Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race. -H.G. Wells, writer (21 Sep 1866-1946)
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Juno waiting for a walk |
Hi Picasso and Servants! Trust everyone is well. Have had a very busy time, of late, with two sets of Freeloaders over last few days! Dawn and Gerry Martin, from Terrace, but with a place in Vancouver, arrived on Sunday afternoon. They left yesterday morning, in their brand, spanking new Airstream, picked up in Vancouver, and are wending there way home, through Kelowna where they will see other friends. That afternoon, Anna Maria and Rudi, close friends from Switzerland, hit town, from Kamloops where they were visiting Nicole and family. They had been to Nicole's/ Marvin's destination wedding in Mexico, four years ago as they were in Belize before that so planned their trip to be able to attend wedding. [It was for her brother's wedding, which Lady Dar performed, that we were in Kamloops and had our visit and fabuloso breakfast with you!] Nadia, their eldest daughter, lived with us as an ESL student in 2010, over Olympics.
At any rate, they visited Barriere on this trip as Anna Maria knew somebody called Tom Kempter there. He worked on her parents farm, in Switzerland, as a young lad. Just wondered if you might have known family. He and Vreni had a son, Paul, who went to school in Barriere. They are just on a stroll along KVR and Penticton Creek and once back we will head south to Oliver to do a bit of wine-tasting.
[… right next to Juno’s couch. And yes, there is dog hair under the bed sheet.] Life is going to get even busier once they are gone, tomorrow, as Lady Dar has a wedding at Ancient Hills Winery, just north of Kelowna, near airport, I gather. Next day we are off to Vancouver to help ChloĆ« pack up her place. We sold the loft about two weeks ago and she will be moving to Penticton to start a new job at Pacific Quorum, a property management company here in town. She also put in an offer, (accepted), on a condo in Sendero Canyon, new development, about 10 minutes from us and will live with us until April/May when unit scheduled to be completed!
Friend, Branko, will use his truck to pull a U-Haul with all the larger pieces of furniture to store in our place so we are madly trying to make as much space in garage for everything! I think we should have most of the "small" stuff in tubs/boxes by the end of Monday evening/night then rent trailer late Tuesday to load it. Then early on Wednesday we'll load truck bed and I'll take off, in tandem, with Ragin' Bull. We hope to unload trailer and return it late that afternoon to minimize rental cost. The Sisterhood will probably drive up on Friday as they will need to clean place, etc.
Must away as Swiss friends are back and we are ready to hit the wine-tasting trail! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Picking up hootch at Terravista; Heraldo with Chris, at Upper Bench, explaining laser thermometer for measuring oven temperatures! Deck at Three Sisters; wine and cheese in Airstream before Lady Dar's fabulous pizza! Airstream Freeloaders hit the road! Drinking Sutherland's wine at Upper Bench, (Swiss will mule what is left back to Vancouver!) After barrel tasting at Poplar Grove. Etta as a seashell!
Hi y’all Yes, Wally remembers Paul Kempter from BSS as being a very pleasant young man. My, you do have a lot of visitors! It must be difficult at times even though you do enjoy the people who come to stay. Expensive too, I might add.
We have had our garage and basement filled with kid's storage boxes etc. more than a few times so we can relate to that experience as well. Next week we have the bimonthly brunch gathering of the expats from Barriere . We have a small core group but always someone else comes along to make it interesting. This time we only have 8 people attending but we look forward to seeing one couple I haven’t seen since 1986.. A year ago we celebrated a reunion with old friends who were visiting from their new home in PEI and at that gathering we numbered around 40. Of course we meet in local restaurants. Hope the fall gives you god smoke free riding weather. we have to make up for the summer that wasn’t! Love
Just forwarding this in case you are interested. I am assuming that there will be folks gathered at Penhenge on Munson Mountain to mark the event. Cheers, JimHi Jim & Jim, equinox is at 1:01 pm on Friday Sept. 22 PDT. The best you can do for equinox sunset on Munson will be on Friday — exact time of sunset 6:20 pm. cheersannol, Chris.
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