me on the fairly gradual, but decent climb past Polar Grove and while I was bucking the strong gusts on Upper Bench, most of it is downhill so the force of the wind was somewhat mitigated. On the first loop I passed a large doe, just as UB turns into Johnson Road and she cheered me on, waving her large ears, rather seductively, it seemed to me, Dear Reader! On the fourth loop, I rode up and back on Middle Bench, before starting the circuit, as I knew I would eventually need the 2+ kms I gained by so doing.
Needed a bit of a dipsy-doodle down White and up Van Horne before sliding into our back lane. Not an overly speedy outing but what with the various climbs and wind to deal with, still pleased I'd been able to reach my basic AVG, and a titch more, at 20.3 kph. Hope to go for a 100+km outing, either tomorrow or on Sunday. Will wait to see what Aeolus has in mind before I file my flight plan! Cheers!!! Map and Stats for ride:
[Oh, and the “workshop” … and you thought your garage was bad ...] Hi Ragin', aka The Junkman Cometh/The Junkman Taketh! Thanks for latest update! [Great pics, by the way! Duke isn't fussed by Jasper, Amanda's pooch, so I'm hoping co-existence will be the order of the day with Juno as well. Etta is still more skittish. We shall see what we shall see!] Pleased you have made a start on Got Junk? (A rhetorical question if ever there was one!) Sorry to hear you and Juno were busted. Did you receive a ticket? Some disgruntled squirrel probably finked on her! Lady Dar is busy hanging pics in the Rumpus Room so it is really starting to take shape. Once antique, fabulously expensive cabinet is pilched, she will finish painting the outside wall, then stain the end cupboards to match shelving. Still plenty to do, of course although garage feels like an empty hanger with so many of the boxes of books, CD's and vinyl now decanted.
[Juno is trying to get Machka to play “chase”.]
We have invited Judy Blue for dinner and bridge on Tuesday so it would be great if you are here by around 5:00 pm. [Two tables on Monday, at Josinta's. Will join hiking group in the morning. Going to Giant Pincushion, out of Summerland. My first outing since last August.) Don't worry, however, as we'll visit and guzzle until you and Juno pull into town. If you happen to be doing a Costco run, only thing we could use would be a container of Feta but not necessary if not already planning on shopping before you leave. Still think gassing up in Abbotsford is a good idea, especially with monster truck! Must away as Lady Dar wants to watch an episode of new season of House of Cards! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Book Club pot-luck on Friday evening; Kevin is Dame Jusith's husband but isn't part of book club. He just came for dinner and malt! We can shop for ingredientes, week this Saturday, for Sunday's Brankomellettes!
Juno said “woof, woof” a few times, my Dad, who was in the bathroom, called out, “ what’s all that friggin’ noise?” The cat … "No Comment” … or perhaps just a silent “Blahhhhh”.
Hi Pat We are back from our holiday in Philadelphia, New York and Washington and already in planning mode for our trip to naramata! We had talked about visiting you on the Sunday following naramata, Sunday 25th June and staying overnight. Does this still work for you ? Hopefully the lake will have receded a bit by the time of our holiday. Cheers Mick
Hi Travelers from Trumpland, et al! Pleased you are back and ready to roll again. Yes, we have you penciled into the Faulty Towers' Guest Register, for Sunday, June 25th. My network of Lower Mainland spies and agents, (Robo Man and Baldric), both reported on your forays into the Heartland of the Eastern US! Funnily enough, we will be driving into Vancouver on the 18th to attend a Bonnie Raitt concert on the 19th, returning to Penticton on the 20th.
Ragin' Bull is coming up on Tuesday, of this coming week, to collect a large cabinet that Lady Dar wants rid of. She feels the Rumpus Room has too, too much furniture and when Branko was here, about a month ago, building three sets of fabulous shelves, she offered it to him as he had expressed an interest in it at the time. He is taking care of his eldest daughter's dog, Juno, a lovely pooch, while Rebecca is in Croatia for a number of weeks. He will be driving her large pick-up so can easily transport cabinet back to Vancouver. Needless to say, both Etta and Duke can hardly wait to share Burns Street Hot Sheets Hotel and Gin Joint with a canine visitor!
Not sure how closely you have been following flooding by historically high lake levels, given your recent travels, but it is no laughing matter, let me tell you! A state of emergency was declared, a couple of days ago, primarily for Red Wing, both East and West. Former, at lake level, has been sandbagged and otherwise protected by huge bladder dams, etc., but most worrying concern was that with rising water table, the base of the silt cliffs, on which latter sits, would be compromised and perhaps cause a collapse of some sort. Just heard, earlier this morning, that according to geo-technical experts, the soil saturation has not proceeded under 97, so far, so authorities have reason for cautious optimism at the moment.
However, closer to Sandy Beach Lodge, eleven or so homes, on Mill Road, were declared emergency status yesterday. Not quite sure of all the details. Nevertheless, I don't think there will much beach at SBL when you arrive, even in late June. Presumably, the water levels will have dropped, (Supposed to start receding by mid-June.), but according to city officials sand will have been washed away so, obviously, will need to be replenished, at some point. Same holds true for beach all along Lakeshore. Sand bags are now piled on boardwalk for much of its length.
We happened to be picking up latest release from Terravista yesterday afternoon and skies opened, (Temperature dropped form 25º C to 14º C in less than half an hour!), while we were tasting. (Just what region needs, more rain! Wind was gusting to at least 68 kph, out of the South, and drove waves over the highway in and near Peachland! I gather 97 was closed and then down to one lane until weather settled down.) Afterwards, we drove into Village as Lady Dar wanted to check out possible wedding dresses at a store there she likes. Afterwards, we drove past the Naramata Centre and Manitou and both lakefront areas are flooded, water over the grass ledge, no beach visible and most docks barely above surface.
Not trying to scare you but you might well wish to phone SBL for an on the spot report. I'm sure, at least I hope, that all the buildings are/will be fine, even if beach isn't useable. Given snow-melt feed, water is still pretty cold, I'm told, so swimming might not be all that comfortable anyway. At any rate, sun is shining today and forecast suggests only slight, if any, showers over weekend. Off to ride to OK Falls shortly as need to be back to get ready for our Book Club pot-luck this evening. We are reading Katherena Vermette's The Break. I can barely put it down. Even moer interesting, for the two of us,perhaps, as it is set in Winnipeg and we know most of the places where events take place, characters live, etc.
Fondestos from Lady Dar, to you both, discharging her volunteer shift at PGH until noon and then off to play Mah Jong afterwards, then to Painted Rock for wedding rehearsal at 5:00 pm. She will marry the couple, there, tomorrow afternoon. Until she returns from rehearsal I will have to hold court. Senka, winemaker at Terravista, is in the book club as well, as is Judy Ritcey, another Marriage Officiant with same organization Lady Dar works with. Her husband, Kevin, is the President of the South Okanagan Whiskey Tasting Society, and he will be coming for dinner only, and malt tasting, I regret to say! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: As I mentioned, above, wind was gusting out of the South at between 58-64 kph yesterday and this gorgeous creature took refuge on the artificial flowers of the lamp situated in a protected corner of the patio. Had to keep Etta from wanting to devour it. Couldn't believe how she was growling and swishing her tail. Talk about battle of the cats as she is, supposedly, a Bengal, and I believe butterfly is a Tiger Swallowtail Poor thing was still clinging on this morning although it spread its beautiful wings and wafted away a few minutes ago! Poster Dog Ben. He is the pin-up pooch for Winery Dogs of BC for May! Senka and new Tasting Room employee, Brooke. Lady Dar going over her ceremony for Saturday's wedding. Garlic scapes almost ready to harvest, with zucchini blossoms behind. First blossom on Golden Jenny melon. Garden Guard Cat waiting to pounce on any cheeky deer!
Patrick, Monday is the only night that I can play Bridge next week. I ran into Olly at Cambo yesterday and she said you all had great fun at the Bridge potluck. So sorry to have missed it. Pam A big thank you to Corinne and Patrizzio for hosting a fun evening; great food and company. Next week any evening will do for me. Hugs, Olly Phil and I can do either night Mon or Tues
see you Gill Thanks Corinne and Patrick for hosting superb evening, thanks all for such a good time. We are leaving for Calgary tomorrow, so I won't be arguing with Jos about superiority of Christmas over the Easter, however I would gladly join this wonderful companion a week after. See you then. Cheers Mike
Hello Jacoby Transfer Adherents! Looks like Monday evening is the preferred night for bridge. If this is copacetic with Josinta, we'll have enough for two tables at Il Palazzo di Dronkers, at 6:30 pm. [Mike is at a bridge competition in Calgary so he cannot join us!] If not, Lady Dar and I are happy to host unless someone else would like to do so. Please confirm and we'll plan accordingly. For car-pooling, Upper Pentictonites, Lower Naramatian and Spiffy Spiller Road Folk, looks like we'll need two vehicles so let me know who would like to chauffeur. I'm happy to drive one BridgeMobile. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Bridge for Dummies, Tip #1: The Jacoby transfer is a convention initiated by responder following partner's notrump opening bid that forces opener to rebid in the suit ranked just above that bid by responder. For example, a response in diamonds forces a rebid in hearts and a response in hearts forces a rebid in spades. Transfers are used to show a weak hand with a long major suit, and to ensure that opener declare the hand if the final contract is in the suit transferred to, preventing the opponents from seeing the cards of the stronger hand.
Pics: As most of you know, wind was howling and gusting out of the South at between 58-64 kph, perhaps more, I don't know, yesterday afternoon and this gorgeous creature took refuge on the artificial flowers of the lamp situated in a protected corner of our back patio. Had to keep Etta from wanting to devour it. Couldn't believe how she was growling, quite fiercely, actually, arching her back, all puffed up, and swishing her tail like an Osoyoos rattler! Talk about battle of the cats as she is, supposedly, a Bengal, and I believe butterfly is a Tiger Swallowtail! Poor thing was still clinging on this morning although it spread its beautiful wings and wafted away a few minutes after 8:00 am!Not a minute too soon as I had my butterfly net, small bottle of chloroform and pins ready for mounting as specimen was for next set of bridge prizes!!! Relax, just kidding, Patrizzio The Collector!
Was more than content to start off with PTC/Lakeshore/Riverside/start of KVR and then up Vancouver Ave to begin the Hamster Wheel of the Middle Bench/Upper Bench Loop. Described it five times before I had logged the distance I wanted and the circuit worked exceedingly well as the wind was behind me on the fairly gradual, but decent climb past Polar Grove and while I was bucking the strong gusts on Upper Bench, most of it is downhill so the force of the wind was somewhat mitigated. On the first loop I passed a large doe, just as UB turns into Johnson Road and she cheered me on, waving her large ears, rather seductively, it seemed to me, Dear Reader! On the fourth loop, I rode up and back on Middle Bench, before starting the circuit, as I knew I would eventually need the 2+ kms I gained by so doing.
[Oh, and the “workshop” … and you thought your garage was bad ...] Hi Ragin', aka The Junkman Cometh/The Junkman Taketh! Thanks for latest update! [Great pics, by the way! Duke isn't fussed by Jasper, Amanda's pooch, so I'm hoping co-existence will be the order of the day with Juno as well. Etta is still more skittish. We shall see what we shall see!] Pleased you have made a start on Got Junk? (A rhetorical question if ever there was one!) Sorry to hear you and Juno were busted. Did you receive a ticket? Some disgruntled squirrel probably finked on her! Lady Dar is busy hanging pics in the Rumpus Room so it is really starting to take shape. Once antique, fabulously expensive cabinet is pilched, she will finish painting the outside wall, then stain the end cupboards to match shelving. Still plenty to do, of course although garage feels like an empty hanger with so many of the boxes of books, CD's and vinyl now decanted.
[Juno is trying to get Machka to play “chase”.]
We have invited Judy Blue for dinner and bridge on Tuesday so it would be great if you are here by around 5:00 pm. [Two tables on Monday, at Josinta's. Will join hiking group in the morning. Going to Giant Pincushion, out of Summerland. My first outing since last August.) Don't worry, however, as we'll visit and guzzle until you and Juno pull into town. If you happen to be doing a Costco run, only thing we could use would be a container of Feta but not necessary if not already planning on shopping before you leave. Still think gassing up in Abbotsford is a good idea, especially with monster truck! Must away as Lady Dar wants to watch an episode of new season of House of Cards! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Book Club pot-luck on Friday evening; Kevin is Dame Jusith's husband but isn't part of book club. He just came for dinner and malt! We can shop for ingredientes, week this Saturday, for Sunday's Brankomellettes!
Juno said “woof, woof” a few times, my Dad, who was in the bathroom, called out, “ what’s all that friggin’ noise?” The cat … "No Comment” … or perhaps just a silent “Blahhhhh”.
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